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Posts posted by WolfbrotherKronos

  1. All about the Children of the Light


    The Children of the Light is an RP Group from the Dragon Reborn Portal Stone World at Dragonmount.com.


    We provide an opportunity for those interested in the Children to play as one through post-based role play. You write the story of your own character through your posts. 


    We are a small RP Group, and are always seeking new members. A temporary amnesty is in place, allowing any who join currently to be allowed to start at 2nd tier (Hundredman, Arbiter or Ranger) with a maximum Weapon Score of 7, so long as their bio reflects their history and training up to that point. 


    You are allowed up to 24 characters within the Children of the Light if you desire.


    General Enquiries Email: CotLDiv@dragonmount.com

    Bio Submission Email: Bios@dragonmount.com


    This thread is for general information about the Children of the Light that you can utilize in your RP's and Bios. Most of the information herein is credited to ex-RGL, ClaireDucky, who did the majority of the research.


    Children of the Light History

    Ranks and Divisions

    Protocols and Practices

    Laws and Penalties

    Beliefs and Sayings

    Signatures and Icons

    CotL NSW Character List

  2. Ackley Carnel was his name. That's right! thought Kyle as he frowned, wondering what he did wrong. It seemed as if he had messed something up and the Hundredman seemed angry with him.


    Kyle obeyed the orders given to him, confusion in his posture and face and tried to protest when the Hundredman ordered him a drink.


    An officer drinking!? Kyle was getting more confused as things continued. He was beginning to think he picked the wrong inn.


    Kyle sniffed at the drink questionably and grimaced before taking a sip. He wanted to spit out the liquid , but, he had already upset Ackley, so he swallowed. It was his first time drinking alcohol and he wasn't sure he liked it. He grimaced once more as he put the drink down.


    Kyle thought about the interaction he had had with Ackley thus far. The man seemed to be trying to avoid detection. Kyle could play along with this. He had been in situations like this before. It would be harder in his Child's recruit garb, but it was still possible. Kyle relaxed, emulating several people at tables. He was a man here for a quiet drink. He didn't know the man across from him, it was an open seat and he had taken it. Blending into crowds was something he was good at.


    Kyle knew that taking only one sip would make him stand out, so he picked up the mug again and took a longer drink. He didn't speak, waiting for Ackley to speak to him instead.

  3. Kyle Kirnan walked the streets of Amador. He had arrived at the Fortress of the Light and had been spending his time as a recruit training and learning the ways of the Children of the Light. At the Fortress all of his needs were met, but he was beginning to feel a little cooped up, so he requested leave for a night to explore Amador. He had been doing well learning his letters, so Roudal had put in a good word for him, and his request had been approved.


    Kyle had traveled a lot of places throughout his childhood, but he had never ventured as far west as Amador. He had never even heard of the Children of the Light until he met the recruiters in Caemlyn.


    Even though he was on leave, Kyle still felt compelled to wear his Children's garb. Even without the sunburst, many recognized him as a Child of the Light and gave him room to pass. Kyle nodded his thanks to them as he passed.


    It was around dinner time and Kyle had some money to pay for dinner at an inn, so he began looking for one that looked like it would suit his needs. After a half an hour he went by the Sword and Shield.


    He entered the common room. The room was well as a Gleeman had made his way to Amador and was juggling brightly colored balls and was telling The Great Hunt for the Horn. Most patrons were paying attention to the Gleeman moreso than their food and drink and didn't see him enter.


    Moments later, a short, fat man approached Kyle, wiping his hands on his apron.


    "Ah, another Child of the Light. Welcome to the Sword and Shield. Would you like to sit with your fellow companion or should I find you another table?"


    Kyle blinked at the inn keeper and looked around the room, spotting another man in Children's garb. With his back turned toward the entrance, Kyle could not tell who he was. Kyle fingered his leave notice and pulled it out in case he needed to present it.


    "If he is willing, I would be fine with sitting with him, but if he prefers his space, I will grant it. Let me go ask him, and I would like a meal as well."


    The inn keeper bowed and moved to fill his request as Kyle approached the table. Kyle moved around the table to face the man and Kyle recognized him, although he had trouble placing him.


    "Would you care for some company, sir?" Kyle asked politely.

  4. Please sign in if you are here. Also - I'm working on upgrading all of the stuff such as reqs and ranks and what not. Please give suggestions in your post :happy:



    DM Handle - Character Name - Character Rank


    WolfbrotherKronos - Kyle Kirnan - Recruit

    Sherper - Ackley Carnel - Hundredman

    Arinth - Corik Resolme - Child (Second Squadman)

  5. She would be ok with working with a staff.  She actually does have a reason for wanting to learn some weapons training.  Her cause is education and with that is included preparations for emergencies for cities to prepare for possible seiges and battles that may occur during the Last Battle.  When escorting civvies out of a town it might be better to have something else to use besides the power to help stave off trollocs lol.

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