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Posts posted by randomh3r0

  1. Well, I couldn't reply in that thread Nya, but if you really want criticisms, I'll skip my praise (though I had some to give, you ARE talented :) ) and go to that:


    The only thing I really see is that perhaps you need some more practice with the human form. You do well on pieces individually... a good head and face, a good arm, a good leg, but when you put it all together it just looks like it's a little less of a whole person. Again, the pieces themselves look great, but how you construct a person from those pieces... joints, shoulders, hips, etc, really does make a difference with how a person views it.


    You've got a strong ability with that when you do horses.


    I feel bad, I hate being a critic, but if it helps at all, glad to contribute

    Awesome random, thanks very much :) yeah I've always had problems with proportions. Ive successfully avoided drawing humans in the past years but guess what i get given In my last? Nothing is ever easy :laugh:

    That's why I'm trying to use photos of Greek statues to base my figures off but, they are statues and kinda inert lol. But hopefully I get better with practice, just gonna try pull through it :P


    But I'll definitely pay more attention to that when painting the next! And don't feel bad! *hugs* it was constructive criticism XD fankoo :)

    Welcome! I've never done realism in art, always been more of a cartoonist, but I like to think I have an ok eye for such things. You're young, too. You've got all the time in the world to improve, and you've got a great and talented start already!

  2. Well, I couldn't reply in that thread Nya, but if you really want criticisms, I'll skip my praise (though I had some to give, you ARE talented :) ) and go to that:


    The only thing I really see is that perhaps you need some more practice with the human form. You do well on pieces individually... a good head and face, a good arm, a good leg, but when you put it all together it just looks like it's a little less of a whole person. Again, the pieces themselves look great, but how you construct a person from those pieces... joints, shoulders, hips, etc, really does make a difference with how a person views it.


    You've got a strong ability with that when you do horses.


    I feel bad, I hate being a critic, but if it helps at all, glad to contribute

  3. If only there was a way to count how many posts in this thread were you just saying rawr... :)


    If I knew javascript I might be able to do this, it would seem an easy enough thing for a program to do, just making the program would be a slight problem

    If there was a way to export the thread to Excel I could do it. But I dunno much about forums or their scripting either


    I'm just wondering, you could code something that runs through every page of this thread checking the text for "rawr"


    That seems a plausible solution, I just have no idea how you would implement a bot like that

    Yeah, sadly I don't know how to do it online. I'm an Excel wizard, but unfortunately that doesn't extend outside of that program much

  4. If only there was a way to count how many posts in this thread were you just saying rawr... :)


    If I knew javascript I might be able to do this, it would seem an easy enough thing for a program to do, just making the program would be a slight problem

    If there was a way to export the thread to Excel I could do it. But I dunno much about forums or their scripting either

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