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Posts posted by randomh3r0

  1. Something clever (i think) that I just posted on Bookface:


    The optimist: The glass is half full.

    The pessimist: It's half empty.

    The engineer: It's built twice as big as it needs to be.

    The opportunist: Would you like me to fill it again?

    The narcissist: No, it's my fault it's in this condition, but through my power it shall be full again.


    The Frenchman: Well, I give up.

    The German: I'll have yours then.

    The American: You two knock that off or I'll come over there.

    The pacifist: You guys are being selfish, that table doesn't even have glasses.

    The masochist: Just dump what's left in my lap and stab me with this fork.

    The spiritualist: Wherever it went, I feel closer to it.

    The country singer: I wish this glass would leave so I can miss it.

    The rockstar: You guys fight it out while I go smoke a cigarette.

    The documentarian: Will everyone repeat that while the camera's running?

    The waiter: These guys are all idiots, that glass is from the last people to sit there.

  2. Sorry, I was in desperate need of a shower. Yup, I"m a west coaster, it's roughly 8:41pm here now. Luckily I get tomorrow off, so that's lovely.


    It's weird, I know people in all the American time zones, and i always forget about time differences. My sister in Ohio, friends in Florida, Texas, etc, I just always assume it's this time there.


    Maybe it's the narcissist in me :)

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