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Posts posted by randomh3r0

  1. Speaking of having to buy everything for schoolwork…just had to order three seasons of bloody SITCOMS for my media studies *sobs and waves after her moniez with a big white kerchief* …it’s the only essay this year, on American sitcoms, so I haz to do it. And it was either that or horror films and I am NOT, repeat NOT, terrifying moiself on purpose >.> That would just be the last straw for some stuff this year… :eep:

    Does it have to be a specific sitcom, all the sitcoms, or can you choose one?

  2. *le happysigh* Ohhh yeeesh, sooo good!! MUCH BETTER than when I made that film last year...I spent MONTHS on it because the laptop would die every 10 minutes...but at least it won le comp lol, so it was worth it. Kinda :P :happy:


    But now I must restrain myself and get my school year finished first XD

    Definitely recommended. No video program in your school? Our high school had a whole video program, we had a news van, a daily news broadcast, etc. It's how I got started in video. Such fun! I'm sure you'll do great with it :)

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