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Posts posted by randomh3r0

  1. Apparently the pink version is always a teeny bit cheaper?? O.o


    Which is EXACTLY why the boss man was looking at it. I told him i'd rather not have a new one than have a pink one. It's just not right. I'm sure it'd be good for some people, but not as a work computer for this guy




    I wonder why. I think the producers of said pink versions of stuffs are just having a grand ol' laugh :darkone:


    This ^^^. I suppose if I was rich, I'd find humor in doing things like that. Making a pink version of something abnormal just to make it cheaper and see people with it...

  2. I'm jealous :P must be awesome to work with editing programs, film gear and music all day :D I can't wait till I get to do stuff like that more...probably still a long time till then lol


    Well...not so awesome if it doesn't get me credits or anything, tis only exam practice blah :tongue:

    And it's winter in NZ atm, here in Chile too in fact although it's so hot it feels like summer lol.


    Our school year ends early/mid December when summer really starts...


    I am sorry, for some reason I completely forgot the seasons are opposite... southern Hemisphere and all :)


    You'll know what it's like working with this stuff soon enough if it's really what you wanna do! I have ze faiths :)

  3. Well the open formation chords are usually the hardest, because they tend to sound best: you're making use of all 6 strings in most cases. Barre chords are a LOT easier to remember, but harder to do on an acoustic guitar. (Very easy on electric) and then there's power chords, mostly for rock/punk musics, very easy on either guitar, but you are only making use of like, 3 strings. Guitar, like everything, is a balance of what you wanna play, what you wanna sound like and what your skill level is. i'm sure you'll do great if you have the passion for learning all that stuff!

  4. A good morning to you too, Nya! Anyone doing anything fun this weekend besides me? :)

    Depends how fun whatever you get to do is :P


    Surfing in teh mornings, lazing about in the afternoons and playing football at night. Might go to the movies tomorrow...

    And going to s new friends to jam some... AAAHHH my prayers have been answered, I've been having guitar withdrawals! XD

    Ahhh, a fellow guitarist eh? Very cool.

    Haha *highfives* Heh kinda, I'm not that good. I have an acoustic at home, and only know some campfirey-playing stuffs cos I've only taught myself, but wanna learn electric one day :) Its so much fun

    You're actually doing it the right way. Once you're comfortable on an acoustic, the electric will be easy! It's what most people do to build your finger strength and all, the acoustic is more difficult. The only difference with electric is learning about the electronics of the guitar and your amp/effects. You'll do great :)

  5. A good morning to you too, Nya! Anyone doing anything fun this weekend besides me? :)

    Depends how fun whatever you get to do is :P


    Surfing in teh mornings, lazing about in the afternoons and playing football at night. Might go to the movies tomorrow...

    And going to s new friends to jam some... AAAHHH my prayers have been answered, I've been having guitar withdrawals! XD

    Ahhh, a fellow guitarist eh? Very cool.

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