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Posts posted by WhiteWolf


    Basic Information

    Handle: Kathryna

    Character Count : 0

    Contact : kath.tc@gmail.com


    Character Information

    Name: Gatlin Brigh Chanse

    Age: 15

    Nationality: Andoran



    Hair: Dark reddish/copperish hair. Gatlin keeps her long hair in a tight braid

    Eyes: Emerald eyes with dark, long eyelashes

    Skin: Light fair-skinned

    Height: 5'10


    Voice: Pleasant lilting voice. However, Gatlin speaks at a fast clip at most time  

    Other: Gatlin physical appearance and height is considered an anomaly at Whitebridge. She is considered one of the prettier girls around the village with her slender figure and a lovely visage



    Special Skills: Gatlin has received an unusual and extensive education  

    Knowledge Weakness: She believes that she knows alot of things due to the amount of education she has  

    Physical Weakness: Unused to physical exertion other than horse riding

    Personality weakness: Rather stubborn and inflexible at times





    Gatlin is quiet and reserved as she prefers to keep her own opinions. At times, she can be demanding as she feels that the her method of doing things is the best way, and expect instant results. Patience is not her strong suit, though she tries her best to keep her temper to herself. Yet, she is a thoughtful person who thinks for others before herself. However at times, her straightforward speech, untactful words resulted in her awful habit of saying the wrong things at the wrong time. She has a curious streak in finding out what others are doing, and in many occasions, she misinterprets instructions and of other's intentions. Overall, she is also a quick and fast learner, who needs one or two tries to pick the skill up.  



    Life was good and pleasant for Gatlin's first 15 years, after all there were many perks being born into a wealthy merchant family that dealt in textile trading and production. She had her own horse, a goodly number of lovely clothes (of the finest quality) and her servants at home at Whitebridge, Andor. Her family was loving and closely-knitted in their own way; after all the Chanse family were still considered outsiders by most villagers even after moving into the town for 22 years.  


    Yet, life was mostly lonely and quiet for Gatlin at her family compound. Her father and elder brother was largely absent for months on business trips. Her lovely mother whom Gatlin adored, was kept to her rooms on most days resting due to poor health, though she tried to spend as much time as she could with her only daughter. Gatlin was also not allowed to go out of her family compound, thus she was not able to meet and make many friends, or have deep friendships. Most of the time spent at home was in solitude, pursuing 'lady-like' hobbies, in discussion with her tutor, or riding her mare for hours.  


    If anything, Master Chanse desired for their family to move up the social rank. They had the money, enough connections and a daughter to make an advantageous marriage. Days before Gatlin's birthday, her entire family travelled specially to Caemlyn to visit some friends of the family. Gatlin was delighted to visit Caemlyn, and to celebrate her birthday with her family and at a new place. On the third day, her family was invited by a minor noble house to a tea party. Gatlin knew of her father's intention for her, and with such an invitation, the possibilities of whom she could meet was extremely exciting. In the end, her father was furious that he was losing Gatlin to the Aes Sedai 'witch', but one could not refuse the demands of the Aes Sedai when it was explicitly stated. It later dawned upon him that having an Aes Sedai at home was as good as Gatlin marrying up. There was not much Gatlin could do about her new life ahead. She yearned for something different but leaving home and starting anew at the White Tower was totally unexpected. And so this marked a new chapter in Gatlin's life.


  2. Following bio is approved by the White Tower


    Cara Ramsey


    Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah


    WT BC


    Bonded to Liitha

    Basic Information

    Handle : Lavinya

    Character Count : 3

    Contact : lavinyasedai@gmail.com


    Character Information

    Name: Evaline Perry

    Age: 15

    Nationality: Andorran



    Hair: Evaline's hair is a dirty blonde/light brown colour, somewhere between straight and wavy. It is quite unremarkeable, long enough to fall past her shoulders but she generally keeps it neatly tied back in a practical way.

    Eyes: Hazel, framed with light brown lashes

    Skin: On the fair side, with a light sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks

    Height: Evaline stands at approximately 165cm tall

    Voice: Feminine, Evaline is generally softly spoken.

    Other:  There is nothing particularly remarkable about Evaline, she tends to be the sort to blend into the crowd. She is fair, but not beautiful, with a ready smile and slightly crooked teeth.



    Special Skills: Thanks to her upbringing, she has some skill with needle and thread, and an ear for music. She can read and write.

    Knowledge Weakness: Her knowledge is not very broad as her education was limited to that which was deemed necessary for a young lady of her station and nothing more. She knows little of the world outside her town, and less again of the opposite sex.

    Physical Weakness: Evaline is a healthy girl but not particularly strong. Aside from deftness with her hands, she is rather uncoordinated.

    Personality weakness:  Evaline is excessively prim and proper. She blushes at the mere mention of a boy, and is very shy. She has just enough backbone to lecture any of her friends who she thinks lack decorum and other proper womanly behaviour.



    Evaline is generally shy and reserved, though she has a strong sense of what she believes to be right and wrong. She finds it befitting for a young, unmarried girl to engage in games of flirtation or to dress immodestly. She is unafraid to give her opinion to her friends, but has great respect for those in authority. She takes her responsibilities seriously, but is a kind, friendly girl. She smiles often and blushes easily, and would rather sit at home with a book or embroidery than find mischief or boys.



    Evaline has what most would consider a normal life. She has two loving parents, an older brother, and a younger sister. Given that her mother is a seamstress, it was natural for Evaline to follow her footsteps and become her apprentice in the small shop that fronts their lodgings. By day she assists her mother in the store, cleaning, measuring and sewing, among other things. By night she enjoyed many an evening with her family, seated comfortably by the fire with a treasured book. Her home was filled with love and laughter. They sought to live peaceably with their neighbours, though some in the town whispered that Evaline's father was over-bearing and terribly old fashioned. Evaline did not share their views. She loved her father, and wholeheartedly agreed with his notions on proper female behaviour and dress. Indeed, she did so much as to lecture her friends frequently on such topics. Boys were not to be looked at unless you had decided to marry one, and then you kept your eyes on only him. Not to mention that women should be meek and mild and submissive.


    Being good natured, most of Evaline's friends tolerated her views and regular lectures, though when they grew tired of them Evaline learned it was best to take herself home and immerse herself in her own quiet pursuits. She had no aspirations of grandeur, no romantic fantasies of being swept away by a handsome hero. Her life was simple, and she was content in it. This was the role that Wheel had spun out for her, and she was happy to live it dutifully, despite it's complete lack of excitement and adventure. Indeed, she would reflect on her quiet life years later with a sense of longing for the peaceful simplicity.

  3. The following Freelander bio has been approved by me, can some one CC it please?






    Character: Raurie Ashkar

    Division: Freelanders

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Physical description

    -Height:  5'9"

    -Weight: 155 lbs.

    -Hair: mid brown with red tones in evening light

    Eyes: light blue

    -other features: Raurie has calloused fingers on his left hand from playing the harp since he was a boy


     Raurie Ashkar strummed his harp as he sat on an upturned keg, smiling slightly as the people of Tar Valon swarmed past him, each as hurried as the next.  He fully smiled as a woman nodded to his playing while she walked by.  Her agelessness and motherly appearance marked her for what she obviously was.  Raurie liked the Aes Sedai, for the most part.  The Greens were his favorite, they and their Warders usually had a coin to spare for his talents, and greens were usually pretty.  It was the Reds that made him uncomfortable.  The way they looked at him made him shift his feet without thinking, or completely miss a string when he played.


     Raurie enjoyed his life in Tar Valon.  He, his mother, and his sister, had arrived in the city almost ten years ago.  His father had disappeared when he was six, after strange occurrences around the farm that Raurie could vaguely remember.  Just one year after arriving in the city, his mother had died of sickness.  Raurie had begged with her to accept the Aes Sedai's Healing, to keep fighting for life.  She adamantly refused help from the women.  Raurie did not know why she had always looked at them we hatred.  He would probably never know.


     With his mother and father gone, Raurie was left to care for Nila, his younger sister by four years.  It was easy enough, with Raurie's skill at the lyka, to find an inn that would regularly pay him, though in form of room and food.  Any solid coin he needed had to be earned by playing on the street, as he was now.  Nila earned her own little pay as a seamstress' apprentice, working often long days to earn her own savings.


     Folding up the cloth that collected coins, Raurie set that in his coat pocket and slung his harp across his back.  He worked his way slowly through the bustle, often wondering how he would have enjoyed the space his country home had offered so long ago.  He walked contentedly into the Wall's End inn, the pleasant smell of cooking meat, good drink, and pipe smoke washing over him in familiar comfort.  Hagh, rotund innkeeper, waved a hand at him in welcome, smiling through his generous mustache.  He met Raurie at the foot of the stairs, a bundle under one arm.  Now that his smile dropped, Raurie could say he looked very sober.


     "Lad, your sister just left here not a quarter hour ago.  She said she was looking for you," he said, concern slowly etching it's way across his face.  "She said that if you got back before she found you, then I should go ahead and give you this."  He held up the bundle.  Taking it in his hands, Raurie felt a box beneath the light brown cloth.  "Thank you," he said, before sitting down in the corner to investigate the contents of the box.

     Tied to the top of the box by a string was a note written in dark green ink on thick white parchment.  "Raurie," it said.  "I will not be returning.  Do not seek me.  Forget my name, for I will forget you."  It was signed by Nila Ashkar.  In a daze, separate from his body, Raurie opened the dark polished box.  Inside was a knife, hands long.  It's single edge was perfectly carved, it's sides joining in a perfect line down the body.  The handle itself was made of one tightly wrapped leather string.  It was a craftsman's masterpiece.  Where had it come from?

     She was leaving.  She had already left.  She would forget him.  Raurie knew she would, and he would never see her again.  Nila always kept her word.  Why had she gone?  He would never know.  Many things he would never know.  Raurie realized the choice he faced quickly.  With no one but himself to look after, what would he do now?  He did not know yet.  He would find out soon enough.

  4. I was pondering where to post this, or even if i should post this at DM, as it has nothing to do with DM or Robert Jordan. However, i can think of no better place to post this than my home from home.


    This weekend marks the 65th anniversary of Operation Market Garden. This has always had a place in my heart as my grandad was involved. Unfortunately he was not one to talk about his wartime experiences and whenever i asked what he did in the war he told me that he and his best mate Nobby played conkers.I was only a kid at the time so i thought he was misleading me. I should have known better as without further ado he pulled out an old, dog eared photograph of him and Nobby, in full uniform, playing conkers. My grandfather passed away when i was 14 and even now, 32 years later i miss him more than i can say.


    Usually my partner and i would attend the ceremonies in Eindhoven,Nijmegan and Arnhem. However this year we have not been able to go.


    Because of the brave men of the UK,Poland and the USA, Europe was liberated and this operation played it's part in liberating the people of Southern Holland. Although Market Garden did not achieve all of it's aims, the people of Holland have always been hugely grateful to the men of the British 1st Airborne Division, the men of the 1st Polish Parachute brigade, the 101st US Airborne and the 82nd US Airborne Division. Long may their memories continue to shine.


    If you would like to know more about this operation take a look at this website.




    *Bows head in respect*



  5.   “What direction are we heading this morning? We should cover a fair distance today if this weather holds.”

        Rhya’s words came back to haunt them later that morning, the wind had slackened and the clouds had piled up, large and threatening, and then the rain had begun. It had started as large fat drops, falling with a deceiving slowness, but soon building up into a steady, persistent, precipitation. Thankfully Owen had insisted they pack their heavy cloaks, and now both he and Rhya were swathed from head to toe in their cloaks. From a distance they looked like two large sacks sat on their horses, but the cloaks worked and kept the worst of the weather off of them.

        Before they had set out that morning, and while Rhya had made sure there were no signs of their campsite, Owen had spoken to the wolves shadowing Thirdeye and had gained a better idea of where the Wanderer was. It was never easy interpreting directions from the wolves, even for someone with Owen’s experience, but after some thought Owen was able to discern the direction they needed to travel in and before he broke the connection with the wolves Owen thanked them for their help and assured them they would arrive as soon as humanly possible.

        Owen set a fast pace, despite the heavy rain, and the two of them managed to cover a good deal of ground. Usually Owen would have been more circumspect in the way he travelled through the lands, but he had decided that haste was more important this time than caution. Even so, he did not let his guard drop, and made sure he scanned the land around them at every opportunity. The heavy rain would help keep them shrouded from any unwanted observation, and should keep them safe from any but the most desperate of travellers.

        That night it was a cheerless camp that Owen and Rhya made. Even with all of Owen’s skills it had been impossible to get a fire started, the wood they had found was just too wet to catch alight. So after a cold meal, Owen and Rhya had curled up together, sharing their body’s warmth in an attempt to keep warm. Their sleep was fitful though, largely due to the cold Northerly wind that started about midnight and continued all the way through the night.

        Owen and Rhya were on their way early the next day, and still the wind and rain persisted. However, Owen’s spirits had lifted and so had Rhya’s. She had sensed the change in Owen and this gave her renewed confidence and determination.

        Later that morning, the wind had become more of a breeze than a gale, but still the rain persisted, and the grey overcast showed no signs of relenting, which could only mean the rain was going to continue throughout the rest of the day.  It was late in the afternoon that Owen called a halt to their journey and dismounted from his horse.

        “We are close Rhya, Thirdeye should be about a mile in that direction. Owen pointed to where he thought their Wanderer would be but did not continue speaking instead his gaze roved around the land as far as they could see. “What is it Owen?”

        “I am thinking it would be better if you approached this Wanderer and brought him back here. I will keep an eye on you as much as possible, and both Ice and Shadow will accompany you and keep you safe. Bring our new friend back here, but explain to him before you return what i look like.” At this Rhya raised an eyebrow at Owen. Although she could see past the obvious with Owen, sometimes others could not and would act accordingly and either run away or immediately see him as a threat and challenge him. “I will get a fire going and start making a hot meal for the three of us. Take your time, and use your experience of your own Howling to guide you.” They briefly hugged and Owen sent her on her way. “Don’t worry, you can do this Rhya, even if you do not believe you can, now be off with you.” Owen playfully swatted Rhya on the backside and then burst out laughing at the look of indignation on her face.

        As soon as Rhya was out of sight Owen started to prepare their camp site. They would be spending the night here and he was determined to get a fire started and have some warm food prepared for when Rhya returned.



    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


  6.     Here we go again, just when i thought we could relax and spend some time in the Stedding we get a report that a Wanderer has appeared to the south and as usual all the Trackers are busy elsewhere

        Owen felt like he had been running from one place to another without a break. He did not really mind, but he had hoped to have some time to explore the unexpected turn of events with Rhya. Her admission to him had taken him totally by surprise, but not as much as his reaction. After losing Iris he had sworn he would never again become involved with another female, there was just too much pain involved. Obviously, though, his subconscious had not agreed with him and he had fallen just as hard for her, as he had for Iris, if not harder.

        Shaking his head at this unexpected turn of events, Owen glanced over at Rhya who was riding besides him, enjoying the open countryside and the chance to be away from the Stedding. Letting his gaze slide away from Rhya, Owen scanned the countryside, letting his senses voyage out, hoping to detect nothing more threatening than the local wildlife and for once he was rewarded by sensing no immediate threats.

        He could sense Ice and Shadow ranging ahead of them, scouting out their trail and making sure there were no unpleasant surprises. Whenever a Wanderer appeared it was imperative to reach them as soon as they could. The Howling was a time fraught with danger, not just from two-legs who let their prejudices get the better of them. The Howling itself could provide enough sensory overload that a Wanderer could easily become consumed by their blossoming new senses. Or the sudden mental invasion of the Wolves could drive a Wanderer to madness, so encompassing could this madness be that they lost all of their humanity and become more wolf than human. Owen had seen this happen before and knew that speed was what they needed whenever they go the call.

        Almost without conscious intent, Owen increased their pace; they had to find this new Wanderer as soon as they could. The Wolves called him Thirdeye and that was the only name he and Rhya had to go on. Long into the night they rode until Rhya was swaying in her saddle from exhaustion and the horse’s heads were dropping. Eventually Owen called a halt and they set up a hasty camp, Owen preparing the shelters while Rhya took care of their meal. “How long do you think it i will take to find Thirdeye Owen?”

        “It is hard to say Rhya; we could find him tomorrow, or in a few days time. Wanderers have a habit of wandering.” Rhya, tiredly, shook her head at Owen’s attempt at humour.




    The WhiteWolf


    Ranger Leader


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