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Posts posted by WhiteWolf

  1. After a moments hesistation, at Kiyi’s abrupt departure, Yrean continued to eat, a small smile appearing on his face, then just a suddenly disappearing. Outwardly he gave no sign that Kiyi’s departure troubled him, but his mind starting churning over the possibilities of why she would suddenly get up and leave like that. It was obvious that the girl had good manners, that was patently apparent. So Yrean searched for another reason as to why she would suddenly depart like that. As his mind methodically worked it’s way through the options, Yrean discarded them one by one.


    By the time he had finished eating and drunk the last of his drink, Yrean was no further forward trying to fathom out her sudden departure. He knew it was not related to his activities the night before, otherwise the Tower Guard would have decended on the Inn by now. However he was a man who did not believe in coincidences and so decided to make sure that he was not going to find trouble dogging his every step if he stayed in Tar Valon, after all, as much as he hated the city there could one day be a reason for him to return. Departing the Inn, Yrean made his way to the docks. He knew there were certain people who for a price would take on jobs that were on the shadier side of the law and it was these people that Yrean was searching for.


    Eventually he found exactly the sort of person he was searching for, gold coins changed hands and Yrean explained exactly what he wanted and how he wanted the job to be undertaken. The price was high, this type of work was never cheap and because it involved the White Tower and that coven of witches there was a higher than normal price to be paid. Yrean did not hesitate in paying as he knew that there was no one else in Tar Valon who was skilled enough, or discreet enough, to under take the work at hand. Once the contract had been accepted Yrean departed the Inn and made his way to where his horse had been stabled. He reasoned that it would be better for him to depart the city as soon as possible and he had every intent to be as far away as he could be before the contract was fulfilled.


    Six weeks had passed, six weeks that had seen much change for Yrean, and none of it good. Through unfortunate circumstances, and some plain bad luck, Yrean found himself returning to Tar Valon guarding a merchant who traded in rare and hard to find items. If there had been an option to not undertake this job then Yrean would have grabbed it with both hands, however that was not the case and so Yrean had to take the job on and hope that there would be no fallout from the consequences of the contract he had placed before he left Tar Valon. Entering the City, Yrean and his boss, a merchant by the name of Alexia El’Bon, made their way to one of the more expensive Inn’s in the City and Alexia booked two rooms, next to each other.


    That night, well after the hour that Alexia retired for the night, Yrean silently left his room and made his way onto the roof. Quickly gaining his bearings he made his way to the Dockside and soon found the people he had contacted those six weeks earlier. What he learnt that night did not sit well with him. It seemed that Kiyi had the Dark One’s own luck and had through happenstance avoided the three attempts on her life. The only good thing that Yrean heard that night was that it seemed Kiyi was not aware of any actual attempts on her life and carried on with her usual routine without any signs of unease or increased precautions. Yrean was told that in the next few days a fourth attempt would be made to kill Kiyi and to that end Yrean decided to wait around the City to see what the result would be of this fourth attempt. Alexia El’Bon would remain in the city for a week at least so Yrean knew he had enough time to witness the latest attempt to remove this loose end.


    On the morning of his fifth day in the city, Yrean and Alexia were making their way through the city towards an area that was reknowned for its more exotic goods, just the location that Alexia liked. Their business transaction proceeded more smoothly than Alexia had predicted and as such they were back on the streets before noon. Because of the amount of profit Alexia had made from that deal she had decided to visit a couple of dress makers that she liked to frequent when in Tar Valon. To get there they had to pass through a district were a certain amount of construction work was going on and it was with some distaste that Alexia viewed the path they had to walk. Just as they were approaching the second building in the row, Yrean noticed Kiyi coming the other way. She had her head down and seemed lost in thought, but was easily avoiding the piles of rubbish that sprang up around any building site. Not knowing what to do, Yrean continued to walk towards Kiyi, but turned his head towards Alexia hoping that it looked like he was listening to her and that this would be enough to shield his face from Kiyi.


    Just then, Yrean heard a shout from above, and involuntarily looked up. A rope net, containing bricks, had broken from the rope carrying it to the upper levels and had started to plummet towards the ground. Looking around to locate Kiyi, Yrean realised that she was directly in the path of the falling bricks and had no idea that she was about to be buried under a small mountain of masonry.


    There was a momentary battle inside Yrean’s mind, as he tried to decide whether it was better to let the accident happen or to rescue her. He did not know when the next assassination attempt would take place and at no point did he think this was actually it, which of course it was.


    Yrean shoved Alexia into a nearby doorway, telling her to stay there until he returned and then he threw himself at Kiyi, just managing to knock her clear as the masonry hit the ground and shattered into a myriad of pieces.


    Once the dust had started to settle, Yrean found himself lying on top of Kiyi, which in and of itself was not a bad place to be, but hardly the place if he was trying to go unnoticed. Blood and bloody ashes, Yrean, you do be the biggest fool this side of the Aryth Ocean, there be no doubt of that. Climbing to his feet, Yrean offered his hand to the obviously shaken Kiyi to help her to her feet. It was then that he noticed the blood streaming from the gash on her left cheek; strangely enough, a wound that was mirrored on Yrean’s face. He slowly reached up to wipe away the dust and blood around the wound, just as Kiyi did the same thing to him.

  2. Themis do’Modron a’Rhiannon



    Nation of origin: Murandy

    Hair: Auburn with streaks of gray

    Eyes: Hazel

    Skin: Pale, mostly from spending her time indoors


    Description: Tall for a woman, with a strong jaw and an imposing presence, though not bulky.

    Voice: Crisp, no nonsense, with no trace of any accent.

    Special Skills: She has studied the laws of every known nation and maintains her own journals that account for changes made by sitting monarchs, all the way through local lords. For some regions, she has managed to keep records down to city councils and even village mayors, but those are rare.


    One Power Scores: To be Assigned




    Themis grew up the third daughter of a High Seat of a small house in Murandy, always knowing that their family’s position relied on the good graces of more powerful Houses. It was assumed that her eldest sister would inherit the High Seat, while the next eldest sister would marry a son of a more powerful House, hopefully bringing him into their House. Themis’ role was to be married off to another House, and for many years she had looked forward to it, especially if she could be married into a House that was strong enough on its own to not need protectors.


    The summer she turned 17, her betrothed’s family insisted that she spend the Season at court. While there, Themis observed dozens of cases brought before the King. Each noble or citizen who brought their case did their best to create a legally sound (and hopefully perfect) argument. Themis found that she relished finding the flaws in their cases, watching to see if the King noticed the same flaws. Each case that was presented had its flaws exposed by the King in open Court. Eventually, Themis noticed that the King always retired to consider the cases before presenting his analysis and judgment. She originally thought he was simply consulting legal texts or thinking over the issue.



    One day, Themis managed to find her way into the King’s study while he was hearing a case in his throne room. She was merely looking for a treatise on the numerous treaties between Murandy and its more Powerful neighbor to the East and North, Andor. As she flipped through the book, the doors opened, and in strode a woman in a dark green dress with the tell tale ageless face. An Aes Sedai. She stood there, staring at Themis, as a man hurried through the door behind her. It was the King.


    After a brief explanation of why she was in his study, and a hasty exit, Themis put the facts together that this woman must be his Aes Sedai advisor. Themis spent several days haunting the back hallways and less used areas of the palace, hoping to run into the sister again, but she did not succeed. After two weeks, she was prepared to give up, but then her luck turned. She almost crashed directly into the Aes Sedai, while she was looking for a book in the Royal Library. The Aes Sedai then confirmed that she was a sister of the Gray Ajah, who was advising the King on how to reign justly. Apparently, the King consulted her before ruling on each case, and that was how he had caught each and every flaw.She asked the Aes Sedai to test her for the gift, and was delighted to find she could learn to channel. After apologizing to her family for breaking her engagement, she went to the Tower. It took her nineteen years to earn the Shawl, but when she did, she found her home in the Gray Ajah’s halls. Her first assignment was to advise the Queen of Arafel, where she helped avert a fierce border war between that country and Saldaea. She went on to advise more monarchs and nobles, before being called back to the Tower. The sitting Head Clerk had died in office, and her sisters had voted to appoint her to the position. She was bound to accept the appointment. Her sisters had debated most thoroughly and selected her, so she was obviously the best person for the position. It did honor her that they had done so while she was out on appointment.

  3. <u>Basic Information</u>

    Handle : Pankhuri

    Full names of WT characters: No characters before this.



    <u>Character Information</u>

    Name (first and last): Pankhuri Xena

    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional

    Age (Traditional = 14-19 / Salidar = 20-70): 14

    Nationality: Andoran



    Hair: Red- gold hair which fall to shoulders and are slightly wavy

    Eyes: Bright Blue

    Skin: fair but which tans easily and retains scars


    Voice:Low pitched normally but could be firm when needed

    Other:She has a scar on her left foot about 6 inches from ankle. She got it when she fell on some iron pieces that were for some construction. She also has a scar near her elbow because she was burnt while learning to cook. She has a scar on forhead rarely visible. How she got is a mystery.

    Personality: She is determined. She is also sometimes stubborn. She can be so stubborn that nothing could get in her way. She is loyal and keeps her promises and tries to avoid lying. She listens to everyone before coming to a decision. She likes reading. She wants to heal everyone even animals or plants.



    Special Skills: She knows a bit of herbs as she was an apprentice to a woman who healed people. But she had been apprenticed for a short time so she doesn't know much. She is ready to learn anything.

    Weaknesses: She is physically weak but could do things if need be but normally couldn't run long distances or take physical strains. She is a loyal friend and it is hard for her to believe a friend has been bad.



    She was the daughter of a farmer. She had a younger brother who remained ill. That was the reason why she wanted to be apprenticed to a woman who knew herbs. Her father wanted her to marry someone she idn't knew but she didn't wanted to.


    As her brother was constantly ill, her family's attetion was on him and she was ignored for most part. She had few friends but got along with many people. She learnt to live in her own comapny.


    She had visited Tar Valon when she was 10 and her brother was seriously ill. They had gone so Aes Sedai could Heal him.


    As growing up, she had been looking after her brother.


    At 14 she and her family had to visit Tar Valon again as her brother had become seriously ill again. They had gone to White Tower so her brother could be healed. An Aes Sedai of Yellow Ajah had healed her brother. She had been fascinated by Aes Sedai. They could heal anything. She had a wish to be one. As they came into the Tower grounds, she asked her mother," Mother, I wish to be a Aes Sedai. Would they test me?"


    Her mother replied," Only way to know is to one of them to test you." Her mother had took her to the Aes sedai who had healed her brother.


    Pankhuri asked the Aes Sedai," Could you test me? I wish to be a Aes Sedai."


    Aes Sedai said,"Very few girls could learn to channel, maybe you are one maybe you are not. Prepare your self if you fail. You are young. Let's see"


    She took a stone out of her pouch and told her," Concentrate on this stone" More words were lost as she followed the Aes Sedai.


    Aes Sedai said," It seems as you can learn to channel, so you would now have to begin as novice here."


    Pankhuri was filled with happiness. Her dream was coming true. She asked Aes Sedai's leave to say goodbyes to her family and begin her life as a novice.

  4. <u>Basic Information</u>

    Handle : Amore

    Full names of WT characters: None



    <u>Character Information</u>

    Name (first and last): Amore Le'fay

    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Taditional

    Age (Traditional = 14-19 / Salidar = 20-70): 16

    Nationality: Mayene



    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Green

    Skin: Dark, mocha color

    Height:5ft 6in

    Voice:Rich and somewhat deep for a woman


    Personality: Amore is what most would consider average in her temperament, and is level headed about most situations. She was raised as an only child, but with her mother's illness, she learned that words were nothing more than just that, something spoken and worth not the air it took for the strength to speak them. Years of living in a nice estate, meant the Tower was more a step up, not such a shock in it's beauty. It took some time to break her of her self-imposed importance, but she finally realized she hadn't become a Queen, she was a servant, and would remain such until the day she died even after becoming Aes Sedai. She is still overly concerned with her appearance and has a hard time making friends, but she has gotten better at not looking at the bad side of everyone she meets, even if she is still rather particular about with whom she communicates.



    Special Skills: +Horseback riding

    Weaknesses: -Her vanity is an obvious weakness. This would mean a few correctly placed complements could gain you her friendship and trust, to a degree.

    -She seeks to lead, the world is unimportant to her, it is the actions of others in political stations which truly captures her interest. Some would call her ruthless.

    -She is rather impatient and would rather ask for help with something than figure it out on her own, making her problem solving skills less than honed.



    Amore was born on an estate just outside the city of Mayene. They were a proud people, though small they might be. Her father was a merchant in textiles and fabrics, dealing with the Sea Folk often to obtain wares at what he always proudly proclaimed good profit. Apparently he thought himself a good bargainer, making profit off of Sea Folk goods without being unrealistic in his sales pricing.


    Her mother was a Lady, born to a well to do family. She'd been swooned by Amore's father in her youth, and Amore and three other siblings of varying ages were the result. That and the large Estate they grew up on.


    Amore had a nanny, and brothers and sisters growing up, it was a normal life. She was maturing, in her early teens, becoming a woman by most standards at 13. Still flat chested, she relished in her long hair and other young Lord suitors. Her parents attempted arranged play time for the children, but so far none had made the right impression upon their daughter.


    Her mother had her first mental break after Amore's 14'th birthday. Her Father and all of her siblings were caught up in a rather messy pirate take over of the cargo ship on which they traveled, on there way back from Tear. A woman of strange attire came to her home, dressed in darkness and told her mother what had happened. She left without a word, as Amore's mother began screaming, destroying whatever she grabbed.



    She grabbed Amore in her arms, holding her close. "I'll never let you out of my sight. The boys should have stayed behind, they only wanted to go for the sights anyway. Oh my loves, my hearts."


    Amore cried with her mom for a time, and for weeks mourned with her. Something happened though, as Amore seemed to heal and move on, her mother did not. As she grew older, her mother grew bitter, resentful that Amore had lived, that the creator had taken everything else good from her. She often said things, like 'If you hadn't been a girl I might have been able to re-marry, who wants someone with baggage like a child?' or 'I can't get a new husband because having you took my figure' or her all time favorite, 'It doesn't matter anyway, you're just going to die."


    After a few years of this, Amore learned to ignore words, to not let them effect her. Simon was her relief, her sanity giver. He was just a street rough, but he was cute, and older. She told him everything, and never once was he inappropriate with her. They were friends, perhaps the only one she had aside from the teachers her mother hired. They didn't count though, old crones.


    The parade was something exciting, it only happened once every year. The entire city and farming populace was in the small walled Queendom. It was there, in the streets that she happened upon a woman dressed much like the one who'd come to her home the night her father died. She reacted so strangely, it sparked the woman's attention.


    Loraina Sedai knew that face, that child's face of perpetual youth. She couldn't recall where she knew her from, but when the girl turned to run, Loraina stopped her with binds of air. Perhaps she was a run away Novice, or a one time business deal gone wrong, a chance to tie up a loose end. Either way, it was obvious they recognized one another, she would find out the reason.


    Amore tried to run, but suddenly couldn't move, even though Simon pulled her hand, attempting to help her flee, as he saw she so desperately wanted, even if he didn't understand why. The woman neared them, and she pushed down her hood, revealing a beautiful, youthful face.



    The woman wore a ring, a golden band of some sort, and Amore knew to respect her. She stopped trying to run, and felt herself able to use her feet again. She bowed, and introduced herself, the woman asked why the girl acted so strangely at seeing her. Amore told her, with a detached voice who the woman resembled.


    The woman sighed and looked hard at Amore, "The Wheel weaves as it wishes, but my at the things it brings up. It was I who survived the sinking vessel, I have never forgotten those children. There was nothing I could have done, you have my word as an Aes Sedai."


    Aes Sedai? What? Not one to be shocked, the feeling was strange, but it explained why she hadn't been able to move. A strange feeling occurred within her being, and she looked at the Aes Sedai with a frown.


    The Aes Sedai smiled, holding out a shining blue crystal on a fine golden chain. Amore had never before seen such a fine piece of stone, but as her wonder began to subsided, she looked up at the Aes Sedai's face. A pleased, far too pleased , look was drawn on her smile. The child could learn. She had the potential to become Aes Sedai.


    "You can learn to channel, one of few. I am glad to have found you, even if it was under such dark circumstances. You will return with me on the morrow to the Tower for proper training. Does you mother need know or have you any family left?" The Aes Sedai's voice was soft, caring.


    "I have no family left Aes Sedai, I am ready to leave when you are to take me." She could hear Simon protesting, but in her heart, Amore knew, this life, in this place; was not the life she was meant to lead. She hugged him, and told him she was sorry, and after a time he smiled again, joking he may follow her to become a Warder, if things didn't go better for him there.


    In short order with no word to her mother, they were off to Tar Valon. Amore granted her birth giver the only thing she had left to offer, a life free of the baggage of a child. Amore rejoiced at this, a chance to escape from her mother and the life of hatred she was forced to endure as her mother imposed her hatred for all life onto her. Amore was taken to the White Tower and entered into the Novice books at the age of 16. She cried later, once at the tower, over the loss of her only friend.

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