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Posts posted by WhiteWolf

  1. Handle : Kilivia

    Full names of WT characters: None



    <u>Character Information</u>

    Name (first and last): Kilivia Tralendora

    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional

    Age (Traditional = 14-19 / Salidar = 20-70): 16

    Nationality: Andor



    Hair: Jet Black hair down to her waist or close too it.

    Eyes: Sparkling Brown eyes

    Skin: Fair


    Voice:Her voice is usually quite high but not overly so. It can easily be quite soothing when you choses to. Not very musical but is a plesant voice to listen to.


    Personality: Kilivia is very withdrawn and self abosored in here own world. She always seem to be deep in though and never smiles. She also never talks very much, usually only to answer questions and not idle chat.




    Special Skills: N/A

    Weaknesses: Knowledge Weakness: She spent a lot of her time as a child reading books and that is all she knows of the out side world. She doesnt have the epxperience of how harsh it can be in reality. Never had and reason to leave until now.


    Personality weakness: She has a hard time getting close to others, After the death or her parents the feeling lossing some one else of importance is too great, Sge also is very withdrawn and easily distracted by her own thoughts oblivious to anything anything happeneing around her.




    Kilivia grew up in a town just outside of Baerlon. She had black hair, that perfectly framed her face. She had sparkling brown eyes and was shorter then most at only 5’ in height but that didn’t bother her too much.


    She lived a pretty sheltered life, she had never ventured out of her hometown, by herself or with anyone else. She never really had any interest in seeing the world or needed to. She had everything she needed at home, not really enough money to do much traveling anyway.


    Her family was quite poor. They didn’t have much, but did know how to make the most of what they did have. They also never hesitated to share what food they could with passing strangers.


    Kilivia was always a happy child. She loved to joke and laugh, craved to be the centre of attention. All the villagers liked her and she was always able to bring a smile to someone’s face, or raise someone’s spirits when they were depressed.


    A week before her 16th birthday though, something terrible happened. One day when she was making jokes with the villagers, she heard a scream coming from her house. It sounded like her mother’s voice. Kilivia took off at a run, but by the time she got back to her house it was too late. The house was burnt to the ground and both her parents were dead. As the scene met her, her eyes grew dark and the smile that usually lit her face was gone. No more laughter, no more jokes were left, only sorrow.


    The bubbling, outgoing youngster became withdrawn, only a shell of her former self. She hardly talked and seldom said very much. She had no living relatives that she knew of. Many of the villagers offered her a place to stay, but she turned them all down.


    She had heard of Tar Valon and read many history books of the Aes Sedai and their glorious city. She had wanted to join the Aes Sedai, but it was only a dream for her, something she thought would never happen. She decided that this might be the time to follow her dream. She might never return back the way she used to be but she need a fresh start, a chance to make new friends and become part of a new family.


    So with her birthday still 3 days away she headed off with all she owned, the clothes on her back and some money from the villagers to buy food on her journey. Most of the villagers didn’t agree with her decision to seek out Tar Valon but no one wanted to try and talk her out of it. So off she set on her way to Tar Valon.

  2. Basic Information


    Your Handle :charisdelphi


    Full names of WT characters you already own and their status (active/retired/dead):None


    Contact email:charisdelphi@hotmail.com


    Character Information


    Name (first and last) of this character: Charis Delphi


    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character:Traditional

    Age of this character * (Traditional = 14-19 / Salidar = 20-70):16

    (* Returning / Full AS character: age in main time line)


    Name of country where this character is from:Andor



    Hair: Auburn/Red

    Eyes: Hazel

    Skin: White

    Height: 5'3

    Voice :Soft, normal pitch




    Special Skills: Quick reader.

    Knowledge Weakness:

    Physical Weakness: Not a good fighter,small

    Personality weakness: Shy, prefers to be alone, dreamy



    Charis is shy, prefering to be alone with her needlepoint and books than a social gathering. She also tends to be rather 'dreamy', losing herself in books and stories. She is slow to trust, but fiercley loyal to those closest to her.



    Charis is the daughter of a moderately wealthy innkeeper from Camelyn. Her father owns The Wagon Wheel Inn, her mother is the cook. Her family are proud supporters of the Queen, and the Royal family in general. She is the youngest, and only, daughter in a family of four children, with a gap of eight years between her nearest brother and herself.

    Her rather boisterous brothers tend to tease her, making her very shy, someone who prefers to not draw attention to herself. She loves to read, and can often be found with her nose in a book, or at her needlepoint, another favorite past time. She has learned to cook from her mother, and is passable at the task. She had few friends in Camelyn, but she is loyal to them, and her family. She tends to avoid parties, or any formal social gathering, preferring smaller groups of her closest friends over large gatherings.

    She loves animals, and cares for the cats at the Inn. She also feeds strays, and frequently takes in strays, cleans them up, and finds homes for them. She is close with one of the boys who works in the stables, Harad, who she taught to read when they were younger, and now shares a mutual love of books. Her brothers, and even her friends, tease her about Harad, and her mother has been seen frowning thoughtfully at the boy.

    She has a bit of a stubborn streak, and once she sets her mind on achieving something, she sticks to it. She is hard-working, although she sometimes gets lost in a book and forgets to attend her chores. Her normal chores include laundry, cleaning the guest rooms, and assisting in the kitchen. She will sometimes serve the guests in the dining room if someone is ill or if they are busy, a task which she does well if reluctantly. Her closest brother, Bered, has joined the Gaidin in Tar Valon, a decision which pleased both her parents, who are proud to have a son serve the White Tower.

    One day, when Charis was sixteen, an Aes Sedai stopped at the Inn, with a small group of girls she was accompanying back to Tar Valon to become novices, and seeking other girls who could be taught as well. Charis didn't think of submitting herself for testing, being too shy to approach the venerable Aes Sedai. Her brothers teased her out into the Common Room, and presented her to the Aes Sedai who administered the test. She discovered she could learn to channel, and the Aes Sedai offered to take her to Tar Valon as well.

    Despite her mother's protest, she feared her daughter would not fare well under strict novice training, Charis decided to go to the White Tower, and mentally prepared herself for what she would face. Her mother and father, despite their misgivings, sent her off happily, proud that another child would serve the Tower. Determined to be Aes Sedai she begins the journey to Tar Valon.

  3. Character Information


    Name (first and last) of this character: Falain Asien


    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional


    Age of this character: 16


    Name of country where this character is from: Cairhien




    Hair: Dark brown hair which when let loose falls straight as an arrow to her knees, which is

    normally braided in two and pinned about her head almost like a crown.


    Eyes: Piercing blue


    Skin: pale and milky


    Height: 5’2’’ and almost too petite.


    Voice (low? high? any other characteristics? ie what does she sound like): Soft voice with the

    typical Cairhien clip.


    Other: Falain has a small brown birthmark on the right hand side of her neck (just below her

    ear) and a sharply pointed nose.




    Special Skills: Falain is an excellent horse rider and particularly enjoys gardening.


    Knowledge Weakness: Even though she grew up in a minor Cairhien noble house her father

    kept her away from political intrigue and as such she has little to no knowledge of Daes



    Physical Weakness: Falain has an extremely weak stomach when it comes to blood.


    Personality weakness: She is a doormat, letting everyone walk over her and doing their

    bidding, she is also prone to fits of melancholy, in which she feigns sickness.


    Personality: Being Cairhien she is reserved and rarely lets her emotions show in public.

    In reality she has low self-esteem and almost no confidence in herself or her abilities. She

    enjoys the freedom she gets from riding the meadows and digging in the kitchen vegetable

    garden and when involved in either of these pursuits her mood and personality changes and

    she becomes more confident.


    History: Falain was born the baseborn daughter of a lesser Cairhien nobleman and a farmer’s

    daughter. At 7 her mother died from an illness and her father took her to his house to be

    raised. His wife and 5 other children did not agree with his decision and as such a cycle

    of emotional, psychological and physical abuse began which deteriorated her confidence

    and self-esteem. The only love she was shown was from her father who gave her gifts and

    allowed her some freedoms and from the gardener who began to teach her his lore.


    For 9 years Falain suffered at the hands of those who despised her and where she stood in

    her father’s heart. She was a child who asked for nothing but to be loved and because of the

    love her father gave her she was punished. When her father died at his wife’s hand, Falain

    was cast out to fend for herself and so she did by joining a group of travelling performers as

    a caretaker for their animals. For 4 months she enjoyed freedom she had not known before,

    but that freedom was not to last when the whole troupe was cast down as dark friends and

    her along with them. Her name was mud and she was soon begging in the streets until

    happenstance occurred and a chance meeting with an Aes Sedai in a crowded market place

    changed her fortunes, she was tested and told that she may take up the training to learn to

    channel and perhaps become Aes Sedai. Desperate, Falain clung to the hope that she may

    train in the White Tower but with her confidence at it’s lowest that hope was minimal. Falain’s

    journey with the Aes Sedai and her Warder was short and the other woman did not explain

    much to Falain except to tell her that a novice’s training was long and arduous. This of course

    did not sit well with the girl and she began to dread and rethink her decision. Of course it was

    too late for her and her new life was to begin with a meeting with the Mistress of Novices.


    Falain had thought she was free when she worked with the troupe, she would however, in

    time, come to realise the many different ways in which to define freedom.

  4. Basic Information

    Your Handle : Faun

    No other characters


    Character Information

    Name (first and last) of this character: Faun Freegard

    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional

    Age of this character: 14

    Name of country where this character is from: Andor



    Hair: Red

    Eyes: Green

    Skin: Pale

    Height: 4’8

    Voice: Rough; she has no gentle tone

    Other: Crossed senses



    She didn’t like the word ghastly. And come to think of it, she didn’t like the word riddle either. She really didn’t like the word territory, scarcity or soldier, but the word she especially did not like was time. This is how she lived her life, in awe and fear of that one unspeakable word: time.

    Her name was Faun. She grew up in the town of Deven Ride, the most isolated village of the Two Rivers. Her household was nothing special. She had two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother. Being the middle child was being the insignificant child, but she still loved her Maw and Paw quite dearly. But what she loved most was her best friend, the puppy that grew along with her during childhood, Adler.

    Adler understood her in ways that she felt humans couldn’t. She knew she was anti-social, awkward, and uninteresting. Yet, Adler made her feel like she was the single most amazing thing in the world. Every day he followed her aimlessly and every night he guarded her bed tenaciously. She always felt comforted by the warm, honey hue he emitted, always took solace in it.

    Now, Faun was different, though it is sure that everyone is different in his or her own way. For Faun, it was something given to her since she grew wildly in the womb; two of her five senses were intermingled, causing her to hear sounds in color. This was how she learned of the world and made judgments and decisions. Every person had their own color surrounding them, an inner, fixed color and an outer one that changed as the tide on the Two Rivers. She resented this change in people, how she could not count on their person to be the same, and this had a lot to do with the change in her family that sought to rip the household apart.

    It couldn’t have bothered Faun much. Her possible pitfall was how carefree she felt; there was no responsibility in her world. She loved Adler and she loved Nature, but it was to their own beings that they cared for themselves. Everything happened on its own accord. Because she never cared, she never worried, and she also never knew what love was in its truest form (only affection), though that couldn’t have mattered to a child.

    She had a beautiful older sister Emmeline and a coveted and cherished younger brother, Cyrus. Emmeline was her parents pride and Cyrus was their baby. Faun was the girl who came home covered in mud each night. Nonetheless, she would always remember the cool blues her mother would wrap her in and the deep greens her father would bring home with him from work. She especially enjoyed the yellows that would seep in from the kitchen and Emmeline’s cooking. tracing the walls of her house. Her home was always bursting with colors.

    But life changes, just as the outer colors of a person change, no stability or definitives. Faun was always running between the rivers, soaring in the clouds, diving from the trees. She couldn’t get enough of the outdoors. A forest’s hue was always the same, the river, the sky, the grass, and all the animals. She felt alive when she was reclused from humans. It was natural that Cyrus would follow her, though she always tried to outrun him. There weren’t many kids in their village, and so her mother instructed Faun to watch and take care of Cyrus. He was like any other boy, venturing further and further into wilderness without paying heed to any superiority. And this is why things turned out the way they did.

    It was a warm summer day and the weather was perfect. Faun had set out in the early morrow with Cyrus trailing behind her. She was bent on climbing her favorite tree that lay against the sky so that she could watch the sunrise.

    “Cyrus, do not move from beneath this tree. The river is right here. You must be careful.”

    “Yes, Mammy,” he said teasingly. He began to busy himself with some twigs and bugs near the stump.

    Faun climbed higher and higher until she was at the top branch. She slid onto it and sat with her legs dangling towards the river. She looked down to see what her brother was doing and saw him barefoot on the slick rocks.

    “Cyrus! Move yourself from there! You’ll fall in and we both cannot swim!”

    And just as he looked up to her his foot gave out, sending him backwards, where he split his head open and fell into the water. Faun watched his unconscious body sink deeper and deeper. She made not a noise. Her vision was enveloped with the pure black waves of light transcending from her dead brother’s body. For moments she was blind and she thought to herself, this is what death looks like.

    The passing days after this event were tragic for the rest of her family. She stood outside her house watching as all the vibrance bled out, and in its place, an unforgiving gray that was to remain there permanently.

    Faun tried to be phased by his death, but she found she was incapable. Because to her death was natural, inevitable. He was not the first to die and he surely was not the last. Why is death so tragic? She saw plants and animals die all the time. Life goes on. Why don’t people?

    It was obvious her parents blamed her for the death of Cyrus though it was never explicitly said. It’s never easy for a child to see her mother cry every night or for her father to constantly yell and to throw things around the house from being so angry…so angry at her…

    Thus Faun resolved to stay out of the house as much as she could and that was easier for everyone involved. This is how she passed the next few years. She grew awkwardly into womanhood. She could tell that her thin, petit body had not grown from its child form. In wanting something new she decided to cut off all her red locks until her hair was boy short. She left some hair on her left side in which she made three small braids a little longer than her shoulder. She placed an ornate, handmade bead at the end of each. Blue was the past, yellow was the present, and red was the future. These braids were threads that represented her first commitment to some essence, to the past, present, and future, to time.

    When she met the Aes Sedai for the first time, she was startled. She was just heading out the door of her home with Adler trotting beside her, when she saw the imposing figure standing in front of her. The unknown woman was clad in a gray robe. Faun couldn’t even remember what she had been going to do or what she had been saying to herself only moments before. The woman stepped forward and said that she was traveling around Andor, testing young girls. She said it would only take a minute. Faun instinctly took a step back. She looked behind her. A broken home. She looked to the side of her. Adler. The one thing she held steadfast to as to hold on to her own life. And finally, she looked in front of her. She saw a beginning. Faun met the strange woman’s eyes and agreed to take the test. She was shown the stone and passed. The woman told her that she was to leave everything she loved behind. Her future no longer included what was in her present life. Faun knelt down and held Adler for a very long time and sobbed from the pain that tore at her very soul. But she knew this was what she had to do, and she also knew that with this woman, there was no choice. And so she left Andor and made the trek to Tar Valon. Her whole existence was now wrapped around the promise of tomorrow, the promise of a new day. Finally.

  5. Your Handle : Poetstorm

    Full names of WT characters you already own and their status (active/retired/dead):


    Caillean Windham - Novice

    Contact email: poetstorm@gmail.com


    Character Information

    Name (first and last) of this character: Lissandra Trelaine (Lissa for short)

    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional

    Age of this character * 120

    Name of country where this character is from: Andor



    Hair: Brown hair falling straight down to her mid-back, tied back with a simple ribbon.

    Eyes: Hazel

    Skin: Fair

    Height: 5’5’’

    Voice (low? high? any other characteristics? ie what does she sound like): She speaks softly and in even tones, so that you have to be quiet yourself and pay close attention to hear what she has to say. When under rare circumstances she does yell, it seems so out of her character that it attracts attention, which is exactly her goal.


    Other: Lissandra is fairly utilitarian and wears very little as far as ornamentation. She tends to wear dresses that are simple and comfortable, and the only jewelry she owns has sentimental value to her. Lissa wears only one pendant, a gift from her little sister, and her great serpent ring.



    Special Skills: Lissa is an exceptional cook, and unbeknownst to many also dabbles in poetry

    Knowledge Weakness: Having grown up in a city, she knows very little of farming and agriculture.

    Physical Weakness: Nothing specific, she is of average build.

    Personality weakness: Though polite and personable, she is no social butterfly and her quietness is often mistaken for aloofness by those who wish to befriend her. She is a bit socially awkward, though she has grown out of this a bit over the years since novicehood.


    Personality Lissa is more of an introvert, unless she is seeking answers. She prefers to listen than to talk and often it seems as if she is carefully analyzing every word you say. When needed, she will look you straight in the eye and tell you something you need to know but may not want to know. But she will do it in a quiet, calm voice. Lissa almost never appears shaken or upset. She has a fine sense of duty and loyalty, and a keen desire for knowledge that drives her.




    Lissa’s father was an innkeeper in Caemlyn, and as soon as she could walk she was quickly pressed into service helping around the inn. But her mother seemed to want more for her children than having bawdy men stare at them as they blossomed into women. Sometimes visitors would leave books or notes behind and her mother taught her daughters to read from them, and would tell them stories. Lissa’s younger sister was the light of her world in childhood, though also a concern for her mother because she was born with a deformed hand.


    As would happen from time to time, a pair of Aes Sedai came to take up a room at the inn. While Lissa was bringing out their meals one of the sisters asked if she would like to try something interesting. She was tested and soon after left the inn for the trip to Tar Valon carrying only a heart shaped pendant her sister made for her and a few pairs of clothes.


    Lissandra did well in her novice years, accustomed to hard work and thrived in the intellectual challenge of her classes. She had acquaintances but very few friends in novicehood and acceptedhood, and spent most of her time at her studies. The White Tower opened up a whole new world for her, and an outlet to her insatiable curiosity as well.


    Even before she knew it herself, some of the sisters could already see a White in the making. So it was little surprise when she finally petitioned to join their ranks upon gaining sisterhood. Finally finding a home that felt heart and soul to be where she belonged, she was a woman driven in the search for truth and the inner workings of men, events, and things. Not known to take much leisure, she found over the years that she enjoyed a few things when the moment was available. One of them was poetry, a secret interest that she shared with no one but her journal. Though it might seem odd for someone of her ajah to explore their more subjective and creative sides, Lissa would likely tell you that poetry held its own sort of truth if you looked deeply enough.


    Lissandra was eventually promoted to Sitter, a duty and honor that she takes very seriously.

  6. Appearance

    Hair: Red

    Eyes: slanted pale green eyes,

    Skin: dusky

    Height: 5’7

    Voice: Taia’s voice can be best described as husky. It is low and smooth.




    Special Skills:

    Knowledge Weakness:

    Physical Weakness:

    Personality weakness: Taia does not like children and can be a bit harder on the younger novices in the tower.


    Personality: Taia is hardly soft spoken or quiet. She speaks her mind; she has a temper but also has a good sense of humor. She enjoys a good joke, but can be serious if she needs to be. She likes to spend time in the library reading. As all the women of her country are, she is fiercely loyal once her respect and trust is earned.




    Taia grew up in Saldaea. She was the youngest daughter of a noble family, with three older brothers and one older sister. Being the youngest, and shortest, she was picked on relentlessly by her older siblings. Learning quickly how to fight back or hide was paramount and Taia found that she could be very quiet indeed. She often snuck around to play pranks on her older siblings and then hid away so they couldn’t find her- it was the only way she could get back at them for picking on her. She was closer to her father, who taught her to be quick on her feet in order to avoid the hands trying to pull her hair or jump over feet that tried to trip her. She watched her mother leave on most campaigns with her father, unless it was a battle in the blight. Out of sight, out of mind, Taia did not ruminate on the Blight as much as the men, and most of the women, in Saldaea seemed to.


    When she was about thirteen she found her father preparing to leave to go to the Blight. There was sadness in the air. It was though the household knew that the men would not be coming back. Taia’s mother’s parting words were the same as all Saldaean women said to their men: "If you fall, I will take up your sword." Before her father left, Taia had never given it much thought, but the phrase seemed to be a message of the future. Just over a week later, a message was received that Taia’s father had been killed. The house went into mourning and Taia vowed she would do something to avenge him someday. And help the borderlands in the process. She didn’t like to think that others were now missing their fathers as well.

    Three years later Taia heard there were Aes Sedai in the city. The women were both from the Blue Ajah, and one of them had a Warder with her. The man fascinated Taia - almost more than the women from the Tower. She wondered if they allowed women to train as warders. When she asked the man, he laughed and said no, leaving her disappointed. She had thought that becoming a Warder would allow her to help her homeland, and now it seemed that wouldn’t work. She hadn’t noticed, but while she had asked the Warder her question, his Aes Sedai had been watching her.

    The next day, Taia’s mother called her. She instructed Taia that one of the sisters wanted to see her and Taia needed to treat the woman with the utmost respect. Taia thought this was a silly comment. She was no longer a child; she could curb her temper! She walked to the sisters room and knocked. When she was allowed to enter, she was talked at for a short while and given a small stone she was told to look into the stone, after a little while the stone flickered with light. Then the sister asked if she, Taia, would like to become an Aes Sedai! Taia was excited and thought she had finally found her way to help her house. She agreed and the Sister explained that the group would pick up Taia on their way back through Saldaea. The Tower was all Taia could think about for several months, until the pair of Aes Sedai returned and Taia’s life changed.



    When she got to the tower, life was hard. Taia spent equal time playing pranks as she did learning to use the Power. While she was there she met Miahna Telonne, another novice and also from the borderlands. The two became friends after a loud argument involving chores and who would do what. Taia spent much of her time in Miahna’s company. They were often seen giggling together when not at lessons or doing chores. Miahna was raised to Accepted first however, leaving Taia to the novice white alone. She worked hard toward the banded dress because Miahna could not be her friend unless they were both at the same level. Taia worked harder at her studies and after eleven years as a Novice, she was allowed to take her test for Acceptance.




    Taia had a hard time leaving the arches. She saw things she wanted to come true very much, but she also knew she had friends waiting and she wanted to be Aes Sedai. She left the arches a little less carefree and a little more serious. She hoped to see Miahna again, but she didn’t get a chance to look for her friend as she was kept busy taking classes. And while she had more free time, it was at this time she discovered her love of the library. She liked reading, and found she could remember information quickly. She used her mind to make observations and deductions. She would debate with other Accepted over a variety of things. The others quickly learning that she was deft at winning arguments. She found the Brown and White taking an interest in her after several years, but Taia was not interested. She felt like she had abilities she could use elsewhere. She wanted to fight for something and not stay in the tower studying. She may not have lived next to the Blight as some had but she wanted to do what she could for the Borderlands. If she was stuck in the tower she couldn’t do that. At this time she found that Miahna had joined the Blue Ajah. It would be a long wait till she could see her friend again, and a lot of hard work in the meantime, but it would come and then they could pick up where they had left off. Ten years later, Taia knew that her time to test for the Shawl was coming soon. She talked with some of her other friends about the merits of each Ajah and she found she was close to choosing. How to choose between Blue and Green, though? Blue with the causes and justice or the Green who fought against the darkfriends and held themselves ready for the Last Battle? When the time came and she was tested, however, she passed and immediately knew where she belonged.




    After a day and a night of meditation, Taia joined the Green Ajah. She felt she could do the most good there, that the battles would help her complete her vow from many years ago. First though she had to pass the extra tests the Greens put before her. Taia felt like she was a Novice all over again, though she did have more free time. She was able to find Miahna again and they talked a lot. Taia felt there was a little strain on their friendship due to the different Ajahs, but she was determined to keep her friend and visited as often as she could. Miahna had earned Taia’s loyalty and friendship and she had been taught not to let that go. After she was accepted fully into the Green Ajah, Taia stayed in the tower for many years learning more about what it meant to be an Aes Sedai.




    When she had held the shawl for twenty years, she found she had not left the tower much. Deciding to spend some time in her homeland, she bonded two warders knowing they would be useful to her were she to encounter Trollocs, darkfriends, or anything else. She set out for Saldaea and spent a number of years trying to keep her promise to herself. In the course of that time ,she lost one of her warders. Thankfully, she had not fallen in love with the man as she heard that would make the loss worse. Upon returning to the Tower, Taia found that Miahna had also lost a Warder. The Green tried to comfort her friend but it was too close to the loss for them both. Taia remained in the tower for another few years and then returned to roaming the world. She found that her sharp mind was able to get her out of situations that had at one time seemed almost impossible. She ran into Miahna outside the tower once, and the two traveled together for a time. It was enjoyable and it seemed almost like the return of their novice days. The loss of Taia’s other Warder, however, sent Taia back to the Tower where she has remained since.

  7. Basic Info

    Handle: Aurora

    Characters: Aurora Dovienya (abandonded, re-activating)

    Character Info

    Name: Aurora Dovienya

    Traditional character

    Age: 14

    PoB: Arad Doman




    Hair: Dirty blonde/light brown

    Eyes: hazel; large and round

    Skin: Creamy light brown

    Height: 5’0

    Voice: average pitch; often speaks in challenging and skeptical tones



    Special Skills: pick pocketing, acrobatics, diplomacy

    Personality: pathologically inclined toward petty crime; deceptive, whimsical, selfish; possesses a minimal sense of common decency; covertly affectionate



    I was born and raised the beggar daughter of a peasant beggar and his pleasant beggar wife in a city in Arad Doman. My parents had no professional aspirations of any kind, for themselves or their children. We lived in a wool merchant's den. We earned our keep by the Creator’s grace, for He had given both my father's family and my mother's dominant traits for large, round, sensitive eyes. My father would beg shamelessly, my mother would hold the youngest of my six siblings to her breast as she wept, and the rest of us would cough, cry, and ask questions like, "Mother, when will we get to eat again?" whenever in the presence of the merchant and/or his family.


    My father roamed the streets everyday with his arm pulled into his shirt, my mother would pour water all over my youngest brother to make him appear to be perspiring hideously, and the rest of us would trail around the city pick pocketing, bargaining with imaginary money, and rubbing dust into our eyes to employ a pinkeye effect, and thus gain sympathy.


    One afternoon, as I hurtled down a street to escape the enraged butcher on my trail, I swerved into an alley where I proceeded to chew happily on the length of raw, salted meat that was rightfully mine, as I was one of the poor and needy in the city, and those better off than I owed me their hospitality.


    Once in the alley, my favorite companion and fellow thief, Valor Spartan – a self-appointed last name, for he had none – joined me with his share of our day’s earnings. He presented to me two gold coins, a shabby sleeve of silver chain mail, and half a mug of ale. I rejected the last, as my father always said, "A thief must keep her wits about her, and ale is only for those of strong minds." Such a person would, of course, be only himself.


    Valor was a kind boy, though I imagine he had far more serious thoughts than I. Why I assume this, I do not know, except that he always seemed to know far more of me than I of him, despite our family-like closeness. I did most of the talking, and dictating, I might add, in the days we spent together, and once in a while, at the odd interval of my speeches, I would find him looking at me unexpectedly with those quiet, doe eyes of his. I thought nothing of it at the time, except that it was somewhat unnerving. Now, though, upon reflection, I suspect he might have taken a fancy to me. Yes, I think so. He was an adolescent boy, after all. I hope he is well.


    It was not until the stumbling, red faced butcher came wobbling by, that the cool bricks behind me decided to grow an arm to snatch my prize and return it to him. Baffled and mildly alarmed, I turned, incredulous, to realize that beside me had lurked a man wrapped in a cloak the color and texture of the very wall on which I’d leaned.


    "Nice cloak you got there, sir. Would you mind selling it to me?" I ventured, giving what I thought was an imperceptible wink to Valor.


    "If you were sufficiently wealthy to buy it, why did you steal that jerky?" He replied smartly.


    "Well by the Light, my lord, you insult me! How dare you accuse me of a crime for which you have no evidence that I committed?!" I made a mental note to praise Valor later on for his discreet extraction of four silver coins from a hidden pocket in the man’s cloak.


    The skin at the edge of his mouth was dry and seemed wrinkled as the sideways smile spread slowly over his lips. He glanced down at Valor before replying. "Alright then, my lady, how much are you willing to pay for my cloak? If you aren't a thief."


    After carefully trained squinting of the eyes and fingering of the fabric, speculative humming, and quiet mutterings, I said, "How about seven gold pieces?"


    The man didn't laugh, but his smile seemed to widen. "Only seven! Give me ten!"




    "Done. Can you produce such dazzling wealth on the spot? I really must leave soon."


    "Poltroon. You just don't want to sell me your cloak, even though I've agreed on a scandalously high price! What kind of fool would carry that kind of money around a city like this, where even the youngest of children can pick the pockets of the most weathered thieves there are?!"


    He muttered, "You would know, it seems. But fine. I'll wait a quarter of an hour for you to bring it. My mistress will wait me no longer."


    I flashed a bright smile of consent and ran off down the street toward home. On my way, I noticed Valor crouching among the crowd on the opposite side of the street with his hand in a robust woman's lazy stocking, staring at me with a look like resigned mourning in his shining eyes. I raised my hand to wave to him that I’d be back soon, but didn’t get to see his response as I inadvertently hurled myself into a woman in a long black dress with a wide red stripe down the front.


    The stripe had curling, delicate embroidery at the edges that could have been woven gold. The woman had had a red shawl wrapped across her shoulders that I’d knocked out of place to reveal a gleaming golden broach atop her bosom with a mesmerizing stone trapped within. I sensed my voice whispering from the back of my mind what a pity it was that one would have to molest the woman’s breasts to grab that treasure. The forefront of my consciousness, meanwhile, had been captivated by the dazzling light of the stone, and I was nearly blinded when it suddenly flared like lightening.


    I looked up to see her staring down at me, the shock of impact fading from her face. With my senses returning, I instinctively relaxed the muscles of my face for a thinner effect, rounded my eyebrows, and said croakily, "Spare a coin for the needy, mistress?"


    She said nothing, but let an unsettling smile of serendipitous discovery grow over her lips. As I turned to run, I heard her call, "Odysseus! Collect that child!"


    I was illiterate when I arrived at the White Tower. I can't say that the experience of being taken away from my family left me weary: my parents were happy to have one less responsibility, my younger siblings crying gave me a satisfying feeling of superiority, and the trip was enjoyable – bar the moral chidings I received from Tahira Sedai on a daily basis, every time I attempted to steal something from Odysseus. That man had valuable molars.

  8. Basic Information

    Your Handle : Atia

    Full names of WT characters you already own and their status (active/retired/dead): N/a, first character




    Character Information

    Name (first and last) of this character: Dora Farlee


    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional

    Age of this character * : 18 / 22*

    Name of country where this character is from: Andor





    Hair: Light brown


    Eyes: Light brown

    Skin: Andoran pale

    Height: 155cm (5’2)




    Voice: Not song contest material. normal, a bit high pitched sometimes if she is exited about something.

    Other: She wares simple commoner cloths, and is more cute then breathtaking beautifull.


    Personality: She is a free spirit, and holds every sentient free aswell, free from suppression from those that think themselves in a higher position then others, like nobles and the like. She has a taste of anarchy in her, stepping up against the upper class if she can. Dora takes joy in life, joking where she can to lighten the mood, and to her pain, sometimes where she shouldnt. But all in all she is a kind and social person.



    Special Skills: Local knowlege of Caemlyn and old friends from childhood and taverns, she reads a lot of fiction, a swift learner, her big brother has thought her how to use her limbs, a knife, and a club in self defence, and she is a rather good cook.

    Knowledge Weakness: With no education in courts, lands, history, literature (besides what she read in taverns, and that is mostly tales), music (besides what is heard in taverns), higher mathematics, military, she is kinda unlearned of the current world. Also, she has never sat on horseback.

    Physical Weakness: She stutters if she is in overwhelming fear or in a situation where she should blush...

    Personality weakness: She is a smoker, witch can get her irritated sometimes. She also have a large apatite and resistance to adult drinks.






    Dora Farlee was born on the kitchen table of the Gleemans Trust Tavern, owned by the Farlee family. She grew up to be a Tavern girl, to be her fathers little girl, to be her mothers sweetest, and to be someone everyone loved. Surely, she would take the business over from her mother, who actually ran it, not from her father, who THOUGHT he ran it. She would find some nice boy she loved, and they would marry, get children of her own, die happy. That was the plan, but the weave had other plans for her.


    At least, she worked in the family business as assistant cook beside her mother untill the Aes Sedai found her.



    The first obstacle she had, was her stutter. Unknown to her and her family, she had as a child, on a hike to the woods with her father, big brother, and little sister, nearly drowned in a lake, after a false step when she wanted to go do her duty to nature. She was so scared, she couldn’t tell what happened, and surely, from the shock, she didn’t remember much either, but since then, every time there was water in her sight, she stuttered.

    This ended, when she learned how to swim in a nearby lake, but it came back sometimes.



    As a child, her father had told her great many things, and what had stuck was the philosophy of equality. Everyone is alike in the eyes of the Creator, everyone has limbs and heads, The ears sit on the same place, and there are just small things that make us unique that are different. All in all, nobody should be above the other, but one has to live in the world as it is now...



    When puberty ambushed dora, and so did her teenage years ambush her parents, she started thinking that things might not be EXACTLY as her father told her, but she still held onto some of those values. Like slight contempt towards nobility. Other values on the other hand, like smoking pipe, and secretly drinking wine was different. She fell into an older crowd of fun loving youngsters, and she spent her free time listening to gleemen, drinking, and smoking, maybe even steal a kiss or two from some nice looking lad.


    Love was something that never really found her. She tried to give it a chance many times, but she never felt that really strong attraction to anybody, she was never baffled and taken by light knows what power that the heroes and heroines feel in the gleemans stories. And she really wanted that.


    And then, one day, a woman shows up, and shows her some jewels... after some talking and some kind of game she has never played, she is told the greatest bloody news in her life.


    Yes ladies and gentlemen, the misterious woman was nobody else but an Aes Sedai, searching Caemlyn for girls able to learn the art of channeling and serving all. The jewel game was nothing more then a test, and she had passed! She was so exited! She could become like one of the Aes Sedai in the GOOD stories (Light knows, there are some bad ones), she could maybe change some things in the world while at it, and have tales spun about her own deeds instead of reading about others!

    It was so she got on the jurney to Aringill, and from there sat herself on a boat to Tar Valon, and found herself walking down a ramp to southport.

  9. Handle : Yahna
    Full names of WT characters: None -- just joining the rp boards.

    <u>Character Information</u>
    Name (first and last): Venka Barashti
    State whether this is a Traditional or a Salidar character: Traditional
    Age (Traditional = 14-19 / Salidar = 20-70): 16

    Nationality: Arafellian

    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin: medium golden brown
    Voice:mid-range, crisp, quick
    Other:Not fat but stocky--this is someone who has worked hard most of her life and it shows in a sturdy frame and more muscles than many have. She isn't particularly striking with her looks--her nose is overly long and her jaw overly strong--but she has a definite intensity to her that draws the eye and holds it.

    She was never one to dress in silks or velvets before she came to the Tower and this does not seem likely to change after her time in the Tower. Many of her outfits are tailored for riding but she does allow for the chiming bells that Arafellians prefer on both themselves and their horses.

    Personality: Venka is a rather take-charge sort of woman. A Borderlander through and through, she has much of the toughness and practicality that tends to characterize the inhabitants of the region. Had she not come to the Tower, she likely would have ruled her family through sheer force of personality; since she did come to the Tower, this same intensity has been directed into her work.

    She is loyal, faithful, and dedicated to those who matter to her. She is also driven, harnessing her own personal strength and desire to be Aes Sedai into a determined and intense work ethic.

    Special Skills: Venka grew up as a member of a family that specializes in raising and training horses, both for regular riding and for use as war horses. She was riding ponies before she was even walking steadily and learned from a young age how to train and evaluate horses. As she grew older, she joined in on the merchant-side of the business and had a local reputation in her area of Arafel for being a shrewd and merciless trader and judge of horseflesh. Though she is not as good in training as many other members of her family, she is an excellent horsewoman and can safely handle and ride war-trained horses as well.
    Weaknesses: Stubborn to a fault, Venka is reluctant to admit when she is wrong. This can extend to her becoming set on a certain mindset or interpretation of a set of facts. When she will finally admit that she is wrong, it is often admitted in a gruff, chopped voice and with little grace. She is often blunt to a fault.

    Her personal drive for the shawl often gets extended to those around her, giving her the reputation (often deserved) for being a brown-nosing sycophant. This often widens the gulf between herself and her fellow students.

    She is almost violently strong in her opinions about men who can channel and how they should be handled. She does not believe that rough treatment for these men is appropriate (unless the man gets purposefully violent) and believes they need to be handled with compassion--especially once the Gentling process is finished. She is not afraid to voice these opinions in a public fashion, even if it means that she will face even more social isolation.

    Born the fourth of six children in a small village in southern Arafel, Venka Barashti grew up in a family of horse breeders and traders. The Barashti family has a reputation for raising both normal and war mounts and, as a result, has enough money to be rather comfortable, living and working in a sprawling compound of homes and barns.

    Growing up in such a location, it is unsurprising that Venka was tossed on ponyback before she was even reliably toddling. Like her siblings, Venka preferred to be out with the horseherds, though she was corralled long enough each day to get a fairly solid background in reading, writing, and all the math that merchants would need. While she also received some education on geography and history, it was mostly in terms of Borderland history and mostly phrased in ways most useful for a merchant family. By the time she was approaching adulthood, Venka and two of her female cousins were being groomed for the business side of the family, while most of her siblings were being trained for the animal training side.

    When Venka was fourteen, her oldest (and favorite) brother Opadal began to exhibit strange behavior and odd coincidences. His behavior became so erratic that most in the family began to avoid him and he was often sent out to the pastures of the furthest herd groups to get him away from others. Venka often attached herself to him during these rides, stubbornly refusing to allow him time alone--and more than a little concerned about what would happen if he -was- left alone. Whispers started in the village and soon extended farther out that the young man had begun to channel. It was no surprise then, less than a month later, that a pair of Aes Sedai arrived. It also didn't take long for it to be known that the pair were of the Red Ajah and were here to assess and Gentle Opadal.

    What struck Venka, once the deed was done (Opadal weeping in relief when the pair was finished), was the compassion the Reds showed, not only to Opadal but also to the family at large. He managed to last two years after being Gentled before wasting away from sorrow, largely due to the efforts made by those Sisters. And upon reaching the age of sixteen, Venka chose to journey to the White Tower--for one of those Sisters had tested her and informed her that she could learn to channel Saidar.

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