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Turin Turambar

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Posts posted by Turin Turambar

  1. Can we get the



    Arya slashing littlefinger's throat GIF to match with the Tyrion slapping Joffrey one???


    Too soon?


    Littlefinger: none of you were there. You don't know what happened.


    Bran: you held the dagger to Ned's throat. You told him "I told you not to trust me."


    Littlefinger: oh poo.



  2. My problem is that I look at the people I think will develop and pick them  but frequently don't pull the trigger on starting my hunches and then go "how could I have left those 25 points on my bench. Curse you Ingram!!!" Also picking AP in the first last year didn't help any.


    does Yahoo make you draft an entire team? Meaning a Defense and a Kicker?  



    A bit too many plot holes this week IMO.


    The chains?? Where did they come from? I may be wrong but ships of the type shown would not have chains like that. Also, any idea how heavy iron chains that size would actually weigh?


    The 3 "redshirts" happen to all get killed but the magnificent 7 nearly all live in a 10 on 2000? Battle.


    Gendry runs in that weather how far?


    That's enough of that I guess.


    I don't like Sansa right now. The whole thing feels like she is looking to take over. Might be seen as perfect if Jon becomes either king himself or first prince (or however that would work), or dead in the great battle.


    The dead dragon must have been Richon's. LOL. That throw to kill it was a bit OP tho.


    Is anyone else worried they are taking a boat? Dany's forces haven't fared too well on the sea this year.



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