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Status Updates posted by Volkeskirata

  1. Long time no see Shar'dar. Miss you.

  2. No Idea. Dont have tv so I cant really follow. I usually have a relative call me and tell me how the are doing.

  3. lol well you were out of my Hand reach XD needed that extra few feet to hit you as you ran :P

  4. *blinks, and smacks Wolfbro across the back with the flat of his sword as he flees*

  5. *Leaves a cup of cocoa, and a plate of cookies in the middle of the profile*

  6. *helps the puppy out of the box, and holds it careully. Petting its fur gently* Alright little one. Wheres your mom? and how come you were in a box? *whispers softly, placing his forehead gently against the puppy's Still petting it*

  7. *blinks and his eyes widen. He pets the puppy, and scratches gently behind its ears* Hello little one

  8. <.<


    *opens the box slowly from a distance with a very long stick*

  9. WOOT! *does a victory dance as the Final Fantasy Victory song plays out of nowhere in the background* :tongue:

  10. <.<


    *dumps the entire profile and Heart into the Chili Lake. Hooking up an Irrigation system to the TQ and lime lakes. so that they all mix and flood the profile page*



    *grabs a spoon and tastes*

  11. >.>


    *leaves a pile of real wolf puppies, curled up in warm fluffy blankets in the middle of the profile. With bowls of the Wolfkin TQ and chili special*

  12. xD



    Paints a picture of a wolf howling at the moon on the page, then paints the words "Volke was here" Underneath it

  13. *follows suit. Dodging to the side and shooting, before moving to a new spot and shooting again. Making his way to the door, Moving from cover to cover. Stopping briefly to fire a couple times before moving again*

  14. *Volke Warder relfexs and senses kick and he ducks to the side, bring his gun up and opening fire. Aiming at Hearts face*

  15. *waits patiently, then uses his warder ninja skills to sneak out through the secret entrance of the tank*

  16. *ducks inside the tank and gets a net ready, waiting for her to opent he tank to get at him*

  17. *chuckles as the 2 foot long Nerf Tank round explodes near Heart*

  18. *quickly ducks into a steel incased room, and climbs into a Nerf Battle Tank.Aims the barrel at the door and waits for her to open it*

  19. *gulps, and runs like hell. Throwing NErf Grenades full of impact foam over his shoulder at her*

  20. opens fire on Heart, empting the 200 Nerf rounds in the first clip out on her

  21. *ducks behind cover, pulling out a large nerf gun with lots of bullets, and rapid fire option. And an extra clip of Nerf darts*

  22. *poke* *poke* *poke* stop poking me...

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