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News item Comments posted by mark

  1. Alright I've got a good idea along the lines of iamljubo's suggestion. I'll let you all know when it's complete!

    another one would be of aiel fighting a myrdraal... perhaps the scene when egwene and the girls leave tar valon for tear, and get stoned, and their captors try to sell them to the myrdraal... ending with the fight in a small tower, between several aiel, the myrdraal, the three girls, and nynaeves balefire...

  2. Metal Head, on , said:



    None of the existing tower Aes Sedai (including Egwene) would allow him to take control. And since I don't see Egwene dying, I therefore doubt the two towers will unite.

    acualy i can see Egweme being able to stand with logan as an equeal leader of the new tower rebuilt


    as far as im aware, the hall of servants only had one leader :) but, that doesnt say that the next age cannot have two... with avi's future walk, we know the black and white tower have come down, so i assume that the new tower that eliada started building, will become the new tower for both men and women...


    tho thats just speculative :)


    and i dont think egwene and logain have even met... while they are both strong leaders, i cannot say whether or not they would get along...

  3. Problem in prologue:


    Slate is not a suitable material for a spear/lance point. It is VERY friable, and unsuitable for a weapon point.. Chert/Obsidian /flint perhaps. I hope Brandon fixes this up before final publication.

    you have to use what you can... if slate is the only thing you have, its better than nothing... tho yes... the other stones make for FAR better weapons... slate might cut once, the others you can reuse... but, id rather have a spear with a 1-use point on it, than nothing :)

  4. @twolitre lews said the true power was the DO..."its him!!!" i dont see how rj would have thought rand to use the DO against the DO... seems kinda contradictory...

    as i see it, the TP and the OP are balanced against eachother, much like saidar and saidin... the OP the force of creation... the TP the force of destruction...

    if so, the OP would be the only thing capable of restoring the seal on the DO's prison... not the TP, tho im sure it will play some part in TG


    we know it cannot draw saidar, because it was used during the cleansing of saidin in a circle, and there was nothing unusual about it...


    i believe that because calendor doesnt have a buffer, it is actually capable of harnessing FAR more power, than the choden kal... when used in a circle(as we suspect), the buffer that is the circle, is what limits the amount of power it can draw on...

    but to draw on that much power through it, without a circle, would be VERY dangerous... potentially to how much was used to form dragonmount... lews too had a sword of light when it was created... and he wasnt in a circle... ;-)


    i believe that it will be used both in a circle, and solo, during the last book... as lews probably did...

  5. I've only just finished the first book, so I know very little about the different groups. They seem far too political for me to want to join any of them. Being a male, I'm not even sure I'd be able to.

    Blue Ajah - is to fight worthy causes and right wrongs, which they do in a focussed, passionate manner.

    Brown Ajah - forsakes involvement with the mundane world and dedicates itself to seeking and preserving knowledge.

    Green Ajah - holds itself ready for Tarmon Gai'don and when the Last Battle comes, will ride in the forefront.

    Grey Ajah - mediators, seeking harmony and consensus.

    Red Ajah - is focused on finding men who can channel and gentling them; or more properly, bringing them to Tar Valon to be tried and gentled.

    White Ajah - forsaking both the world and the value of worldly knowledge, devotes itself to questions of philosophy and truth.

    Yellow Ajah - wholly devoted to Healing sickness and injury as well as researching new weaves to restore health.

    Black Ajah - Devoted to serving the dark one.

  6. @damer flinn, during the cleansing, calendor was used in a circle, and it didnt seem to do anything other, than act as an angreal... it was the candle beside the beacon that was the chodenkal... it may have a potential beyond the chodenkal, but only if used outside of the circle(buffer) and then, it would definately kill the wielder...

  7. i musta missed that part about ishamael sending the trollics that day :)


    and, im not so sure about that :) the message written at the beginning of TGH in fal darras dungeon, "the daughter of the night walks"(if memory serves).... i dont see how anyone could have known if she was just released.. she mustve been released sometime in eotw, and maybe just getting her geography down... the "aes sedai that were with rand since the beginning" could refer to leaving the two rivers, or, to when rand first found out he was the dragon... tho... in its essense, id have to agree, that meirin probably wouldnt count as "with rand since the beginning" as she wanted rand to be with her, not her with rand(prides a fickle friend i tell ya), so she'd probably not fit with the picture :(

  8. @fikkie77 its debateable whether meirin was with rand from the beginning... someone sent the trollocs into the two rivers to find rand... she always played with rands strings from the shadows...


    tho its true that lanfear is only first mentioned in tgh... i find it very hard to believe that her first contact with rand, was in the mirror world... like "gee... i wonder if this is lews... lets transport him to another reality and then poke a grolm with a stick in order to find out"

  9. If that's supposed to Nynaeve in yellow (who else would be at the final battle with Rand at the pit of doom to help him wield Callandor in a Circle) I think the artist forgot about her "impressive bosum"


    nynaeve, egwene, alivia, meirin... could probably add more to the list of potential people who could fill that role... take your pick...

  10. This is just AWSOME !! I just started another re-read and hope to finnish up right as this book hits the shelves.


    Nynaeve and Moiraine is my guess but thinking also Alivia and Moiraine ? Does'nt she wear yellow ?


    Just made the cover my "background"


    nynaeve wears yellow yes, but she doesnt often wear green... lan likes blue and white... and that dress is clearly yellow and green... she also has short(it got burnt short during her aes sedai test), dark brown hair... but that pic has light brown hair...


    alivia has golden hair, with white hilights... that picture has light brown hair...


    cyndane has long silvery hair... again that pic has light brown hair


    egwene has long dark hair(not as dark as nynaeves)... but that pic has short hair...


    the woman pictured there, imo, is either unknown at this time(i doubt) or, another error... moraine is obvious... this yellow woman... needs to be touched up(my bet)

  11. @centerwind... i assume you meant the woman in yellow could be nynaeve, lanfear, egwene or alivia... to which i can only say... maybe?


    yea, rand clearly(to my mind) has calendor, and justice... but the dagger, could be the bronze dagger, i doubt its the SL dagger, or, its simply a mistake :) there are a number of other errors in the picture for us to know for certain...


    its an eclipse

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