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News item Comments posted by mark

  1. I think we could even assume that Nynaeve is not pregnant yet because she, with her channelling awesomeness, will be too important in the LB (imagine how the difficulties would piss her off :).


    wow... a woman, letalone a yellow AS, missing her monthly for 3 months and not noticing, letalone getting delved? then going and putting herself into dangerous situations(testing), while not having any difficulties holding onto saidar... imo, that would be a "no"...

  2. By that logic, the outside skin of the Nym wouldn't be corrupted, but the inside might be. :P


    Since the Talisman uses saidin only, I think anything it makes would eventually be tainted.


    and by that logic, the inside wall of the waygates would be corrupted, and the outside wouldnt be, but they arent... the ways are corrupted, not the waygates... the ways are not in this world, the waygates are... the corruption of the ways cannot come here... thus, the nym wouldnt be susceptible to it...


    and, doesnt the talisman use ogier song to grow the ways? does it use saidin too?

  3. Also, I think that the Nym would become corrupted if they were created with the Talisman of growing--like the Ways. We see Someshta is wounded, but I don't think he was corrupted.


    i dunno about that... the taint is in the ways themselves, i dont think that the way's corruption can come outside the ways... for example, the waygates, havent become corrupted... and theyre directly connected to the ways... i dont think that nym would be effected by the taint of the ways... even if theyre both grown by the talisman of growing...


    and as theres only one talisman of growing(that we know of) that could explain why there probably werent many nym, even if they could continually make them... the talisman hadnt been invented/made yet...

  4. I sent your question to Maria (one of Robert Jordan's assistants) and she said "To the best of my knowledge, the soul comes into play at birth." so there you have it. You can't get a better source than Maria!




    there ya have it :D it is possible for brigette to die, and be reborn as one of elaynes babies

  5. @lavender


    agreed, rands plate is FULL, and if we're going to leave him to solve every problem, the last book will be very boring...


    yea, gaidal is an infant, clearly he cant have a large role in the books... he couldnt be 3 yrs old...


    we know that mat survives, as RJ was planning the outrigger novels... the rest, we dont really know tho... tho i do find it hard to believe that as the series ended with a leveling of every major character, that it will end with all the major characters still alive...

  6. I've always had this feeling that Gaidal Cain has already been spun out. In one of the books (Ican't remember which) Birgitte comments that she hadn't seen Gaidal around as much and she figured that he had been spun out again.


    My thoery is that Gaidal Cain or his soul is Olver. Birgitte and Olver have a strange bond as if they have known each other for years.


    Anyway just something to think about


    RJ has said that oliver is not gaidal... but yes, he has been spun out, the theory is that he is a child of one of the ashaman... i forget the exact quote, but the ashaman clearly described him as quite ugly... "face like a stump" comes to mind...

  7. RJ said there was 7 ages in all... imo, the stories stay the same, but the characters keep changing :) if something exists in all 7 ages, it is neither created, nor destroyed in any... i believe there are only 2 items like that... the horn, and the dragons banner... the two items seem connected in a way most dont understand... nor do i see how either could have been created, tho that may be a lack of imagination...


    and, ive never heard of anyone stop being one of the heros, but artur did say that the wheel does add to their number from time to time, so it is understandable that the heros also stop being heros at some time...


    as far as the DO being destroyed, i believe that the DO will be destroyed in this age, and replaced with fain after the bore is repaired... but i spose ill have to wait 3 months to be proven right :D

  8. @mark

    rand is not going to save lan,he is going to send help,his destination is

    shayol ghul, for some small and overdue battle with the do.


    completely agree... rand is not going to tarwins gap... nor is perrin or mat... or the white tower for that matter... but perrin did say that the wolves were already heading north to the blight... THEY are the ones who will really take back malkier...


    that much said, rand probably wont send help, he's got enough on his plate... but the wheel weaves the pattern, it already has set into motion to bring peace to the blight... with or without rands reinforcements

  9. @mashiara


    TAR is a world which, that which you believe, is true... the rings mimic TAR in most respects... nynaeve was left out of most of the early discussions between egwene and moraine, so she skipped the parts in the discussions which moraine said that saidar and saidin are different, and from there, went to other aes sedai who taught her how to use it... as far as im aware, she wasnt told(or found out herself) that she cant feel saidin, until after her testing... she felt saidin's weaves while in the rings, simply because she didnt know that she couldnt...


    i do believe nynaeve and lan are heros of the horn too, but thats unrelated in this instance... she had no memories while in the rings, she didnt have memories of all her past lives... i dont see how she would have known the saidin dectection weaves, letalone used them, without foreknowledge or mention of em...


    as for egwene's testing, of being amerlyn, i would say that moraine had earlier said that she *could* become amerlyn, so the seed of thought had already been planted... so while it may appear as prophecy, its actually not... that this actually happened, yet not atall like in the rings only aids my perspective... she wasnt stripped of the stole, she wasnt pronouncing judgement over rand, she already knew which ajah she would join... its all in her mind, within the scenario to test her fears.


    i believe the wolves are FAR more likely to save lans army, rather than rand or the WT...

  10. @jack theres another MASSIVE army that youre forgetting... thats already left for the blight... the one which twisted ones and neverborn fear... the wolves.


    and yes, gathering all the worlds leaders (summoning the nine rods of dominion sound familliar?) is a strategically stupid idea...

  11. I've always thought that the events in the test for accepted were alternate futures and we should be on the lookout for some of those events to come true.


    actually, the rings that the accepted go through, work similar to TAR, beliefs of the person, forms the scenarios... they are not alternate futures... which is why nynaeve could alter the weaves of saidin, or re-open the exit, she didnt know that she couldnt.


    nynaeve believed she wanted lans babies, and so, for the future ring, she had lans babies


    and the AS testing terangreal, again similar to the rings, but the scenarios are chosen by those outside of the terangreal, not the one inside...



    those events are not foretellings.

  12. id say that brigette has more images than rand, simply because she's spun out more often... rand is spun out what... once per age? mat is spun out almost immediately? perrin, i have no clue about... but brigette and gaidal have been spun out hundreds of times, through thousands of ages...


    i really dont know who will die during the last book... i suspect brigette and perrin will... and we know rand will... tho, i cant foretell :( would make this all alot easier...

  13. fancy that!


    perhaps its like min... a talent that shows up SO uncommonly... because that memory rand was in, was near the end of the age... if it had of shown earlier in the age, there wouldnt have been the "now"... once the nym had first been constructed, id expect the crafter to start turning them out, paying teams of people to build them, and then channel them to life...


    so if it showed up in just one AS, near the end of the age, theres only one question... if its so rare of a talent, to be able to "grab waiting souls"... whats the likelyness that nynaeve, or anyone else, has that talent? wouldnt that be like pulling out a golden gun at this point?


    i would expect it to have shown earlier... theres no foreshadowing of the talent manifesting in anyone i know of...

  14. Grabbing souls could definitely be a Talent; maybe that's why there weren't so many Nym. I don't think it says right out, but I believe there were only a few Nym made.


    i dunno about that... making terangreal is also a talent, not everyone can do it(as is said by the seanchan in TGH)... and there are clearly more than a few a'dam... i mean... if it takes less than a day to make one... which it does... with one person making them... there would be ALOT in notime...


    i mean... if its a matter of talents, or supplies, id expect there to be ALOT of nym... which would mean, that its a matter of demand... there wouldnt be many nym, because they use the songs of the aiel and ogier... a group of them, only need one nym...


    just as with the a'dam... theres no point in making a bazillion of them if you can only use a few thousand...

  15. i think... its important that we distinguish between a thread, and a soul... because in randland, its clearly possible to have a thread, without a soul... thus, the soulless... they clearly dont have a soul, but they do have a thread... and i dont see how it could go the other way(soul without a thread)...

  16. i just meant... that randland has many similarities to our own, and also, several differences... and the issue has not come up before in the book... and i dont know RJs personal opinion...


    again, id say that babies have souls before their born, but it would still be an ironic twist to the books...

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