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News item Comments posted by mark

  1. Secondly there is Callandor.  The Three become one.  Perhaps the OP. TP, and the Light?  Recall Rand's first use of Callandor.  He made this construct that sought out and killed every trolloc and fade in the stone.  This wasnt something Lews Therin could do.  If I recall, Lanfear didnt know what he was doing.  And if LT could do it, then along with the 2 powerful Sa'angreal, they could have ended the war of shadow easily.  I think that Callandor helps channel the Light.


    the only things i have against that theory, is that calendor was used during the cleansing, and it was nothing more than an angreal... and, that rand channeled with "the light" at the eye of the world, before he even knew of calendors existence...


    while it would be nice for posterity to have a power of "the light"... at this point in the story, it would kinda be like mat pulling a ray-gun out of his hat...

  2. @mashiara

    what makes you think moridin went to finnland? the finn may just as easily, have killed lanfear, and then moridin had her resurrected... infact, i dont see how(or rather why) he would have gone to finnland to collect lanfear only to kill her and resocket her soul into another body...


    moraine said that asking questions about the DO was dangerous... and lanfear did have the black cord to the DO. so i assume that was what caused the door to melt, and, i highly doubt she lived long... moraine likely asked to "leave" but failed to specify when, or in what condition... lanfear aparently, didnt.


    rand and moridin are sharing similar traits since their strange bonding... but i dont think this extends to, if one dies, both die... it might, but i see no evidence for that.

  3. oh i disagree that killing the DO would make time linear... i dont think the wheel would be able to spin without the DO, for long at least... i do think that rand will kill the DO tho. i think that fain is a young DO, and after rand kills the DO, fain will take his place inside the prison... where he'll be able to grow for the next few ages until this age comes again, where he's killed and replaced again... and the wheel keeps turning...

  4. @neeknack and yet we also see other forsaken use the TP, in the ToM prologue for one... clearly it isnt restricted only to the naeblis...


    and, i believe that demandred is hiding as the king of murandy... he came out of nowhere, and quite quickly became close to the band, and able to finance a military considerably larger than a country of the size should be able to...

  5. @darthe RJ already said souls couldnt be split between multiple people...


    @michaelofthewhite moridin is not taim... although it is possible they are father/son...


    @metalhead moridin was not named naeblis as far as we're aware, he could have just claimed the title... we dont see a scene where the do is naming him... moridin just showed up to the other forsaken and told them he was...

  6. Don't forget Rand's Grandmother (Janduin's Mother) Nakomi.

    She went to Ruidean the second time and did not return and was "Forgotten".  Only to show up when Avi was going the second time.  I think she learned something when she went through the rings the first time and "remembered" it when she went the second time, and that was to "not return to Mount Chandier".


    That's my theory.  They tell Avi when they send her the second time, to go to Ruidean the second time and they do not know her until she returns as a sister wise one.

    nakomi is rands grandmother??? got a reference?


    they also said similar to rand when he and mat went to rhuidean... to the pillars... i suspect this is more ceremonial than anything else...

  7. @metalhead popular vote is against it? news to me...


    as i said, sulin and rand probably share a father... sulin was probably born years ahead of tigraine's marriage to janduin...


    so they are blood related, tho i do agree, she isnt a huge character, and probably wont be pivital to the story...

  8. Metal Head, I'm going to politely disagree with your idea that Sulin is Rand's brother.  We know Janduin was very young for a clan chief, so I don't think he would have been old enough to have a child who is Sulin's age.  Interestingly, her clan is never listed.  ???  I've checked Encyclopaedia-WoT.org and it's not even mentioned there.  Do we ever get told?  I can't recall.  But, she is described as such: "She is wiry and white haired. (TFoH,Ch7) She has blue eyes. (LoC,Ch1) She is wiry, scarred and leathery with white hair. (ACoS,Ch2)" (Encycloapedia-WoT).  She obviously a much older woman than someone who could be Rand's sister.  When she said "first-brother," I think it's just the way the Maidens adopted him.


    gotta disagree with you there too... we hear the maidens call him "son of a maiden", but "first brother" is a relation...


    now, if sulin was was tigraine's child, as a maiden, she would have had to either give her up, and thus sulin wouldnt know of the relation, or, give up the spear, in thus rand wouldnt be born of a maiden as referred to in prophecy...


    the only solution that i can see, is that tigraine had a sister-wife, who wasnt a maiden, and sulin was her child... in this way, sulin would have known tigraine, and thus rands relation to her as a first-brother... and, would account for the physical similarities, and differences :) while they would be considered blood kin, they have different mothers...

  9. youre taking the "three shall be one" out of context, the exact quote is this TGS ch 48


    TGS ch 48 He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one


    in my mind this is clearly about callandor and rand needing to be linked with 2 women to use it properly. nothing to do with mat or perrin or 3 taveren. in fact it makes me wonder if we've been too focused on lans potential death and not thought enough about if being linked to rand at the time will cost us Nyneave.

    i would agree that calendor is probably a part of the picture... but the "and" doesnt specifically mean that the 3=1 is a reference to linking... it could be rand+calendor, and mat and perrin... or some other combination...


    tho, i should add that rand did have a blade of light in EotW, that wasnt calendor...

  10. In both cases the woman initiated and the man “seized control” to complete the link. The only difference is that Nynaeve senses Saidin in the initiation and Pevara does not. This is probably due to Rand being the most powerful male Aes Sedai, using the most powerful Sa’angreal created for a man and Androl being, as we are repeated told, so week in the power.

    In other words, there is no error.


    thats not what the text says tho... this time, the woman was incapable of initiating it... she tried, and the link was only created when the man initiated, which is an error...


    and of the AS/AM bonded pairs, we've been told that women have been able to see the flows, and feel the power(taint) flowing... this time, she felt nothing, which again, is an error...

  11. Hi everyone, i reasonably new to the website so bear with me. I share some of your views on who might die and what will happen in a showdown with Moraine and Cyndane.

    What puzzles me is is Rand's vision of Meirin (if i have the spelling right) in the world of dreams. If i remember correctly, Meirin bored the hole in the dark ones prison when she went over to the shadow. She is Lanfear. I cannot remember where i read it though.




    and yes, meirin is lanfear, she was the main one who originally bored the hole into the DOs prison... we saw this vision when rand was doing his adventure through the pillars of rhuidean...


    this is ironically why i think that she will be mainly responsible for giving rand the key to recreating the prison... she has the most knowledge about it.

  12. Mark you write all your stuff like its hard facts.

    i find it quite difficult to theorize while believing that im wrong...


    that much said, the "black hand", which is resistant to the fluxuations of the power, would either be cuiendiar, or an unknown ter'angreal, or a darkfriends hand, or... something else entirely... there are many theories on what thats talking about, and i dont know which camp i fall into...


    as far as im aware, we've only seen two colours of cuiendiar... black and white... and all cuiendiar we've seen made, is white... meaning either we just havent seen women make it black, or its a thing of saidin... which, as its the last book, would kinda be a bad logical progression as far as story-telling goes...


    as for callendor, we can only theorize on what we've seen... when it was used at the cleansing, in a circle we noticed nothing unexpected, it worked like any other sa'angreal... and every time its been used without a circle, we've yet to see it cap out... we also know that circles act as a buffer, that you cannot draw so much that you burn out... this leads me to believe that the circle is acting as the buffer that callendor is apparently missing... i have no evidence to show that cadsuane is wrong.


    and i dont see how a ter'angreal hand, or a cuiendiar hand for that matter, would negate that... we've yet to see an angreal being made, letalone a sa'angreal, letalone a "patch" to make a flawed one work... imo, its a bit late in the series for that...

  13. I think the only difference is the strength. I think it's similar to a pond and a lake. An angreal "holds" a smaller amount of accessible One Power than the sa'angreal, the way a pond holds a smaller amount of water than a lake. (Obviously not the best comparison, but bodies of water are judged by size, unlike a screwdriver and a novelty screwdriver.)


    so then its merely opinion? where do they draw the line where angreal becomes sa'angreal?


    and imo, theyre all just big puddles ;-)

  14. I was doing a re-read and had a new ideal I don't think has been put down on paper yet. Min sees an onyx, or looks like onyx, hand holding Callandor. But I don't think its gonna be used against him that way. The onyx hand is Rand's new hand. That Elayne will craft for him.


    cuiendiar from saidar is white... this leaves me to believe that cuiendiar from saidin is black... meaning, that IF rands hand is replaced by the power, itll be a saidin crafted hand...


    also, the flaw with callendor is that it doesnt have a buffer... which is why it must be used(safely) with 2 women, so the link acts as the buffer... i believe that callendor is capable of pulling more saidin through it than even the choden kal could... however, it would be crazy stupid to do so without the buffer(im thinking dragonmounts creation)... but in the circle, the buffer that is the women, limit it to less then the choden kal...

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