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News item Comments posted by mark

  1. @crusader i wouldnt say the 3rd is actually a power... its just the influence a t'averin has over the way the pattern is weaved... and the way rand said it "it blocks the one power, and the one power only" would imply that the one power is blocked, but i dont see how that could block the t'averin influence on the pattern...and by "and the one power only" would imply the use of another power, not the t'averin influence...


    rand may have a well, but ive yet to see any evidence for this... unless he made one out of one of the items he commonly carries... but we've never seen him have any skill in that area...


    using the TP is the only viable way that i see... in both the wording, and history... assuming rand still has the ability to use the TP, via his connection with moridin... and as that connection hasnt been severed(yet) he would still have access to it at that point in time.


    and remember... that the characters in WoT dont know everything... we've heard lews say "its him[]the DO]" about the TP, but then, lews only had very limited access to it... we dont know for certain if that is true...

  2. @gholam thats a fun theory... and it makes sense too :) when rand was fighting in TAR in tear... he almost swapped bodies with lews... its a fun theory that luc+isam are the same way... changing at will in TAR...


    well... just because a male starts to channel, doesnt mean they continue... as i understand it, as soon as the male aiel found out they could channel, they went to the blight... they may just not have the skills... whereas they grew up with the spear inhand...


    it may be a new creation... but something makes me doubt it... it wouldnt fit in with the story line imo...

  3. @metalhead think... if a child of a maiden is hidden so well that nobody knows the mother, is sulin was a daughter of tigraine, even she wouldnt know of that connection... but, if she was a daughter of tigraines sister-wife... and she was not a maiden... sulin would know the mother, and where she went... it would then be an easy jump from mother to child...


    sulin is probably rands sister, according to aiel custom... even though she was from a different mother :) if sulin was a daughter of tigraine, she would have been hidden like every other child of a maiden...


    only solution i know of, is that sulin's mother, was sister-wife of tigraine, and she, was not a maiden...

  4. @metalhead yea, i remember that scene with sulin, right before dumais wells... and, having a sister wife, im pretty sure the children of both wives were considered first siblings... its equally possible that tigraine had both rand and sulin, but something tells me that there was a sister-wife involved... one who wasnt a maiden... else, how would sulin know? the children of a maiden are secreted away from the mother and hidden so none would know child it was... but if sulin grew up with her mother, and sister-mother(?) she would have known about her connection with rand(even if she thought them both dead)...

  5. well... i dunno about that millon... RJ said there is no end to the turning of the wheel... this turning cannot be the end...


    tho, to my eyes... and for many of the same reasons as in this theory... fain is like, a young dark one... sworn to destroy the world, focused on rand(as the previous was focused on lews... hence why the DO always calls him by that name), headed to SG... not to mention that rand has already said he was trying to kill the DO...


    how do you fix the cell while the DO is coming out? you pull it out, kill it, stuff something smaller(fain) in, and then reseal it...

  6. well... with mat's wish to the finn for the medallion, he wanted to "be free of aes sedai"... but, the aes sedai are not the ones to channel the true power, i do not see why the medallion would block the true power... not to say that it cant... but that it wouldnt wish-wise... so... moridin vs mat, what happens when a warrior fought a channeler... can someone say, dumais wells?

  7. @jack yea... its kinda unfair for him to be on the channeling side(meh, ill just stand here and kill a hundred thousand trollocs with the wave of a hand, after showing up at the white tower, and i coulda broke through 2 circles of 13's shields if i wanted too), and theres no logical reason to put him on the non-channeling side...


    to my mind... rand is the pinnacle of power wielders, mat the pinnacle of fleshy fighters, perrins the pinnacle(or soon to be) of TAR controllers...


    in my opinion... having the three in there is an easy win(oh look, mats in there)...

  8. not to mention, that the DO can only reincarnate the threads he can catch immediately at death... any amount of balefire puts it completely out of his reach.


    the only one who has any real ability to reincarnate, is the creator... spinning threads at its will... and yea, i dont see rand surviving the last battle... in aviendha's vision in rhuidean, they said that rand just "walked away" and never being seen again... i assume this meaning him walking through a gateway into TAR to seal the bore, and dieng in the attempt(or success)... then being reborn in TaR as the "true dragon", having ALL memories from ALL lives past(like brigetta had)... i dont see rand coming back from that death...


    then... ask in a week and id probably be in the other camp...

  9. @theodril i agree that perrin may kill isam... tho, i think if he has any chance, he has to enter in the flesh, like isam does... so they'd have an equal footing... perrin and a pack couldnt take isam... i dont see how perrin would be able to take him down alone any other way...


    and remember... lanfear is also a master of the world of dreams... and, she's the one that made the bore, if she's coming back to the light, she'd be the best one to give rand the key to sealing it right :)

  10. @metalhead... i dunno about aviendha's death... she's yet to have her children... and, as it has been mentioned, the easiest way of preventing what the children do, is to not have them, not to die... tho... from avi's future walk, the children were stuffed up, but, did they really cause the banishment of the aiel? no... i dont see how her death or celibacy would change that future we saw...


    the problem was, that the aiel wernt included in the peace of the seanchan... THAT is what she has to fix... the aiel are loosing their purpose... rand has to give them a new one...

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