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Status Updates posted by Bellanoire

  1. dude get on msn

    not enough room on here to ask questions

    and walk me through this !*begs* please for your banned!*w*

  2. heheheh saw you add me on two of my facebooks!*l*

    hugs now you can't get away!!*mmmwwwaahhhh!!!

  3. hey sweetling where are you? If I'm not mistaken you either just got married or are getting married soon! come on give me the gossip!

    spanks and hugs


    good luck and congrats if I've missed it!

  4. mmm puurrrss love captain kirk! always had a crush on him!

    anywho, I'm having problems with the last lesson

    you've given us what stats to use to begin with, reading the others aswers and looking at the instructions wheren't we supposed to botch our strength? and are we supposed to roll everything again? what numbers are we fighting against. I'm not gettin...

  5. ok so my phone number is 518-761-2632, I'm still upstate new york, you can call just know its my mothers phone so i can't stay on long messages and emails are better, i also have facebook

    4 accounts,lol I'm suffering from multible facebook syndrom, so they are Bellanoire, bella noire, Nicole Caracciola, and Nicole Bacon, hehehe add all four never know which one I'm on

  6. *pokes* well start using it!*l*

  7. did you ever get my msn request?

  8. Dude loved the "doing the trolloc line!rotflol.

  9. hey what happened to the prank? what did lessa do?

  10. hmmmm you still poking around here?*hugs* Glad to see you pup!

  11. Just letting you know I sent you the answers to my test, only have one problem the warder boards no longer have the three different disaplines and the stickies each board had so i was not able to answer number 10. Please let me know if you need anything else, or even just let me know how i did on the test sometime between now and tuesday, then I am going to be a little scare due to school

  12. Well dude its not only that, I have Impy online alot but we want you in msn too, . oh and btw can i get out of doing dice training? I'm jut feeling like an ass that i'm the only one not getting this shit, especially the last lesson, and totally clueless on how to put it together. seriously I'm not that dumb but I just can't get the logic of this game!!and its seriouls pi...

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