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Everything posted by Jeannaisais

  1. Hooray for an awesome birthday! And hooray for crazy? lol It's the last month of the school year and good golly does it get crazy - last days with seniors, state testing, track meets, and baseball games, and oh yeah you're still supposed to be teaching some level of content...
  2. Steak dinner for a bday sounds very nice!
  3. I used to have a list of those somewhere but I got rid of a lot of my dragonmount/band stuff 😒 Flaming Shot Infantry Brew Calvary...... wonder if Corki remembers bc I don't lol So time to make NEW ones!!! The new and improved! Ready for the 21st century. We'll start with um hmm for the archers... um.... *gets lost in thought*
  4. *sips on her sangria* Who knew there were so many other options lol So how do make the Band's version of one of these 'bombs' - or... no don't tell me.... we'll find in the Infantry latrines, won't we?
  5. I need to ask if the p. 34 was mom or dad's idea bc it sounds more like something dad would do lol
  6. PETE! He's so cute I could eat him... ahem I mean - so sweet lol And thanks - it's been so fun to get back in the swing of being on DM and chatting and creating has been and continues to be tons of fun πŸ™‚
  7. The Land of Broken Dreams by Jonathan Young
  8. It's insane what some people can do with food, especially cakes! And chocolate of course I know it's chocolate week but .... my mom is a witch when it comes to decorating cakes and here's the one she made for my last b-day (and it was chocolate cake lol candle placement courtesy of my 6 yo son lol)
  9. FOUND IT!!! https://wholesomecrumbs.com/vegan-dark-chocolate-peanut-butter-fudge-oil-free/#recipe
  10. I need to move to Spain, or actually visit more than the airport in Barcelona lol
  11. *peers around to see who else might snag the chocolate first, sees no one, grabs herself a piece* Thanks for the delivery @Elgee!!!
  12. @Elgee LOVE that dragon! @Cross the owl is adorable!!
  13. Right? I'm always so impressed by what folks can create!
  14. My sister found a dark chocolate peanut butter fudge recipe for this past holiday season and omg sooooo good!! I'll look for it!
  15. My fav form of dark chocolate is fudge But my body hates dairy so I use recipes similar to this one: https://bohemianvegankitchen.com/classic-dairy-free-cocoa-fudge/#recipe
  16. We all enjoy a good dose of chocolate and we tend to enjoy it even more when it looks really pretty first! Share your favorite chocolate sculpture finds in this thread!
  17. Only planned trips for me as of now are Seattle and DC - I think I may also do a weekend trip with my son up to Omaha for a weekend (it's barely a 2 hour drive for me to get to Omaha). My kiddo is also going to do some type of camping-like trip with his grandparents while I'm in DC What I *want* to do is go back to Europe but gonna have to save up for that one and I've got a bunch of house projects I need to take care of first (woo adulting.....)
  18. I love getting in some summer travel (I'm a teacher so have those months 'off' and usually plan a few trips) - this year I'm doing DC for a book fair in June and then Seattle with the mom and sis in August. So July needs a little something, probably closer for taking my son with me. Though I'm debating if I do something this year or if I save up so he and I can go abroad in a few years time as I'd LOVE to take him to Spain with me
  19. I'm planning a girls trip with my mom and sister to Seattle this summer and my mom already booked our lodgings!! Now to get the flight and ground transportation in order! πŸ™‚
  20. The divorce was for the best - definitely an upheaval and there's, of course, a lot more that went into (the tldr version is he cheated on me and blamed me for the marriage falling apart and lived in the house for 3 months after he said he wanted a divorce so.... that was... not fun). But like ya said, much healthier for me and the young lad πŸ™‚ Congrats on your marriage! I hope you have many many years of happiness πŸ™‚ And yes Seattle does look like fun - we're thinking early August so need to get crackin on some plans if we wanna make it happen!
  21. Hahaha I'm sure we've all got our own stashes of drinks hiding all over this place - no one set it on fire, aight? lol Life is good! Dunno if you saw but my past year or so involved getting divorced but ngl being a single mom is way better than being a married single mom. Less stressful lol My kiddo and I do all sorts of stuffs together - trying to decide what summer trip we're gonna take. My sister and I are hoping to make it up to Seattle and I need to decide if my kiddo (he turns 7 in March) will join us for that or not. Other than that I'm still teaching and writing books - what about you Tay?
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