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Posts posted by Suttree


     I don't know what you mean by 'whinge' but Perrin does not whine... The most ignorant of your statements was that he was 'whingeing' :P


    Indeed...how ignorant of Elan to hit the nail on the head.




    Uh no, he did not complain fretfully... no. As I explained before, he did not want leadership and there is nothing wrong or weird about that.


    Usually would never go with argumentum ad populum but feel safe doing so here. You may be the first poster I have ever seen at DM or Theoryland who has taken the above stance. If there is one thing that can't be argued it's that he complained in a fretful manner about leadership and Faile's capture over the course of multiple books. Not wanting leadership and not whinging about the situation are two vastly different things.

  2.  I don't know what you mean by 'whinge' but Perrin does not whine... The most ignorant of your statements was that he was 'whingeing' :P


    Indeed...how ignorant of Elan to hit the nail on the head.




    I don't think the Rand of those dark months would have helped him. The Rand of those dark months would have seen how he could use Perrin. Look at it this way, the Rand of those dark months would have seen how effective Perrin could be while the kidnapping of his wife was driving him. No Perrin wouldn't want to go to Rand for help. 


    Rand was certainly going that direction but as of TPoD his dark phase was not even close to this being an issue.

  3. Yeah, the whole Perin and the Shaydo subplot is so dumb it's just painful to read. Perin needs an army and has Travelling available it makes zero sense that he didn't ask go to ask for help his close friend, who happened to be the most powerful man in the world and was already an enemy of the Shaido and had a huge army and numerous channellers. No, instead he made a deal with the Seanchan of all people. Completely ridiculous stuff.



  4.  I think BS wanted to add a hint about what will happen about after the Last Battle with his bound with Pavera Sedai. We know in Age of Legends (i don't truly know terms in english sorry) male and female Aes Sedai works together and their bound's uniqueness gives us a clue.


    Hope the encyclopedia expands on this topic a bit. Would be interesting to hear how they work together as we know Ashsaman and AS stay separate post LB. There is also the bit about Brandon getting the mechanics of linking wrong which makes me wonder about some of the rest. It's been posted a few times but Luckers had a spot on "Isam" style recap of that scene:



    Pevara: I'm Aes Sedai, you're a man who can channel. You scare me.

    Androl: I can't trust you.

    Pevara: I can help you plan your coup against Taim. He's taken the rest of my sisters. That totally happened. I cried. Off screen.

    Androl: You offer yourself as bait?

    Pevara: Say what now?

    Androl: Ah sarcasm.

    Pevara: You really don't know anything about Aes Sedai do you?

    Androl: Wait, what about your ideas for the coup?

    Pevara: We're discussing Aes Sedai now. Keep up.

    Androl: Well, sure I know alot about Aes Sedai. I know all your innermost flaws.

    Pevara: So you've spent time studying us?

    Androl: Oh no, I've avoided you as best I can.

    Pevara: Then how can you know about flaws none but the Wise One's, some Kinswomen and maybe Fortuona know about.

    Androl: I read this thread: http://www.dragonmou...f-an-aes-sedai/ . How did you know about those other things?

    Pevara: eWoT, idiot. Let's link.

    Androl: Well, okay, just so long as you don't freak out on me.

    Pevara: Don't be silly. Now, break the laws of physics and initiate the link. Don't worry, I misunderstood something I studied earlier. It will work.

    Androl: Okay...

    Pevara: ZOMG YOU'RE CONTROLLING ME!!!!! #MindRapeBond

    Androl: You said you wouldn't freak out. Just for that... #MindRapeBond.

    Pevara: Well, that was certainly interesting.

    Androl: Oh yes. I enjoyed it, myself. Look, the door is opening. I, the weak one, will take steps to protect us from the very likely reality that we're about to be Mindraped in a far less congenial way. You just stand there and wax lyrical about the One Power. Good girl.

    FanStandInChild: Hey Mum! I'm on TV!!!

    Pevara: Calm down sparky, at this stage it's just a book. Now, what terrible news do you have?

    FanStandInChild: Weilyn 13.0 just rocked up. You can infer that Logain might suffer the same fate.

    Pevara: OH NO NOT LOGAIN!!!!!

    Androl: Poor Melare. She seemed nice.

    Pevara: Who?

    Androl: Never mind. Onward and upward my friends! Into the breach!

    Pevara: You're strange. I have a feeling we're going to end up together.

    Androl: Say what now?

    Brandon: To be continued.... 


  5. Lol..."well supported". :rolleyes:
    You seem lost on both what has been discussed here at DM and oddly about the very nature of how debates work. As for Nakomi, I personally agree with Luckers:


    She's nothing but a piece of intrigue placed in the books for the fans to be intrigued about. This is made clear by three things.

    1. Her existence was not something RJ plotted for this book but based on something Brandon found 'deep in the notes'. Which leads us to two.

    2. Brandon has disavowed using the notes--rather, when he needs something, he goes and asks Maria, who does the research.

    3. She didn't really do anything. Or rather, she did nothing that wouldn't have occurred just as easily without her presence.
    Brandon needed something (a mystery for the fans, perhaps--one maynote his likening of Nakomi's role to the fandom with Asmodean's), went to Maria who provided him with something he could use, and ultimately the entire thing had little to no plot relevance.

    The onus is on people who believe it was an avatar to provide a "well reasoned" theory which has not even remotely been done. At the end of the day we have word of god and that is more than enough for me.

  6. BS explicitly stated RJ didn't have an answer for it. It's your assertion however that despite numerous statements to the contrary and no answer for it in the notes, that it's somehow clear that Nakomi is an avatar? That RJ would not have specified something that huge in relation to his cosmology?


    I would like you to name even one issue where RJ has given that strong of an answer on a topic and then gone back on it the story? It has nothing to do with like or dislike of the theory. I'm less invested in who Nakomi is than I was with who killed Asmodean if that's possible(the whole thing had about the same importance to the plot as well.) It has to do with word of god. As for the voice, as other posters have already noted, we don't know what it was and there have always been multiple theories out there. Even if it was the creator to make the leap from that to an avatar being possible would be a logical fallacy. It wouldn't be your first, I see you going in for ad populum as well in your latest post.


    Lastly let's clarify something about the poll question. An effect of the wheel and an avatar of the creator are two very different things.

  7. BTW Suttree, don't always be so sure you're the only one with google

      INTERVIEW: 2013
    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)
    Did RJ say that Nakomi should be included? You said she was "deep in RJ's notes" but wondering if it was up in the air?
    I said something deep in the notes made me include her. I have not said if she herself was in the notes or not


    Google? Why would you use that when we have...




    Regardless numerous other answers make it clear that RJ didn't write her and the point stands concerning why she wasn't included.

  8. Nice military breakdown here...




    As for the Shaido:

    Shaido Aiel:

    The Shadio have taken great losses. We have not heard any recent news of Aiel raids in Murandy or Illian, which means the clans left in Illian have successfully put an end to Shaido in that area. A few Shaido septs were scattered on the Almoth Plain, but various forces there may take care of them as well.

    The Seanchan managed to clear the Shaido out of Tarabon and Amadicia some time ago. While Perrin’s campaign in Altara killed many, there were two groups of Shaido reported approaching Malden in Knife of Dreams, The Last Knot, one of twenty to thirty thousand and one of thirty five to forty thousand with at least three to four thousand spears in each group. These Shaido moved into Malden to investigate it after Perrin left (The Gathering Storm, Questions of Control) and may follow behind Perrin.

    Therava is taking the remainder of the Shaido back to the Aiel Waste.


  9.  RJ left instructions not to reveail Nakomi's true nature and Brandon promised his widow. There are several youtube videos of Sanderson doing readings of AMOL and he explicitly talks about this point.


    Not true. Again, the concept for the character came from something "deep in the notes" and Brandon is not answering because:


    Interview: Feb 8th, 2013Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    When asked who Nakomi was, Brandon said that it wasn't answered by Robert Jordan so it was important that he left it that way.


  10. He promised RJ not to reveal who Nakomi is, but I believe it is listed in RJ's notes, which were donated to a school, but I can't remember which one.

    1. Brandon and RJ never met and he was picked to finish the series after RJ's death.


    2. The concept for Nakomi was based on something buried "deep in the notes", the character was a Brandon creation.




    Interview: Jul, 2002



    Does ta’veren-ness ebb and flow as needed? If Rand, Mat, and Perrin were all ta’veren growing up, it seems that the Two Rivers would have had a lot of odd events occurring, but no mention is made of it.


    Robert Jordan

    You might say that ta’veren-ness ebbs and flows. For one thing, remember that even for someone like Rand, the effects are really occasional, not continuous. Even when he is causing dozens of coincidences in a particular place, many more events pass off quite normally. For another thing, no one is born ta’veren. Rand, Mat, and Perrin only became ta’veren just before Moiraine appeared. You become ta’veren according to the needs of the Wheel. Like the Heroes linked to the Wheel, who are spun out as needed to try to keep the weaving of the Pattern straight, a man or woman becomes ta’veren because the Wheel has “decided” to use them as an influence on the Pattern. And, no, the Wheel isn’t sentient. Think more of a fuzzy logic device that uses feedback to correct what it is doing in order to do it in the most efficient way.

  12. * It's also why I think Taim was originally going to be Demandred but the fans picked up on it so fast that Jordan felt a little butt-hurt so he re-wrote Taim's and Demandred's narrative to keep the fans guessing.


    RJ has stated flat out that Taim was never supposed to be Demandred. In fact he was surprised by how strongly fans thought there was a connection.

  13. The biggest problem with Nakomi being an avatar is that RJ has said in interviews that the Creator will take no part.



    Indeed. RJ repeated that answer many times over. Additionally Brandon created

    Nakomi based on something found buried "deep in the notes". Something as big as the creator having an avatar in direct contradiction to RJ's quotes would hardly qualify as such.


    Interview: Jan 18th, 2003Robert Jordan
    Rand has no direct connection with the Creator. The Creator is completely removed from the world; aside from...creating...the Pattern, he does nothing else whatsoever to influence anything.



    How you think Tuon gave to Joline a pain through the a'dam or here was something other?
    "If you think that you can," she began, then cut off abruptly, her mouth going tight. An angry light shone in her eyes. 
    "You see, the a'dam can be used to punish, though that is seldom done." 



    I'm not sure I understand the question. That is one of the functions of the a'dam and Tuon as we know trains damane.


    They point out several times in the series that only someone who can channel or learn to channel is capable of using an a'dam, therefore Tuon is capable of learning to channel.  


    Just a little later in that scene Mat flat-out tells her that the ability to train damane proves she can learn channeling, at which point she states that she chooses not to learn so it doesn't matter whether she is capable of it or not.



    Yes of course, she is a learner and we all are very clear on how the a'dam works. How close Tuon is to "stepping over the edge" and whether the a'dam would hold her yet have been debated for years here at DM. Not sure how that relates to my response however?

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