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Posts posted by Taymist

  1. 1. The Keltiad (Trilogy 1&2) - Patricia Kennealy-Morrison
    2. A Song of Ice and Fire - G. R. R. Martin
    3. Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson
    4. Pern Series - Anne McCaffrey/Todd McCaffrey
    5. Discworld - Terry Pratchett
    6. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn - Tad Williams
    7. Deverry Cycle - Katherine Kerr

    --------------------------------------- In no particular order after this
    8. Talent Series - Anne McCaffrey
    9. The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
    10. Farseer Trilogy - Robin Hobb
    11. The Liveship Traders - Robin Hobb
    12. Malazan Book of the Fallen 1-4 - Steven Erikson
    13. The Fionavar Tapestry - Guy Gavriel Kaye
    14. A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness
    15. The Legend of Drizzt series, Forgotten Realms - R.A. Salvatore
    16. Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
    17. Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman

    Non Fantasy

    18. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

    19. The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

    20. Whirlwind - James Clavell


    Honourable Mentions

    Falco series - Lindsay Davis

    Any one of his books - John Grisham

    Rhanna series - Christine Marion Fraser

    The Crystal Cave series - Mary Stewart

    The Camulod Chronicles - Jack Whyte


  2. Hope is the thing with feathers —
    That perches in the soul —
    And sings the tune without the words —
    And never stops at all —



    A soft groan issued from somewhere under the pristine sheets as Elynde attempted to right herself. Choice words, interspersed with more groans as well as a considerable amount of squirming, followed. Her whole body felt as if it had been lying in the same position for days which, in reality, it had because they had to let her back heal. Any pressure at all on the wound risked re-opening it. Still, whomever had thought this brick she'd been stuck on was deserving of the name bed, needed their head examined.


    In truth, she was still in a considerable amount of pain but, for the first time, her head was entirely clear and her boredom outstripped her lack of energy. She was determined to get up. The only problem with fulfilling that wish, was that her limbs were aching and stiff, and sitting up was causing a multitude of smaller aches to make themselves known. With a little perseverance, or sheer bloody mindedness as her mother would have said, Ely eventually managed to roll onto her side and push herself up enough to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. Upright at last, she placed her bare feet on the blessedly cold, stone-flagged floor and breathed slowly, recovering from the exertion. She could feel the skin along the wound pulling but, thankfully, it seemed to have knit enough that it wasn't going to pull apart. 


    She wasn't quite sure how many days had passed since their return to the Citadel. She'd spent most of it in a haze, probably due to those herbal concoctions the Sage had provided that the medics kept dosing her with. Her memories of being at the Tracker Lodge were practically non existent after being hit. A mild fever brought on by whatever had been on the blade that Light forsaken creature had cut her with, so the medic said. "Trollocs," she shuddered at the idea, closing her eyes briefly against the memory of remembered pain. She'd felt the skin slicing, the metal biting into muscle and tissue. The burning had been agony. If it hadn't been for the Sages.... well, no point following that line of thought. It hadn't been her time and that was that. It troubled her more than she liked though; the idea of dying alone, far from home and her beloved ocean, with nobody to miss her passing.


    She shook herself, and muttered under her breath, "You signed up for it, girl. Wanted to make your mark on the world, didn't you? Do something important. There's always a price, a trade off. You knew that going in. You made that choice. Too late for what ifs now."


    Ely stood with care, allowing her legs to take her full weight bit by bit until she was sure she could stand, and looked about for clothing. She could feel the soft waft of air across her back where the shift she was clad in had been cut from hem to neck. The medic had explained it was important to allow air to get to the wound for the first few days to aid in faster healing. Once it had closed, they'd bound her midriff tightly to prevent infection. They seemed to know what they were doing, these healers, but she was blasted well not going to be seen walking around like this. She located her own belongings on a chair behind the door and set about making herself respectable. The process of dressing without causing herself too much pain took most of her concentration which meant it was a few minutes before the low voices outside the room impinged on her awareness. The speakers couldn't see her, tucked behind the door as she was.


    "...I told you, that's another 5 come in...to be reported he said....too many now...," the first voice sounded Cairhienin and Ely leaned enough to see round the door before ducking back. Two men, assistants most likely, had their heads together in a way that, if they'd only realised it, screamed secrecy to anyone watching. 


    "6 dead last week, another 8 this week. Medics reckon it's a bad batch. Fermenting gone wrong." A second man chimed in trying to sound knowledgeable. The first replied with something Ely couldn't quite make out and their voices began to fade away as footsteps moved into another room. Something about that conversation wasn't right and she tried to pinpoint what as she tugged her shirt over her head. It was forgotten moments later, however, as tightening her belt caused a wince just as the medic, an older man whom she'd seen yesterday, appeared in the doorway. He insisted brusquely on checking her wound and rebinding it with a fresh dressing before agreeing she was well enough to go back to her own quarters.


    "But you come back if that wound opens up and nothing too strenuous for the time being. You're excused duty until I say otherwise," he gave her a hard stare to drive home that he was serious so Ely nodded hasty compliance.


    "How many days have I been here?" Ely interjected when he paused, only to have him look her over carefully.


    "Days is it? Nay, lass. You've been in here almost 3 weeks." 


    Ely blinked.


    "Did your visitors not tell you?"


    Another blink. "Visitors? More than one? Who else would have cared enough to check? The Sergeant? No...no...he died, I saw him." She frowned, and her confused thoughts must have shown on her face, as the medic spoke again.


    "A young girl, two or three times. And a man, infantry I'd say. Been here regular like. Looked fairly beaten up himself. Late on in the day." He nodded absently to himself, "You might have been asleep at that. Only been with us properly these past few days. Nasty fever so it was. Now, you can do some light training if you feel up to it, but don't be a cork brained idiot and overdo it, you'll just end up back in here. You can get a fresh dressing each morning."


    With that he bustled off to tend his next patient, leaving Ely with one name and a very particular pair of eyes burning into her brain. She remembered Tris visiting. The earlier visits were rather blurry but yesterday's... that wasn't one she was likely to forget. The kid had described Arinth's actions with relish and no small amount of glee, making him sound like some kind of avenging saviour. It wasn't far off the mark in Ely's estimation. Hearing of the severity of the injuries he'd taken and fought through, had caused a very strange sensation in her stomach and when Tris spoke of him carrying her into the Lodge, the flash of heat had taken her voice for several minutes. She'd been half scared to ask how he was but Tris volunteered the information that the Sage, Aislyn, had finally put her foot down and insisted Arinth be treated in case his broken ribs had punctured a lung. 


    Ely knew she couldn't afford to read anything into it. The man, however impressive, was only doing what any member of the infantry would do for another. What any Bander would do for another. That's all it was. Wasn't it? But if that's all then why come to visit, and so often...and why not when she was awake? His behaviour spoke of someone who didn't want their actions known. "Or who wasn't sure of their welcome..." her inner voice pointed out insidiously. Her common sense reasserted itself. "Or maybe he was just working late duty and he visited all of the injured soldiers!"   


    Exasperated by the immediate feeling of disappointment that thought engendered, Ely shoved her thick fall of hair out of her face, and began making her way out of the building that was reserved for the most serious cases. She walked haltingly past the other general medical and triage tents, and on into the city proper. The streets got busier as she went and she kept to the very edges of the thoroughfares, avoiding any bumps or collisions as best she could on her slow progress. She had a destination in mind, having made Nowal's inn a regular haunt since first finding it. The food was good, the inn clean and the ale met Ely's high standards. Food was the first priority. She was as weak as a day old kitten. Then...then she had some people to thank and some questions to ask.

  3. Naw. *marks the paper* Must do better. A- 


    But seriously, I don't have a problem with it. At the end of the Tanchico thread you left it fairly open, didn't you? Badly wounded but still alive after Calder told him never to show his face again, if I recall correctly? Interested to see what you do next, so carry on.

  4. *chuckles* I can't imagine any Banders having an objection to that kind of inconvenience.


    I don't mind you blowing stuff up... I'd prefer it wasn't the entire Citadel. It is Ogier built after all, we can't make them rebuild the bloody place.

  5. Carraidhin sounds like a fascinating personality to play. I like that you didn't focus her totally on the shadow, much more interesting to target any kind of corruption.


    What happened to Maegan, was that part of the Watchers arc or earlier?

  6. I only have one WT char and that's Kiyissalle. She's still an Accepted but *crosses everything for inspiration* will hopefully be Raised soon. Doing her weaves/oaths currently. She's going to be Blue purely because that feels the most natural for me to write. If I could split it more, I'd go with 80% Blue and 10% each of Brown and Grey, but since I can't... Blue it is.

    Bonding's a difficult one for me because I take it really seriously. I've spoken to a few people about this lately in one form or another. I'm quite an instinctual writer, which is a polite way of saying I make stuff up as I go along and don't try to force chars down particular paths just for the sake of a story, so a bonding would have to feel right; natural. Writing emotionally intimate relationships requires being comfortable with and trusting your writing partner in my opinion. 

    I also don't differentiate between OOC and IC bonds so any choice like that has to work on both levels. Given I can be rather intense (typical scorpio), and my sense of humour doesn't always translate, I don't make those bonds easily. Let's call it being selective. My other half calls it picky but what does he know? :rolleyes: Anyway, I'd always intended to bond Kiyi, she has a very practical attitude to Warders, very similar to Moiraine/Lan in the first instance. The plan had been to bond her to Owen's char Yrean, but real life's a pain and it doesn't look like that will happen, we're barely keeping up with our Wolfkin chars. Kiyi's probably either going to collect dust or she'll have to resort to solo travelling. And writing on your own is a bit bleh so the former seems more likely.


    Your chars have the most crazy interesting histories, Lii. Same as Owen's and Mat's. Comes with the territory when you've all been writing them for so long I suppose. :smile:


  7. Me. Silly question. If there are bribes going, I get first dibs. I want this signed in blood (your own!), right here, *points at sheet of parchment with long convoluted statement on it* at the bottom will do.

  8. Looks like most of us are a real mix. Some fascinating replies to this post. Cool idea, Lily.


    Where the books are concerned, I've always been a Blue/Brown mix with a little splash of Grey. Verin and Moiraine are my two favourite Aes Sedai and were from the get go. 


    DM on the other hand is a whole other kettle of fish and nothing like the books. I actually started out Warder pathed but swapped when I realised my offline fascination with swords and weaponry didn't really translate to feeling at home with the Warders on the boards.


    Initially, I went White. A lot of that was to do with how welcome they made me feel compared to the other Ajahs and without making me feel I had to be really visibly active or pressured to participate. GB and Twinnie in particular were absolutely lovely to me, and I enjoyed doing all the logic puzzles and taking part in the White's Festival. So much so that I became a Sitter for a while, taking charge of the website too, briefly. However, in the end, the White's weren't the right home, I don't think I was quite "cool and logical" enough and I decided to swap.


    The Greens have always been warm and welcoming at DM and the Yellows were always fun and quirky, probably why two of my Souvra bonds belong to members of those Ajah. I didn't really like any of the others (sorry!).


    But in the end, the only one that fit me was the Reds. I wanted somewhere that wouldn't judge me, that didn't expect false modesty, with people who didn't object to plain speaking, or equate honesty with being rude, who respected a wide range of opinions, appreciated diversity, and not only tolerated but actively encouraged opinionated discussions without holding grudges. The Reds has always been filled with both introverts and extroverts, the personalities are widely differing, but they're all fiercely independent thinkers, strong and outspoken in their passions, firm supporters of women and women's issues... and no, none of us are man haters. We're nothing like the book Reds but I can see how we'd be intimidating to some people lol. Me? I love them. Plus, you know, we gave you an Amyrlin who's pretty damn awesome. :happy:

  9. Now that the boards have been tidied up, there a couple of points to address.


    1. If you need to resurrect an older thread, for instance an unfinished story due to inactivity, please ask the RP Staff. They'll move it out of the archives for you and replace it on the correct board. 


    2. Please tag all RP threads with, at a minimum, your RP Group name. The correct tag list is below. It's important that everyone uses the same tags for the search function to work at optimal levels. You may also wish to add your RP Section tag, the character names involved, the name of the RP (if it's an ongoing multi-part arc or an inter-Group RP).


    e.g. one might add the following tags: wolfkin, rhya, aislyn, alliance, closed OR white tower, warders, bubble of evil rp, open


    3. Tags will auto complete as you type them in because I've already added several to the database so that should save time when typing the longer ones. Try it to see if the tag you want exists already or not. Remember to add the most important tags first so that people glancing at the board can tell it's aimed at them or that it's a closed RP etc. The system auto hides more than 2 or 3. You can expand the view, but best to be on the safe side.


    You don't have to use the Search function to find tags. Simply click on the black tag that has the name you want and it'll automatically bring you up a page of all RP's that have that same tag. Bear in mind, most older RP's have not been tagged as this is a relatively new ability.


    Tags are not case sensitive. They'll default to lower case.


    Group Tags

    white tower

    black tower











    the kin


    Section Tags



    tar valon


    Other Useful Tags




    the RP's name 

    character name/s

    red ajah (etc.)


    main timeline





  10. The In Character boards have been reduced and their names shortened. Hopefully this makes things clearer. We now have the Main RP board, a Retro board and an Archives board. A pinned post will be going up soon to cover the use of tags, as these will be critical going forward for post searching.

  11. 18 minutes ago, imlad said:

    * I'm sure over the course of my 46 years I've read other Historical Fiction books that I'm just not recalling off hand (one just popped into my mind: The Fallon Blood by Robert Jordan Reagan O'Neal).


    '72 or '73? Even reading someone else say that makes me feel old lol. 47 in a couple of months...scary. 18 still feels like yesterday.


    Historical fiction covers an awful lot of writing in as much as it criss crosses a variety of other genres. I wouldn't normally put a Dickens novel and a story about World War II together but both could be classed as historical fiction.


    Probably why I haven't done this one yet. How you narrow it to just 25 I don't know. I almost want to do one for stand alone novels and one for book series.

  12. Name: Pahl Ebersol

    DM Handle: Quibby

    Country of Origin: Arad Doman

    Age: 24

    Division: Medics/Services (Engineer)

    Primary Weapon: spring-loaded double-bladed quarterstaff (when it works, see Description)

    Secondary Weapon: spring-loaded bolt gun (short range iron bolt, when it works; see above)

    Tertiary Weapon: a turn of speed and good cardiovascular health


    Description: Pahl Ebersol is the walking stereotype of a tinkerer. He stands at 5’10” and weighs just over 130 lbs, mostly skin and bone. He has a bit of strength for somebody who seems on the wrong side of scrawny. Pahl’s skin is a light tan color, but covered in small, pink burn scars. More often than not, he has only one eyebrow, and he keeps his head shaved for that very reason. Most often, he can be seen wearing leather protective clothing, similar to a blacksmith’s. His weapons are hand-made to his design, and he handled their assembly. The bladed quarterstaff presented some issues, and still does. Though the basic overall design works in theory, in practice, there are still bugs to be worked out. Most often, pressing the catch button fires the two spring-loaded blades through the holes designed for them, where the catching mechanisms shear off and send the blades flying into the walls on either side of him. Or they don’t catch, rendering them useless in combat. Or they don’t release, leaving Pahl with a weapon more useful as a club, but with the added bonus of potentially impaling its wielder when the weapon does release. The bolt gun that Pahl designed uses an extremely heavy spring to launch a short, sharp iron bolt with enough force to punch through plate armor at point-blank range. The downside is that reloading requires a big rock and a good lean, often resulting in the spring or the catch breaking, rendering the whole weapon useless. Or, there's the added potential for the operator to introduce the weapon to his innards, if loading the weapon does not go well.


    Both weapons are works in progress.


    For these reasons, Pahl Ebersol has become an extremely proficient runner.



    Character History:


    Everybody knows a Pahl Ebersol. He’s that boy that used to put butter knives into light sockets and then hit the switch to see what would happen. He’s the boy who mixed up all the cleaning chemicals in the house in order to make a super-cleaner, resulting in a mad dash for the door to escape the Green Fog of Doom (but rendering the mixing bowl spotless and exterminating all the insects from the house at the same time). Basically, Pahl Ebersol is possessed of a perverse curiosity to tinker with the universe around him.


    This trait was seen at an early age by his parents, specifically his father. Having a craftsy child was a bonus to him, as he was a clockmaker. More specifically, he was a good clockmaker. Pahl’s father built clocks that were accurate to the point where they would lose less than a minute in a month, as long as they were kept properly wound. With a son like Pahl, maybe he could become the first man to make the perfect clock!


    Pahl responded to this doting by his father by making clockwork toys at an early age. By the age of 6, he was able to disassemble and resassemble a clock without help. By the age of 9, he was causing problems. An arrogant customer had demanded his money back after Pahl’s clock had been delivered. It worked perfectly, but the hands ran… well, counter-clockwise. This really didn’t seem like an issue to Pahl, as he’d placed the numbers in the right place for the way the clock ran. Another customer demanded a fix after Pahl had rigged the cuckoo in his clock to be replaced with a functioning catapult, which would fire a single dried pea across the room at 3 o‘clock in the afternoon. When Pahl’s father had opened the clock, he had been amazed to find an ammo dump consisting of nearly 150 peas that dropped neatly into the catapult, which was wound up by a special cog attached to the pendulum.


    Pahl was then sent to the blacksmith to have the foolishness sweated out of him. Then he was sent to the cooper when the clockwork bellows he made in his spare time was left unattended for an hour, resulting in the forge becoming so hot that the anvil glowed. Then he was sent to the thatcher when his idea for a “seamless barrel hoop” burnt an expensive batch of barrels. A few years later, he was sent back to his father after some of the first houses he thatched proved to be so watertight that the thatcher had worked himself out of business.


    Pahl’s father hoped that he would grow out of this fascination with tinkering, but he had no sooner walked in the door than he was designing strange devices. He began to, for lack of a better term, overclock the clocks, causing the hands to eat days in a matter of minutes. On occasion, he would come out of his makeshift workshop with some new and dangerous-looking device for his bewildered and worried parents to try. Some, like the strange wire device that, when one turned the handle, spun a pair of wire whisks to mix things, were a success. Others, like the strange device that, when one turned the handle, spun a pair of small blades to rapidly shave one’s face, were hidden from view and smashed when they thought that Pahl was not looking.


    The last straw came at the age of 23, while Pahl was still living with his parents. He began to bring various liquids into the house, and the smell that they put up was, at best, noxious. Fearing for their health, Pahl’s parents told him that he was no longer welcome to keep poking the universe with a stick while under their roof, because the universe was one day bound to poke him back, and they did not want to be anywhere in the area when it happened. Pahl took this in stride, apologizing to his parents and promising to be out within a day. There was no need, he felt, to make the parting an unhappy one. The next day, his belongings loaded onto a two-wheeled cart behind a short, stout horse, Pahl bid his farewells, promising to write from wherever he settled. There were rumors of an army marching to the south, and he was off to join them.


    Within a week, he was penniless and destitute. And rather naked. The bandits had taken one look at Pahl on the road by himself and decided that he was a godsend. In the next village, the locals were shocked to see a man in nothing more than what he’d been born wearing stagger into town. The villagers, a kind-hearted lot, clothed and fed him, and Pahl set to work immediately to regain some semblance of self-sustenance. He began to build various mechanisms to help around the village with little things that nobody minded doing themselves anyway, but bought out of a sense of curiosity. In his spare time, Pahl began designing some other things. His helplessness on the road would never be repeated again, and this would be ensured by a pair of weapons unlike any that had ever been seen before.


    Now, to design weapons like the ones that Pahl was designing, one has to have a certain lack of education about weapons in general. If he would have gone to a blacksmith to ask for advice on the designs, or an archer, or a siege engineer, he would have been laughed out of the room. Instead, he only asked for the parts he needed, and assembled the pieces himself.


    Preliminary tests of the two devices got Pahl banished from the village.


    The results were that, while they would work as designed, the weapons were more likely to not work at all, or to work in a way disastrous to the weapon or anything around it. However, he now had some modicum of protection, and thus he continued on his search to find the army that he had set out to find originally.


    Character Handle: Liitha Dorje, later Liitha Narshoba

    Physical Description: Dark brown, almost black eyes, black hair, 5.55ft, 150lbs

    Place of Birth/Raising: Born by the river Irallel where she was raised under her mother's name, later to learn of Malkieri heritage through her father (Corwin) and will change her name to his as they grow closer (her mother died on the return to Tar Valon after giving birth).

    Marks: Tattoo on her shoulder



    Rank: Warder to Cara Sedai

    Weapon Score: 18

    Philosophy: The Flame and the Void

    Primary Weapon: Katanas (one of which was a gift from her father after passing her Blademaster Ceremony)

    Secondary Weapon: Bull Whip

    Tertiary Weapon:


    Character History


    Liitha had grown up in the household of Adadin and Ramalla. They where not her real parents, but they were the best foster parents she could ever have had, and also distant relatives. Liitha never had known any of her close relatives but her foster parents had told her all they knew. Her mother's name was Tanitsja and she had a twin sister named Ata. Her father they knew nothing of, not even his name. Her grandmother whom she was named after had died while the sisters where toddlers. Tan and Ata had left the village after her grandfather Arato died in an accident, they were then 18 years of age.


    Then her foster parents haden`t heard anything more from or about them untill her mother had stood on their doorsteps. She had told them that they had ended up in Tar Valon, her sister where to become an Aes Sedai some day, and she herself had becomed a Tower Guard and one day hoped to be a warder. She had told them a bit about what that recuiered, after giving birth to Liitha she had left. She had given them a dagger to give to her daugther and alowed Adadin to use Amason her fiery stallion to set a foal on one of his mares.


    Liitha had grown up together with that foal who she had named Yaz, he was her horse and although Adadin used him around the farm she was the only one who had ever been riding him. Not that he wouldn`t alow anybody to do so but Adadin had insisted on it to be that way, he thougt she would need something to focus on in her life and Yaz was it, besides Yaz was but between 4 and 5 years of age when she reached her fifth birthday, that day she announced to her foster parents that she would become a warder like her mother. And by this announcement she sealed Yaz fate to because that meant he where to become a warhorse, and then should only accept her. Her foster parents had taken the statement quite nice in fact they had explained later by her interest in hearing stries of her mum, way of playing and behavior they had kind of expected it. So they decided to help her all they could, to prepare both her and Yaz for what would come someday. That same evening Adadin had taken her out in the yards, he had found a injured sheep, he explained for her how to slit its troat and then at the age of 5 Liitha had for her first time taken a life.


    Ramalla and the other womans in the village had learned Liitha how to prepare meals from almost everything, they had learned her some about herbs that could be at help if she got injured and how to tend to wounds and other damages, and also a bit about numbers, reading and writing.


    Adadin and some other men had thaugt her what they knew from their days as soldiers, or their experienses as hunters. The child learned to trow dagers, the basics of handeling a sword, some figthing tricks, how to track, listen for sounds that didnt belong in the forest, the art of the arch like her mother she desided to learn the short bow. They learned her how to move about whitout makingto much revealing sounds, she got to know herself, her limits what she would be able to do and what not, to consentrate even when in pain. They tested her by leaving her in the forest on unknown places to survive on her own. And she got to do lots of hard work to build up her muscles. When she reached the age of 13 there where no one in the village that could teach Liitha anything more, she bested them all but never thougt herself superior, just realising and acepting thats how things where and needed to be cause one day she would go to Tar Valon and become even bether much bether. So she started to teach herself things by the metod of try and failure while she waited for the day her foster parents would give her premision to start the journey towards what she had dedicated her life to become. Adadin would also take her into Aringill now and then to get her used to cities.


    On her 15 birthday the vilagers had given her a own sword and Adadin told her that he had heard there where coming merchants to Aringill from Tar Valon last time he had been in the city. He and Ramalla had decided the time had come, he would take her into Aringill and talk to the mearchents to see if they where willing to take her back to Tar Valon whit them if she in payment would act as their guard if need be.


    The day had now arisen, she had said goodbye to everyone last night cause they would ride as soon as there started to come some light outside. Liitha finished her meal, got her things and went outside, she jumped up on Yaz back, another thing that had been insisted on was that she learned to ride without any aquitment since that would improve her balance, so she instructed Yaz with her feet as they rode towards Aringill. Liitha had no feelings of excitement that her journey had begun, like everything else she just accepted it to be that way. The years of training that had started at the age of 5 hadn't left her without feelings, just with a vision on life where emotions out of control where a flaw something that would hold her back and the ability to accept things they way they where instead as a strength.


    The merchants accepted her as a guard after a little demonstration and her journey towards Tar Valon started, she gave her foster dad a hug a bit sad she would never see him again and thanked him once again for all the help and support and for accepting her as his own. Liitha was about to turn and walk towards her new lif when he hold her back and gave her a locked box telling her the key would be the necklace around her neck that was a gift she had been given by her foster parents upon her 10 birthday, Adadin now told her the necklace had been left for her as a gift from her ma and that they had hold back on giving her the box till now because they didn't know what it contained. Liitha put it in her sack, smiled once more at the man that she knew as her only father and turned and walked away leaving her old life forever cause in her heart she knew she would never return and that she was now treading the path of the rest of her life.

    That night upon setting camp she found a space for herself and opened the box with shaking fingers - this would reveal something new of her ma she thought, and slowly opened the lock, she looked down on a bunch of papers, she picked them up and realised it was a letter written to her by Tanitsja and started reading. «Dear daughter...» it went on and on and Liitha was glad no one could see her at the moment because as she read, tears starting to run down her chin and she felt so little as she gained more and more knowledge of her ma and recognised herself a bit in her, when she finally got to the bottom she found what little information her ma had have on her pa and she traced her finger over the page as the tears flooded out of control, she had never known anything about him and even if it didn't say much it still gave her a feeling of knowing herself better. Now more than ever she wanted to find these peoples the ones that had given her the gift of life, and to become like them, strong and determined good peoples willing to give up and sacrifice their life to the protections of another person. Liitha had a longing in herself that now just grew bigger and as every day went by it grew larger and larger as they travelled towards Tar Valon, her new home and life would be there.


    Half way true the journey they meet some bandits, they where overpowered, after taking her first human life Liitha was the only one that escaped in life. She directed Yaz into the forest and managed to loose her hunters due to her training. After that she travelled by herself staying of the main road but not to far from it to get lost. In Cairhien she meet up with some other merchants and traveled with them to Tar Valon. When there they sent her in the right direction. And when she finally rode into the warders yard seeing all the peoples training she finally knew she had come home.


    She met with the MoT and got assigned a room sharing with 3 others, all boys. One got under her skin and she fell in love. Through her time as a trainee she found her father and the first fight came after a confrontation between her father and her boyfriend, Kelt. Her mentor during trainee days where Andular.


    She was raised a TG and in this period her relationship with Kelt ended. She chose Path of Dual weapons to follow, and was trained by Naituri in it for a while. She half moved to the grove to be with her father. She lost contact with her few friends from trainee days, and gained a few new friends.


    Then later she gets raped it scares her she has lost control so much, she was drugged on duty and inside a city she felt fairly safe. She gets help from a sister, but as she starts getting her head above water nightmares takes to following her. A friend finds out by poking her and betrays her by going to the commander. Going out on the road she tries to lay it all behind her, she seeks into herself and to where she comes from, looking and meditating over who her mother was and the strength she had. Liitha gets convinced her mother would have handled things much better and seek to change into what she thought her mother might have stood for.


    She closes her heart of from the world at the same time as dropping some of her outward shyness. She appears more open at first but anyone trying will find she truly has withdrawn, she is no longer open for close friends.


     Part of her changes also shows in her presentation as she changes how she dresses and whatnot so she have black hair with a red stripe on the right side, also she has a tattoo on the left shoulder of a dagger with a rose twined around it, the dagger is a copy of the one she has after her mother. She wears only dark preferably black clothes and most often a bandana.




    It was her father that let it be known to the Master of Arms that she was ready for testing to become a blademaster,  and presented her to the council to be judged. During the presentation he present her with his name and while she never thought of it she decided at the moment it was fitting  (Seeing as she by this time had made peace with the past and was ready to move forward) and from then on used that instead of her late mother's. As a gift after she gets a katana from her dad that he had made for her with the heron mark, and orders herself a similar one to match it.


    After closing the chapter on her mothers past she feels the need to learn more of her fathers past, she spends a year preparing to go to the Blight,  and a year in the Borderlands and the Blight putting also this part of her history to rest. This does means she becomes more estranged from her father though she meets with him after her trip to ask him about his growing up.


    She soon ends up feeling restless again and takes to the road, during this time she travel the lands to study different fighting styles.




    After she returned to Tar Valon again she started on the path that would lead her from Tower Guard to Warder.


    Liitha first got to know Cara when she passed by her cabin where she has a family living off the land and raising horses that she breeds. A place she bought with the inheritance after her aunt Aes Sedai Ata Dorje of the Blue Ajah (formerly Yellow – changed after she was healed from being stilled).


    At first Cara and Liitha become friends and secretly lovers, they travel together, get kidnapped and goe through several experiences making them even closer. Yet they have their differences and disagreements, in the end though facing herself Liitha accepts that Cara is not just her friend and love but also an Aes Sedai. It's not something she comes to an easy conclusion about as they do disagree some over what their roles should be if they are to take it further, but she contemplated her life and realised what was most important to her, and in that found a willingness to accept the balance that has to be, after which Cara bonded her. From before she has a bracelet that is an heirloom from Cara’s family which is twin to one Cara kept herself, and as gifts after the bonding she gives Cara the dagger her mom left her, and in return get a heavy golden necklace looking like twinned rope.




    Still looking for this part, will update when I find it.

  14. 5 hours ago, Caroline said:

    Hi Niniel, and thank you! I've had a look around at the clubs, and I definitely think I'll join one. I have the impression that it's ok to join more than one of them, but I'll start out slowly and carefully. ?


    You can join as many or as few as you like. :smile:


    5 hours ago, Caroline said:

    Oh no, what Zeebrugge disaster do you mean? I just did a quick search, is it the one from 1987? I hadn't heard about it yet! That must indeed have been awful, to see close up while so young. I often feel a bit weird, not knowing so much about the recent history of Belgium. I moved here in 2003, and had a lot to catch up on. People still sometimes look at me as if I'm an alien when I don't recognise songs or movies. I guess Belgians are harder on fellow Belgians than they are on visitors. ? But, even though I'm more of a village/woods/fields person, I have to agree that Brussels and Ghent are beautiful old cities.


    Yes, the 1987 ferry disaster. It was going from UK to Belgium so it was huge news both here and there at the time. I was only about 14/15 so it wasn't a pleasant sight. I'm a country girl myself but I do enjoy the history and the change of scene in some cities. Wouldn't want to live in one though! 

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