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Posts posted by Meskell

  1. How did Nynaeve suck the circle power from Egwene into herself? Even if that was possible, how would she know how to do it? Egwene was still actually linked to the circle as well, so what would even be the helpful part of that?


    It seems the show has forgotten that she is powerful but untrained. Apart from wanting to wear matching coloured frocks and have bitchy teenage conversations, there doesn’t seem much point in this world to become an Aes Sedai. 

  2. - Lews Therin was a disappointment. Should’ve been desperate, not arrogant, another reduction in the quality of men in the story. 

    - Moiraine saying don’t touch anything in the Blight whilst literally having twigs in her hair and then sitting on the trees. 
    - Nynaeve somehow knowing Moiraine has a ‘tell’ when tracking that Lan wouldn’t know about. What even is a tracking ‘tell’ come on!!

    - Egwene’s acting has really tailed off, especially during the crying scene with Perrin. 
    - Perrin cannot act at all. It’s no wonder they just make him mope in a corner normally. 
    - Lord Agelmar dying this early. 
    - the Horn of Valere just sitting under a chair in the most at risk city near the Blight. 
    - the women having the massive one power / super girls scene again.

    - Somehow burning out despite not being possible when linked. 

    - a random, slightly trained, weakling in the power being able to cast lightning and wipe out between 5,000 (when fighting the men) and 40,000 (when fighting the 5 women) trollocs. 
    - Rand already being told that he can reshape reality, not just channel. 
    - Moiraine being gentled.

    - The Horn of Valere just being in a plastic looking box.  
    - Mat again being implied as inherently evil. 
    - still the way channeling is shown, with all the arm waving looks very much like The Magicians series. So off putting. 

    It’s just so sad watching this, so very very sad. It really shouldn’t have been like this. 

  3. Just now, Arthellion said:

    I just feel empty inside right now.


    I really enjoyed elements of this show. I loved the cast.


    But....Rafe just fundamentally understands this show in a different way than I do. I wanted to liked this show. I really did. I loved seeing Beltine. I loved seeing Tigraine be BA.


    I love all the actors.


    But the story. It's just not the story I love. And I get sick thinking about it right now. I'll be fine and move on. Life doesn't revolve around fictional stories after all. But there is an element of grief at the moment.




    Peace friends. I"m done. I can't put myself through this for another season. 



    I’ve basically just posted the same thing at the same time. 

    I was originally so excited to watch this with my wife but after her boredom during the first couple of episodes, I’m really glad she stopped watching so I didn’t have to suffer the second hand embarrassment of her experiencing that final episode. 

  4. I am so frustrated after watching that I basically can’t sleep. 

    It’s so odd. I understand they wanted to pick up a show with a level of name recognition but if they didn’t like WoT then why bother pretending to make it?


    If the characters didn’t have these names, there is almost no chance that anyone would realise that the show is meant to be WoT

    The whole thing has drained me. I thought episode 4 was a bit of a turning point but it has fell of a cliff edge since then, with the final episode being someone dropping a boulder on the broken bits after hitting the ground. 

  5. Episode 8 spoilers



    - Lews Therin was a disappointment.

    - Moiraine saying don’t touch anything in the Blight whilst literally having twigs in her hair and then sitting on the trees. 
    - Nynaeve somehow knowing Moiraine has a ‘tell’ when tracking that Lan wouldn’t know about. What even is a tracking ‘tell’ come on!!

    - Egwene’s acting has really tailed off, especially during the crying scene with Perrin. 
    - Perrin cannot act at all. It’s no wonder they just make him mope in a corner normally. 
    - Lord Agelmar dying this early. 
    - the Horn of Valere just sitting under a chair in the most at risk city near the Blight. 
    - the women having the massive one power / super girls scene again.

    - Somehow burning out despite not being possible when linked. 

    - a random, slightly trained, weakling in the power being able to cast lightning and wipe out between 5,000 (when fighting the men) and 40,000 (when fighting the 5 women) trollocs. 
    - Rand already being told that he can reshape reality, not just channel. 
    - Moiraine being gentled.

    - The Horn of Valere just being in a plastic looking box.  
    - Mat again being implied as inherently evil. 
    - still the way channeling is shown, with all the arm waving looks very much like The Magicians series. So off putting. 


  6. I’m not sure if this was possibly the worst episode yet!?



    - Lews Therin was a disappointment.

    - Moiraine saying don’t touch anything in the Blight whilst literally having twigs in her hair and then sitting on the trees. 
    - Nynaeve somehow knowing Moiraine has a ‘tell’ when tracking that Lan wouldn’t know about. What even is a tracking ‘tell’ come on!!

    - Egwene’s acting has really tailed off, especially during the crying scene with Perrin. 
    - Perrin cannot act at all. It’s no wonder they just make him mope in a corner normally. 
    - Lord Agelmar dying this early. 
    - the Horn of Valere just sitting under a chair in the most at risk city near the Blight. 
    - the women having the massive one power / super girls scene again.

    - Somehow burning out despite not being possible when linked. 

    - a random, slightly trained, weakling in the power being able to cast lightning and wipe out between 5,000 (when fighting the men) and 40,000 (when fighting the 5 women) trollocs. 
    - Rand already being told that he can reshape reality, not just channel. 
    - Moiraine being gentled.

    - The Horn of Valere just being in a plastic looking box.  
    - Mat again being implied as inherently evil. 
    - still the way channeling is shown, with all the arm waving looks very much like The Magicians series. So off putting. 


    The whole thing was just a massive mess and a disappointment. 

  7. I’m not sure if this was possibly the worst episode yet!?


    - Lews Therin was a disappointment.

    - Moiraine saying don’t touch anything in the Blight whilst literally having twigs in her hair and then sitting on the trees. 
    - Nynaeve somehow knowing Moiraine has a ‘tell’ when tracking that Lan wouldn’t know about. What even is a tracking ‘tell’ come on!!

    - Egwene’s acting has really tailed off, especially during the crying scene with Perrin. 
    - Lord Agelmar dying this early. 
    - the Horn of Valere just sitting under a chair in the most at risk city near the Blight. 
    - the women having the massive one power / super girls scene again.

    - Somehow burning out despite not being possible when linked. 

    - a random, slightly trained, weakling in the power being able to cast lightning and wipe out between 5,000 (when fighting the men) and 40,000 (when fighting the 5 women) trollocs. 
    - Rand already being told that he can reshape reality, not just channel. 
    - Moiraine being gentled.

    - The Horn of Valere just being in a plastic looking box.  
    - Mat again being implied as inherently evil. 
    - still the way channeling is shown, with all the arm waving looks very much like The Magicians series. So off putting. 


    The whole thing was just a massive mess and a disappointment. 

  8. On 12/17/2021 at 9:52 AM, DermidAjala said:

    Classic prologue as cold open.


    Journey through the blight won't take long. Suspect it will be only Rand/Mo as with the bond masked Lan will say they can't track them and something will happen to prevent them even considering it.


    Ishy vs Rand will happen but no other forsaken will be there and it'll primarily be non-fighting fighting - probably vision stuff, temptation and more. Rand won't actually hurt him but they'll change it so Ishy tricks Rand into doing something with the eye that frees all the forsaken properly to give him an antagonist win.


    I think the Wondergirls are going to end up helping out against a big attack at Tarwin's gap for their showpiece action - I still don't understand why Amalisa can channel unless she's going to use it more explicitly, so perhaps she can't do enough and the EF group come to bail her out. 


    Could still have Rand travel in to help them fight it off as the final set piece of the series.


    I love @ForsakenPotato's idea of Fain stealing the horn at the end of the episode. That would  be a good set up for what comes next season (which I'm starting to think is going to be a large shifting of things to all end in Tear including the horn battle)

    Had you read the script ?

  9. 36 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    And still Fain is using the leaf.

    But until it is shown in the actual show that he has used the leaf, the only safe assumption for 99% of viewers is that he is a channeler or has one with him. 

    I know that you can literally see in the picture he has used it but if it wasn’t deemed integral enough by show runners to include in the main show, then it isn’t ‘canon’ until it is brought into the show. 

  10. 1 hour ago, WhiteVeils said:

    How does this lower Perrin's character at all? To me, this makes him even more magnificent.  He knows Egwene loves Rand. He knows Rand loves Egwene.  Rather than get between them, imposing on them with his own personal feelings, feelings they don't share, he maturely gets himself over himself and moves on with his life, finding another love and setting up a family with her.

    The only person whose character is lowered is Nynaeve, who dredges it all up at the worst moment because she's feeling angry.

    The getting engaged on the day you find out the girl you really like has got a boyfriend is definitely a dick move. 

    It was implied that his wife knew Egwene was first choice, which is why she had no time for Egwene and wouldn’t go to her initiation. 

  11. 1 minute ago, TheDreadReader said:

    I suppose it is time for all the takes with hyperbole.  ?


    Personally, I like the old school memory montage reveal.  



    I was happy with that. It was the only way they could do it if they wanted to introduce a mystery, which most shows need to try and hook new viewers. 

    Same with Tam’s fever dream, seeing Tigraine etc. It was dropped into a show telling at about the right time. 

  12. Super Sayan Nynaeve really did make me roll my eyes. Basically relegates Moiraine to being a sage guide rather than one of the most powerful (current) channellers. 

    Egwenes actress has deteriorated the longer the show gives her focus. She is incredibly overwrought and her accent becomes an obvious affectation the more dialogue she has to deliver in a single take. And I know this is hugely shallow and unfair of me but the mole is so distracting. I hate myself for saying it but it just draws my eye so much in every scene. 

    Perrins actor is pretty awful as well, it’s like he has permanent concussion and doesn’t understand how to form words. 

    My god the Egwene, Rand and Perrin love triangle was signposted throughout and still a CW piece of nonsense. 

    Tigraine being able to take out every soldier on the planet despite being literally in Labour and having been stabbed. We get it, she’s a baller but this is going to make the other Maidens look incompetent. 

    Min definitely isn’t what I pictured her to be like. The playfulness and androgynous look I was expecting. 

    Fal Dara being hostile and rude to an AS was very odd. 

    Moiraine accusing Mat of being inherently evil basically due to his upbringing was a bit much. Then sending the red ajah after him, give me a break. 

    Loial just disappearing, odd. 

    The look of the Blight, huge disappointment. Looked like the forest from Maleficient. 

    Nynaeve taking herself into a man’s room just felt so out of character. I get they want to speed up the love story and it has generally worked but that just didn’t feel right. 

    I really wanted to like the episode but so much of it was just off, wrong and contrived. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Storeebooq said:

    I love that they are expanding their relationship and deepening it. 


    I was a literal ball of tears during the Oath Rod scene, especially when Moiraine spoke her part. That scene was powerful to me. Heck the entire exile scene had me deep in my feels. 


    If there's never a relationship between Mor and Thom, and between Siuan and Gareth in the show I will be pretty happy personally. 

    If the oath rod scene had been in private then the dialogue would’ve at least been vaguely understandable. For it to be in public just makes everyone from Siuan, Moiraine and every AS in attendance to be an absolute moron.  

  14. 19 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    And while not specifically something in the tower is definitely an idea from the books (Sea folks marriages work like this, who leads in public follows in private)


    Rand stands out as the only Red Headed Blue eyed person in Emond's Field.  Also, all Jordan ever said was Dark Hair and Eyes.  Never anything about skin tone.  This was talked to death on Tor.Com when the casting first came out.

    Again, Manetheren (And AoL before it) were diverse ethnically.  2000 years is 60-100 generations.  That is not enough time to forcibly breed out recessive traits.

    My problem isn’t that it’s a custom that exists within the books, it’s that the specific ‘On Your Knees’ line was specifically written in to be a meme. 

    It happens in a lot of shows and completely takes me out of the world. The worst series for it was 100% Sherlock, which descended into a tumblr shipping mess to cater to the ‘fandom’. 

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