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Welcome to another edition of Fan Art Friday!   Seanchan are the people from across the Aryth Ocean. Artur Hawkwing sent his son to conquer the Seanchan lands. As time passed, the Seanchan and Luthair Hawkwing's people merged into one. The Seanchan are known for their damane, collard women born with the spark, and sul'dam, who are women who can learn to channel, control the damane. The nobility or Blood are marked by lacquered nails and shaved heads.   Important incidents with the Seanchan include Falme, the capture of Amadicia, and the attack at White Tower, among several others.   This edition brings to you the Empress, may she live forever, damane, the battle at White Tower, Seanchan insect-like armor, and a symbol representative of Seanchan.   Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag by PollyUranus   The Seanchan Raid by Sango1013   Damane by SicilianValkyrie   Seanchan by tjsavolainen   Seanchan by DonXavier

By Panchi, in Fan Art Friday,

Hello friends! The Wheel has turned all the way around to Thursday again, which means two things: it's nearly the weekend, and it's time for our Rotating Features blog!   Have you recently finished The Wheel of Time series and would like to do a re-read, but the thought of finding time to wade through such a big series is a little off-putting? Or have you not yet finished the series and just don't seem to be able to get through it, but you're dying to see how it all ends?   Well, have no fear because help is very, very near!   Here at Dragonmount we have our very own eBook store.   It has all of the books by both Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, so you can choose which ones you need to read or re-read, and download them to a variety of devices--which you can then easily carry about with you to read a little when you can. So there really are no excuses!   What is great about the store is that the eBooks are offered digital rights media (DRM) free--which means you can download them onto more than one device, and that makes it even more convenient for you. Whatever gets you reading The Wheel of Time is fine by us!   The prices are very reasonable and what's more, you can buy a gift voucher for a friend you may know who would really appreciate help reading the books as well... Whatever gets them reading The Wheel of Time, too!   Dragonmount has partnered up with Tor, the licensed publishers of The Wheel of Time eBooks. In fact, we also stock many other eBooks from Tor, if you wanted to check out some other works of fiction--but only if you have finished The Wheel of Time first. Twice!   I jest, of course. Check out the store and see if it offers anything of interest to you.   If you have questions, you can learn more in our eBook FAQ.   Have fun!   Until next time, friends!

By The_Fnorrll_Reborn, in Rotating Features,

Romeo and Juliet   Elayne: Rand al'Thor, Rand al'Thor. Wherefore art thou Dragon Reborn? Deny thy madness and refuse thy fate, Or be but sworn my love, and I suppose I'll just have to get alone with those two other girls...     Hamlet   Matrim: To run, or not to run, that is the question.  Whether 'tis easier to avoid the slings and arrows of those charging armed men, or to take flight against the sea of troubles, and by running away, delay them.  Or to cheat, to cheat perchance to win.  Ha, there's a laugh.   Macbeth   Rand: Is this Callandor I see before me, handle towards my hand?  

By Ireond, in Humor Blog,

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to "WoT If?".  This week, I want to look at the state of channelers, and speculate about what's in store for their future.  But before we begin:   SPOILER WARNING.  This will include content from A Memory of Light.  Please DO NOT read this if you have not completed the book.   Since time is a Wheel, and all things come and go, we know the ability to channel must eventually be lost.  Or else, we'd have channelers in our own time—and as far I know, we don't.  One of the panels at JordanCon, "After the Last Battle," touched on this topic a bit, but I'd like to expand it further.   It's been stated several times in the series that most Aes Sedai are under the impression that the Power is being culled out of the population.  Since they've been gentling male channelers for nearly 3,000 years, it seems logical that this would be the outcome.  However, I'd like to counter that argument by pointing out they are only gentling men with the spark, the ability to channel no matter what.  We know that fewer channelers have the spark; most have the ability within and need to be tested for it to mature.  So most of the male channelers are not being gentled, and are living their lives, passing on their genes, without knowing they can learn to touch the True Source.     I think this is evident by how many Asha'man there are by the end of the series.  In almost no time at all, the Black Tower accepted and trained so many channelers.  And now that male channelers aren't going to be hunted down, it stands to reason that the number of channelers overall would increase.   So what other reasons are there for the Power to be lost eventually?  I've got a few theories that might work.   1. Disease   It's quite possible that disease could be the cause.  If a strain of bacteria or a virus erupted that only attacked the channeling population, there would be almost no hope for them.  Since channelers tend to group together—in the Black Tower and the White Tower, at least—it could spread through them quickly.     There might be some hope if the Yellows, and those Asha'man dedicated to Healing, could think of a way to combat the strain.  But if it only attacks channelers, maybe it would be immune to flows of the Power.     If a vast majority of the channelers were wiped out—like the Towers, or the kenneled damane—and only random patches of channelers still existed—like the Kin, the Wise Ones, or the Sea Folk—the smaller patches would likely die off over time.  The ability, if not widely spread and having a larger breeding pool, would definitely be culled.   2. Channeling outlawed   There may come a time, far down the road, where channeling could be seen as a bad thing.  We all know of historical examples of "witchcraft" being outlawed and punishable by death.  If somewhere along the way, the channelers lose sight of being focused on service, they could become a group of selfish, or evil, people.  It's typical that people in powerful stations eventually become corrupted.  I could see this happening quite easily.   If the channelers began to become enemies of the people, no doubt the people would rise up and demand a change.  The channelers would become hunted and killed.  The only difficult part would be catching them.  Since forkroot tea is common knowledge now, it might still be well known at some point in the future.   If the people are able to kill a majority of channelers, the same effects from the disease scenario would hold true.  The smaller groups, who must go into hiding, would eventually stop channeling all together, or lose the ability over time.   3. The world becomes a Stedding   This idea has been around a long time.  I've seen dozens of theories on this over the years.  Because of this, I won't spend a lot of time on it, but I also didn't want to leave it out.     What happens in this scenario is that the Steddings begin to grow—perhaps the Ogier are able to make it grow at some point, before they open the Book of Translation and leave this world.  With a Stedding covering the whole world, the ability would be lost completely.  The channelers would probably go mad from losing the Source—it would be the same as stilling and gentling: they would sense it but could not touch it.   Or, in other forms of this theory, ter'angreal, like the ones in Far Madding, could be invented to make channeling impossible.  The same would be true, channelers would die off from losing the Source.   4. Evolution   Credit for this thought goes to Matt Hatch from Theoryland.  He proposed that the human body could lose the ability to channel.  When Nynaeve heals gentling and stilling, she is able to sense the connection inside the body.  There is something physically there for the person to be able to touch the Source.   If humanity evolves over time, that connection could be lost.  The Source still exists.  It's still driving the Wheel of Time, but we've lost the ability to sense it, let alone touch it.  Then, when the Wheel turns once again, the body evolves to encompass the ability.  The Power could become lost and found several times as the seven Ages come and go.   Of the four, I like the evolution one best.  It keeps with what we know of human anatomy.  Science will show us how we have evolved over the past 3,000 years—about the length of an Age.  It's easy to see that in another 3,000 years, when our Age ends and another begins, we could be completely different physically.   That's all for this week.  Let me know if you have other theories about losing the One Power.  I look forward to hearing more.  Next time, we'll examine the standing flows in the Age of Legends and see if it's something that can be duplicated in the world after the Last Battle.  Thanks for reading!

By Mashiara Sedai, in Theory Blog,

Hello! It’s time for another Dragonmount Weekly Roundup. I hope all our Canadian friends had a great Canada Day, and all our American friends had a safe Independence Day! I know my July 4th was busy!   First up, the Wheel of Time Cage Matches are in full force! Week Two, the non-channelers bracket, pits Tam vs Slayer, Uno vs Galad, Faile vs Berelain, and Sulin vs Tuon. Don’t forget to vote for your favorites!   At the Kin, July is Gleeman’s month! This is your chance to stretch your writer senses, tap your inner Thom Merrilin! Participate in a nanofiction challenge, tell a story with random words, and even participate in an anagram challenge. Those of you who are planning on participating in NaNoWriMo later this year may also want to visit CampNaNoWriMo.   The monthly challenge for the Artist, Writers, and Crafter’s Guild is Reinvention.  Reinvent or re-purpose something, and make an artistic creation!   Finally, in the White Tower and Warders, a discussion is going on involving the royal baby name! What do you think Prince William and Duchess Kate will name their child? What name do you think the new baby should have?   That about sums it up for this week's Weekly Roundup! I would like to conclude with a friendly reminder to all Social Group members to sign in their various Social Group forums. 

By Moon Sedai, in DM Website news,

Week 1 of Dragonmount's Wheel of Time Cage Match is finished!  Here's a list of the winners:   Asmodean defeated Grady Narishma defeated Halima Alivia defeated Moghedien Siuan defeated Elaida   If you've got more to add about the outcome of these fights, you can talk about it in the Week 1 thread.   Round 2 starts today with the battles between the non-channelers.  Here's the line up:   Uno vs Galad Tam vs Slayer Sulin vs Tuon Faile vs Berelain   Go and add your vote for your favorite character and help decide the winners of Round 2!  Voting for Round 2 ends at 9pm EST on July 13th.

By Mashiara Sedai, in DM Website news,

Mazrim Taim by purplefriiday     Taim by merriya     The Wheel of Time: Mazrim by darlinginc     WOT: Mazrim Taim by ReddEra

By Panchi, in Fan Art Friday,

Hello, friends! The Wheel has turned all the way around to Thursday again, which means two things: the weekend is not too far away, and it's time for our Rotating Features blog!   I'll begin by holding up my hand and saying that the title of this article isn't really true. Sorry about that! I drew inspiration this week from a couple of things, firstly, Dragonmount is holding its annual Cage Match again. You can read about it in this article.   Secondly, I remembered reading a while back that both Brandon Sanderson and George R. R. Martin had composed a write up for a Rand Vs. Jaime Lannister cross-world cage match, which I thought was pretty epic! Martin's takes the form of an actual piece of fiction, whereas Sanderson's is more a collection of ideas.   Now, I thought this was pretty epic, to be honest. The creator of one world and the heir to the creator of another, their respective one-handed champions, their respective predicted outcomes. If you haven't yet clicked on the links above, do so now because spoilers are below.   Martin's write up was quite nice, and he certainly found a way to level the playing field, because of course with the One Power, Rand would be unbeatable by the likes of Jaime. A Trial of Seven also gave it a nice way to allow Rand the chance to show some of his power before losing. I don't agree with his conclusion on the grounds that I don't think Jaime is taller and heavier than Rand, although I suppose in his armor he would be taller, so that at least makes sense. I did like that it came down to man to man at the end.   Is Jaime the better swordsman? I suppose that's the million dollar question. So get involved and post your thoughts on it below. And don't forget to go and check out our own Wheel of Time only Cage Match, too! Have fun!   Until next time, friends!

By The_Fnorrll_Reborn, in Rotating Features,

Does your breath smell like a Trolloc?   Does playing Maiden's Kiss involve you getting poked until you leave?   Is your mouth as dry as the Aiel Waste?   Try New   Rhuidean Gum   Made from the leaves of the Avendesora tree, it's the gum that gives you peace of mind as well as fresh breath!   Now Available West Of The Dragonwall!

By Ireond, in Humor Blog,

<!-- isHtml:1 --><!-- isHtml:1 --><p>It’s that time again, time for the roundup of events going on in <em>Dragonmount</em> this week! I’m truly excited to see what is going on for the month of July.</p> <p> </p> <p>First off, the <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/82824-welcome-to-the-wheel-of-time-cage-matches-2013/'>Wheel of Time Cage Match</a> is back! Wear a special forum signature to show support for your favorite fighter. Two of this week’s fights are <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/83057-week-1-asmodean-vs-grady/'>Asmodean vs Grady</a> and <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/83056-week-1-narishma-vs-halima/'>Narishma vs Halima.</a> Don’t forget to vote in the polls for your favorite!</p> <p> </p> <p>Looking for a Mafia game? Two games are in sign ups right now: <a><a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' class='bbc_url' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/83049-underworld-mafia-basic-mafia-sign-ups/'>Underworld Mafia</a></a> in DM Mafia board, and <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/82734-friends-mafia/'>Friends Mafia</a> in Thakandar, Shayol Ghul. For those of you new to Mafia: this is a game where players are pitted in teams and try to determine who “mafia” is and who belongs to the “town.” It can be an excellent way to get to know other DM members.</p> <p> </p> <p>An ongoing discussion of actors for a <em><a>Wheel of Time HBO Series</a></em> has heated up this week in the <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/forum/203-the-wheel-of-time-in-other-media/'>Wheel of Time in Other Media</a> forum. What actors could feasibly work in a <em>Wheel of Time</em> series? How would it be changed for television? Should the Forsaken be condensed?</p> <p> </p> <p>Do you have any hobbies? Skills? The Wolfkin want to know <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/83021-what-do-you-do-to-relax/#entry2958681'>what do you do to relax?</a></p> <p> </p> <p>And, a friendly reminder to all you Social Group members: as July begins, don’t forget to sign In to your Social Groups’ roll call threads.</p>

By Moon Sedai, in DM Website news,

The Wheel of Time cage match starts right now!  Go take part in voting for your favorite character.  This week's fights are between the channelers.   Here's the Round 1 line-up:   Narishma vs Halima   Asmodean vs Grady   Siuan vs Elaida   Moghedien vs Alivia   We need your vote to help decide who the winner is.   Voting for Round 1 closes on Saturday, July 6th, at 9:00pm EST.

By Mashiara Sedai, in DM Website news,

TarValon.Net has announced that they are currently accepting applications for the 2013 Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship!  This annual scholarship awards $500 to an undergraduate student at an accredited college or university.  This opportunity is open to all Wheel of Time fans, so you do not have to be a member of TarValon.Net or attend school in the USA to enter.    

By Mashiara Sedai, in A Memory of Light,

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