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Audiobook Giveaway: Towers of Midnight


It's time for another giveaway! Here are the rules again for those who aren't familiar with them:





Macmillan Audio has partnered with us to bring you an amazing opportunity once again. We are going to give away free copies of each audiobook in the Wheel of Time series between now and when the final book is published.


On the first Wednesday of each month (and on the first and third Wednesdays of the month once we get to the final few books), I will post an audio clip for one of the audiobooks. The book featured in the clip will be the one we're giving away at the time.


As each clip is posted online, I will randomly select three winners to receive either a free digital audiobook download or a free CD. This contest is open to anybody world-wide, but non-US residents can only receive the digital download.


Entering to win is simple. Every time I post an audio clip, I will post a topic for discussion. Just post a response to the discussion question in the comments section of each news article. The winners will be randomly selected from the comments section exactly one week after I post the article.


There can be only one entry per person each time I put up an article. You cannot win more than once for this audiobook promotion.


If you are selected as a winner, I will PM you to notify you and request your contact information. Make sure to check your PMs, because if I still cannot reach you after two weeks from the date of my first PM, your prize will be given to another randomly drawn winner.



This week, we will be giving away a copy of Towers of Midnight. I haven't received an audio clip from Macmillan, but will add it here if/when I do.


This giveaway's question is: How has the Wheel of Time series changed your life? You have until Wednesday, December 12th to answer in the comments section. Good luck!

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It has consumed many hours of my time to read and reread.  Not to mention visiting Dragonmount.

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It has given me something to look forward to. I'm truly going to miss that anticipation of the next book coming out. It's really hard to put into words what the series has meant to me and how exactly it's changed my life. The messages of working together and being honest with each other have had a positive impact on me. There's this wonderful community of people all over the world that share this same interest, and I think that's amazing. Even tho I don't particpate much in the discussions, I know I always have this group I can come to.

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The Wheel of Time has changed my life because it has become a part of my life.  I am just starting book seven!  No matter how tired I am after 800-some pages, I always find myself coming back to the story...  I want to know more about the character, what happens to them, etc. There is something definitely appealing about these books! 

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It got me reading! I hadn't ever liked to read, or listen to, books until my Dad got my into The Wheel of Time.

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The Wheel of Time's taught me non-judgement towards others different from me.  The people in this story are so diverse, so different, yet have such profound strengths and character that I admire. They make me root for them and cheer out loud for them, despite their human flaws.  


This series taught me to look for those admirable strengths in others I interact with in my day to day life.  I've gained respect for many people I'd never have thought to take the time to listen to and understand before.  It's brought me richness in compassion and life.

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I have never felt compelled to go to a book signing until I started reading the Wheel of Time and now I have been to the last two.  Also I have never searched for something so hard as I have for a black coat with a high collar.

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The Wheel of Time is directly responsible for helping me to rediscover my love of reading, and also for opening the door to genres that I might not have chosen way back when.  Books like Game of Thrones, The Otherland series, Mistborn, and even Lord of the Rings... I probably would never have read those incredible stories if I hadn't found the Wheel of Time first.  I know most people read LotR BEFORE they read WoT.  For me it was t'other way 'round.

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The Wheel of Time is where I truly developed my love of fantasy and sci-fi. The Wheel of Time world is very realistic I think, as far as fantasy goes. There are limitations and explanations for almost everything. It's not perfect, but Robert Jordan really did a great job of creating a world that seems alive and has stuff going on not related to the characters we experience.

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When I was 10, my dad gave me an audiobook, New Spring. Prior to that, I was [Edited for language--Dwyn] dead set against reading anymore than was necessary to pass school. I can honestly say that, from that day in my dad's car, listening to NS the whole drive home, I was hooked and have devoured books ever since. The WOT has given me that love for literature that was previously lacking and has allowed me, more than once, to escape the world for days on end. 

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Wheel of time has not just changed my life, its consumed my life, ever since many years ago when a friend suggested I try it. It got me back into reading and led to me finishing several fantasy series, but always I come back to wheel of time, having read it again and again :)

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The Wheel Of Time has helped me to believe in dreams again. Now more than ever I want to share my own ideas with the world. It has made me a lover of books and now I really love to read. I have bought every book and as I reread the series I am buying them all for my Kindle. I have shared this series with everyone that I know. And I will continue to share it as long as The Wheel Turns.

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The series has brought me so much joy and wonder and given me an amazing world that I can visit whenever I want. 

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It has become not only a part of my life, but very nearly a part of me. Like so many others, I have become invested in the story, characters and the vastness of the entire series. There is literally something for everyone in this series, and I think that is what I love most about it. It can speak volumes, and has, for two decades. Here's to another two decades for the best epic fantasy of our time.. You set out to create an epic and you did more than that, by far.. "He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind, was gone."  Tai'shar, Mr. Jordan.

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I read the whole series in the year leading up to starting law school.  The series helped me develop a skill in reading quickly while still grasping important details, which I now use on a daily basis in my studies.

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It got me really into reading. Has lead me to other fantasy, but none as wonderful as this. I look forward to checking out WOT news everyday. Not only that, but it gave me so many great conversations with my step dad and brother. So many funny jokes, with my step dad referring to girls we knew as Avienda and himself as Rand, and my mom going on and on about how Avienda is a hussy and needs to stay away from her Rand. I also have never looked forward to a book so much...can not stinking wait til January!

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Since I've been too busy since the late 90s to pick up and read anything for pleasure, I am brand new to the series as of July or August of this year.  I have read like crazy during breaks in the school year, and audible'd the crap out of WOT.  I am actually finishing book 12 today and starting on book 13 tomorrow.  I listen in the car on the way to work and back, and I've recommended the book to the DnD club I hold for my students.  

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My whole family (4 of us) love the series and it has definitely given us a common interest.

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its made me obsessed with planning imaginative/entertaining ways to kill/humiliate all the aes sadei in randland. (especially egwene and cadsuane) 

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It has been my ray of light in my life. I discovered the books as I was going through a hard time in my life and they helped me get through it. Once I started reading I was completely hooked. They have been there constantly for me when a lot of things in my life haven't. They are the one thing that I always turn to when I just feel the need to escape for a while. I don't know where I would be right now if I had not discovered them.

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Thes were the first books that i listened to as audio books. now i am hooked on the things and listen to audio books almost exclusively in the car

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The Wheel of Time introduced me to fantasy. As another poster said, I read this before LOTR and many other genre series. Nothing else i've read has been able to completely fascinate me the way WOT has. I read the first three on loan from my brother and immediately went out and purchased the remaining seven (back in 2004). Read all ten in 3 weeks, nonstop. Have reread them a few times, eagerly awaiting each new installment. I will be a little sad when the story is officially ended, but I can't wait till my daughters are older and I can share it with them.

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The WOT was the first fantasy series I found post LOTR that let me see there is a way of approaching the genre without following Tolkien's rule book step by step.  Since discovering it in highschool, I have read the series at least 3 times, and am always able to find some new theme I wasn't able to catch before.  January is going to be extremely bittersweet, I've waited for years to see how the story ends, but now that it is almost here I wish it would continue!

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Reading Wheel of Time during teenager years, filled with familial problems and rise of moral and ethical questions, has partly formed my world view. Although back then it was only a way of passing time and escaping from the pressuring circumstances, now, reflecting on my decisions and reasoning it is clear that a good part of Wheel of Time world's "essence" has manifested its influence. Understanding of interactions between characters aided in my understanding of how and why the world works in this particular way and not differently; common sense, heavily advocated by these books, correlated with my temperament and character; and responsibilities in actions undertaken by some of the characters helped find some of the main principles needed to live the right way.


I am not going to propose this way of building the world view for anyone else, everyone has a different path. Nevertheless, in my case Wheel of Time was one of the starting points in search and formulation of "me" and I am very grateful for that.

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The series has influenced much of my life ranging from song and poetry inspiration to growing a beard because of Perrin to basing every RPG avatar of mine on Perrin, Rand or Lan. I have devoted countless hours to rereads because I simply miss the characters (ok, I also reread so many times because there are sooo many important details to forget between books). This story has been something I have grown up with through high school and college, helping me to discover who I am along the way.

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