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Ghostbusters Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!

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Also, I wasn't taking the quote out of context. Yes, you were asking him who he was misclearing, but you asked in in such a way to suggest that there was only 2 mafia.


The number of mafia issue has already been covered, and I'm not trying to rehash it here. Just saying that I wasn't misrepping your information.

no, you DID misrep me. I was asking who the THIRD mafia was, not the second. RTE had not flipped at that point. Let's assume he was mafia, there are two others. That he flipped symp changes that 2 MORE to 3 more instead, if that makes sense. You're saying that I look bad for basically planing the seed that there were only 2 scum when in actuality I was assuming 3 which is what would be standard in a 13 player set up.


Besides that, even if I DID promote 2 scum instead of 3, why does it matter? If we lynch 2 total in addition to the symp, clearly we're wrong about there being only two and need to find another lol


RTE's posts IRT players/ ISO FUN

Link to post:
Town: John/Hally, Eldrick, Turin, Rey, Alanna
Scum: Zander
Null: Dice, BFG, Shad, Niniel
Votes Zander

Town: Turin, Lenlo, Hally, Eldrick, Shad
Scum: Zander, Dice,
Change from last post: "if Zander is town, look at Dice" ; Lenlo wasn't mentioned last post ; Dice moved to a scum lean from null ; Shad moved from null to town pretty quickly and easily here,

Another attack on Dice link:
Promotes that Turin is town: Link




Personal update:

Shad -1

Turin -2

Dice +2



Link to post:
Town: /Hally, Alanna, Dice,
Scum: Zander,
Changes: Becoming iffy on Hally after Niniel states she's trending down due to voting habits and he jumps right on that ; Dice is town due to his tree stump claim ; ("however I believe one of Zander, Turin, Dice need to be resolved today") ;




Personal update:

Shad -1

Turin -2 (+.5/-.5)

Dice +1.5

Hally +1

Niniel -1




I'm here, at least for a bit. What would people like me to answer?

Zander is shouting a lot about progressing my views but I don't feel like content in thread has changed my views very much. Well, at least specifically not on him, and as my strongest scum read I don't see a reason for moving my vote. With each post I've tried to list players whose most recent interactions had me feel one way or another about them, moving them up or down the town-mafia continuum. Here's an updated reads list:

Tsuki (admittedly, only because of his claim, not his content)



I guess I'd describe progression of my views as follows:

Hallia's vote-jumping in combination with her consensus posts has her trending down on my list. John started off very strong but Hallia throwing her vote around and justifying it retrospectively is not doing her any favours in terms of looking town.

Turin's idea that Dice may in fact be a third party is an interesting claim. If we argue that it is likely that there is at least one third party player in the game, I would put Dice in that slot at this point. However, his early breadcrumbing of not being able to die (yes, I do understand how a treestump works, I just figure he took some liberties with that comment) does give some credence to his claim. That being said he may just trying to be staying alive as a survivor, which to me also seems quite plausible. Third party would make sense with his gameplay as well (staying out of Zander Turin voting, for example).

I still do feel like Mafia are avoiding Zander and Turin, and as I said should Zander flip town I would look at people who didn't vote either of them. While mafia obviously will vote to lynch townies, if Zander flips town, and I believe Turin is town, then they stayed off the early trains and played it safe by not committing a vote to either that could be later used against them or invite scrutiny. That is why it is so important one of them dies today, because I think that will reflect in a meaningful way on a number of players. Furthermore, there are other people that the cop can use his view tonight to vet, such as Dice for instance.

Finally, there is no one else I would lynch who I believe is more likely to be scum than Zander, and as I said, his or Turin's lynch would offer the most information this early in the game. I don't think the fact that I need to remember to check the thread and can't do so as easily on my phone, and that I've been quite busy and stressed in real life, is indicative of my alignment in the game. I am town. I am not revealing my role or identity. I think Mafia already have their hands full with potential kills tonight, don't need to give them any more information than they already have. I would also like to stress that Tsuki is only town IMO because of his claim. Nothing he has posted would get him out of the null category otherwise, and prior to his claim I had him as a scum read. While we don't have a CC, the real cop may just be playing it safe. Therefore prior to some evidence I would also treat him with some modest scrutiny. Hopefully he uses his PR to contribute more to the game in coming days. Finally, my nulls (in orange) is where I think the rest of the scum team are hiding.


He has Hally trending down, puts 3rd party doubt on Dice (supporting Turin's idea), points fingers at people who don't vote on either of Turin/Zander, still thinks Turin is town, stresses the importance of lynching Zander again over Turin, believes Tsuki is town due to his claim.

**Stopping here for a moment to comment on a few trends I'm seeing. First of all, he's barely touching Shad who has been sitting in his nulls, moved up to town, and when Shad got quiet, he moved back down on this list but he didn't mention any reasoning for doing that or that Shad should receive any pressure. Secondly, he keeps pushing the Zander lynch > Turin lynch. Like sure, Turin wasn't getting lynched but I would expect mafia (even a symp) to put SOME KIND of doubt on the neighbors if both of them are in truth town members. If they are basically masons, I would expect RTE/other mafia to be placing doubt there, not proclaiming Turin town no matter what. Next, Dice: he keeps pushing Dice. The only reason he moves him up a little is for the claim and then he still says Dice need to be resolved/peeked. I don't see scum saying this about a teammate, that doesn't make sense to me. RTE is also kind of quiet about me, Niniel, Eldrick, BFG. While he has me and Eldrick in his towns, he has Niniel and BFG in nulls/orange but isn't quite saying much there.




Personal update:

Shad -2

Turin -2.5

Dice +2.5

Hally +1

Niniel -1.5

Tsuki +2

BFG: -1


Link to post:
Town: Alanna,
Scum: /Hally
Changes: He mentions again that Hally's vote movement was scummy ; I'm up again due to contribution ; thinks it was good(?) Zander was lynched ; no mention on what that does to Turin's slot ;

Link to post: Biggest scum read is Hally due to raisons.

Link to post: Shad: RTE had been waffling on moving Shad lower for a bit this game and he finally commits to giving Shad a scum read due to his extensive period in nulls. He compared Shad to Eldrick in this post wrt progression in the thread. I think at this point RTE didn't really have a choice: he tried to move Shad up earlier but ended up having to drop Shad due to contributions to the thread

Link: Reads List
Town: Turin, Alanna, Sooh, Niniel, Eldrick, BFG
Null/Scummish: Tsuki, Rey, Dice, Shad
Scum: Hally
Changes/Comments: This one is a bit different, he's sneakily moved Niniel and BFG up on his list (I'm assuming in response to Niniel's casing and some of BFG's posts) and moved Tsuki DOWN. And even though he was almost committing to Shad as scum, he never put him in his scum pile. I would take a look at Niniel* just from this post. I'm not sure she's had the sustained solving that I expected. Perhaps BFG/Nikon as well while we're at it. I don't like when symps move people into their town pile without mention.




Personal update:

Shad -3

Turin -2.5

Dice +2.5

Hally +1

Niniel -2

Tsuki +3

BFG: -1.5



And that's pretty much it. Hopefully I can look at Shad again tomorrow. Out of this I think Dice is looking townish due to RTE's insistence that he's scum even past the stump claim. I can see mafia believing a claim like that of a teammate's wholeheartedly and not waffling/dropping them regardless. Turin is coming off a little worse because I would EXPECT scum to put doubt in that mason claim. In effect, by treating Turin as town, he's created a clear town in Turin by treating him like a mason. This isn't something scum should naturally do, they would doubt Turin's claim, but RTE the whole game did nothing but promote Turin as town and never faltered. Ninel and BFG/Nikon lost marks for their movement on reads lists without comment.



Actually, I'm going to commit to this





1. Maybe Zander was right and Turin just happened to get the drop on Zander and was slingshot into towny-ville

2. Don't like that he's trying to negate Tsuki's reads- that's really scummy

3. Do not like how RTE treated Turin in my ISO- he town read him way too easily and never wavered. Scum doesn't do that to town, especially consensus town

4. [left open for when I do Shad's ISO]


Your change of read on Turin is based on RTE knowing who the scum are, which we don't know if he did or not.


IF he did, I agree that his outlook on Turin is weird, but it's not a valid reason unless we assume he did. And I'm not gonna do that.


Actually, I'm going to commit to this





1. Maybe Zander was right and Turin just happened to get the drop on Zander and was slingshot into towny-ville

2. Don't like that he's trying to negate Tsuki's reads- that's really scummy

3. Do not like how RTE treated Turin in my ISO- he town read him way too easily and never wavered. Scum doesn't do that to town, especially consensus town

4. [left open for when I do Shad's ISO]


i'm curious to see what you can find against Turin in Shad's ISO. It convinced me that Turin is town.


Your change of read on Turin is based on RTE knowing who the scum are, which we don't know if he did or not.


IF he did, I agree that his outlook on Turin is weird, but it's not a valid reason unless we assume he did. And I'm not gonna do that.

He was symp. I would assume based on his treatment of SHAD, that he knew who the scum was.


Besides, the symp's role exists to protect scum. If they don't know who scum is... how do they protect them?


Besides, this change of read is kinda ballsy, attacking town leader. Trust me on this





A Traitor is considered Normal on mafiascum.net, as long as it:

If you want a Traitor that gives an "innocent" result to Cops, make it an Investigation-Immune Traitor. Likewise, if you want one that cannot be killed by its team, make it a Bulletproof Traitor. These roles would return full names (e.g. Investigation-Immune Traitor to a Role Cop investigating them).



Traitors are used to provide "half-Mafia" in games where they are having a hard time deciding whether they want to include an additional Mafioso. They can also be used simply to give scum someone to look out for in single-faction games. Their power depends on what combination of the above variations is employed and how quickly the scum find their Traitor. If the Mafia know who their Traitor is, they arguably have gained another member, even if they can't speak to them.

Note that if there is a Traitor in the game, this implies that the main Mafia group is undersized by one.

It is important that there be some means of counteracting the ability for scum to kill their own Traitor, as this can lead to uncomfortable situations at LyLo where the scum quickhammer and then kill their Traitor for what they thought was the win.


While I wouldn't assume that the mafia team is "undersized by one" I would assume that since we're heavily roled, that the mafia team is normal 3 plus the half (which accounts for the symp).


Day 3 result


Shad has been Lynched. He was:



Egon Spengler - Mafia - Used Kill action and Block action




It is now Night 3. You have till 9pm BST Sunday 24 April to submit any night actions. That's just over 48 hours. I'll add a timer when I get a chance.



Lynches Mafia D1.


Lynches Mafia D2.


Lynched D3.




Your change of read on Turin is based on RTE knowing who the scum are, which we don't know if he did or not.


IF he did, I agree that his outlook on Turin is weird, but it's not a valid reason unless we assume he did. And I'm not gonna do that.

He was symp. I would assume based on his treatment of SHAD, that he knew who the scum was.


Besides, the symp's role exists to protect scum. If they don't know who scum is... how do they protect them?


Besides, this change of read is kinda ballsy, attacking town leader. Trust me on this



You aren't confirmed in any fashion. You could be scum as much as anyone else. I'm not gonna lose because I ignore you.


Also, I have no problem being ballsy. Cuz if you're town you'll fight back and prove it. People are doubting that right now, and it's your job to fix that.


Eldrick, have you played against scum!Shad before? He's a sneaky little jerk and likes to toy with town. (:wub; you Shad)


I am VERY much aware of that. I have yet to pay with Town!Shad.



Official Vote Count


Alanna (1): Turin

Nikon (2): Eldrick, Sooh

Turin (1): Alanna



Not Voting (4): Niniel, Tsuki, Nikon, Dice



With 8 alive it takes 5 to Lynch



Day 4 Deadline is 9pm BST Wednesday 27 April - you can achieve a majority Lynch at any point before then.


End of Day 4


I'd be a little suss of anyone with a large pool to be honest.  The scummy people are all dropping claims.  Could be as simple as BFG and Sooh at this point.


...it probably isn't BFGNikon and Sooh



So we have your shad vote for D3?

Turin, point out one thing I have done in this game that you haven't tried to lynch me for in every single game we have ever played together as anything but w/w.


If you can find one thing, I'll start my own train tomorrow.


Like your obsessive conviction that everything I ever do is annoying scummy but I normally just ignore it. You're pushing pretty hard for my mislynch tomorrow, so lay it out.


You don't like my playstyle. It pings you. I got that, a dozen times over. Learn to read me instead of taking a 25% dice roll for once.



I'm actually curious what the answer to this is.


You aren't confirmed in any fashion. You could be scum as much as anyone else. I'm not gonna lose because I ignore you.


Also, I have no problem being ballsy. Cuz if you're town you'll fight back and prove it. People are doubting that right now, and it's your job to fix that.


I KNOW that I'm not and I wish that I was so I didn't have to deal with push back. But that's just how life is I guess. I'm not asking you to ignore me, I'm asking you to trust me and take a second look at Turin.


hi Ithi



I'd be a little suss of anyone with a large pool to be honest.  The scummy people are all dropping claims.  Could be as simple as BFG and Sooh at this point.


...it probably isn't BFGNikon and Sooh

lol I wouldn't write it off. I think Nikon has scum equity but I was liking BFG's work =/



You aren't confirmed in any fashion. You could be scum as much as anyone else. I'm not gonna lose because I ignore you.


Also, I have no problem being ballsy. Cuz if you're town you'll fight back and prove it. People are doubting that right now, and it's your job to fix that.


I KNOW that I'm not and I wish that I was so I didn't have to deal with push back. But that's just how life is I guess. I'm not asking you to ignore me, I'm asking you to trust me and take a second look at Turin.


hi Ithi



I'll get around to it. He's low on my list right now, though.


i'm still not done digging through Shad's ISO. I left yesterday with still a couple pages to go.




I'd be a little suss of anyone with a large pool to be honest.  The scummy people are all dropping claims.  Could be as simple as BFG and Sooh at this point.


...it probably isn't BFGNikon and Sooh

lol I wouldn't write it off. I think Nikon has scum equity but I was liking BFG's work =/


I'm not saying niether of them are. I'm saying they probably both aren't.


I wouldn't put it past Shad to actually list his team like that tho, so /shrug


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