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ooc if you think you can add in something here then feel free to step in, however this is a selfstudy tread to get through the following req :


Class: Advanced Elemental Manipulation - By now your character is familiar with basic use of the One Power from the lessons taken as a Soldier. It's time to expand on the repertoire of weaves that your character uses for non-combat situations, and begin developing creativity and inuition as a means to an end when using saidin.


the reason for doing it this way is Aslan got the strongest scores in female elements in the BT so there is no one who can fully teach him, and he fails in the normal classes in lack of strength in the male elements. If you do have strong (over 5 preferably) score in water and/or air and feel you could add something that he could learn from in here then help is apriciated. *s*




Aslan had been looking through what books they had, and then finaly geting access to some from Tear he had found the treasure he was now holding in his hand. It was a diary or journal from a man which had been strong in the female elements, one saved by keeping. He had laid reading in it till he fell asleep exhausted last night, and for several hours this morning.


He felt his hands quivering, some weaves was bether described then others who where mentioned as if it was obvious how to do them, as if familiar. The book left litle doubt that in the time where males had been Aes Sedai there had been more of them, and they wherent stumbeling in blindness, not even those with an odd deposition like he had in elemental strength, though the exception of the rule even they had teachers.


One weave he had already done, and learned by watching someone do it with less effect then he found himself able to, the book described it more strongly done thoug. He wasnt quite sure how Crush was fully done as in the book but he somewhat got the difrence and wanted to explore if he could figure it out. Not to say it was somewhat familiar ground and felt as if a safer start then a weave he didnt know at all how to do.


He laid out the web of air, this was as far and big he been able to make it as of yet. He closed his eyes a moment remembering the words from the book beside him, then opening them he started adding more air, expanding the weave and then at last when he felt that quivering telling him he was bordering towards the strength limit he was yet developing, he setled it around a plant and let go, the plant stired as if the air was moving it before slowly falling to pieces, whatever he had done it hadnt been intensifying Crush, rather if anything slow it down. Aslan frowned.


Picking up the book he read the words again, then once more before starting over with the weave, he thougth he migth understand how he had done it wrong, it was hard though and partly he was guessing. A couple times the weave just fell asunder, and another time it made a air explosion of sort, not strong just a brief gust blwoing back his hair.


He read the book over again the descriptions till he could quote it by heart. Then again he made the weave and setled it around a small tree, he watched amased as the tree instantly was crushed to cinders. He had done it, his heart pumping so excited that he all but lost his conection to saidin.


Looking on the heap on the ground Aslan nodded to himself, that could be usefull for making strew for the stables boxes. He looked to his waterbotle, then picked it up taking a sip, the weather was unberable hot today, and he whiped his brow with his arm, looking up on the sun. If only those few scathered white clouds could gather to shade a litle infront of the sun then that would be a bliss.


He fliped a couple pages in the book and read a description. His eyebrows went into a frown he wasnt sure just how to do this. A heated stick to his neck had him jumping up with his hand to his neck rubing his neck and then looking up to glare on the sun, only to blink. The skyes where gathered around it, it wasnt fully shaded but somewhat, then he registrered saidin flowing hot in his veins. Slowly he pushed some of it away with great strugle, what had just happened, he had channeled, like when he was a wilder runing around without control.


Closing his eyes he tried to remember, then looked up at the sky's and started slowly trying to restruct whatever he had done to make them move togheter. His first try failed to do anything, his next blew him back on his ass, and he had to shake his head several time to loose the dizzyness before slowly trying to grasp saidin again. Another reminder he was doing dangerous stuff, if he went a wrong turn he could burn himself out, however he had to keep learning, there was nothing to it.


He where suposed to be a weapon but his classes of late had proven how pitifull he was in the male elements, he didnt manage to do the weaves, so he would have to learn to use his strength if he ever was to be usefull, and there was few who could teach him.


Again and again he tried restructing the weave, urging the clouds togheter, one moved a litle then stoped. He was frustrated and tired, slowly he resigned and pushed the sweet feeling of life away to go get something to eat. He put the book into his pocket as he moved down to the messhall, his thougth still on it all, trying to figure out what he did wrong. His feets walking on their own acord till he found himself in the mess accepting a plate with something he'd rather not think about what was. Then he setled down by a table.


Aslan looked up at the sun, a week had past, in which 3 of the days had not really contained enough clouds to cary on his experiments.


Today though there was more then the first day he had started this at even. Slowly he was making progress, adjusting the weave, expanding it and narrowing it in difrent places. He had had less negative effects as he got the basic of it down, now very carefully adding water, air or spirit.


Sometimes he got a stir, sometimes a litle move, and yet he strugled on, building his web stronger as he batled against the skies and the burning sun.


This was an idea he had had during dinner, he had taken a long one as such to rest out some, read a litle. Slowly carefully he setled the last treads into the weave and let it spiral upwards, sudenly he felt a ligth breeze and the skies clustered infront of the sun, then the air went quiet again.


He looked amased at his work, he had done it, not wanting to tempt faith he pushed away saidin and let his tiredness flush in over him, this called for an early evening and a good glass or two of wine.


Checking that his book as he had come to call it, having no intention to return it with the first, was in his pocket he wandered off the training ground whisteling content with himself as he headed towards the inn.


Another week and a half passed, Aslan had tried out for the most versions of weaves he already knew. Familiar weaves was easier to work with, then total new ones, cause he then knew the foundation. However inbetween he had been working more on the sky weave, and some description of a version of it. So far the experiments had cost him a shirt, some nicks and cuts on his hands and arms, as well as a cut on his cheek.


Luck he guessed that nothing to serious had happened and he had needed healing, which would for sure spure questions he didnt want. He was usure wheter they would let him cary on or at least unsupervised, and he didnt want someone looking over his shoulder disturbing his consentration. He didnt see how it could help but put someone else in danger, from what litle he poked around his guess was some had strength in air to match him, but as far he knew his combination of strength in water and air was unmatched on his level anyway, there was some of medium strength, but he had a feeling on himself what he heard other did with the elements and knowing what he did, that he had particular strength in them.


No he needed the freedom to do this his own way, and he had been making progress with it. He was sure he had the foundation of it down, he did manage to slightly shift clouds already there, the more clouds the easier to shift them. Grasping for the flame then forming it before taking hold of saidin, with steady mind he wove the treads, without a teacher learning him gestures he found himself needing to hold the book at times and he had come to learn the new weaves by simply looking at them while doing them, it was as if the treads danced in place.


As he learned to interpet the notes he found himself geting closer to new discoveries, he didnt know how he just knew he was. He had gained an understanding of sort on his own of how they worked, how the elements woven togheter in difrent ways was likely to react. The base web was done, and so he started braiding air and water togheter around it, this was all as far as he was sure of it. Now to the unfamiliar part, this was the part he was still experimenting with to get the effect described in the book.


He made sure he had control of it and held it firmly before looking down in the book again, yes it must be as he had come to think under dinner. He had been on the wrong path. Carefully he added the treads, then he looked over it before leting it spiral away from him upwards to the sky untill he let go of it alltogheter.


He felt a quiver, then a heard a low rumble before a gust started playing with his hair. Then the next moment it grew dark rigth above his head and sudenly he was drenched. It was over as soon as it had come and the clouds scathered and disapeared, the sun already shining as hot as before, slowly starting to dry him.


He thanked the creator he had folded his coat over the book before leting go of the weave thoug. He stroke a wet lock of hair out of his face with a smile, this was all worth it, now to get bether control of it, make it last more then a mere couple of seconds.


Arath walked the path from the inn to his room in the Asha'man barracks, enjoying the small break he had. He would have to construct his own house soon, a project that had been indefinitely put off for quite some time. But it could wait a little longer. Free time was something to be enjoyed for now.


As he passed the training grounds he stopped to watch the progress of the newer members of the Black Tower. Straw and earthen dummies lay in various states of disrepair and mayhem, charred, mangled, speared, or otherwise damaged. A fairly typical day at the Farm.


As he was turning to leave, he noticed heavy black clouds quickly forming above a secluded corner of the large training field. Moments later it seemed as though all of the moisture was sucked out of them, the clouds draining away almost instantly in a miniature torrent. That was interesting, he thought, his curiosity peaked. Arath couldn't recall ever seeing the like before. Forming clouds themselves was not uncommon even though it lay mostly out of a typical man's strength, but causing such a fast heavy rainfall was unusual to say the least.


Curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to investigate what had either been a spectacular accident, or a new discovery. The air in front of him split as he wove spirit into a gateway, allowing him to quickly bypass the training soldiers and transport himself to the site of the downpour. The action also seemed to startle the dedicated on the other side, who jumped as though caught in something he shouldn't be doing. Aslan, he thought, recognizing the man. What is he up to?


"That was rather interesting, Dedicated. Would you mind explaining what you're trying to do to our weather?"


Turning to remove the coat to read he jumped to his feet at the sigth of another figure, he had not heard anyone aproach. His hair lay in wet curls around his head atm, and he had to restrain himself to not look down to his coat and check it was still in order, covering the book. He knew it was he had hardly grasped a corner of it and the book was burried in the midle under it.


He recognised the man as the teacher he had last he had lost control to Jakar. That as well made him more nervous, the other one always seemed to get him in troubles, the man had to much temper.


"That was rather interesting, Dedicated. Would you mind explaining what you're trying to do to our weather?"


Aslan tried to wrench his mind for an answer, he did not want some babysitter watching over him, he would never be able to consentrate, but how to get out of it. Mayhaps he could make it seem less then it was, "Just practising weaves as we're encuraged to do" He didnt blink, answering straigth diving around things was something he had learned as a noble, there where always games going on in the shadows of noble houses, thoug mayene by far wasnt the worst, he had run into a couple cairhiens here, quite imposible.


"Just practising weaves as we're encouraged to do."


Arath stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I see. And just which weave was that supposed to be? I don't recall teaching you anything like that. Aslan opened his mouth to reply, but Arath kept going. "I suppose you may have learned it from one of the other Asha'man. Provided you've been to your classes of course." That last part had been an indirect challenge. He knew perfectly well that the dedicated had not been to some of his classes. Although Arath had not been assigned to teach at those times, he had been keeping a loose eye on Aslan. His outburst in the class Arath had been teaching was disturbing, and a possible indicator of madness.


Fixing a level eye on the other man, he waited for a reply. There would be no sweet talking his way out of this.


He knew he hadnt, yet there was those who knew about Jakar, not many though, but all the bether if the man was controled to make as litle damage as posible, and a great scape goat for this.


"I am afraid I do share my time with another, some know, not many, to some extent I am able to control it, to some not. I lost control last time in the midle of your class, Jakar.." he said the name with lack of love in his voice "..and me doesnt exactly agree to too much to put it like that. As for classes, by far all of them can help me, as such its a mather of picking the rigth ones. My elemental strength is oposite of what it should be, fire and earth is something I dont do well with. Water, spirit and first of all air is my strengths."


Aslan put on a smile he hoped passed as a regretfull one, "Though i can learn weaves it does me litle good to learn things i do not have the strength to pull off." He shruged.


"Very interesting. You are not the first one here to have voices, or other people in your mind, but to my knowledge you would be the first to learn a new weave from it. So I'm guessing thats not the case here. We can deal with that later." It was disturbing that this Jakar could take full control, but it did explain a lot if it was true.


"But first, you need to explain a little of what you are doing. Self study and experimentation is encouraged, to a certain extent, but we like to know what is happening in case of ... unforeseen consequences. For example, if your little rain storm had also carried lightning, you probably wouldn't be here anymore. Even the Asha'man have to report what we're doing once in a while. I really wouldn't care so much if I'd seen something like this before, but you've sparked my interest here. Maybe we can learn something from eachother."


Aslan didn't seem very eager to explain himself, but Arath didn't plan on leaving him any other options.


"Very interesting. You are not the first one here to have voices, or other people in your mind, but to my knowledge you would be the first to learn a new weave from it. So I'm guessing thats not the case here. We can deal with that later."


Aslan was out of explanations, he was chaugth it seemed, nothing to it. At best he could hope to conceal the book, thats when the idea struck him.


"But first, you need to explain a little of what you are doing. Self study and experimentation is encouraged, to a certain extent, but we like to know what is happening in case of ... unforeseen consequences. For example, if your little rain storm had also carried lightning, you probably wouldn't be here anymore. Even the Asha'man have to report what we're doing once in a while. I really wouldn't care so much if I'd seen something like this before, but you've sparked my interest here. Maybe we can learn something from eachother."


He nodded as if understanding, "I was channeling, or rather mostly Jakar was before I even came here, back then I wasnt even aware of him. It wasnt till after here and starting to have to learn things twice as well as interacting with peoples both me and him, someone told me of him. After i learned about him I slowly came to awareness of when it happened the change, and then got futher conection, neither is really consious of the others acts and such it seems, yet it seems things is floating through in the memorie. More and more it becomes easier to remember or rather know things...not like you wake up and know the other discovered something.." Aslan asumed it was the same for Jakar.


"But more when you ponder something, or wonder how to solve a problem the solution pops to mind as if something you knew and forgot about cause it was so long ago, and now reremembering."


It was part truth, not about this weave, but hopefully enough.


Arath bit his lip to prevent a strained smile. Was he so hard to understand? "So am I to assume that Jakar was the one who was just channeling here? That seems awfully convenient. If thats the case, you'll want to be 'remembering' just how he did it soon. No more dodging the question."


Guessing that information about this still might not be forthcoming, Arath looked around for a place to relax and wait. Taking a seat on a large stone next to the other man's black coat, he looked up expectantly, waiting for a straight forward answer. This wasn't how he'd planned to spend his free day, but a good puzzle was never something he would turn down.


Aslan shook his head, the other had not goten what he tried to say. "No what i ment is Jakar can take classes and discover things, that i wont instantly know but from when i think on it i sudenly find myself remembering it as if an old memorie burried from childhood. Its something that started slowly, but by now have setled more firmly. I first discovered doing one of my many classes over since i had to learn everything twice not remembering what he learned, then knowing as the teacher described the weave, what is was before the demonstration."


He formed the flame in his mind, then grasped saidin. "So no it was not Jakar channeling now, it was me." He worked the first part of the web rutinly and quite quick. He closed his eyes a moment with a gesture as if he was holding the weave firmly in his hands, that was the first sign of gesture he had used yet, as he opened his eyes his hands stayed frosen in place as he pushed the weave from him to see it dance. Or it was how it looked to him as he added new treads who had to bend and twist their way into place, then the braiding and finaly he ended the weave as he had found, by now a quite large and complex web of mainly water and air tied togheter by spirit.


He let it spiral upwards, then then let go closing his eyes as he felt the gust blow past him again, heard the rumble, felt it in his weins as if he where conected to it. Then the lack of ligth made him open his eyes and tilt his face upwards to welcome the brief rain pouring down before the weave disolved.


With saidin inside him, dreanched he felt more alive then ever before, somehow he felt conected with weather, it made him feel alive. He didnt feel scared in storms, he always been drawn to them, while his siblings stayed indoor, his sister cried he had searched out on the balcony as a child, to his mothers dispair geting drenched.


He turned to the other, Arath was the name he remembered. "Weather is such a marvelous thing"


Arath watched intently as the dedicated wove Saidin, mostly air and water, into an intricate web. It required quite a lot of strength in both elements, perhaps more than he himself would be able to muster, but he understood how it worked. He watched the web spin up into the sky and unfold into its finished form. Clouds rolled together as before in a great rush of wind. Realizing what was about to happen, Arath wove a small disc of air and water above his head to protect himself from the downpour.


And not a moment too soon. If not for that disc he'd have been drenched from head to toe in the short while it took to empty the clouds of their moisture.


"Weather is such a marvelous thing."


"Indeed. Quite the interesting weave you have here. I'm not sure I could quite duplicate it with the same results. I don't quite have that strength in air. But I think I can help you refine it a little. Though I'd still like to know where you learned this ..."


Bracing himself to stand, Arath's hand came down on Aslan's coat. He felt something hidden inside, a book maybe, but chose to ignore it for the time being. It was really more important to figure out control of a weave already learned then to figure out where it came from. For now.


"Indeed. Quite the interesting weave you have here. I'm not sure I could quite duplicate it with the same results. I don't quite have that strength in air. But I think I can help you refine it a little. Though I'd still like to know where you learned this ..."


Aslan shruged, they where not Aes Sedai sworn to tell the truth and he had droped plenty false hints of it coming from Jakar, not rigth out saying it did thoug. Prefering not to be caugth in a lie, he tried once more. "What Jakar learns and i later remembers is not something i can tell where has been learned. I know weather never scared me, and by all logic Jakar was a wilder channeler using weather already before he was found, thoug I do presume not any more of his knowledge then mine." He looked to the clear blue skies, "Not for that i did things myself, thoug all litle things, and none of course by knowing what i did. Its hard to keep track of whats what when you have to go by what others can tell you, and not even know which others would be able to tell you anything at all."


Jakar sertainly was a trouble, "It helps a lot that i somehow now can reremember some things he learned as if they are my own old memories, but far from it do i reremember everything, not yet anyhow, who knows what will be in time." It conserned him what would happen as the conection grew stronger, cause he had no other explanation then that it did on the changes he registrered.


He hoped the other would lay off with the questions with that, what was worse by his estimates the man was his younger. Not that it mathered, the pin on the mans coat did thoug, now how to loose him so he could have his peace to work on this. He didnt like the tone of the other on the help. Mayhaps he could with this, though in time as he grew stronger the other wouldnt he was sure be able to help him, not by what litle he learned of peoples elemental strengths in here, the healers of course often beeing the ones with most water and air strength.


Yet no he had a distinct feeling he where something difrent from most men here, and he would need to keep learning from himself, all his classes proved so, as he was sure if there where any who was strong enough to be teaching the weaves he needed then there would be classes on it.


So it was all up to himself, and then he'd rather not have someone who didnt have his feel for things, not the powers to help him, stay around and end up hurt from his experiments. Unconsious he let a finger travel up to his cheek to stroke over the scar who was still healing on it.


Arath didn't know which he would rather deal with anymore, Aslan or Jakar. Jakar at least was direct. Unstable, but direct. Aslan looked like he'd beat around the bush indefinitely until he got his way.


But when it came to stubbornness, Arath had no equal.


"You can fight me all you want on this dedicated," he said, stressing the rank, "but if you wish to continue learning on your own, you will be sharing what you know. You belong to the Black Tower, and your knowledge will be used for the benefit of all of us. It doesn't matter if most don't have the strength in air to replicate this weave. Most weaves can be adapted, and principles that make it work can be applied to other weaves. It is for that same reason that you take part in classes that lie outside your strength. You may not be able to duplicate the weaves, but you can still learn from them. In this particular weave of yours, there are very advanced things that I have never seen before. And I can already think of ways to adapt the form, if not the weave."


He let the words sink in for a moment before adding, "Plus with a slight amount of supervision you're less likely to hurt yourself ... again." He indicated the half healed cut that Aslan had been fingering. "You do realize how lucky you have been, experimenting based off of ... other mens memories?"


"Now if you would, duplicate the weave again, and tell me how you will control the rate of rain fall."


Arath was prepared to leave the man to his self studies if he would only cooperate a little. Once he learned that learning with the power was often easier, and almost always safer with someone else to lend a hand.


"You can fight me all you want on this dedicated," Aslan looked at the man, it seemed his try to put the blame on Jakar wasnt bougth, or the man just was to stupid to understand his implications.

"but if you wish to continue learning on your own, you will be sharing what you know. You belong to the Black Tower, and your knowledge will be used for the benefit of all of us. It doesn't matter if most don't have the strength in air to replicate this weave. Most weaves can be adapted, and principles that make it work can be applied to other weaves. It is for that same reason that you take part in classes that lie outside your strength. You may not be able to duplicate the weaves, but you can still learn from them. In this particular weave of yours, there are very advanced things that I have never seen before. And I can already think of ways to adapt the form, if not the weave."


As Arath spoke all the old noble ways boiled up in Aslan, who had his time biting it in, knowing that but one look to his eyes would show his stuborness growing. This was his finding, his learning, and he sincearly belived he knew best. "Plus with a slight amount of supervision you're less likely to hurt yourself ... again."


Aslan snaped his hand down from his cheek. "You do realize how lucky you have been, experimenting based off of ... other mens memories?" He gave a court nod, he stood straigth with his back and bit his tounge not to speak, he had been raised in ways that made it sore to him to be put down. Throughout his stay in the black tower that was something that hadnt happened often either as he did generaly as told to stay out of trouble, he wasnt stupid he knew the risks, he had made it to dedicated where many others had not. Yet the situation had changed.


"Now if you would, duplicate the weave again, and tell me how you will control the rate of rain fall." That was something he hadnt come to yet, something he hadnt had time to think on in all his pondering of how to make the weave work.


"You seen how it work, i have yet to get to the point of even thinking on how to control it.." obviously the path with Jakar didnt work, so his hope would be to reason with the other somewhat.


"I'll work on it thoug with the drougth I hardly think its a problem as quick as it blows over, the first thing to do would be working on how to keep it from disapating so soon." His brown mayener eyes meeting the others levely.


"I was told we're here to be weapons, there is litle use in learning the theory of a bow if you lack the arms to ever shoot it. My strength in earth and fire is pateticly week, the weapons weaves you make use of is made of earth and fire, the elements is difrent work difrently affect difrent things. I am strong in air, water and spirit, descending in that rank. I am not yet at my full potential and even now making weaves you yourself have doubt at managing to handle. If I am corect in my estimates I am not only just medium strong as some of the healers is, but something all togheter for the most part..the ground I do be walking is untread ground..." he took a brief pause but continued before he could be interupted, "untread ground and wild forest always hold surprices that can spring into effect and be dangerous, so yes i may get hurt, and i have and i will...its the only way to explore it...to solve it..and I have yet to find any who can help me in this task. Even more I am not fumbeling blindly, i can not tell you how i know, or why not, i just know...I have a notch when it come to this weather stuff, a hunch in things."


He had no idea why as he said, but he was fed up, he knew the asha'men had earned their ranks and knew much, but in this he just knew by heart, he knew more. "There is no reason for other to get hurt, and the reason I said nothing is cause I havent known there be anything to speak of yet, I only managed to puzle this one out today. I keep write downs for my own sake and will write down your request on controling the downpour as well to remember it."


He stood back, all the time he had strugled to keep his voice levely, knowing if he at any time where to raise it it would be consequences he would not like. There migth yet be, but so be it, he knew to some fassion what he was doing, he had some control on what felt rigth and wrong. It was as much as could be expected, and until someone could show him they could teach him something on this field matching where he was going he had no want to have someone trying to play of bether knowledge directing him on his atempts demanding explanations of why or why not he wouldnt do as told, risking both his own and someone elses life.


Aslan may have kept his voice calm, but Arath could tell he was livid. But he had to learn. "I don't care if you have a talent for controlling the weather. It doesn't make you less vulnerable to the consequences of a mistake. More accidental deaths are caused by exploring talents than for anything else.You place yourself and others at risk by doing this alone. Firstly, by not thinking first of controlling the outcome. One poorly planned weave can burn you and everyone else around you out in an instant. Second, you make the foolish assumption that because you have a particular strength you automatically know more than anyone else in that field. The M'Hael has less overall strength than many of us, yet his skill and understanding of Saidin is matched by none. "


Aslan looked back, why did the man have to twist his every word he had never claimed to be someone specialy talented as some super good archer or something, he had merly said he where having a hunch and need to explore alone cause he had the ability to explore this, not cause of beeing special as such but for his strength in the elements that females where strong in. He was quite sure it was many an Aes Sedai who knew more and could do more then him, yet even they couldnt have thougth him, well the theory they could have thougth him but he would still have had to explore.


Then he sudenly froze and realised the other had said talent as it was something specific, he didnt interupt but politely listened to the rest told though it hardly was something he tended to argue all in all it just proved what he had already said. However if there was more info to be found, about this, he replayed the words in his head to be sure, yes Arath had said talent as if something of it own, something known, something that in case he then could actualy learn from. He blinked again on the twist of words, he knew he had much to learn about saidin, he wasnt speaking of saidin alone thoug, just his combination of elements.


"I know I have things to learn here Asha'man, I am not speaking of the whole but details. I didnt come here by myself, Jakar came here recruited by one of the campaigns, yet I have never tried to leave. Thoug I probably would have been hindered that was not knowledge I had at once when I woke up in a strange place, with strange ways, no one really fully inform me cause Jakar already had been, so by all estimates I have stayed on my own will despite not coming her by my own choise." He barely paused to catch his breath, "Now you spoke of talent as if something spesific, I never claimed to be a master of things, i said i had a notch for guessing things, yet you automaticaly used the word talent, and not just as a refrence it sounded to what i said but as if its something to do with the power in some way. If so may be there lay some knowledge or info for me to gain some futher clue from."


Arath stared blankly at the other man for a moment. Was he serious? “A talent, is how we generally describe an affinity for a certain task. The healers have a particular ‘talent’ with healing weaves. Some have a talent in manipulating the earth. Most people don’t have any particular talent. Most people have to have their talent pointed out to them. They simple think they ‘had a feeling about it’, or they just ‘like’ that particular kind of weave. A side effect of a talent can sometimes be a feeling of invulnerability in that particular area. I knew an Asha’man who had a talent for understanding ter’angrel, ancient artifacts of the power. It didn’t keep him from dying from one simple mistake, from a relatively benign ter’angreal. It’s a strength, but it can be a weakness if you aren’t careful. You seem to show a talent for weather control.



Aslan nodded thougthfully, then not really thinking made a jokefull wish, "If only one had access to the libary of the Aes Sedai"


Arath lifted an eyebrow. "Why? You think they'd have kept a manual on channeling for men?"


Aslan shook his head, "who really know, but I was more thinking they migth have some refrences or such to special abilities, if we can have them surely can they, and even if not much theoretical knowledge migth have helped"


"I really doubt such a book ever existed. Talents seem to vary as much as individual channelers. And learning to channel from theory . . . I don't know that the Aes Sedai would want to do that, and they've been channeling for much longer than any of us."


Aslan nodded, "exactly they are said to have the greatest source of info, unlike men they never stoped, who know what they have of knowledge over the years."


"But the knowledge that they might have would be mostly useless to us. Saidin and Saidar have as many similarities as fire and water. And as many differences."


Aslan shook his head, "Yet the ideas one could have gained, you can not do something or come up with something you never thougth of, theory can be handy to put you on the trace"


It was Arath's turn to shake his head. "Getting an idea is one thing, carrying it through is another. The Aes Sedai have always known about forming gateways but haven't done so for many, many years. They know what it does, and probably have some idea of how it works, but still can't do it on theory alone. Even if we describe the entire process to them, they can't figure out a duplication. Yes, theory can get you somewhere, but most likely not where you thought you'd end up."


"Mayhaps not.." Aslan admited, "..but any knowledge gained is a good one, look at this place.." he turned around with hands spread wide, "not that long ago no man could learn but from himself and most would die trying, yet now we learn, but the knowledge we learn has been suplied by someone, among our members who discovered it for the first time." He looked at Arath, "yes its risky, but only through risk can we keep learning, cause once must always be the first time."


"It depends on the knowledge. Learning twenty ways to NOT do a weave at the cost of twenty soldiers is not worth the cost. The secret to the success of this place, is that we share knowledge. Absolutely everything learned is shared, so that it can be applied to other circumstances as well. Discovery is made a group effort, so that other points of view can influence the experiments. Problems can often be worked out before the weave is ever completed. And even if problems occur, survival rates are higher when others are already there to react."


Arath rubbed his forehead. "That is why I want to know what you are doing, and how. If you do it alone, odds are you will kill yourself, or burn yourself out. Not an acceptable cost for whatever it might teach us. When it's possible to avoid the risks, we do so. Channeling is dangerous enough, especially for us."


"That is why I want to know what you are doing, and how. If you do it alone, odds are you will kill yourself, or burn yourself out. Not an acceptable cost for whatever it might teach us. When it's possible to avoid the risks, we do so. Channeling is dangerous enough, especially for us."


Aslan was not sure he did fully agree on it for this situation. "I think if you know one sword type then you can help someone who learn another sword type in many ways, cause thoug some things is difrence, much is the same, however i also think that a sword and a bow is very much 2 difrent things. Now as for what I be doing, mostly i been working on the water and air weaves I learned in class, make them bigger and stronger, based on the fact i can, in hope to turn them into more effective weapons. So its safe knowledge in the botom, the other weave is something i developed with work over time, I do not still see how someone could help me with it as they do not have the strength to test out how difrent versions would work, and such slowly expand in the directions who seems to work more as one want. Its new and wild terain."


Besides there was another aspect to it, one he tried not to think on cause he much prefered what he was doing now, his strengths ment he likely could learn to heal, and he prefered it out here with the weather then down in the house where they kept the sick ones. Maybe was it selfish of him, but deaths was sure to come from what they where doing, and they where here to become weapons not healers.


"You miss the entire point Aslan." Light, this man just refused to understand! "You have no idea what weapon you are fumbling around with, be it a bow, a mace, or a pitchfork. Strength in a certain element matters less than you think. I may not be able to duplicate the weave in its full strength, but I will likely understand it better than you do. Understanding is something that comes with experience. I have only an average ability for healing, even though my strengths are equal with many of the healers. But I can understand the weaves. I can see how they work. I just can't make them work. If it came down to it I could teach someone else how to do it.


"It can be the same with your weave. Perhaps few have the strength in air to make it, but that doesn't mean that they cannot help you. At the very least you can let us know what you're doing so that the next headstrong dedicated with the same talent doesn't die the same way you do."


Arath closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Our other option, is to simply not let you channel at all." His eyes snapped open and tendrils of spirit shot toward Aslan, cutting him off from the source. "Not an option that I would like to go with, but it does keep you from damaging anything or anyone. But its your choice. What will it be, dedicated?"

  • 3 weeks later...

"You miss the entire point Aslan." Aslan tilted his head, "You have no

idea what weapon you are fumbling around with, be it a bow, a mace, or a

pitchfork. Strength in a certain element matters less than you think. I

may not be able to duplicate the weave in its full strength, but I will

likely understand it better than you do. Understanding is something that

comes with experience. I have only an average ability for healing, even

though my strengths are equal with many of the healers. But I can

understand the weaves. I can see how they work. I just can't make them

work. If it came down to it I could teach someone else how to do it."


He knew he could learn weaves he had no strength to make, yet these

where weaves in a special strength range, some of them anyway, so how

could one understand a type of weaves based on others they had nothing

in comon with. "It can be the same with your weave. Perhaps few have the

strength in air to make it, but that doesn't mean that they cannot help

you. At the very least you can let us know what you're doing so that the

next headstrong dedicated with the same talent doesn't die the same way

you do."


He had ment to, he just intended to find something usefull first, he

only just had the chanse to get this to work properly, this was not

fair. This was the exact reason he hadnt said anything, this was his

discovery, his learning, and now whatever happened he would be made to

stop or have someone oogeling over his shoulder.


"Our other option, is to simply not let you channel at all." Aslan

wondered how, then something happened, he lost touch of the source,

saidin was gone. Well not gone he could feel it out there but there was

something hindering him to touch it. Something slipery, that he couldnt

work around, he stoped and looked at the other puzled. What was this.

"Not an option that I would like to go with, but it does keep you from

damaging anything or anyone. But its your choice. What will it be,



Aslan just looked at the other, studying him, what had he done. Then

slowly he had a sirup like sensation in his mind of recognation, like if

he had been here before, expereinced it before. Only he knew he hadnt,

just as well as he knew it ment Jakar had. That was what he had started

realising such feelings to be, so it was some mean ot hinder him to

channel, and Jakar had experinced it.


He wasnt surpriced at that, that the other had needed to be kept from

the source, shielded, yes that was it, he knew it as he thougth it, and

said the word as if tasting it. "Shield" yes it sounded strange yet

right. That was another thing he hadnt thougth of, if he could get these

sensations and memories, surely Jakar migth as well, and what would the

mad man do about it.


Aslan could think of no good, he didnt like beeing kept from the sweet

saidin, yet...he findished the thougth aloud, yet "...maybe its for the

best.." he thougt some more on it as he let the questionable words hang

in the air, "yes mayhaps...not always..then i couldnt work but.." but

whenever he wherent working on a weave, what if Jakar took over in the

midle of a session and he was alone, if he had by then discovered

himself shielded..Aslan frowned, it was not good then to know what the

other would do.


"..someone would need be present.." that conserned him, cause though he

didnt want to let this on to Jakar, he didnt want to be disturbed, lost

in his own thougths he didnt registrer that he at times spoke some of

his thougths aloud "..if only i could be undisturbed enough to still

work.." yes if he could find someone who would allow him to do what was

needed, but it could put them in danger, yet yes "..then it migth be for

the best.."


He was looking out into the skies thougthfully...lost to his soroundings

as his thougths circled around in his head.




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*Arath Faringal*




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Arath was not prepared for Aslan's reaction to being shielded. The last

time he had done this, the man had thrown himself blindly, wildly

against the shield in an attempt to break it down. Now he seemed to ...

not enjoy it, but accept it as useful. "...maybe its for the best..."

was not something he had ever heard from another channeler on the

recieving end of a shield.


He cautiously eyed the dedicated. He had never heard of shielding

triggering madness in another, yet Aslan was speaking in a low tone, and

only broken fragments of his thoughts. It was definitely odd, but

considering where they were, there were worse things that could happen.


"...Someone would need be present ... if only i could be undisturbed

enough to still work..."


"Yes, that is rather the whole idea. We don't want to inhibit your

progress, only monitor it. Keep you from doing anything overly stupid.

You are still free to experiment with almost anything you want. Just so

long as we know. Now, can I trust you to do so?" Arath released the

shield, but quickly wove another in front of him. "Or do I put this back?"



Esyndor Renethil, Freelander - DRPSW


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Aslan nodded, "It migth be best, I think its time to go get something to

eat, its not a plesant thing, but if it can keep him from harming

anyone, then migth be its worth it." He shruged visiably, deep down he

felt he was making the rigth choise, he didnt have to like it thoug, he

didnt have to like beeing shielded from the source.


Tired he looked down towards the inn, "you eaten already?" he migth as

well get to know this man now that the choise had been made, first as

last if they where gonna spend time togheter. No he didnt like it, it

was there he could sence it, yet knew it was out of reach, and surely

this couldnt be a long term solution.


Mayhaps it was time to seek the healers even so, maybe some would know

how to kill of Jakar, that would solve his problems for all time.


He found his feets treading towards the inn, not really registrering if

the asha'man was following or not.


  • 3 weeks later...

Arath watched in disbelief as Aslan walked toward the inn. He was definitely one of the stranger members of the tower in Arath's book. But he seemed to be thinking rationally. For now anyway. Shaking his head he let the shield dissolve. At least he was listening.


He watched the dedicated walk away a moment longer, then wove spirit. The silvery blue slash of a gateway spiraled open to the common room of the inn. Covai was never happy with people traveling directly inside the inn, but Arath had opened it right next to a back wall, where it would be nearly impossible to damage anyone or anything. There was hardly anyone here at this time anyway. Before he entered the inn he noticed the black coat which Aslan had forgotten to take with him. Stooping down to pick it up, he felt something hard wrapped inside. A book? Tempting as it was to look through, he decided against it and kept it wrapped up. Stepping through he looked around, letting the gateway snap shut behind him. Taking a seat at one of the many empty tables, he ordered a bowl of stew and waited for the dedicated to arrive. It didn't take long until the door swung open and Aslan stepped inside. With a grin, Arath waved him over.


"Call me lazy, but I prefer to get things done quickly." As the dedicated sat across the table from him, he pushed the coat and concealed book across the table. "Interesting that. Care to explain?"

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