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The significance of 13 channelers


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So I've never seen this question answered or asked, and it's bothered me for a while. It's been said that linking isn't the same as adding two power levels, and the theory stands that women have 21 levels of power, with men going a few beyond that. So that being said, how is it that 13 of the weakest channelers could shield and hold the strongest man (Or woman)? and does that count for a channeler with an angreal or sa'angreal? I mean 13 level 2 channelers (since mograse at level 1 cannot always touch the source) shouldn't be up to say Lanfear's level, unless something  magic happens when you hit a certain number. Has anyone ever explained how that works?


Well according to the BWB the cumulative strength of a circle depends on its size, the strengths of the individuals linked, whether or not angreal or sa'angreal are used, and the balance between ,male and female  channelers in the circle.   It also states that say if two people linked, these combined flows handle more power than any one member could channel alone, with more precision than several separate flows.  But the linked flow is not as strong as each of the separate strengths added together.  In other  words the link does not combine flows in a purely additive manner.  Two women linked can handle more than either could separately and with much greater control than with multiple flows--because it is a single flow--but they cannot handle as much as the two could separately.  It is the precisions that makes them so powerful.  The primary value of the circle is its capacity for singular focus of multiple energies.  It's impossible to focus two or more individual flows  precisely on the same task, no matter how skilled the channelers, but when linked the person leading the circle can direct and channel the combined flows with the same pinpoint accuracy as if he/she were directing only one flow.  The leader of the circle was chosen more for skill then strength.


So sounds like its not sheer power that gives a circle its power.  But the fact you could basically handle 13 weaves for shields and place them on your target as  quickly and accurately as if you were doing only one shield.  So its not simply strength vs strength against your target.  But the thicker the weave the harder it is to slice, so a single weave of 13 flows seems like it would be hard to cut.  Other factors also come into play, the skill of the circle leader, is the target holding the power already, amount of power being held, and skill of your opponent.  With the amount of power LTT could hold it might be almost impossible to cut him off if he is already holding the power and the circle was all weak channelers.  I know Egwene said she wasn't sure they would of been able to shield Rand in the WT had they tried. 


I think they said "the 13 weakest Aes Sedia". not sure which type of Aes Sedia they meant; Age of Legends type or Age of the series type.


linking; I recall somewhere telling that the strength of the circle is less than the sum of the individual strengths but more than any individual strength.


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