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You always have to go back to the scene of the crime, its a part of any movie!


Its good to see all of you. Its been...a while. How are you all doing?


The site looks great. Although I can't find my way around as good as I use to. Are there still org pages?






Technically there should be they never made the transition from DM 6 to DM 7, however they are in the works.


I'm doing pretty good, not sure when we last talked lol... Graduated College, Got a good job, Got married to Mandien (ex-Aiel Clan Chief for those who've no clue who I'm talking about), Left good job to move to Missisippi where I have no job, Had a Baby Girl, Getting ready to have second Baby (suppose to be another girl).


How you been?



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I married Segurant and bought a house in the suburbs. I'm teaching social studies and language arts at a charter middle school run by Arabs and hippies.


Mat congrats on the second baby girl! Sounds like things are going good for you. (and congrats on marriage and the first baby, I know its kind of late.)


Congrats to you too Kat. Sounds like both of you are doing good. Althought your job sounds like it could get a little crazy.


I graduated college and am now a professional engineer. I'm still in Virginia and enjoy my job. Everything is going pretty good. I still get myself into trouble with women so my life is pretty similar to what it was except I have calmed down a lot.






Well, I'm doing pretty good. Not sure when the last time I talked to you was... sooo... I'll start back from Georgia. We moved from there to CO for almost two years, then to Germany for about three years where I had William (he'll be three next month), and are now in Omaha, NE... ><


I'm staying at home with Will right now. Tom's still in the USAF but going to college part time for computer engineering. I recently came back to DM... mainly hung at the Blues on and off since 2002, but not DM itself. And that's about it... :)


Glad everything is going well for you... :)


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