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Character Name: Aurore Boréale


Email address: ata.dorje@gmail.com


Group: Seafolk


Race: 50% Randlander - 50% Seafolk


Age: unknown


Height: 5 feet


Weight: 115 pounds


Eye Color: Green


Hair Color: White where it once was Cooper Blonde


Special Features (Missing Limbs, Scars and such):

1.2 inches long Scar on her rigth chin, several small scars from cuts on her

arms and hands, one 6 inches long scar on her left leg



Character History:


She was born of a mother who worked as a Thief taker in Tear and as she grew

of age she slowly started to learn from her mother. At the age of 10, Aurore

started to get curious about who she was; she liked to learn her mother's

work, but couldn't help seeing that all her friends came from normal

families with both a mother and a father.


"Mother can I ask you something?" Aurore was looking at her mothers back as

she prepared to go out into the night to hunt thieves. Her mother turned and

looked at her asking what it was. "I just wondered who is my father?" Aurore

looked curious at her mother as she became thougthfull. “Your father was of

the Sea Folk. I only knew him for two days while his ship lay in the harbour

and never saw him again. He seemed like a fine and honest man. Was this what

you wanted to know hon?"

Aurore smiled and nodded. She went to bed thinking about what she had

learned. Since they lived by the coast she had learned to swim fairly well.

And now she tried to imagine how her father was, she had seen the Sea Folk

ships sometimes in the harbour but never been close to one. She wondered how

it would be to travel the sea as she fell asleep.


After that nigth Aurore didn't think much more about it as she was to

occupied to start learning weapon use. As years passed she soon started to

go out with her mother till the year she was to turn 15. Her mother died

that winter and suddenly Aurore was alone in the world. All her friends who

generaly had been a few years older had married of and had families now, or

had taken work in noble houses.


Aurore however was happy with her life and the work she had started learing

from her mother. As such she kept practising in small cases. Few who could

afford a proper thief taker would hire a young girl like her to do harder

tasks. One evening she ended up in a confrontation. She was not sure what

happened and how she got away, but sudenly the two men just lay there on the

ground. In the next day to follow she took sick, though she came out of it

and then descided to start taking lessons in the use of quarterstaff and

hand to hand combat when she could afford . Then some months later she took

sick again after a similar accident, and as she was sudnely recovering she

was tracked down. Rumors had spread and she was told she would be sent to

Tar Valon.


Aurore protested but her protested was ignored, and if she didnt want to be

draged along like a rag doll she would have to follow. She was taken to a

Sea Folk ship and her passage was sponsored. For the next days to come she

was moping while trying to plan a way to escape. She had no wish to become

one of the Tar Valon witches. When her purse almost fell of the ship with an

acident she tried to catch it though she never should have, yet somehow she

saved it and with it some small memories of her mother. It was then the

windfinder of the ship took interest in her. She became sick and didnt

remember much of the two days in fever, but when she recovered and was asked

she told her story.


She was told that her traits of the seafolk aparence had been noticed

already, and though they seemed sceptical they started talking more to her.

She took to enjoying the company. She would ask about the ship and how it

functioned, and took a general interest in learning about her fathers

peoples. She wouldnt hide that she did not look forward to the arival in Tar

Valon, how she despiced what they where, and then yet the day came. It was

with sadness she saw it close in, though in the last moment she was taken

aside. A offer was made to return to the people of her father. Aurore hardly

belived it. But accepted, in the next two years she scrubed decks and

learned more about the customs of her new family. And slowly she also

started learning. She became a windfinder aprentice. Her despice of

channeling and fear of it wore of as she learned to embrace it.


She would never learn who her father was. Instead she stayed with the clan

who found her.Today few if any but herself would know the story of how she

found her way back to her fathers people. Her hair has grown white and age

show in her face and eyes, yet this age dont tell the whole truth of her

real age. She through time would raise and sink through the rank systems,

having served several sailmistresses, and on all types of the ships inside

her clan at least once.


It is with love she looks at the sun seting over the ocean, her fear of

going to Tar Valon she never forgot, and she has never sat foot on land in

the city. Throughout the years she has helped train others to come join the

ranks of her kind, and though she would do so with an aparent stone face, a

litle smile always hide inside her as she guids them to learn what is needed

as she once was thougth. Her grandmother aparence at first look is not to be

fooled about. Behind lurks a strong, stuborn and willfull personality though

she will seldom show anger or as that other emotions when debating.

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