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Miria groaned, moments after opening her eyes to see the sunlight filtering through the window. Surely it wasn't morning yet! Turning her head, Miria stretched, somewhat disappointed to see that Kedyn had already left for the morning and she hadn't even woken to see him go. No doubt he had not wanted to disturb her, which was sweet of him, tired as she had been feeling lately. She had no idea why, but for some reason she was drained of energy. Nothing a good night's sleep wouldn't fix, but sleep was always the last thing on her mind when Kedyn was about.


Smirking she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, a sudden wave of nausea halting her before she stood. Miria doubled over and closed her eyes, frightened for a moment that she was going to lose what little there was in her stomach. Thankfully it soon passed, leaving Miria wondering just what had brought it on as she set about dressing for the day. Passing it off as nothing more than her stomach disagreeing with last night's stew, she resolved to find herself some fruit to have with her breakfast.


The mess was already crowded by this time of morning, forcing Miria to join the end of the queue. Voices mingled together noisily, along with the sounds of cutlery on plates, chairs scraping on the floor, melding to create one jolly sound. Rich aromas wafted from the kitchens, fresh bread, porridge, and meat. Beef, or perhaps lamb...oh light!Miria clamped a hand over her mouth as her stomach rolled, the queasy feeling from that morning returning tenfold.


"Out of my way!" She snapped urgently, shoving her way through the crowd, looking to escape outside before she embarassed herself by vomiting on the floor. "Sick in the morning? She must be pregnant!" A woman's voice reached Miria's ears, along with several laughs and jests as she burst out into the sunlight, barely making it to a nearby bush before heaving and losing her stomach.


Pregnant? The woman's words repeated in Miria's mind as she stood on weak legs, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. Surely that wasn't possible...well it was, she wasn't so naieve that she didn't know how babies were created, but she didn't think she could be. Well maybe...She hadn't worried before, but she waslate...What if she was pregnant? What would Kedyn think? Would the child have his name? They weren't even married!


Miria shook her head. She couldn't be. "Oomph!" Miria staggered back a step, having turned and walked directly into a tall, hard frame. Lifting her eyes, she found herself face to face with the most beautiful pair of eyes, full of concern. Kedyn's eyes. Smiling weakly she steadied herself with his help, blushing slightly as she wondered just what to tell him.



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Kedyn’s eyes popped open and almost instantly he was wide awake. Having gotten used to being up early he hardly slept in at all, and with his recent promotion the work he had to do had seemed to multiply tenfold. So it seemed getting an earlier start was useful for a few reasons.


Though his smile had nothing to do with work or being up. The light thump against his chest from the heartbeat of the woman he loved, the breath playing across the expanse of his chest as he head rested on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and carefully eased himself out from under her, forcing away the want to stay close. Wickedly he lamented it still not being light and the sheet covering Miria. Rummaging for some clothes Kedyn dressed for the day and quietly left his room after one last kiss on Miria’s sleeping cheek.


It was an uneventful morning, though Kedyn was able to finish most of the paperwork he would need for the morning and most of the afternoon. The rest he had yet to receive. He hadn’t wanted to bother Drea with what he needed to give her thinking she was probably still asleep anyways and so had got a small workout in before everyone had gone away to breakfast.


He was making his way there himself when he spotted the Miria pushing her way back out. He raised an eyebrow, changing his direction towards her. Kedyn’s step quickened when he saw her leaning over a bush, cringing slightly as he saw here emptying her stomach. He stopped behind her, moving to lean over and to see if she was alright when she turned around and walked right into him. He reached out an arm to help steady her and with concern filling his eyes and voice he asked, “Are you okay Miria? You’re not getting sick are you?”




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“Are you okay Miria? You’re not getting sick are you?”Miria grimaced at the foul taste in her mouth and fought against another surge of nausea. She blushed, knowing how terrible she must look. At least she had managed to avoid disgracing herself by vomiting in her hair or on her clothes. That would be awfully humiliating.


"I'm fine...well I think so. Just feeling a bit off this morning, I guess." she replied, thankful for the arm supporting her. Her legs were feeling rather shaky and she was quite lightheaded, without it she imagined she would likely have fallen by now. Light, what if she were pregnant, and she fell? Would that hurt the baby? If there was a baby. The idea was far too new, and Miria had no idea what to think about it, let alone imagining what Kedyn would think. There was no question that he was the father, as he was the only man she had even been with. Did he want children? And for that matter, did she?


"I just need to sit down for a minute." The anxious questions tumbling about in her mind were certainly not helping the queasiness in her stomach. Kedyn helped her over to where some crates were stacked beside the mess and helped her sit, and Miria couldn't help but evade his gaze. Would he know what she was thinking? That she may be carrying his child? What if he rejected her, and the child? She knew she wasn't being fair, letting him tell her for himself. He may be overjoyed at the idea. But what if he wasn't?


Light, she was giving herself a headache on top of this sick feeling. Miria pressed her fingers lightly to her brow as though to force her thoughts to hush and drive away the pain that threatened. "I felt a bit queasy when I woke this morning, and then the smell of meat cooking..." She pressed her hand to her mouth, thinking about the smell enough to bring another wave of nausea on. Taking a deep breath, she sighed with relief as she maintained her stomach. She licked her lip and continued. "I guess something I ate disagreed with me." Either that, or I am pregnant with your child, Kedyn.She couldn't voice the thought. What if she was not pregnant? She would worry them both for nothing. But if she was, Kedyn deserved to know...


Miria groaned, her eyes widening as she twisted away, only moments before she heaved again, barely avoiding Kedyn as she was sick. Unthinkingly, one hand rested on her belly as she regained composure once more. Was there a child there or not?



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Kedyn twisted his lip as he watched Miria, helping her move over to a crate so she could sit. There was no doubt that she was sick, most likely something with her stomach though her explanation sounded and looked more the lie than the full truth. He wasn't entirely certain she was telling him the entire of it, but he would never have guessed what she was truly thinking off. Instead he cringed as she once again spilled her stomach onto the ground.


Though his suspicion was overcome by his concern, his want to help the woman he loved outweighing his probably ill based suspicion. She could not be looking at him just for the fact that she felt sick and wanted to keep her head down just in case. "Wait here for one minute love, I'll be right back."


Kedyn set out at a quick run the short distance to his room, grabbing his pack and taking out a small green herb that he kept. He ground it a little in his hand as he made his way back the mess, checking that Miria looked okay as he ran in to grab a glass of water.


Grinding the leaf into small pieces he let it fall into the glass, swirling it around to make sure at least some dissolved in the liquid. His heart went out to his lover as he looked at how wretched she looked. "Here...this should help your stomach." He handed the small glass to her and took a seat next to her. “Now drink that up, it’s not going to hurt you.” Reaching his hand up he scratched his fingers across her back. “You sure that’s it? You finish that up and we’ll go find one of the medics to look at you.” It was only a small push to see if he could get something else from her, to try and satisfy his worry that she might be hiding something, sure that Miria was trying to make is so he wouldn’t worry. And at the same time it let her a way out if she didn’t want to tell him, perhaps a doctor would instead be able to make sure she was all right.




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Miria buried her face in her hands as Kedyn left, her mind now more agony than her stomach. She was foolish if she thought Kedyn would not notice that she hid her thoughts. He was a scout, and a good one at that. His whole life he had learned to take in every detail, to read people and situations. And knowing her so intimately, he was likely already suspicious that she was hiding something.


Technically she wasn't hiding anything, she didn't know if she was or wasn't pregnant, but still she felt guilty. Lying was always a talent with her, using her sweet appearance to hide her deception, but she could not do so with Kedyn. He deserved her honesty. It was only her worry over his reaction that had held her tongue.


Miria took the cup that Kedyn offered her, knowing how wretched she must look. “Now drink that up, it’s not going to hurt you.” The words set off alarm bells in Miria's head and she stilled, the glass not yet touching her lips. She had heard that there were certain herbs that could be harmful to an unborn babe. What if this was one of them? Could she risk it? She lowered her hand. She could not.


“You sure that’s it? You finish that up and we’ll go find one of the medics to look at you.” Miria sighed and shook her head. "Well I don't know that there isn't more to it, but it's possible." She licked her lip nervously. "I hadn't thought of it, but a comment from one of the women...well...and it may not be, but just in case..." Light she could dance around it all day, but eventually she had to tell him.


"Kedyn..." She looked up, scared but wanting to see his reaction to her words. "I think I might be," she swallowed and forced the word out "pregnant."



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The admission was enough to shock him to the core, he felt numb all over, stupified by everything that the words meant. Pregnant? With his child...This would change everything. A child, a son or daughter for he and Miria to raise. He would be a father....


And he was overjoyed. His face lit in a huge smile and his eyes sparkeled with excitement. He would be a father. The child of him and Miria. Since he had first began to look at girls differently and think about his future he had wanted to be a father. His and him had always been close and he wanted to be just like that with his child. Son or daughter, to him it didn't matter. A son he could take hunting, teach him all that his father had taught him, and a daughter, she would grow into his rose as beautiful as her mother.


He swept Miria up into a hug, the medicinal water spilling onto the ground beside them. He kissed her cheek as he laughed, delighted by the news...not thinking about what the woman in his arms might be thinking. Did she want a child as much as he, it would be harder for her after all.


"That is wonderful!" Kedyn was too overjoyed to think, but as he came back to the present his mind turned to not only what he wanted, but what Miria wanted. Was she ready to have kids? Light they weren't even married! "Though, I should more ask...is that what you want?" Kedyn was worried for one, what would they do if Miria turned out not to be ready..he didn't want his burst of enthusiasm to make her feel guilty if she didn't.




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It was quite a relief to find that Kedyn didn't shrink away or look angry, though the dumbfounded look on his face didn't bode well. Miria had no idea what to expect from Kedyn by way of reaction to her news.


Suddenly a bright smile swept across his face and he scooped Miria up into a hug. It was infectious, and Miria couldn't help but smile a little as he laughed and kissed her cheek. "That is wonderful!"Well at least she had worried over his reaction for nothing. But how did she feel about it? She really wasn't sure. She needed time to let the idea sink in, to mull it over.


"Though, I should more ask...is that what you want?"Kedyn looked so happy at the prospect, that Miria wished she shared the same joy. But truth be told, there were so many unknowns that made her hesitate. She was a bastard child, she doubted her mother had even known which of the men she let between her thighs was the one to father Miria. Did she want to bring up a child in the same manner?


Of course that wasn't entirely fair. Kedyn was not like the men that paraded through her mother's bed. He may have had other lovers before her, but since declaring his love for her, he'd not so much looked at another. And she was obviously different to her mother. Kedyn was her entire world. And she knew he would never abandon his child, never abandon her. But it still did not change the fact that they were not married, and her child would forever have that hanging over it's head.


Unless of course they married before the birth. Light, there was so many things to consider. "I...I'm not sure what I think of the idea." Miria replied truthfully. The thought of Kedyn marrying her only to give his child a name was not a pleasant one. She did not even know if she would accept such a proposal. Her mother once told her that all marriage did was chain a woman to one man, and that even the nicest man could change drastically given that hold over his wife. While Miria didn't think that was entirely the case, she didn't have an example of a good marriage to go off. All she knew was that she loved him, and he her.


There were other things that Miria thought of. They were both newly promoted, and that meant added responsibility, more demands on their time. And she was still so young, barely 20 name days old. Not younger than her mother was when she was with child, but Miria did not want to follow the same path she did. She would give her child the stable home it deserved, with it's father and mother, not a string of men that shared her bed and paid her child no heed.


Her child. The picture of a young boy, with his father's eyes and rakish smile entered her mind. A living sign of their love. A small smile tugged at her mouth, and she lifted her eyes to Kedyn's. His child may well be growing in her womb. Her eyes flicked over to the insignia on his shirt and her smile faded. They were soldiers. Did she really want her children growing up, facing violence and death? Is that the future she wanted to offer them? No. No, it was not.


"I haven't really had time to think about it, I guess." She tried to explain with a blush. Oh, but Kedyn seemed to love the idea so much. She wanted to make him happy, wanted it to be so for his sake, despite her reservations. "But I don't even know if it is so." She shrugged and placed a hand over her abdomen. "But child or no, something is not liking me right now." She grimaced at the ache starting to pound at her temple, a result from the vomitting, no doubt. That and her troublesome thoughts. What if she was pregnant, knowing all these reasons why she could not bring a child into the world?




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Kedyn was instantly sorry for his overjoyed reaction as he watched Miria's response, her face looking distant and forlorn in contrast to the smile that was no slowly fading. Not from disappointment that she was hesitant to have a child of their's, but because he knew this was difficult for the two of them and if she was not ready then he did not want a child either.


Thinking about it Kedyn began to pick out the flaws that his exuberance of the possibility of being a father had led him to ignore and make Miria look the way she was now. She seemed torn, knowing that him showing so much happiness at the idea that it would make it difficult because she always seemed to be looking to make him happy. An act that made him love her all the more, but at times like this made him wish he thought more carefully.


Their different upbringings no doubt would prove a large obstacle in what they were, unmarried and although in a love filled relationship where there would no other and Kedyn would never abandon his child and Miria, they were soldiers as well and an arrow might not give him a choice of whether to leave or remain. And scouts no less, who were prone to being away from the Citadel for days to weeks at a time. Kedyn had grown up with a mother and father in the situation as theirs, happily married and loving their children in a stable family…for the same reasons that Kedyn was so excited to start his own. But Miria, from what he had learned from her, was far from that. He knew she did not know her father, nor was her mother married. What picture could that paint of a family to her?


"I haven't really had time to think about it, I guess." It took only a moment after Miria had finished speaking before Kedyn was closing his arms around her, holding her tightly against him to try and ease away the worries he knew was plaguing her. "You know how much I love you, and I can't hide or lie about how much I would want to start a family with you."


Stroking his fingers through her soft hair Kedyn stood and held his small lover in his arms, "But that will be when both of us are ready. Both of us, not just me. I do not want you to think or be disappointed on my account if there will be no child, now and if ever." Kedyn suppressed the sad sigh of thinking that he would never have a child to call him father, but with the lives he and Miria led it was always a possibility. And he would not force Miria to start their family if she was not ready. "For this…" Kedyn let go a small fraction to place a hand on Miria's stomach much as she had done moments before, "should be something you want as much as I do, not because you want me to be happy..but because it will make you happy."


Leaning foreword to kiss Miria's brow he took her hand and taking a step away and towards where the Medics had taken residence, breakfast and duty forgotten as his duty to his lover took over. "Least we can do it try and find something for that stomach and well…perhaps one of the medics can make a better decision as to whether we should be worrying so much or not." Small smiles and small words, sometimes he wondered if what he said really was as comforting as he wished.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Miria wished she could be more overjoyed at the situation as she saw Kedyn's crestfallen face. He wanted to be a father, she could see that, and knew he would be a good father to their child. She would give anything to see him smile, but was she ready to be a mother? She just didn't know. She was still so young, though plenty of women had children at her age, sometimes even more than one by then! But they were other people. Miria still had a warrant hanging over her head, one that would no doubt spell death for her. Did she dare risk leaving her children without a mother? True, the officials believed she had been kidnapped by another prisoner, maybe believed her dead, but if anyone ever recognised her, she sincerely doubted she would get away so easily again.


"For this should be something you want as much as I do, not because you want me to be happy...but because it will make you happy." Miria looked down at the large hand resting lightly against her stomach, where a child may already be forming. Would it make her happy? Light, she already had been happy. Kedyn was her whole world, nothing made her happier than resting secure in his love. She had thought it was enough, even being unmarried, but was that enough for him?


Light, what if she never wanted to have children at all? What then? Would Kedyn leave her for someone who would make him a father? The possibility was gut-wrenching. What if it turned out she wasn't pregnant, and never could be? So many things she had never considered before, and now the thoughts were eating away at her. She couldn't lose Kedyn! Her life would be over, the very light of it gone. She knew what would make her happy - Kedyn, like he always did and always would. If only she'd thought about this before, wondered about being a mother. But right now she was too worried to think straight, unsure as to how she would feel about it. She needed time!


"Least we can do it try and find something for that stomach and well…perhaps one of the medics can make a better decision as to whether we should be worrying so much or not." Miria nodded as he took her hand, mustering a smile. She knew he was trying to ease her worry, and for that she loved him eternally. But would he love her the same if she didn't want children? Not that she knew she didn't want them, but she couldn't predict how she may feel down the track. He was right though, best to see if they could find out for certain what they were facing before she worried herself any further.


She was silent as they made their way to the infirmary, though she kept a tight grip on Kedyn's hand. If only this wretched queasiness would subside, then she may be able to order her thoughts some, but her stomach rolled with each step. It seemed an eternity before they reached the infirmary, Kedyn leading her inside to a chair as he fetched a Medic, bringing the man back over to speak with Miria.


Eyes downcast and cheeks blushing, Miria softly explained the sickness, and in an even quieter voice the possibility that she is pregnant. Her cheeks flamed. She was practically declaring that she was an unmarried lightskirt who could not keep her knees together. Well I can give you something for the queasiness, that won't hurt your baby, if you are pregnant."The medic smiled in a friendly way, though Miria wasn't feeling overly friendly. "As for determining if you are pregnant well i can...ahh..." He looked at Kedyn somewhat warily. "give you an...examination, though even then I can't be completely certain this early."


An examination? Ohhh..."No way!" Miria spoke quickly and adamantly, her mutinous face showing she would not give in should they ask her to. Kedyn was the only one who had ever seen her beneath her clothes, let alone touch her, there was no way she was letting some strange man anywhere near her! Or woman for that matter. She shook her head firmly. "No examination...there has to be another way to tell."


The medic shrugged, seemingly happy that he didn't have to deal with giving Kedyn's lover an examination. "The only other way to tell is to wait. Sometimes our bodies do funny things. Just because you are, err, late, doesn't mean you are pregnant. However if you are, it will soon start to show." Literally, thought Miria. The Medic went and fetched some herbs for Miria, instructing her to drink them with water and try to get some rest. Great.She thought, as she thanked the Medic and stepped outside into the sunshine with Kedyn once more. Just what I need, more time to worry about what may or may not be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was a bad idea. The thought raced through Kedyn’s mind more than once as he stood to the side of Miria and the medic he had found. As each moment passed Miria seemed to be more and more uncomfortable and that was not what Kedyn had wanted to do for her. He had wanted to try and ease her worry and perhaps help to erase the fear that she seemed to be experiencing. Nor was he all to pleased with this way to see if Miria was pregnant, unpleased but if it would tell he would deal with whatever he was thinking. The medic was right to look wary.


But in the end he and his lover were left to wait and see, sent with some herbs for Miria’s stomach and the same amount of worry and trepidation that had been with them before they had gone in. Immediately as they left the medics Kedyn moved his arm around Miria’s waist and led her off to the side of the building, away from the rest of the crowd around the living quarters of the armed forced in the Citadel. He wanted to be alone with Miria, but he didn’t want to wait to say these few things. Soon enough they would be fully gone from the rest of the Band, only the two of them.


This was a difficult subject for Kedyn now, he hadn’t thought his family might start like this. From all his imaginings he and his wife would be happy, both of them weren’t soldiers and this was not how the first discovery that they were starting a family had gone. But the Wheel was not always kind, and even more often gave the common man none of the imaginings he wanted.


So this was how he found himself trying to quash his hope that Miria was pregnant, that he would be a father. At the moment at least, it was apparent Miria was not even close to as thrilled as he was. And Kedyn did not want to start a family unless he and Miria both were happy with it, so he would suppress his wants.


His arms enveloped his smaller lover and he whispered in her ear in a tone that he wanted to be as soothing and reassuring as possible. “You know that no matter what I love you. That I have you, and you have me no matter what. All I want I for you to be happy.” He dropped a light kiss onto Miria’s neck and once against gave her a tight squeeze. “Now…back to the room, you’re supposed to get some rest so I’m going to make sure you have the rest of the day off by watching over you.”




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  • 3 weeks later...

Miria wanted to cry. It was all too much, the emotional turmoil, wondering if she was pregnant or not. She didn't know how to deal with any of this, the not knowing. Kedyn wanted a child, she could see that easily, and she wanted to make him happy. It should be a happy thing, for her to be pregnant. Yet she couldn't summon a smile about the idea, not yet.


As Kedyn's soft words reached her ears, Miria felt absolutely wretched. Why couldn't she be excited about this one thing, for him? The arms around her were warm and comforting, but the did little to stem the flow of warm tears that began to roll silently down her cheeks. How could Kedyn be so good to her? Light but she loved him so. What would she ever do without him?


Kedyn released her from his embrace though his arm circled her waist still, and Miria hastily brushed at the tears on her cheeks. She wanted to be happy, wanted to share his joy at the prospect of a child. Light, what if she wasn't pregnant? What if she could never give Kedyn a child? Would he love her still? Maybe she wasn't pregnant now, but surely Kedyn was imagining that she would be one day. But what if that could never be? Would he leave her, and find a wife that would give him the children he so desperately wanted?


A shiver of dread ran down her spine. No, she could not - no would not - lose him. "I think I could do with that rest." She said with a half-hearted smile as Kedyn led her towards their rooms. "I've just got a lot of scary thoughts going through my mind." She admitted, not telling him just how dire her thoughts had been. "But the wheel weaves as it wills...whatever happens will be for the best, I am certain." Miria smiled up Kedyn, a genuine smile as he gave her a gentle push towards the bed.


Miria sighed gratefully as she lay on the bed. Her stomach was still rolling terribly, but reclining seemed to help somewhat. Kedyn pushed the herbs at her, in a glass of water, and Miria drank it, after wrinkling her nose at the smell. "Why is it that herbs that are supposed to make you feel better smell so bad they make you ill?" She muttered, setting the glass aside and laying back on the pillow.


Closing her eyes, she rested her hand lightly on her stomach. Would it be so bad, to carry her lover's child? "Come lie with me." Turning her head, Miria opened her eyes and patted the bed beside her, urging Kedyn to join her. "I always feel better with you close." She said softly. Whatever happened, she would keep him close. She must.




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Kedyn smiled, a mixture of forced halfhearted glee and true genuine amusement. He couldn't summon an entirely true smile with Miria in such a wretched state as she seemed to be in. He regretted his show of joy before when she had first come to him to say she might be pregnant...everything had just gone wrong after that. His familial imaginings had never had his lover, wife, laying before him with tear stained cheeks because she might be pregnant and all the worry that came with it. His smile faded to what he hoped was simply a neutral and concerned look as he watched Miria's hand rest lihtly on her belly, where their child might be growing already.


But he would not deny that he wanted children and wouldn't be happy to find out that Miria was pregnant if she asked, but he wished he wasn't so excited at the prospect. He sank himself into the bed that he and Miria shared and almost immediately his arms were wrapping around his smaller lover as she rolled her body into his.


Kedyn kissed the top of Miria's head as she rested it against his chest, his nails slowly ran across her back, along her spine. His words didn't seem to be working and he wasn't all to sure what to say anymore, but perhaps just being next to her, holding her would do something that his words weren't able to do.


"I love you." Whispered lightly but coated in all the tenderness and care Kedyn could bring to it. And no matter what that would remain true, with or without children..not only now but for the rest of their lives. As much as he loved the thought of starting a family, he loved Miria more...a more that did not even come close to explaining how much, the two could not be compared. "And whatever happens nothing is going to change that, and everything will be allright. Though if you're going to be sick do try and move...I like this shirt after all." Kedyn smiled as Miria looked up at him with a less than amused face, but at least for a moment she had not been focused on the worry that had been plauging her.




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Kedyn smiled, a mixture of forced halfhearted glee and true genuine amusement. He couldn't summon an entirely true smile with Miria in such a wretched state as she seemed to be in. He regretted his show of joy before when she had first come to him to say she might be pregnant...everything had just gone wrong after that. His familial imaginings had never had his lover, wife, laying before him with tear stained cheeks because she might be pregnant and all the worry that came with it. His smile faded to what he hoped was simply a neutral and concerned look as he watched Miria's hand rest lihtly on her belly, where their child might be growing already.


But he would not deny that he wanted children and wouldn't be happy to find out that Miria was pregnant if she asked, but he wished he wasn't so excited at the prospect. He sank himself into the bed that he and Miria shared and almost immediately his arms were wrapping around his smaller lover as she rolled her body into his.


Kedyn kissed the top of Miria's head as she rested it against his chest, his nails slowly ran across her back, along her spine. His words didn't seem to be working and he wasn't all to sure what to say anymore, but perhaps just being next to her, holding her would do something that his words weren't able to do.


"I love you." Whispered lightly but coated in all the tenderness and care Kedyn could bring to it. And no matter what that would remain true, with or without children..not only now but for the rest of their lives. As much as he loved the thought of starting a family, he loved Miria more...a more that did not even come close to explaining how much, the two could not be compared. "And whatever happens nothing is going to change that, and everything will be allright. Though if you're going to be sick do try and move...I like this shirt after all." Kedyn smiled as Miria looked up at him with a less than amused face, but at least for a moment she had not been focused on the worry that had been plauging her.




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