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Hello. Is RP still going on regularly? I submitted an email app on Tuesday, and haven't heard back, and it looks like the overall time between posts is pretty long.


Hey Girt, sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm the new Bio-checker in question and do not fear that you have been forgotten, for that is far from the truth. I've already had a chance to look at your Bio and have made a few corrections, it is currently sitting in my email ready to be sent as soon as our group leader gives the green light (I'm still in my training phase, you see).


As for the rather lengthy time in between responses. It varies dramatically depending on changing circumstances and the RPers in question. People have real life obligations to meet, and at times, life just gives them one too many lemons to deal with. Patience is definitely a virtue, and understanding of other people's conditions will ensure you get along smoothly in this community. 

Hope this helps with your concerns, and feel free to shoot me a private message if you've any more questions.

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