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What Personality Type are You? (Myers Briggs type test)


Which Myers Briggs type Personality are you?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Personality Type did you get?

    • ISTJ - Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
    • ESTJ - Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging
    • ENTJ - Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
    • INTJ - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
    • ESTP - Extroverted Sensing Thinking Perciving
    • ISTP - Introverted Sensing Thinking Perciving
    • ENTP - Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Perciving
    • INTP - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perciving
    • ESFJ - Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging
    • ISFJ - Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
    • ENFJ - Extroverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
    • INFJ - Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
    • ESFP - Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
    • ISFP - Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
    • ENFP - Extroverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
    • INFP - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving

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"For ESFP personalities, life is a never-ending party. Forming around 7.5% of the population, ESFPs love being the center of attention and enjoy even the simplest things. Their fun and impulsive nature is usually very attractive to other people. People with this personality type never run out of ideas and their curiosity is insatiable. They will always be among the first to try something new and exciting.

ESFPs love communicating with other people and can spend hours upon hours chatting about various topics. An ESFP has no clearer telltale than spending the last hour talking about everything but the topic that was supposed to be the main reason for the conversation. Not surprisingly, this personality type tends to be very popular in the company of Extraverted (E) types.

ESFP personalities live in the world of opportunities and savor the pleasures, dramas, and ideas that life throws at them. They are immersed in a never-ending performance, trying to cheer other people up. ESFPs are extremely talented at making other people feel good and excited, and they enjoy this immensely. The earthy and often unique wit of ESFPs is a perfect symbol of their playfulness.

ESFPs have a highly developed aesthetical sense, which is one of their strongest personality traits. This type of person will enjoy creating well-decorated surroundings and recognize the value of quality in many other things.

ESFP personalities are very observant, able to notice and respond to someone’s distressed emotional state. As planning and long-term thinking are often their weakest personality traits, ESFPs may be inferior strategists and planners, but they are very well equipped to provide practical advice and emotional support.

The main weakness for many ESFPs is their spontaneity, which can lead to superficiality and forgetfulness. They place more emphasis on quick satisfaction than they do on their obligations and duties. ESFPs are also likely to do their best to ignore potential conflicts instead of dealing with them head-on.

It is likely that the ESFP personality will be very practical, but not when it comes to repetitive or analytical tasks. They would rather rely on their luck or ask other people for help than spend time trying to understand a complex theory."

It seems I am the cheerleader.-.-

  • 4 weeks later...

I took the personality test for one of my courses this past semester and my result was ESTJ.


Interestingly enough, my E/I and F/T scores were only one point apart.


i usualy think these kind of things are garrbage, but this is i gues kinf of descriptive accurate. i got ENFP, same as harry potter guy above



  • Observant. ENFP personalities believe that there are no irrelevant details or actions. They try to notice everything, seeing all events as part of a big, mysterious puzzle called life. (very true)
  • Very popular and friendly. ENFPs are altruistic and cooperative, doing their best to be empathic and friendly in every situation. They can get along with nearly everyone and usually have a large circle of friends and acquaintances. (uh lol no not realy true - im memorable but i diont think i hav much friends or im popular)
  • Energetic and enthusiastic. ENFPs are always eager to share their ideas with other people and get their opinions in return. Their enthusiasm is contagious and very inspiring at the same time. (i can be i guess)
  • Know how to relax. People with this personality type know how to switch off and have fun, simply experiencing life and everything it has to offer. Their wild bursts of enthusiastic energy can often surprise even their closest friends. (thats true)
  • Excellent communicators. ENFPs tend to have great people skills, and they instantly know how to present their ideas in a convincing way. They can handle both small talk and deep, meaningful conversations, although the ENFP’s definition of small talk may be somewhat unusual—they will steer the conversation toward ideas rather than weather, gossip, etc. (lol it was interesting becuse when i read small talk, i though no,i hate smale talk, but then said that small talk to suchh peple is about ideas and then its true)
  • Curious. ENFPs are very imaginative and open-minded. They enjoy trying out new things and do not hesitate to go outside their comfort zone if necessary. (thats true)


  • Highly emotional. ENFP personalities tend to have very intense emotions, seeing them as an inseparable part of their identity. This may often cause the ENFP to react strongly to criticism, conflicts, or tension. (thats very true)
  • May have poor practical skills. ENFPs are brilliant when it comes to solving problems, creating processes, or initiating projects (especially if they involve other people). However, they are likely to find it difficult to follow through and deal with the practical, administrative side of things. (sort of true)
  • Overthink things. ENFPs always look for hidden motives and tend to overthink even the simplest things, constantly asking themselves why someone did what they did and what that might mean. (thats extremly true)
  • Get stressed easily. ENFPs are very sensitive and care deeply about other people’s feelings. This can cause them a lot of stress sometimes: people often look to them for guidance and encouragement, and the ENFP cannot always say “yes.” (extremely true)
  • Find it difficult to focus. People with the ENFP personality type lose interest quickly if their project shifts toward routine, administrative matters. They may not be able to stop their mind from wandering off. (extremly true)
  • Very independent. ENFPs loathe being micromanaged or restrained by rules and guidelines. They want to be seen as highly independent individuals, masters of their own fates. (prety true i guess)


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