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~Never mind now~


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I had my character (Malic Deriz) approved a bit before DMs change in appearence, back when my username was dabhand dno. But never actually got to use him for any RP as I had problems getting special access onto the dmpsw.com RP forums. Because I changed my username and didn't actually use Malic, I sent him off again via email to the Freelanders division to be re-approved and have heard nothing back for almost a week now.


Please can we just save a bit of hastle and say Malic is approved and is fine to start useing as a character? :)

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Have you sent your bio to Freecastle[at]gmail[dot]com and included the word Freelanders in the subject line?


If so I think it won't take much time anylonger for the Freelanders Staff to reapprove your bio.


If you haven't I think it'd be best to sent your bio to this address.



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Hey mate :)


Lucky Robin directed me this way, posting on the Freelander div board usually has a better chance of getting our attention :P


We just got to Malic a couple of days ago. He's approved, Winter will probably have the bio up on the board over the next couple of hours or so. All it needs is for someone to CC it.


So if you can wait just those few hours, it'll be all apples. Cheers mate :)

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