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Need help with idea planning


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This is a post from the staff boards. I want you all to give me ideas if you are feeling creative.


As a good way to "showcase" each Division, Muir and i thought it would be a good idea to have an rp scenario that is the roughly the same for every Div. To that end we would like each DL to work out a rp plan that can be implemeted quickly based on the "Bubbles of Evil" as in the books.


This rp should last no more than a week, and will be a stand alone rp, with no conection to any other Div, or RP.


This should start no later than Easter Sunday and will run in the following order




Band of the Red Hand


Black Tower


Children of the Light






Shayol Ghul




White Tower



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  • 2 weeks later...

ok all odette came up with this idea but we need to flesh it out if we want to make it work.


"Ghosts. I think it would be interesting because.. Ghosts don't have a scent... Ghosts don't make noise unless they want to.. And you can't see them unless they want to.... So it migh tbe disconcerting to the wolkin to experience them.... ALSO... If I remember correctly, wolves don't really die in the dream, so the wolves could have a really interesting presepective on ghosts."


Now this could be an interesting concept but what we need to figure out is what form these ghosts would take. Evil? Lets brainstorm here for a bit

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Perhaps not evil ghost or spirits, but tormented ones, you know, they don’t want to necessarily hurt anyone, but they themselves are haunted by things they left unfinished in life.


Think in terms of Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’. Like Scrooges old friend Marley, these ghost cant move on because of something they either did or didn’t do in life.


I think this would make for a far more interesting RP and it would keep it from becoming a B-rated horror thread.


Anyway, just my thoughts… later…



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Now, would these slowly appear out of the ground, or suddenly start showing up?


It would be interesting if these ghosts much like Charles Dickens' version of them had something to offer the living except soiled breeches, like life-lessons or buried vacoule or chest or books for the library, though that can be secondary.

Also, though my understanding of the presently standing Manetheran may be slightly... off... Seeing the previous occupants, the King and Queen quite obviously, would prove an incredibly interesting RP, but that would have to be at New Man. So would this just be for the Stedding, or have I missed something again?

If I haven't, then it would seem that having previous peoples coming up from the Stedding would prove... slightly.. interesting, maybe some wolves.. Aragorn?.. Darks if we're lucky :roll:


So, for clarification reasons, maybe I should find out from Andular a bit more on the setting- like if it was at New Man, wouldn't that mean the Band would be involved too?- but I felt this a bit more like my style.. and informative. :D


To a good rp,



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Also' date=' though my understanding of the presently standing Manetheran may be slightly... off... Seeing the previous occupants, the King and Queen quite obviously, would prove an incredibly interesting RP, but that would have to be at New Man. So would this just be for the Stedding, or have I missed something again?







You just stole the thoughts right outta my noggin! ^_^. I thought it would tie in fantastically with the big Manetheran RP everyone is talking about. But I was also thinking of having a few Manetheran soldiers showing up. (Soldiers live's must be pretty haunted, no?)


Anyway, that's all I have ^_^

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You just stole the thoughts right outta my noggin! ^_^. I thought it would tie in fantastically with the big Manetheran RP everyone is talking about.


Whoa.. Umm.. Yeah, cool. I should do that more often..

Any road, so will we have to plan this out with everyone involved in the New Man rp (wolves, band, anyone else?) as a seperate part to our own because I know the Band are doing their part of the Bubble second while we don't have it until last. So, would we say pour example.. Okay, anyone that's part of the Band and NOT in New Man, RP your little bubbles o' evil, and likewise for the wolfies NOT in New Man?


When they seperated it up like that it may prove difficult if we don't talk to the BotRH, and anyone else that are Rping before us.


Just another thought from your friendly neighbourhood Erik.

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OK just brainstorming with Aurin and remembered something.......IF ANYONE HAS NOT READ KNIFE OF DREAMS AND DOES NOT WANT SPOILERS READ NO FURTHER.


Ok remember in KoD when Mat was traveling with Luca's show. They ran across a town that should not have been where it was and the people did not pay them any attention. That was very odd considering the spectacle of Luca's show.


Turned out they were ghosts or what not and when they began to fade one of Luca's wagons got sucked under with them. It was said that it happened because the dark one's influence was growing and unraveling the pattern.


Ok that said could we not use a similary situation? Say we are having a typical day in the stedding when wolfkin who have died begin to appear among us. The wolves would not know what to make of them because they cannot sense them. This could make for some major angst at seeing our friends and loved ones who have died among us. Finally when they begin to fade we could loose some npc's and alot of the wolfkin would be torn. Have to convince them to leave rather than say with the memory of a loved one or friend.


Let me know your thoughts!

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fine, do what you will.. *sniffles*

Big thing is.. Has the Stedding always had the same lay-out? Cuz if we just happened to have the old library that was burned down many a century ago come up where the "new" one is.. When old library goes down, doesn't new one bite it too?

Just wondering.


Another idea for a good slaughter-fest would be since these are "DARK BUBBLES" because the DO is touching the pattern and all that happy stuff.. Could these spirits be.. hmmm.. Bad? Trust me, wolfies will be donning their brown pants (dropping bricks, if you will) if Aragorn comes back and starts busting necks.

How do you fight those you once knew and loved?

How do you even fight dark spirits?


Just throwing some ideas out there, let's make this one rock.

And it sounds like a happy one :D




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The biggest issue i see here, is that this would mean that the Wolfkin do not go to the Wolf Dream as the Wolves do when they die, and secondly, why would any Wolfkin who has shrugged off this mortal coil come back to do us harm, and that does not have to be physical harm, mental anguish can be just as fatal.



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But these wouldn't be the returned spirits of our fallen Brethren if we're going to go the bad-spirit way, cause I'm fairly certain it's been established the dead Wolfkin are in the Dream.

I found the rise from the earth and meeting with King and Queen of Manetheran and having a lovely chat with 'Gorn and any other (Darks?) outside of the Dream, because some us dislike the Dream *cough cough*

Anyway, just figuring out what will be best for everybody and what everybody can agree on. I'm in the Black Hills if ya need me,


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Hows this for an idea. The wolfkin settle down one night for bed. A bubble transports them all to the two rivers and they find themselves in the middle of the final battle when Mantheren fell. Fighting with the spirits of ancient army against the trolloc hordes.

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That I really like.

Now can we interact? Or is this just going to be an Objective view of the events of the final stand?

Facing down the hordes of Trollocs beside the banners and men of Manetheran would be an amazing Rp for sure- but we don't want to be rewriting history here either..


ugh.. history final tomorrow, then 5 months of summer.. can't wait.



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The basic idea is for those who want to, to go to sleep,and end up back at the final battle for Manetheren....basically we fight alongside the army there.....a possbile suggestion is that we all end up seperated and start to realise that others we know are there gradually......we can form our own group to try and stave off death for us.....stil lworkign on how to end this so either Andu or i will let you know our ideas when we have them.



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