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The million dollar question


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Guest Wynne Jessal
With a million dollars I could hire writers to write the series continuously until my desire is sated for the series.

That's what I originally posted' date=' as far as hiring writers to craft an ending for me. (Of course I would set the parameters, i.e. Rand doesn't die, Alanna dies, Tuon dies, Asmodean comes back to life, etc.)


But you have a better idea. Screw an ending. Just have them write indefinitely! And have a much better turn around then one book every two years! :-D How about two books every year! *bliss*[/color']

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Seriously, a man has to set his priorities. I was doing just fine before I rediscovered aWoT a few years back. Not read book 12 or the money? The money.


A previous post mentioned throwing in aSoIaF. Easy, that series already has me wanting to (Randland term here) sick up.


How about upping the ante to include never visiting Dragonmount again? No more words of wisdom (or otherwise) from other avid aWoT fans? Not reading any more of the aWoT books again? I would hesitate a couple microseconds (disk access time), choose the money, and sleep soundly.


Reality check: No million dollars. I will sign off, open up PoD, read for only an hour (really), sleep, and go to work tired again. I will read through Book 11, and when I hear that Book 12 is in publishing I will reread the series again. Seriously, I would like to thank the forum members who have given well-thought comments. Maybe I can just put the book down without any notion of reward. Priorities...


To quote another author: Goodnight Moon.


I'd take the million.


Any ending RJ could possibly write will leave things unanswered, and everyone here will no doubt have at least one thing they don't like about the ending... I think with a million bucks, I could be content with a WoT that never finishes. After The Matrix and The Dark Tower's finishes, they were done, I haven't thought of those stories at all since... which is why in a strange way I'm not looking forward to the end of WoT.


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