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OOC: Haven't RPed anything in a while for the Yards, and need something to do.


IC: Nuitari woke up, and reluctantly got out of his bed, dressing slowly. He'd been trapped inside Cema's quarters for nearly a week, while she went off and did whatever she did.


Opening the door to his room, he looked out into the sitting room of Cema's quarters, and scowled sourly at the cat sprawled on the back of a chair. He missed the tamed wolf, Ata and he had found and kept so long ago.


Walking out slowly, he touched the hilt of one of his katana's before dropping his hand and looking away from the cat. Walking around in circles around the room, he paced while he thought.


Cema's quarters had become quite familiar as he sought some way to leave them, since the door was always sealed. Without warning he felt Cema unmask the Bond, and then step through the doors.


Cema looked at the books in her hands, they would have to wait till after she was done with reading her messages that a novice had delivered down in the libary to her. She unmasked the bond as she went inside the quarters where she saw Nuit was up. She was geting fed up beeing coped up in here with the glum warder, and she imagined he was fed up of the very walls inside the apartment.


Laying her books on a corner table she grabed her journal out of her desk. "I think with the nice weather we should go outside today, a trip to the yard would do you good to get out of here surely." She grabed a shawl in case of wind later on then looked over her shoulder as she was ready to leave. "Coming?"


Nuitari froze where he stood when Cema entered, and watched her.


"I think with the nice weather we should go outside today, a trip to the yard would do you good to get out of here surely." Nuitari blinked and shook his head slightly, thinking he misheard her.




Nuitari nodded, in the Yards, he could get further away from her. He didn't really like thinking that he was now tied to the very thing he hated most, but pushed that thought away. Whats done is done, and he couldn't change that.


Touching his katana's on his back, he stepped forwards, and walked quickly hoping to outpace her. Cema stayed fairly close to his side, but he stopped briefly to look longingly down the hall he used to take to return to the Yellow Ajah area.


Sighing, he started walking towards the Yard again, resolving to lift some weights the moment he could get away from Cema.


Cema setled herself down with her back against a tree close to where Nuitari was lifting weigths. For a while she studied him with a smile playing over her lips, oh there where many a time she questioned her descision. Yet there where moments as now that she knew she had done the rigth ting, it was not like she and Silvene always had goten along, quite oposite.


She turned her eyes down on the reports after a while, knowing he would have read her feelings if nothing else as she hadnt blocked the bond. She did it at times though knew she would need to let it open and let him get used to her as much as posible, as well as her geting used to him.


She made a few notes in her journal and picked up a new message.


Nuitari didn't like how Cema seemed to be settling in to watch him, but set it out of his mind.


Stripping down to his waist, he hung his shirt and tunic from a tree branch and warmed up quickly before he reached for some weights. Despite being away for a number of months traveling with Ata, and then being with Cema, along with common sense he reached for some of the heavier weights.


Hefting them, he could feel the strain on his muscles, and in the back of his mind almost wanted an injury. Settling down into a routine of lifting and breathing, all thoughts of Cema and being locked up like a wild animal quickly faded away.


The weather was cool, and the sky was gray with clouds, which suited his mood nicely and he was almost happily ignoring everything but his weights. After this, I think I'll go practice the forms for a while, and then perhaps some duels he thought.

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