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Weapons training rp anyone?


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i can hav my charactr do anything with anyone if thhey want. i need a basic weapons rolepllay too for arbiter to inquistor - dont know if i can do taht myself or not, was thinkng i need anothre character but if not can just wriet somthing myself. i also need a "laws and judement requirement", something abuot learning abuot rules and things abuot the children - im thinking I need somone to do that with me becuse dont know what talking about. "spreading the light" sounds like somthing i can do on my own (?) though somone can do that withh me if they want maybe, if they need somthing like that or just want to do it. "crime and punishment" based on the old descripton defintly sounds mandatory do it with othre people, so i need to know how thatss going to go.

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Hey Taltos, I think I might be able to help you out there.


I currently only have Hundredman Ackley as my Children of the Light character, but he will soon be sent on a inter-group RP in a hunt for Mehrin (Quibby's main character) along with a full company of the children. Due to the nature of the mission, a member of the Hand of the Light will be accompanying Ackley. As this is a very lengthy RP, and considering the things you will be doing, I think both your "Laws and judgement" and the "spreading the light" requirement could be fulfilled.


There will also most definitely be a good deal of fighting, which can also be used raising your WS. 


I had originally planned to just use an NPC Hand of the Light to accompany Ackley, but if you're interested I can have you be assigned as part of the expedition.


*Note: This is an intergroup RP, and thus requires  a lot of planning. Responsible activeness is also recommended, so as to not bog down the rest of the writers. If this still interests you, then I can give you more details on the subject. *


I'll also ask Krono if we can kill two birds with one stone with this particular RP. meaning multiple reqs being fulfilled. (It is rather long like I said...)

Edited by Sherper
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Right, I posted in your weapons training post. (hope it is long enough lol)


I left the ending like that so you can be creative with the continuity. Throw dirt in his eyes for all I care, just don't overdo it that's all.

Keep in mind though, Ackley is WS6 and your character is only WS2, so unless you can come up with something totally bizarre and unexpected, expect Amahn to get his back side handed to him.  


Have fun!

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Hey Taltos, I think I might be able to help you out there.


I currently only have Hundredman Ackley as my Children of the Light character, but he will soon be sent on a inter-group RP in a hunt for Mehrin (Quibby's main character) along with a full company of the children. Due to the nature of the mission, a member of the Hand of the Light will be accompanying Ackley. As this is a very lengthy RP, and considering the things you will be doing, I think both your "Laws and judgement" and the "spreading the light" requirement could be fulfilled.


There will also most definitely be a good deal of fighting, which can also be used raising your WS. 


I had originally planned to just use an NPC Hand of the Light to accompany Ackley, but if you're interested I can have you be assigned as part of the expedition.


*Note: This is an intergroup RP, and thus requires  a lot of planning. Responsible activeness is also recommended, so as to not bog down the rest of the writers. If this still interests you, then I can give you more details on the subject. *


I'll also ask Krono if we can kill two birds with one stone with this particular RP. meaning multiple reqs being fulfilled. (It is rather long like I said...)

if it cuonts for at least one thinng, id defintly be interested, thuogh even if not might give it a try, as ive nevre done roleplay on here with multiple other peoplle in diferent groups and thats one of main resons I made a charactr, to have that experince and see if was any fun, which havent got a chance to yet lol.

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Sure, since you're interested here is the link to the Main discussion board for the RP. You'll find a basic outline for the entire RP sequence, and some general discussions on the topic. 


I've also made a Children of the Light specific discussion board which can be found here.


Any more questions you have or maybe suggestions for the RP, then post them there - or PM me.


Welcome aboard!

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so...dos it cuont for anythng kronos? depnding on if does or not, would liek to know which reqs it would go toward and whichh others i can solo or need somone else to help with etc.

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