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Approved Band Bio- Haral Orahn: CC'd by CotL


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Your Handle: Te'Oran

Name (First and Last) of this character: Haral Orahn.

Age of this character: 18.

Nationality: Andoran.

Physical Appearance

Hair: Chestnut brown.

Eyes: Hazel.

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Skin: Fair in color yet rough in texture due to exposure to the heat and cold.

Build: Tall and slim with noticeably broad shoulders.

Notable features: A very narrow face with almost elfish features.



Primary Weapon: A thin Oak quarter staff.

Secondary Weapon: A very slim, yet long dagger, and a sling at his waist.

Preferred Division: Infantry.

Special Skills:

 - Basic tracking skills.

 - Good with a sling.

Knowledge Weakness:

 - Lacks knowledge of cultures of people other than his own.

Personality weakness:

  - Very passive aggressive.

  - Keeps to himself most of the time.


  Haral Orahn is commonly called an introvert by peers because of his lack of communication skills.

Some even mistake it for him being dumb. Even those that really know him have only things like,

" He's a good lad, but somethings a bit off about him, never has much to say . . . ", to say. This

can be credited to spending many of his years as a youth with a traveling caravan of huntsmen with

 his mother and father. As a result he learned to resolve all problems on his own and now does not

see much use in conversing with others.


  Haral Orahn was born on a harsh winter night in a village that the hunting caravan his mother and

father had been traveling with was passing through. This was not uncommon with all of the men and

women traveling along with the caravan. At an early age he was trained with the sling and quarter staff

by some of the more experienced huntsmen along with the other youths and they were given small

tasks such as catching rabbits and squirrels and protecting the caravan while the men were out.

Haral traveled throughout Andor with the caravan, and various others until he was about fifteen years

of age. At that point with the blessings of their mothers and fathers Haral and a few of the other

youths near the same age as himself set out into the world. All eventually seperated and took to

paths of their own and that is how Harals true journey began . . .

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