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any french speakers about?

isilme sedai

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I'm an actual French.


Rappelez vous ce qui doit etre rappele

would translate into Remember what must be remembered,BUT:


It would be like remember what must be remembered as in Remember that you gotta make Bob remember if he doesnt go buy bread his mom'll kick his ass.


If youre talking to lots of people or someone you have to show respect to,you use Vous.(like I say Vous to a teacher,toi or tu is for people you know).


Souvenez vous de ce dont il faut se souvenir would be the best,but still not exactly what you would be looking for.


In french people would say Remember what musn't be forgotten,so


Rappellez vous de ce qui ne doit etre oublie

Rappellez vous de ce qui ne doit pas etre oublie

Rappellez vous de ce qui ne peut (pas) etre oublie


The Last one would be Remember what must not be forgotten.


But if it's homework and you gotta translate The actual sentence,use Tithen's Thing :)


It may be false,but what the Stuff I Do in english Class makes no sense either ;)

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