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YA Class Creation (All yellows please help)


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The RGL and MoN got to talking and thought it would be a great idea to have each Ajah write up an Ajah Class outline. 


These classes would be available for any Sister of the Ajah to run with Accepted level characters. The purpose would be to give the Accepteds a little more indepth idea of what sorts of things are important to the Ajah, what sorts of things their character may do if they joined, and to give them a chance to better understand the Ajah. 


Obviously we wouldn't share Ajah secrets, but we would give an over view of What it means to be Yellow, What Yellows actually do, The different focuses and ways of doing things and all that.


OOC Accepteds needs 6 posts per RP to have it count, so that means that we could come up with 6 topics to cover, one per 'class' and they could get their requirement.


What I need from you is ideas on what each lesson/topic in the class should be about and what it should reveal. 


Please post your ideas here. And feel free to expand on the things I have said, for instance, what it means to be Yellow, this can be different for each sister, so please put down your thoughts on differing things. Which traditions we can explain to excepted and which we don't.



Yellow Ajah Class for Accepteds Outline:



Lesson One: Introductions


  • Welcome the Class
  • Explain What it is the Yellows do in a general sense (save lifes, without predjudice, so that those who may have been lost have the chance to make their mark in the world can have another chance to do so.)
  • Explain the ups and down (feel like a hero every day, helping with something that no one else could (other ajahs do things that any person could do - fight battles, make and in force laws etc) but the yellows save lives where others cannot. Down side, you are faced with people every day who are dying and you can't save them all, you see people at their worst, you have to deal with not only the patient but the crowds of people, you have the responsibility of being the last hope. You often have to clean up messes of bodily fluids and such)
  • Explain that it is not for the faint of heart

Home work: 


Have the Accepted explain their ideas of the Ajah before the class started, and then again at the end of it. How has it changed. This could be done by IC writing a report, or just OOC as instructions to reflect on those points.



Lesson Two: Traditions


  • Explain that we have tradtions to further the bond between sisters, even as the generations add new members and older generations may no longer be around. It draws us all together as one ajah, as a reminder that we all face the same things, and we are all there for each other. 
  • Crazy Coloured Halls/New sister's rooms decorated by the last three to join the ajah - to keep our spirits up, since we deal with such heavy stuff its easy to get depressed
  • Yellow Ajah sisters bond only one Warder at a time. - Not sure why, but it is so. 
  • The Yellow Ajah has only a minimal eyes-and-ears organization -
  • Upon being raised a new sister is required to plant a herb bush of choice that does not already exist in the WT garden, she will be required to provide supplies of this herb to the Infirmaries. She will also be required to explain its uses and dangers to the Yellow Ajah as part of her self introduction to the Ajah.
  • Yellow Sisters will be given a Yellow dress of her choice for her fiftieth Birthday in the Ajah and a piece of gold jewelery for her hundredth. Both are sponsored by the Ajah.

Home work:


Get their reactions to the Traditions, and ask if they think continuing traditions is important, or if it is unneccessary and why.



Lesson Three: Herbs Lesson


  • Explain that while the main focus is on using the One Power to Heal, there are benefits to knowing herbs. (when you are somewhere you can't channel, when you've exhausted yourself but still have patients, teaching patients how to care for themselves after you've left etc). 
  • Show them how to plant herbs and care for them
  • Have them plant some as you showed
  • Show them signs of which are poison and which are not
  • Show a few common herbs and explain how to use them

Home Work: 

Have the students RP out the events of the day, planting their herbs, responses to the rest of the info they got


Lesson Four: Infirmary Lesson


  • Take the Class to the infirmary - explain that they will get their first taste of what it really takes to handle being a Yellow. They will see real injuries, possibly even open wounds, guts and gore. Real fear and pain in the eyes of the patience, and real gratitude when they are all better. 
  • Have them go one at a time to a patient, have the patient explain to them what the injury is, and have the Accepted give her thoughts on what should be done to solve it. 
  • The Accepteds will not use the One Power on the patients, but they may be allowed to do other things to help, if the patient agrees and the Yellow Sister approves. 

Homework: RP out their day in the infirmary and their experience with the patient - what was the issue, what did they suggest, were they right or wrong, how did they feel about it all?



Lesson Five: Where does a Yellow Serve her Ajah?



  • Give examples of the diversity of the type of work that Yellow sisters do. While the focus is Healing, the means and locations can vary greatly. Do not think you are locked down if you join this Ajah.
  • Infirmary - there are three infirmaries within the tower in which you can serve - helping those from in the tower, the guard, and those who come to Tar Valon.
  • War - Yellows are found around the sidelines of wars, healing the innocent bystanders and wounded soliders alike. In this way the yellows can be a major factor in the out come of battles, and the making of history itself.
  • Remote Towns - Traveling from town to town, training Wisdoms or simply seeking out the wounded or sick and doing what you can for those who would otherwise be unable to get help.
  • With Royals around the world - Not all advisors are Grey, and a Yellow on call would make sense. You'd be privy then to all that goes on in the country, with a good roof over your head to boot. 
  • Other - Let your imaginations go. Anywhere you go, your ability goes with you. You will be a help in any situation at any time. You skill is not limited to times of war, or the off hand chance you find a specific person. etc etc.



give the characters reactions and thoughts to the diversity. Write up an outline/report or whatever on If your character was to join the Yellows, what type of Yellow would the be given all the info from the classes above. Where would they choose to do their work? How would they focus their gift? If they know at this point they won't go Yellow, explain why. This would likely work best as a written assignment IC, which they could reply OOC with either the paper they wrote, or their thoughts on what they are going to write.


Class 6: Dismissal


If one more post is needed, Do a sum up - something like, I hope you learned a lot, glad to have you all, work hard and all that. See you later! The end!



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