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Finding their way..(Open Aiel Thread)


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There are so few constants in the world. All that could be counted on was the sunset, the sunrise and the unavoidable fact that they would all one day wake from the dream. Covina knew another certainty; she would not allow her children to be born without Ghaul by her side. He had missed so much of their lives together and she could not allow him to miss this. Lying on her back she stared up at the roof of their tent, and resisted the urge to push.


By some miracle of the Light, or perhaps by pure Aiel stubbornness Ghaul arrived just in time to see the birth of their son Covel. He came in to the world screaming, but quieted quickly in his fathers strong arms. There was only 10 minutes of rest before his sister Gracie was born. Both children had eyes the color of the sky, but Covel hair was bright red and little Gracie's was blonde. Covina smiled at her family before passing out and falling into a deep sleep.


Shaking her head, Covina turned her attention back to the young Seia Doon standing before them. He had come for judgement and he deserved her undivided attention. Listening to him tell his story she began to understand that judgement could not be given without speaking with the other man. Holding up her hand to stop his speaking Covina looked at her fellow Wise One's. They could not read each others minds, but they all knew right and wrong and so there was no need for words. " We will need to speak with the other man as well. Return to us with him at this time tomorrow and you will have our judgement."


Nodding the young warrior thanked them and returned to his societies location in their camp. Watching him go, Covina could not help but wonder if her son would grow to be as honorable as that young man. Everywhere she looked, at every maiden and Wise One, at every blacksmith and warrior she saw possible futures for her children. They were only 2 months old, but the world was in turmoil and their futures were very uncertain. All of their futures were.


Wise One's often sat in judgement of feuds, they healed the sick and tended to their clans, but their true purpose was to guide the futures of their people. Some Clan Chiefs would disagree, only the ones with more brawn than brains, but the Wise One's true purpose was to make sure that as many of their people as possible survived the coming of the Car'a'carn.


" We have much of importance to discuss today, but I believe our minds would be clearer under shade and we could think more easily over tea." The land around them was rich and lush compared to their home in the Three Fold Land. There was more water here than most of her people had seen in their lives, it could be a place where the clans could establish themselves, but most still longed for home. It was a hard land, but then her people were hard as well.


" I have had the gai'shan prepare us a tent." Standing they began to weave their way through the camp towards the tent. They had not gone more than 100 paces when they heard shouting at the edge of the camp. Lifitng her skirts, Covina hurried toward the comotion..


Covina Targaryen

Head Wise One

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OOC: I'm going to go along with this being outside the three fold land In my timeline, after i've completed joining my society(which i haven't RPd yet, but is incoming). If this ends up being not in the south, then we'll have to adjust



Cairin jogged into the camp of Aiel along with the several other warriors that had been sent out of the threefold land to this place.  This land was strange and lush. He was told that the wetlanders had considered this place hot, they would surely die in the three fold land. The trip had been easy. You could hide in so many places. The land folded up and down here, and the trees here could hide several warriors. Cairen had climbed one to avoid notice at one point. Looking down on the three men who didn't notice him 8 feet above. He could have dropped down and awoken each of them with his knives before the first hit the ground. But there was little honor in ambushing wetlanders.


Trotting into the heart of the camp he felt good to be in a familiar place. The ordered bustle of Gai'shain and warriors with purpose. He knew this world, if not the strange one that surrounded it.  Finding the Sovin'Nai tents he simply sat as his brothers moved about. 


"I see you young one. I a, Ruhr", Among them, sept was not needed in a greeting.


"I see you Ruhr, I am Cairin."  


"you have been sent from the three fold land to support us. My first sister has told me that the dreamers sent for more spears. You are the only Sovin'Nai sent"


"I am". 


A flash of movement in the corner of his eye Made Cairen leap up, instinctively grabbing for his veil. He scanned the area. 


Ruhr spoke, :Does the wetlands make you jump like a desert lizard young one?" Then he heard the noise. 


Leaping into action, Cairen veiled himself and pulled out two knives as he bound in the direction of the commotion.

Edited by Wedge
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The sounds of commotion grew louder the closer she came. It became clear that there was shouting, and there was the sound of weapons being beaten against shields. A large crowd had gathered, and Covina had to tap people on the shoulders before they realized who she was. Once her face had been seen the crowd parted and and Covina walked into what she could only call chaos.


Several of the Aiel were veiled and had spears drawn staring down at a small group of Tree Killers who had swords drawn and were shouting obscenities at the men surrounding them.


Dropping her skirts and gathering her shawl around her shoulders Covina frowned and stepped through the Aiel holding their spears. ' What under the Light is going on here!? Looking at the group of men with their swords Covina's eyes flashed. She hated the length of steel in their hands, but her time in the wetlands had taught her that the wetlanders did not understand how they offended. They were woefully ignorant and the Aiel did not have time to teach them all the ways of Ji'e'toh.


" Lower your weapons Cairhienin's, you have no reason to fear a spear in your side while I am here." Turning her back on the Tree Killers and just expecting them to obey, she looked back at the gathered Aiel and followers.


"You, Sovin'Nai what is your name? Do you know what happened here




OOC: I left this open for you to decide what is going on. Feel free to move this RP in any direction, or if you want me to help guide it just PM me or POst on the thread on the Aiel boards and we can discuss

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"You, Sovin'Nai what is your name? Do you know what happened here?"


Cairin knew the no nonsense sound of a wise one without even looking. He lowered his veil as he turned to address her though he expected to need it shortly. He would defend the Aiel without hesitation if this continued in the direction it was going.


"Wise one. These Treekillers are without Ji. They claim to have come to trade, but have no sense of value. They started an argument and attacked a blacksmith" He motioned a few meters away to where a Gai'shain was tending to a smith with a gash across his shoulder. The smith sat, starring daggers at the Treekillers. Cairin struggled with how to handle this. Ji'e'Toh was always in his mind. He felt they had Toh towards the Aiel, but how could honorless Treekillers have Toh if they didn't follow Ji'e'Toh? He justified it the only way he knew how...


"Wise one, these Treekillers are as children. Before we are forced to dance the spears, I think they should be punished as children and sent on their way." Wise ones rarely liked to hear opinions, but he would not hold back his thaughts. He was surprised that warriors more quick to the spears than he hadn't already killed the Trekillers. 

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Adai sat, attentively listening to the arguments of the young man pleading his case to the wise ones. She was the newest to the rank in the circle, but that meant very little now. They all had equal say in the matter, but she knew as well as the others how little could be said after only hearing one side. It didn't surprise her when Covina spoke up, asking to bring the second party in. Adai didn't even show her displeasure at signing up to go through the same story again the next day. Better that they did put it off though; it would give the men time to cool their anger and it would give her time to sort her thoughts on the fued properly. It would serve no one to rush. 


Her displeasure lessened at that though and when Covina offered the sheltered tent the gai'shain had prepared them, the displeasure dissolved completely. It would be nice to find the shade, not that there was heat enough to bother her. The hottest day out in this strange land had not touched the coolest of the days in the waste. At least, Adai would not let herself think that, even if it may have come close. It would be nice to lock away in a tent and forget the luxuries of the land here. The green all around put her ill at ease, or maybe it was just the unknown. Covina had been in the wetlands before, and she had more security in it. Adai tried to find comfort in that, but still it felt strange to her.


We will be home soon. We do what we must out here, but we will return. She made herself believe it, and she tried not to think of the future and of how long the Aiel would call the threefold land home. It will be home for as long as it meant to be. It was the only comfort she could find. 


The cry rang out before Adai could try at pleasant small talk with the wise ones as they made their way to the tent, and when Covina took up running for it Adai stayed at her heels. These lands were unpredictable and the people living in them were even more so. They had no understanding of her people and she would not stand by and have these wetlanders cause trouble they didn't see. 


The spears parted for her as they had for Covina. Adai said nothing as she took in the scene. Covina had taken charge and Adai would not take that from her. She only waited among the spears, eyeing the wetlanders as the Sovin'Nai told Covina what happened and how she ought to handle it. Adai hoped Covina would remember how unpredictable the wetlanders were and focus on clearing the air of the trade argument, but she couldn't say she would be surprised if the wise one dealt with Cairin first. 


Adai left the decision with Covina as she made her way slipping between the spears with ease to check on the wounded aiel trader.



Adailinra Desn

Wise One Dreamwalker

Dragonmount Clan

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