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[NBC] Hannibal


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we have this one on the DVR.   i'd be more concerned about the series deminishing the Books rather than the Movies; seein gas the movies left out a good bit from teh books ...  according to Bubba anyways.  he keeps tryign to get me to read the series :laugh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Up through ep 5 it's still engaging. That's pretty high praise, since this kind of thing is very easy to screw up.


(There's a few instances of being stupid for plot purposes, etc... but the murder of the week isn't the reason to watch. Oh, supposedly up for a 2nd season, I guess we're lucky no tv execs actually watched the show and something good accidentally got on a US network although Hannibal is more reckless than I'd expect.)

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haven't caught up on this show yet, but good to know its still engaging to watch.


did read "Hannibal Rising" and started "Red Dragon"  (which this show is apparently a prequel to).


have to say, not liking Harris's writing style.  its too jumpy, feels like i'm listening to a 2yr recite a story from memory with alot of "And then's" added in. 

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finally caught up on this show.



i agree. the weekly murder and even Will isn't the reason to watch this show.  hands down, the reason to watch is the shows name sake, Hannibal.     being able to share on Lectors inside jokes is rather nice as well


i'm anticipating the hunt turning on Hannibal and seeing how events unfold though; seeing the looks of shock and disgust once Grahm and Co learn Hannibal is a Cannibal and likely has been feeding them human flesh will be a scene worth watching imo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not if it stays true to the books/films. Will only realises Hannibal is the cannibal by accident and Hannibal stabs him (the beginning of Red Dragon). Will then retires. Wouldn't be much of a series after that.

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well, the show does say "based of fthe characters" and in Red Dragon Will only helped the FBI catch 2 psychopaths (to include Hannibal).  so they're already waivering from the book in that sense as they've now caught 2 already and Hannibal isn't among that number.

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