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Hold on to your breeches and lets get dirty!! Att: Denae


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Guest nephitess

IC: the sun was shining. The sun glimmered off the tower in an almost blinding light. The weather was turning from chill to warm. Life was beginning all around. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air Zeveria exhaled loudly. The day was beautiful. Looking at the gardens she could see plants sprouting, their little heads poking out to greet the sun and welcome it’s energy. On days like these she used to garden with her mother. They would dig and turn earth for hours. The flowers that grew in her mother garden were legendary. Highly sought after, Zeveria would sell them in the town market and usually there would be none left and the end of the day. She did not have her mother green thumb but she could keep a plant alive.


Entering the Accepted’s gallery, Zeveria saw that the gardens here had not been tended yet. I wonder if I could have apiece for myself?? She thought. Wandering around to spy out a nicer piece of ground, one that was at a higher spot so the water would not pool , but where the garden would get good sun. Ahh there we go she thought. It was a chunk of ground just off the path around the fountain. The ground was sloped and as she dug her hand into the earth, she saw it was dark almost black, good soil! The soil felt like home in her hands. A wave of home sickness took her. She would turn this piece of ground into a glorious flower bed.


The area was full of healthy weeds and dandelions, the ground needed to be turned. It was too much work for one person, she needed help. Who could she ask to help her?? Chuckling to herself, she remembered she was now an accepted, she could request of a novice to do her this service. With regret she let the earth slide through her fingers and she went in search of a girl in white.


Going towards her former rooms she randomly picked a door. She had not been in these halls for a few months now and did not know who lived behind this door. There were novices she did not know even when she was still one herself. Stopping outside the door, she knocked and waited for someone to open the door.

After a moment, a girl of no notable appearance answered the door. Looking down at the shorter girl, Zeveria smiled. Her eyes must have been twinkling because the look that the novice gave her was one of intrigue interest and wondering what Zeveria was there for. The novice smiled back and made a small curtsy, one that was fit for the moment.


“Do you have time tomorrow to help me with a project?? Yes? Good meet me by the fountain in the Accepted’s gardens. I suggest you ware breeches.” Zeveria said that last with a wink. “my name is Zeveria, what is yours?”

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  • 3 weeks later...

Denae blushed deeply as she made her way quickly to the Accepted's gardens. She was in breeches, breeches of all things! She'd never worn a pair in her life, not that she was afraid of hard work, but her mother had always considered them unbecoming on a young lady, and Denae had secretly agreed. Yet when the accepted Zeveria had knocked on her door yesterday, Denae had been unable to refuse the request. She had no idea just what the woman had in store for her, but had a terrible feeling about it. All the novices knew that Accepted liked to torment and torture them. Though Zeveria had been friendly enough. One could never tell, and it was safer to simply obey.


Zeveria was not yet present when Denae arrived, so she gingerly sat on the edge of the fountain, longing for skirts to cover her legs. These pants were indecent! They hardly left anything to the imagination, though they did allow freedom of movement. But still, they were far too scandalous for her taste.


Sitting somewhat awkwardly, Denae trailed her fingers through the cool water merrily spilling from the ogier-sculpted fountain. The gardens of the White Tower were truly remarkeable, blooms in vivid colour year round flourishing in their beds, lush grasses and large, sprawling trees. It was an area Denae loved to sit and paint, the images so beautiful she wanted to capture them as best she could.


It was while she was lost in thought, committing an image to memory to sketch later, that Zeveria arrived, bringing Denae abruptly back to the present. Hastily she stood, dropping a terribly sloppy curtsey, hampered by the fact that she had no skirts to spread, making the move terribly awkward and bringing another blush to her cheeks.


"I'm here as you asked, Zeveria." Said Denae quietly, lowering her gaze after shyly meeting Zeveria's eyes. She had no idea whether this Accepted was one that liked to torment or not, and she had no desire to get on the wrong side of her by seeming disrespectful. Zeveria may not be an Aes Sedai yet, but Denae had learnt quickly that most girls of that rank assumed they were.


Denae Aethen

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Guest nephitess

IC: Veria was quite happy wearing breeches, they were very comfortable. Excuses came to her mind as ways to ware them more often. Smelling the breeze she caught a hint of baked bread from the kitchens. Today was going to be a good day. Arriving at the appointed time Zeveria quickly spotted her victim. Denae was cute girl and seemed to be a little skittish. Zeveria hoped to be able to put her to ease.


In response to Denaes greeting she nodded her head and said a hello of her own. She then proceeded to explain what they were going to do.


"Today we will be fixing a piece of garden to grow flowers in." pointing an area that was already marked of with string she said. "This piece of ground needs to be tilled and fertilized."


Grinning at the grimace on the novices face at the word "fertilized" she knelt on the firm earth. Handing the girl a small shovel she showed Denae how to turn the earth. While Denae did that, Veria picked out the weeds and loosened the piles that Denae made as she shoveled. After about an hour of work they finished.


"That is good, now we need the fertilizer. I had bag of it stored in the shed around the corner, will you please the bags here?"


Pointing her in the right direction, Veria went over the spot they had just turned and was satisfied. When Denae returned, Veria opened the two bags of manuer. Spreading both bags over the freshly turned soil, Veria directed Denae to turn the earth again to mix the manure in. after another half hour, they were finished.


"Now we need to put some water over this spot so that the ground will be ready for planting tomorrow. Will you please do that? After you are done you may go and clean up. If you are quick you can have a few minute of free time. Thank you for your help. Meet me here again tomorrow at the same time."


With a last look at the ground they had worked she sighed. It was an enjoyable time for her and she hated leaving it behind. She needed to clean up now; Studies awaited her in the library.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Today we will be fixing a piece of garden to grow flowers in." Denae brightened as the task was laid before her. She did so love tending to the gardens that filled the yard behind her childhood home, wares for the family store. Fertilising was not so appealing, a wrinkling of her nose showing her displeasure of that task, but it would be worth it, to be working with nature once more.


Denae eagerly set about the task, using the spade she was given to turn the soil, enjoying the pungent aroma of the earth beneath her fingertips. It wasn't exactly easy work, but she had already come to realise that nothing at the Tower was. Besides, it was nice to actually be creating with her hands again. The One Power was a heady intoxication, the thrill of simply holding saidar was greater than anything Denae had ever known. However she was an artist at heart, and nothing could replace the joy of creating with her hands, losing herself in her art, or as now, revelling in the simple task of tilling soil. It was the simplest tasks that meant the most to Denae.


Nodding at the request, Denae brushed her hands on the sides of her breeches before slipping around the corner to fetch the manure. The smell was pungent and caused Denae to grimace as she hefted the bags in her hands. Perhaps pants weren't so bad after all she thought, appreciating the freedom of movement. Besides there would be less to wash, better than dirt all over her skirts. Not that she was comfortable in them though. But maybe there was a place for them after all. Denae was nothing if not reasonable.


It was hot work, the sun beating down on her back, but not once did Denae complain as she turned the soil once more. It was not her nature to be vocal about her displeasure, but despite the heat and the smell of the fertiliser, Denae was enjoying the task. It was a welcome change to the seemingly endless pots in the kitchens, though a good deal dirtier. Streaks of dirt marred the front of her blouse and breeches, and even a smudge or two had made it onto her face as she had wiped her brow against the perspiration collecting there.


"Of course Zeveria, I will see to watering the plot." Denae rose as the Accepted took her leave, smiling brightly at the older girl. "I've enjoyed the work tremendously." She waited until the other had left before leaving to fetch a pail from the shed, not wanting to be disrespectful. Indeed it was possibly the most she had spoken to anyone in the Tower since her arrival. Not that Denae was afraid to speak, but she never liked to prattle, and as yet did not feel close enough to anyone to feel comfortable enough to speak more freely. Not like with her sisters. Perhaps in time she could develop some friendships. It would help if she had a roommate, but as yet there had been no new initiates to share with. Time. Time would be her friend.


It didn't take long to finish up with the new garden bed, Denae giving it the nod of approval before heading off to enjoy her free time, brief as it may be. Her mind was overflowing with images and her fingers were itching to paint.




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Guest nephitess

IC: Wandering around the gardeners green house, Veria felt the soft petals of tulips and pansies. The deep red and purples where vivid and called the sun to warm them. Looking for the right flowers, Veria could not decided which ones she wanted. Learning a little about her assistant, she decided to let Denae use the creative side she had to make the garden into a piece of artwork. Picking out trays of, purple pansies; red, yellow, blue and green tulips; lilacs; daffodils; babies breath; wild grasses and pungent smelling lavender, Veria gave instructions to have them delivered to their garden patch.


Arriving at the Garden patch, Veria found the flowers in place and Denae looking them over. The girl was sniffing the blossoms and enjoying the fragrance that came from them.


"Hello Denae." she greeting the girl cheerfully. "I'm glad you are here. I have a secret to tell you. A little birdie told me you like to paint and draw." the girl nodded her head "well today you get to be creative with these flowers. Would you like to organise them in a way that would make this garden most attractive? Please feel free to place them in any design you like and then I'll help you plant them. “


Sitting down and pulling out a book, Zeveria watched as Denae pondered her assignment. After a moment Denae started to go through the flowers and got to work.


OOC: in your post please describe the pattern you put the flowers in. then we will plant them. :wink:

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Denae was eager to continue gardening the next day, hurrying back from her class on shadowspawn so she could quickly change into her newly acquired breeches. She was early, but that was deliberate, allowing her some time to enjoy the garden before the accepted arrived. She slowly walked by the garden beds, her fingers touching the soft petals, pausing on occasion to inhale the sweet aroma given off by the colourful blooms.


The scents made Denae slightly homesick, reminding her of the rich smell of dried herbs and flowers that made up the small family store. She paused to finger the petals of a lily, her mother's favourite flower, and wondered how she fared, making a note in her mind to compose a letter to send to her loved ones back in Cairhien. She missed them so.


Zeveria arrived, and Denae greeted her politely, nodding in answer to the question, wondering just how she had found out about her love for painting. Her eyes lit up at the task set before her. Floral arrangements were something she had done back in Cairhien, though then it had been bouquets and dried flowers. The opportunity to flex her creative flair was an exciting one, and Denae eagerly set about the task.


There was a vivid array of colours for Denae to work with, blooms of different colours and sizes. Looking them over, Denae then turned her attention to the patch of fresh soil, imagining how best to arrange the flowers there. Picking up the lilacs, Denae separated them and arranged them in a wide arc around the edge of the patch. Next came a row of grasses, before another arm made from vibrant blue tulips. Filling in another row of grass, Denae continued the pattern, until it appeared there was a rainbow of flowers, with small bunches of the snow white baby's breath interspersed among the rich green of the grasses.


Fiddling slightly with where they sat, she nodded to herself before standing and brushing off her hands. "Is this to your liking, Accepted?" She asked waving to the arrangement of flowers adorning the patch.



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Guest nephitess

IC: "Is this to your liking, Accepted?"


Looking up from her study, Veria eyed the patch of ground. It looked wonderful. very good use of the colors and grasses.


"Yes, it looks great. That did not take you long! lets get them planted and that will be it."


Picking up a small hand shovel Veria tossed it to Denae and grabed one for herself. Kneeling in the dirt, Veria made a bunch of holes for the flowers to go into. Gently removing the plants from their baskets she placed them into the holes. after about an hour they were finished. The completed product looked fabulous. all that was neede was a little water and that was it.


"Denae could you water the patch and then clean everything up? the gardeners will come for the trays if you just stack them by the garden. thank you for your help. if you ever need a tutor or help with something please let me know. get this done quickly and you can have an hour to yourself. Have a great day Hun."


with a smile Veria picked up her things and went to clean up. she had a class in a little while and did not want to be late. thoughts of her flower patch made her smile the rest of the day.


OOC: ok so that is it!! please RP planting and watering and then go have some fun *winks* this was fun, we should RP again sometime.

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