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Humble Beginnings (ATTN: Kyn)


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Kyn did as he was bid, moving up to press a kiss to his wife’s lips and tuck the blankets around her before returning to the kitchen to finish their dinner.





Kyn had spent the last couple days fixing the wagon up to look more like a Tinker’s wagon than a farm cart, including installing a makeshift bed in the back of it, with a mattress from one of the upstairs bedrooms to make it even more realistic (and to sleep on when they did stop). Under the seat of the thing he stashed his sword and cloak and Loraine’s Great Serpent ring, none of which they needed out in sight while hidden as Tinkers or while travelling in Amadacia. In the closets were stashed more of their more everyday clothing for when they crossed into Andor and could once again be themselves. For now, however, they were dressed in the brightest clothes he could find in the house and he had gotten Lor settled on the seat with two of whomever lived here now’s horses to pull it. He was leaving behind the war trained horses because no Tinker would have the well trained beasts.  If they had to run they’d be caught, and Loraine couldn’t run fast enough to make the speed of the horses an issue, so he went with disguise as much as he could manage.


When he shut the door to his family’s home he took another look over it, wishing some of them had been here to tell him what had happened to his parents and to his sister, but in a way it was probably better not to know. At least now he could break freely from the place without feeling drawn back here again. There was nothing left for a man who had long ago chosen a woman and the Tower over his family.  He turned his back and was quickly up into the bench beside Loraine,  keeping his head faced forwards and taking another look back at his family home.

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Loraine settled onto the bench, waiting as Kynwric made his final rounds around the house. She had set a weave in the barn and hung the doors loosely for the horses to get free in a little while. They were trained to return to the Tower and smart enough that she hoped they'd find their way. Whether they were caught or wandered free, it was better than dying in that barn. She sighed and leaned her head back against the wagon Kynwric had been working on for the last few days. The work had given him something to do and she was grateful for it, if only because it kept him from focusing on his missing relatives too much. It was selfish, she knew, but she couldn't stand for him to be so miserable, as he seemed to be every time he had a free moment to look around at his childhood home. 


She smiled as he climbed in next to her and sat looking at the house. She waited a few moments before curling her arm around his and touching his cheek with her hand. "Are you well, husband?" She asked quietly, feeling the finality of the emotions inside him. He was saying goodbye and she felt guilty all over again for having kept him from home when he could've been here to help them. 



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