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Want someone to play with!

The Bard Babe

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Soooo, who are the other novices around right now for me to play with?


And also, I'd love for my novice Ceridwyn, (who has serious control and self-discipline issues) to have a big aes sedai to keep her in line/help her learn control/self-discipline in one way or another? Any takers? Also, any offers for any semblence of a plot revolving around that will be gladly accepted, it's one in the morning right now, so although I'm at full creative capacity right now, I'm not very good at directing it into a plot at this particular moment in time.


Oh yeah, at some stage Ceridwyn's gonna get locked in a dark place (she's morbidly scared of the dark and small spaces to an extent) and use the power to stop herself freaking out, I need someone to find her and get her out.


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:laugh: ...what did I just read? *shakes head*



Btw I have one White Ajah Head, if you want Dwyn subject to the class of Ye Moste Boring & Logical Approach To Doing Things Less Hasty, Barroom.

Not quite sure if that's what you're looking for though.


Oh and again, Nya's always there. >.> lookee ye at Roomy thread to discuss my ideas for the getting over fears blahblah.


*skips out again to next BB RP plan thread* XD

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*points at sig text* I'm actually the White Ajah Head over here dontcha'know

cos they didnt have anyone else err, she's a NSW character :tongue: Yes, its kinda hard to play the White, and no, I haven't played her much :blush:


Shush you yourself ;)

Edited by Nyanna al'Meara
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