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Anyone in here a fan of Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity? I actually didn't find Firefly until about two years after the show actually went off the air. But boy was I hooked after I got hold of the complete series on DVD. This has to be some of the best written and funniest dialouge I have ever seen. I so recommend that if you havn't seen this, you should and do it fast. Heck just ask for it for the holidays.


Sad to think we may never see more Firefly again. But at least we will be getting a new story from Joss next year that is part of the story. It will be in comic form.


Also, if you have not heard about it already there is a fan produced documentary out there that is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. It is called "Done the Impossible: The Fans Tale of Firefly and Serenity." It is a great tribute to how the fans of Firefly were able to bring it from its ashes to its own full length motion picture.


If you like Firefly and Serenity, I think this documentary is a must have. You can find out more information on it at www.donetheimpossible.com


If you just want to buy it you can get it off their website or you can search for Done the Impossible on amazon.com as well. I also really love the soundtrack, I think it played an integral part of the story. As such I own it as well.


So I think the complete Firefly story collection would have to be:


Firefly: Complete Series - DVD

Those Left Behind - Graphic Novel

Serentiy - DVD

New Graphic Novel (in comic form at first)

Done the Impossible - DVD

Done the Impossible - CD


Also sitting out there is the Serenity paper based RPG which has gotten some pretty good reviews. It has a new expansion book called Into the Black.


See told you I was obsessed.


It was a fantastic series. I was so depressed after watching the film. It gave us all a glimpse into what could've been and what could've been was glorious.


I'm not bothered about the documentary. I'm sure its great and all but I'm happy with my box set of the series and I'll leave it at that. It's depressing enough as it is.


Oh oh!!! I love that show! :D

and the movie. A lot.... A LOT!!!


I went to the last Dcon and Summer Glau (River) and Allan Tudyak (Wash) were there!

And I took a pic with each and got their signatures dedicated to me *bg*


I have the DVDs too...of the Movie and the series. Couldn't get it here in Israel because they never aired the show on TV...and the movie wasn't aired here in the Cinemas. So I had to go out into the world to get it :P


mmmm.....I saw all the RPG books...didn't get them cause they were rather expensive and i wouldn't have who to play it with. But I scanned them and they look rather interesting *G*


and I've got two books....one that has all kinds of explenation about the show with the scripts of all the epsides...and then a book about Serenity...again with loads of explaining how they made it, an interview with Joss Whedon and the script of the movie WITHOUT all the cuts....


So yeah...i'm obsessed too :D


I have a Jayne hat too *LOL*

my mom made it for me >.>





I'm not bothered about the documentary. I'm sure its great and all but I'm happy with my box set of the series and I'll leave it at that. It's depressing enough as it is.


It will make your heart happy I bet to see the story.


I saw the documentary. I don't own it...but they aired it in Dcon on the TV at the hotel. They have some sort of dragoncon channel on those couple of days...


It is very touching :)


And I know i'm not the only one with a cunning hat... I saw around 20 people in Dcon going about with Jayne hats *lol*






Firefly was a great series, I watched the enitre series off netflix, then I bought the movie. Excellent stuff.


I love the movie Serenity. 1 of my top 3 easy. And I asked for the Firefly series on DVD for Christmas. See if I get lucky or not. :lol:


I had also heard it mentioned that they came out w/some paperback books based off the series but I've never been able to find any or proof they exist either. Can anyone confirm or deny they exist?


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