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Moria and black tower proposal(spoilers for COT and beyond)


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I have a question about when Moria brought up the proposal to get into an agreement with the black tower COT (suprises). Now I assume this is a plan by the dark side, and I also understand not everyone knows all the plans, its just I found it weird that both Sheriam and Delana were sick and freaked out about the proposal (especially since both of them are in direct contact with a forsaken(Halima).. Did I miss something here, was this her own design or something?


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Plus, even though they are Black, they are still human. Black's aren't all cold-blooded monsters. They feel fear just like any other, the prospect of working with potential madmen who could destroy you at any minute without warning just genuinely freaked them out.


Even HAD they known about it beforehand - which is in doubt- it's one thing to plan something, and a totally different thing to actually have that plan become real.

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