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Guest Estel



anyway...welcome welcome...join in our madness!


[burns a hole through the centre of the earth]


hey...I see China!

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you can still join OP training classes if any are up. Your scores will be low as a soldier and are not essential really.


OP scores are only needed if you plan on having a duel with another OP user, otherwise they are almost completely useless.


Have fun at the Black Tower, here is your uniform *hands a black strait jacket instead of the normal white* You get this, and a free glass of 'special' wine.



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Guest Estel

you can join the phys-ed class...I was going to post tonight but I don't think I'll be able to...I'm already half asleep and I've got to wake up in a few hours...sorry guys...I'll get that running quicker once I'm back and coherent

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Guest Dalinar

yeah, sorry aldazar I obviously didn't make that clear when I chatted to you the other day.


You can start RPing NOW. Your bio has already been cross-checked. You don't need your OP scores to join in OP activities, and they're not even ESSENTIAL for OP 'duelling' unless the other parties are having trouble coming to an agreement with you on the outcome.


You DO need your OP scores before you can be promoted to Dedicated, however you'll have them long before them (when I get back on my computer next I will try to remember to PM you about it).




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Everyone keeps saying that Op scores aren't essential, but if you are planning on doing a really high score in one area, or have unusual scores, it's good to have you OP scores a a reference. IE, I have an amazing Air score for a guy, but my Earth is terrible. I wouldn't go to class and be good in Earth and horrid in Air. But it's all relivant.

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Well in all terms, your first few classes you should be posting everything as being terrible because of a few reasons:

1) Your new to channeling

2) Your may not be used to channeling at will

3) You can't have had much or any practice time before the class


So your first class post, maybe even your first 20 class posts if you want can be your char acting really bad at trying to channel.


By the time you reach a Dedicated rank, you do have your scores and can add more realism to your posts about which OP parts your best at.

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Well, to argue my point, right now as a Soldier, my Air is 3 and Earth is 1. I know that I could, in fact, go around making arms of air, but I should not be gifted in using caltrops. It's good to know these things that way I don't make a mistake when RPing my classes.


But to end the arguement, as a Soldier we are pritty bad anyways, and we don't have to worry about these things because Dali is good about getting us our scores. :D

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Guest Faile1987

*notices that someone stole her avatar :D Never mind though and welcome to the madness of the BT!*


True, Jason, same for Ged, who has an unusual high OP score (especially in Fire) but he´s still much too unexperienced to really be able to handle it. Anyways, lessons are much more fun if your character has some "edges" and gets himself in trouble one or the other way ;)


Hope to see you at the BT boards!

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Exactly Faile, glad to see that you're back. Noy is going to get a rude awakening when he has to work with water and Earth :twisted:


And just as a reminder, you don't have to make your OP scores super strong, I could have been one of the strongest Ashies in the BT but I chose to be uber-powerful in Spirit and Air instead, and I have the highest Air score in the BT.


(note: could've been strength=33, not much alone but with the 31 skill it's a good combo.)

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yea sorry bout the avatar faile, but it goes with the name of my char Aldazar (btw means Eagle in old tongue)but i am looking for sumthin different


as for OP scores i can see wat u mean from looking at the weaves and all that and got my scores aswell it can really cost you going the way u want in your powers.

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lol, I know that it costs me a lot the way I went, I regretted it a little but it's cool when I thought of the other things. (Like being the only Ashie with the strength in Air to make a tornatoe. :twisted:)


Really my point is that you should just go the way you want, and do what's cool to you. Kinda pointing out that strength is not the only thing to go for. :D

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