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There was a minor hiccup in some maintenance Kevin was doing to fix some of our prior issues. Unfortunately the information from Sunday to when he fixed is gone. This leaves many topics and some threads having issues.


Moderators you will have to take care of these by deleting the topic from the moderation panel (don't know where it is, go to the bottom of the board and use the You can moderator this board link).


If the thread is fine but has issues on later pages. Try adding a new post and if that doesn't work for the new page you will have to restart the thread over.


Sorry for the inconvience.




not sure this will even get through. My first time posting and all three have gone missing even though it shows up as the last post on the forum page. No idea whether to leave alone for a few days and re-do or what? Annoying as now my email keeps telling me there are replies.


technology... huh.


Some of these topics may move to a special place so that I may fix them. If you find entire threads missing, it is very possible that the moderators have moved them.


Mods, if you're not sure what I'm talking about, check the announcement on any of the staff forums.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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