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Callandor and the Dragon.


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ok so on my listen through of the series, I thought of something, and i have been searching for somewhere on the forum that discusses this, I have not found any yet, but would like to start one. How is it that Callandor could discern Rand as the Dragon? is there something supremely significant to his thread that AoL AS could have picked his thread out even after his death to seal away Callandor? Or is it a much momre simple process than that, albeit slightly more dangerous. My theory is that the Eye of the World was linked to the warding around Callandor. Rand drew the last of the power that was in the Eye, and than when he is near Callandor it pulses oddly. it does not do this any other time, but pulses specifically in proximity with Rand. The Eye was set as a precaution, to protect the world against a great danger, what if the great danger was that of the forsaken holding/wielding Callandor. When rand holds Callandor he can see the dark threads that tie baalzamon to the Dark one, He cn see the same threads when connected to the Eye, but no other time can he see these threads. Even when severing asmodeans connection he cannot see them, he can only imagine where they are at and strike at the essence he thinks should be there. However he can actually see the threads when connected to either callandor or the Eye. I think there is a definate connectiond between the two objects of the power, and that the Eye was a method of determining who the Dragon is.


I like your theory about him seeing the ties to the Dark One and the connection between that and Callandor.


Perhaps this is why he needs to use Callandor at the Last Battle against the Dark One...



When Callandor was wardered Aes Sedai were vastly more powerful than today. They saw the coming of future ages and placed the eye of the world and Callandor for the Dragon to use. Perhaps they did make a connection there..


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