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I'm Boooooored...

The Bard Babe

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My Illuminator Daera has nothing to do!!


She runs a Chapterhouse in Cairhien, and she needs to somehow end up in a forest outside Fal Moran, captured by either a couple of trollocs or a fade, I don't really remember which...


Anyone have any ideas as to how she gets there/have an RP that it could be cool to have an illuminator in?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay on this, I didn't notice the thread till now.


If you are still waiting on this you could approach the Congress of the Shadow RPers, they are expanding recently and may be able to help you by having one of their characters play the fade who kidnaps you.


If you think of a plot or something to do with your Illuminator I can play NPCs (or my Aiel if you can work that) and we could play together.


And if your in the right location you could stop for a drink at the Haus (the Tavern of the FL sisters) for a drink on the way.

Edited by Kathleen
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  • 4 weeks later...

hey guys.


So I have a whole menagerie that travels around. Key had a character in the menagerie too but she is on an LOA so I guess I'm free to take it around. Care to join the menagerie Barbed babe and then maybe get kidnapped or something? Or just wander around with us? Anyone else care to join?

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