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I was just told I have 20 points left to give out for the last 2 days...


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It's funny, Jani. I have an insane sense of rhythm, as a musician in multiple cases. But I always feel completely out of time, foolish and otherwise ridiculous when attempting to dance. I tend to leave that to more coordinated people. I'll jump around and act the fool on stage while playing in my band, but just dancing... well, it's just not something I was gifted with

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Randomh3r0, get ready for a random attack! :baalzamon:


Takes him and makes him unable to move with weaves of air.



Using spirit, he makes random want to wear these things.

Takes fire and earth to make him a fire dress.




Takes water, freezes it, and makes him an ice tiara.




Takes water and molds it into high heel shape and makes it so that he will now have to swim and walk in high heels.



And then as a final touch, curls up Random's hair using gluesticks to make it all perfectly circular, looking just like this girl, but a little bit more manly, not too much though. :)



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Random takes a second to weave Mirror of Mists so he at least looks himself, then thinks on a retaliation



After Rand fled, he decided to bring him into the open by just throwing lightning bolts everwhere



Once Rand jumped out to get away from the lightning, Random doused him with water




He then wove Mirror of Mists over Rand, turning him into a less threatening creature



Deciding that wasn't punishment enough, he gave Rand Justin Bieber hair


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Rand knew that everyone saw him as a llama and cut his weaves to make him look normal and cut Random's weaves so everyone could see him as he was. He then quickly used his levels to administer a real lightning storm that truly took Random down.



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