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A Trip To Remember (Jocelyn)


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Rion watched closely anxiously as the last of the two mules was being tied to the wagon that he had borrowed. The day had finally come. The day he and Jocelyn were going to leave, to be alone and away from the Farm for weeks maybe. And right now they deserved nothing more than to be away together having gone through one of the hardest things in their relationship, though both of them admitted that they had been overly jealous and perhaps it need not have happened. Though if it was truly because of how much they loved each other, than perhaps it was best it did. But none of that would matter now, or at least Rion hoped it would not hang over the trip even if they had forgiven each other.


It was strange how easy this had been so far, being an Ashaman did seem to have it's perks. It had only taken a few minutes of conversation with Dalinar to get permission to go, just as long as he made sure to keep his eyes open and make sure to report anything that sounded like it would be important for the Tower to know. The wagon had been only a little bit harder, had had promised to write a few letters for another Ashaman and then help him with anything like that in the future. Rion had offered to help the man learn to write but he had simply shook his head and laughed, saying he would rather be lazy and have Rion do everything. Well, if it would get the wagon that he and Jocelyn would need than it would be perfeclty alright with him.


And to furnish their new house they would need the wagon, though Rion still didn't know if they were going to buy what they needed in Andor or Arad Doman, or both even, that part of their house was entirely Jocelyn's domain. Smiling at the thought Rion hadn't realized that the man had been talking to him, lost in the pleasant thought of living with Jocelyn. "Ashaman..Ashaman! Light you scholars are all the same, head up in the clouds. Well the wagon is all ready for you."


Rion smiled sheepishly, embaressed at being caught in his revelry. "Thank you sir. No more letters before I set off then?" The man replied in the negative and Rion nodded once more and taking the leads of the two horses began the treck back to Dashiva's house, for the last time going to there while he still lived there maybe.


It was only a matter of minutes until Rion stopped in front of the house, stopped the wagon and then quickly, almost skipping from the excitement, went inside. Jocelyn was no where in sight downstairs so Rion assumed she was maybe throwing a few last minute things into trunks for the two of them while they were away, or perhaps finishing getting ready to leave in some other way. Hurriedly he took the stairs two at a time and noticing her door closed gave it a hesitant knock.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Jocelyn hummed to herself as she placed the last few necessary items into a trunk, in preparation for her trip with Rion. It was strange, in all her travels she only ever took what she could fit in her saddlebags, as journeying alone did not give enough reason for a wagon. In fact, when she thought about it, packing anything at all was strange. With this whole travelling business, well in reality they could simply step home each time they needed something. Well she thought it was that simple, she still didn’t know a great deal about channelling. But she supposed appearances needed to be kept, and two travellers in a strange town without any sort of luggage would look awfully strange.


Finished with the trunk, Jocelyn sat on the edge of her bed, lost in thought. It had been close to a year since she he had been home. True, she was more often on the road than home, but she had never stayed away for so long before. How much had changed? Were her parents worried? What would they think about Rion? And what would they say when she told them she was not staying with them, not now or ever, that she loved Rion, and was going to be with him? So many unanswered questions, she couldn’t help but be a little nervous. Surely they would love Rion, as much as she. Wouldn’t they? Yes, of course. Her happiness was most important. Well that, and marrying into a fortune. Jocelyn didn’t know the extent of Rion’s family’s lands or fortune; it meant nothing to her. It was Rion she loved, for who he was, not what title he held.


Jocelyn knew her parents had always wanted her to marry into money, they certainly had never tried to hide that motive. After all, it was what her mother before her had done, entering a loveless marriage for the sake of coin and land. What would they say when she told them she wished to marry for love? Light, she could almost hear her mother’s incredulous laughter now. Well it mattered nought. While she had hoped to gain their approval of Rion, Jocelyn would marry him despite their objections. Assuming there were any, though the more she thought on it, the more likely it appeared.


And what of Rion’s family? How would they react, upon seeing their long lost son return, with a Domani, no less? Jocelyn was far from the reckless, flirty man-eater she had been when she was found by Rion, but they weren’t to know that. Jocelyn held no illusions as to the reputation that went with being a native of Arad Doman, indeed her entire life she had lived up to that image. But she would be a good wife to Rion. She loved him enough for any 20 men. Would his parents reject him, knowing what he was? Jocelyn refused to believe it. Anyone who had raised such a wonderful, sweet, thoughtful man could hardly be so prejudiced themselves. Light let it be so, anyway.


A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts and she stood, smoothing her clinging emerald skirts over hips. Well some things hadn’t changed, at least. Her dress sense was as alluring as ever, though she told herself it was only because she had nothing else to wear, not because she liked the way Rion looked at her. Opening the door, her face lit up in a pleased grin to see Rion standing there. Impulsively she stepped on her toes to greet him with a kiss. It mattered not what either of their families thought, they were in love, and that was enough.


Stepping back somewhat reluctantly, Jocelyn waved to the closed trunk. “I have finished packing, you have the wagon?” Rion nodded in the affirmative and Jocelyn clapped her hands in glee. It felt so good, knowing they would be out of this prison, if only for a short while. “Wonderful! If you are ready then, shall we go? I can’t deny how eager I am to leave here and have you to myself.” Jocelyn winked seductively, though she was only teasing. She would leave him as pure as…well not as she met him, but as he was now, until they day they were married. It just sweemed right, and Rion deserved nothing but the best.


Jocelyn walked out of the room first, leaving Rion to follow with the trunk as she made her way down the stairs, hips sashaying unconsciously. Opening the front door, she held it open for Rion, before flouncing out after him, waiting eagerly as he loaded the trunk before giving her a hand onto the wagon.



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It was amazing the feeling that accompanied being in Jocelyn's presence even if he had only been gone for a few seconds and not the long few hours that he had been this morning. A piece that had been missing seemed to be replaced inside of him. He felt empty, incomplete whenever he was away from her and only like now when she was right next to him, in his arms, did he ever seem to feel right now. You love for that chit is almost sickening boy.


Rion was pushing the voice back as Jocelyn stepped back andtheir lips parted, nodding to the question. “Wonderful! If you are ready then, shall we go? I can’t deny how eager I am to leave here and have you to myself.”


Rion blushed lightly as he wove a few threads of air to pick up the last of the trunks. He turned to follow behind Jocelyn, which may not have been the best idea. The way Jocelyn moved was intoxicating, and it didn't help with the types of clothesshe wore. Rion eyes had drifed down to her hips and he had forgotten about the chest in front of him.


He took a step foreward without moving the chest and with a resounding crash nearly fell over it and down the stairs. Nice going. With an even larger blush Rion stood again, smiling sheepishly at the look Jocelyn was giving him. Somehow he was able to make it down the stairs and put the chest into the back of the wagon.


"Only one more thing and then we will be off love." Rion took a deep breath and dipped into Saidin. He was sure he could do this...couldn't he? He knew the weaves, but what if he failed? He had never done this before. He couldn't, as much as Rion wanted to he couldn't bring himself to risk failing in the weave. "We just uh...have to go to the traveling grounds to find someone who can make a gateway for us." Rion sighed, he could never be able to form the weave even if he was strong enough to.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Jocelyn was still smiling to herself after Rion's obvious ogling as his features took that far off look that told her he was channelling. She waited patiently for what she imagined was going to be that silvery slash in the sky that turned into a gateway, but none came. The look faded, and Jocelyn wondered if maybe that wasn't what he was doing, after all she couldn't see the weaves, not the way Rion had described them to her.


"We just uh...have to go to the traveling grounds to find someone who can make a gateway for us." Rion's sigh sounded forlorn, causing Jocelyn to study his features. "Is everything alright, Rion?" She asked, resting her hand on his forearm as he guided the horses drawing the wagon towards the travelling grounds. "Why can't you make a gateway for us?" There was so much about the one power that she didn't understand, but Jocelyn never imagined there would be things that Rion could not do but others could.


Still, it was clearly something complicated, after all it allowed you to jump hundreds of leagues in one step! Perhaps it was a confidence thing, and Rion was just worried about not being able to complete it. He did seem to doubt himself often, when he had no need to. Fortunately there was someone at the grounds who could make the gateway, someone not familiar to Jocelyn though. "So where are we going first my sweet? Andor?" She waited for Rion's responce, excited to be leaving, regardless of where they went or how. The only niggling question was how they were going to return if Rion couldn't make the gateway. But of course he knew what he was doing, he'd have a solution, no doubt.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It wasn't as if he was angry for Jocelyn asking him the question, he knew it was only because she worried and cared for him, but it still took a few seconds for him to answer such a simple question. It was such a simple thing, he was just worried that he wouldn't be able to do it...and he had heard stories of things that happened when some weaves failed and unraveled badly.


"It's...well.." Rion sighed softly. He contemplated for a moment trying to make something up, a harmless lie to protect himself, but he knew it wasn't as harmless as he wanted. He would be lieing to Jocelyn, to the woman he wanted to marry, would marry. And he couldn't bring himself ot do that. "I'm just worried that I can't do it, but don't worry, I'll be able to bring us home."


He would...or at least he hoped he would. He knew he would. No you're not boy. Rion pushed the annoying voice back into the recesses of his mind. "And we'll be going to Arad Doman first for anything we might need their and to see your family, and then make our way to see mine and to Caemlyn finally if you want to."


Rion slowed the horses to a stop when they arrived, a dedicated standing from where he had been waiting. It was only another stab at Rion's depleted pride that a Dedicated could weave the needed Gateway that they would be needed. He leaned down to tell the dediacted what he needed and the man turned to comply. For Rion it was still strange to have people listen to what he was saying and do what was needed without question, being an Ashaman.


The common silver slash of light appeared and widened, accompanying a breath of cold air that accompanied the northern climate of Arad Doman, the homeland of the woman next to him. All the sudden Rion's nervousness returned ten fold. He was terrified of this impending meeting. Terrified of the rejection he was sure was coming. And without the pins that showed him as Ashaman, without the Black coat and pants that gave him power around the Farm, instead clad in the colors of the house he had abonded to learn to wield the Power, he felt too inept to stand for himself. A feeling that was all to familier. With a small unsteady breath Rion reached out to take Jocelyn's hand and started the horses foreward. "Here we go."




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  • 2 weeks later...

Jocelyn wanted to say something to comfort Rion, to reassure him that he was capable, but didn't know that he was. How was she tell if it was a matter of confidence in himself, or simply that he did not possess the skill required? Instead she nodded with a small smile, saying nothing. She didn't know what to say anyway, as her thoughts turned to wondering what the reunion with her parents would be like. Would they be angry that she had been gone so long? Had they even noticed? And what would they say when she told them she was merely visiting, that her home was now with Rion? How would they react to Rion?


No, she wouldn't worry, all would be well. Her parents would love Rion, just as she did. Besides, Rion was prone to nervousness as it was, and Jocelyn did not want to escalate the worry. Instead she began thinking on what belongings she would fetch from her home. It would be nice to have more than a few now old and worn dresses, not to mention the luxury of more slippers and her jewellery. The finery was hardly needed around the Black Tower, but it would be nice, nonetheless. Especially if she ever worked out how to broach the subject of marriage. She wanted to be able to adorn herself for Rion.


"Here we go." Jocelyn smiled at Rion and squeezed his hand as he guided the horses through the gateway, unable to resist ducking her head slightly as they passed through. There was plenty of space above her, but it was best to be safe, all the same. The hole closed behind them, and Jocelyn suddenly realised just how isolated they were, just she and her love, with miles of wilderness and no interruptions. Light, these thoughts were not going to help her maintain a ladylike distance, not when all she wanted was to be as close to Rion as it was possible to be.


The air was cooler in Arad Doman, though not as cold as it would be in a short month or so as winter took hold on the northern nation. Jocelyn had a cloak packed in a saddle bag where she could easily access it, but instead snuggled closer to Rion's side, purely for warmth, she told herself, tucking her arm under his and pressing against him from hip to knee. Only for warmth. Of course it was just convenient that she loved it so, her heart leaping with excitement as it always did whenever she was near him, as it always would.


A short ride through the trees brought the pair to a road, where they paused, Jocelyn gaining her bearings. "The city is that way." She pointed with her free arm. "Though I doubt we are close enough to make it to my parent's manor by nightfall, they own some land on the other side of the city. We should make it to the city before dark though, there will be plenty of places for us to lodge for the night." Snuggling back against his side once more, Jocelyn laid her head on Rion's shoulder. "At least that way we can greet my parents fresh-faced after a good night's sleep." She tilted her head so she could smile up at him. "Do not worry so my heart, they will love you just as I do." She patted his arm reassuringly, sensing more than knowing he worried. "All will be well." Light she hoped so, turning her gaze to the well trod road ahead of them, each step of the horses' hooves drawing them closer to her childhood home.



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Almost reflexively Rion slid an arm around Jocelyn as she slid closer and did, giving her a light squeeze as she pressed against him, the warmth spreading from his leg where they touched both welcome and longed for. His heart skipped a beat and started to race when It recovered as it always did when he was so close to Jocelyn. A feeling that none too long ago he would have wanted nothing more than to flee from, to hide with his book. But now he loved the feeling, the love in his heart growing with the closeness he felt.


So they traveled slowly, Rion following the directions that Jocelyn gave. He followed the winding road through the quiet landscape. The silence only punctuated by a few words here and there between the pair, otherwise they were simply enjoying the feeing of being alone and the feeling of being pressed against each other.


It wasn’t too long before they started to see other people on the road and then the actual city looming in the distance. Rion let a small smile onto his face as he saw the similar one on Jocelyn’s when he pointed out the city. Though inside he was feeling terribly nervous. It was only this night and then he would be meeting Jocelyn’s parents.


The guards waved the two of them in though Rion hardly noticed. He had the power to kill every person on this road and he was terrified of just meeting two people. Leading the small wagon towards the area he remembered from last time they had been here he stopped in front of an inn that Jocelyn pointed out. He stepped down from the wagon, reluctantly taking his arm away from Jocelyn for a moment before he held out his hand to help her down. He passed it to a stable-boy that had run out to meet them.


It was almost like the inn keeper waited at the door for his arrivals, coming up to greet both him and Jocelyn. “Hello, I am Areo Payne the proprietor of this inn. And if you are looking for a room you are in luck, for I am the only one on this block who has one open. Only one to be exact. So shall I put you down?”


Rion sighed softly and nodded. He was most likely to be overcharged tremendously by the end of this but he didn’t want to have to search for another and not find it. He followed the owner, giving his arm to Jocelyn. It was more of a surprise when they entered the room after having received some brief instructions about meals. Rion had walked into the room and the first thing he saw was there was only one bed. He scratched his chin, that could prove awkward perhaps. “So what do think, will this do love?”




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Jocelyn couldn't help the smile that bloomed on her cheeks as the city came into view. This was her domain, the place she had always known as home. Everything was emanently familiar, the sights, sounds and smells. But it no longer felt like home. Now it was just a place she loved, but home was with Rion, at the Black Tower.


They were waved through the city gates, and Jocelyn found herself sitting up straighter, looking about them with interest. Not much had changed, the way the city was winding down to sleep, people bustling about last minute errands in the waning light. It was a crowded time of year to be in the city, and from the crowds visible in the common rooms of the inns they passed, this year was no different. Jocelyn directed Rion to one of the larger inns, hoping that there would be room for them stay.


"Only one to be exact. So shall I put you down?” It seemed they were in luck, though Jocelyn was not surprised to find that there was only one room spare. Taking the arm Rion offered, Jocelyn followed the proprietor up the stairs to what would be their room for the night. How she kept her features smooth she didn't know, but somehow she managed to hide the smile that threatened upon discovering there was only one bed in the room. A quick glance under revealed that there was no pull-out cot, either. The one bed it was. For the two of them.


“So what do think, will this do love?”Rion looked nervous, and Jocelyn couldn't help but smile. It was going to be torture, lying next to Rion while somehow keeping her hands to herself. But as it was highly unlikely they would find anywhere else with two rooms, and she did not relish sleeping out in the open in the cold, this would have to suffice. "I doubt we will find anything else." She replied, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, testing the mattress.


"The bed is quite good and the sheets are clean...I'm sure it will do for one night." Jocelyn smiled up at Rion, a wicked gleam entering her eyes. "If anyone questions your honour, simply tell them we are married." She teased, though secretly she watched his reaction closely. She still wasn't exactly sure of his feelings on the manner, and perhaps the teasing remark could reveal a hint as to his thoughts.


"That is if you still have any honour at the end of the night..." Jocelyn couldn't help the way she teased him so, a grin on her face as she stood and sashayed from the room in a sultry manner. "Popping her head back around the door frame, she winked at an openly gaping and blushing Rion. "Are you coming? I'm hungry." With another grin Jocelyn began to descend the stairs, leaving Rion to follow as she made her way to the common room.




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Rion couldn’t help the bright smile on his face, mainly from the thought of acting like the two of them would be married for one night. It would be a small prelude to when he finally popped the true question and made Jocelyn his wife for not only one night but for the rest of their lives. That was the only thing he wanted, to be with her for the rest of his life. Any doubts he might have had of doing such because of the various dangers that were associated with him being a channeler were drowned by his overwhelming love stored in his heart and body.


And if he was going to be incredibly nervous of actually spending the night in the same bed with Jocelyn, it was far from unappealing. Looking into her beautiful eyes as he fell asleep to waking to them in the morning. The closeness that they shared already was intoxicating and perhaps this would be far better than having to sleep alone.


And then of course, it was almost a given that Jocelyn would leave him gaping and blushing. His eyes followed the sway of her hips hypnotized as the idea ran through his head…he shivered to himself and reminded of his self promise to wait. They would be married soon, and then he would let Jocelyn teach him whatever she wanted him to know. "Are you coming? I'm hungry." He followed, he had no choice but he would have followed Jocelyn if she said she was going to the Pit of Doom itself. Rion was easily curled around her little finger, but he didn’t care..he enjoyed it almost, knowing that even if it was it was because of the love they shared.


Walking through the common room with Jocelyn Rion found the one thing that he disliked about Arad Doman, the men. Their eyes seemed to roam worse than any others, even in the Black Tower their were few to actual look at. His hand ventured out to take Jocelyn’s, claiming her as his to those around them. You could just kill them, flick of your wrist and light that ones braids on fire…take the blade from scar faced belt and plunge it into his neck with some air.. Tempting really. Rion resisted rolling his eyes at the voices inside of his head as he and Jocelyn sat next to each other, having to share a small table with a pair of men as the common room was so busy.


He shifted close to her, as close as he could without her being splayed on his lap. And while that would make it quite obvious to those around him, Rion doubted the blush that it would produce would help keep those around from admiring Jocelyn. Perhaps he was too jealous; well they had proven that he could be driven to extremes in his jealousy. You should be proud that you have roped in a wench that makes all the men’s eyes twitch and imagination’s race/ Determined to deflect where his thoughts were going Rion proposed a question that had been nagging at him all the way to the city. “Jocelyn…what are your parents like? I don’t know…I mean..I’ve just been wondering.”




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  • 1 month later...

Jocelyn had long ago grown accustomed to attracting the attention of men. She usually ignored it or barely noticed, but when Rion took her hand, she saw the angry looks he was giving to those around them, and actually took a good look herself. Ugh, men could be such horrible pigs. Their lecherous glances and sleazy smiles made Jocelyn's stomach turn. How had she ever been attracted to that type of man? She happily pressed close to Rion as they sat, adding her glare to his, silently declaring that she was not on the market. Smiling, she gave Rion's hand a small squeeze. It was one of the main reasons she had fallen in love with him, the fact that he had never treated her as though she were a pretty object. He admired her physically, yes, but he also loved her mind, her soul.


“Jocelyn…what are your parents like? I don’t know…I mean..I’ve just been wondering.” She had expected the question to come eventually, but was momentarily caught off guard, her thoughts a million miles away. Jocelyn felt for Rion, it couldn't be easy for him, meeting her parents for the first time. Especially once they learn that not only had he been the reason she had not returned home in so long, but that she was moving into his home permanently, that they were in love. Rion was not exactly the type of man her parent’s had wanted her to marry.


“My parents…well, my parents are merchants. Rather wealthy. My father is an intelligent man, very shrewd, and I guess he comes across as rather intimidating… but he is really not so bad. He is very well educated, he is the main reason I was educated. Knowledge is important to him.” Jocelyn smiled at Rion in a way that she hoped he saw as positive. Rion was a brilliant man, and she knew her father would respect him for his keen mind. Even if he was livid that a madman was planning to steal his only daughter away. Hmm, probably best not to mention that to Rion.


“And my mother.” Jocelyn sighed. She had always been told she took after her mother, not only in looks but in temperament. Once she hadn’t minded, had even considered it to be a compliment, but now… well she would hate for Rion to think she was like her. “My mother is vain, ruthless, flighty and wool-headed.” Not really showing her in the best light, perhaps. “She is very beautiful, and she knows it, and while she is manipulative, she does not possess the same wits my father does. Theirs was a marriage based on business, on money.” Jocelyn pulled a face, showing just what she thought about that arrangement. Her parents could barely stand one another, unless of course they wanted to show a united front.


Jocelyn patted Rion’s knee, pressed next to her own. “Compliment her appearance and she will love you. My father will to, I just know it. What’s not to love?” Her smile was filled with adoration for this man, the one that made her so happy, brought sunshine into her life and taught her what love was. Her lips twisted slightly. “Probably best not to mention the ugh…” She looked around and lowered her voice, leaning closer to Rion before continuing. “The channelling.” Her voice was a whisper, meant for Rion’s ears only. She didn’t want to cause any kind of trouble for Rion, and well, announcing what he was in a crowded room wouldn’t be the wisest move.


“Somehow I doubt my parents would particularly like that talent, my love. But as for you…all will be well. No doubt they haven’t even realised I’m gone yet.” The remark was meant to be a bit of a joke, but Jocelyn wouldn’t be overly surprised. Her parents loved her, she knew that, but they were both far too busy with their own lives to be the kind of support she had needed. It was why she had always gotten away with so much, they didn’t spare the time to be firm with her, finding it easier to give their feisty daughter her own way. Still, this return was no doubt going to be interesting…




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It was a little sad listening to Jocelyn talk about her parents, her father seemed alright even likable, but her mother wasn’t painted in the best light. Well if they didn’t notice their daughter leaving after so long, then neither of them were painted in a very good light. But even then Rion had a feeling their families may not like each other that much, his mother had always hated woman like Jocelyn’s and his father’s opinion never ran far from mother’s. The two families were almost polar opposites really.


You and Jocelyn are nearly the same way you realize. Well yes but I doubt our families would go falling in love with each other like we have. Bah! Take a minute and think of what that would be like, it would make for a crowded bed. Rion actually paused to think about it….why would the bed be…..crowded…..Rion nearly chocked on the food he had been chewing on when the realization finally hit him. He blushed crimson to the roots of his hair that earned him an inquiring look from Jocelyn.


It made him blush only still more, smiling sheepishly as he looked down. “Oh nothing…just a um… random thought.” Rion pressed into Jocelyn’s side slightly in as much of a show of affection as he would. That was definitely one random thought he wanted to drop as quickly as possible.


“I have no doubt all will be well.” I’m surprised you actually got that out, you know you don’t believe that. Perhaps not, but what am I supposed to say to Jocelyn? That I’m afraid I will do everything wrong and they will hate me even before they know I can channel? Why not? You say you wish to marry her, you should be able to tell her everything no matter what. Rion couldn’t come up with a response, he was right. He shouldn’t be hiding anything from Jocelyn, but he didn’t want her to worry about him.


“So when would we leave tomorrow do you think?” Rion looked back to Jocelyn as he slipped another piece of meat into his mouth. “I could ask the innkeeper to wake us at some time, but if it’s close we would be able to sleep in and that would be nice for a change.” And being that close to Jocelyn for that much longer would be nice as well. Rion was only a little nervous to sleeping in the same bed as Jocelyn, though at the same time terribly excited. Nothing made him feel quite so good as being close to the love of his life.


Rion was rather puzzled by the grins and chuckles coming from the men around him and the serving woman who was bending beside him to clean something from the table? What? He hadn’t said something wrong had he…..He just adopted a confused look and let it pass. He didn’t want to look any more the idiot for having to ask what he had said.




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Jocelyn raised her brows at Rion's comment, a smile curving her full lips at the smirks and guffaws about them. Rion appeared sweetly unaware of just what he had said as he continued his meal. Hiding her mirth, Jocelyn continued to eat, enjoying the way he pressed against her side. The movement was subtle, but it spoke loud and clear to those about them. Mine. Jocelyn didn't mind one bit.


"It is not a long ride." Jocelyn informed Rion between delicate mouthfuls. "So we can afford the luxury of staying longer abed." She couldn't resist the wicked smile, though her stomach fluttered nervously. It was going to be one long night, she was certain. Sleeping so close to the man she loved with all her heart, longing to touch him but knowing she mustn't. He was pure temptation, in her mind at least, the warmth of his body ebbing through their clothes as though they didn't exist, scorching her skin. A long night indeed.


They lingered in the common room after they had finished their meal, enjoying a cup of the local wine and small talk. Several musicians set themselves up in a corner of the room and began to play while a young girl sang, to the cheers and whistles of the crowd. It had seemed a lifetime since Jocelyn has last heard singing and music. The farm always seemed such a sombre place, with most of the men being too serious for such revelry, or too busy getting drunk, and most of the other women and children who also lived there were more comfortable staying in their own homes. Hiding, Jocelyn called it. She refused to let the fact that the men she had to associate with were channelers hamper her lifestyle any more than it had to, but music was something she had missed.


Applause broke out as the girl's sweet tones ended, Jocelyn adding her own claps. It had been a good performance. The musicians struck up another tune, a lively one, and Jocelyn squealed in glee. It was one of her favourites, and already the space before the musicians was filling with dancers. She looked excitedly to Rion. "Dance with me!" Not waiting for a response she stood, grabbing his hand and weaving between the tables to join the dance.


It was a fairly simple dance, though it was lively, and soon Jocelyn's hair had escaped it's neat braid and was bouncing gaily about her shoulders as they danced. She got a thrill every time the steps brought her back to Rion's arms, his large hands settling on her waist as he lifted her, twirled her. She was smiling brightly, her face flushed from the exertions of the steps, when at last the music came to an end, the women draped over their partner's arms in a deep dip. Jocelyn grinned up at Rion. She was panting, her chest heaving with each breath, and her heart was pounding. Light, but he was beautiful, she thought as she gazed up at his smiling face, the flush on his cheeks increasing his appeal. Her eyes were drawn to his lips, so full and lush...Jocelyn's lips parted as she silently begged for his kiss, wanted him to draw her closer to his frame and claim her mouth with his...


Abruptly Jocelyn remembered where she was and hastily stood upright, covering her slight blush by straightening her skirts. Light, she needed to take some control over betraying body, or she would never survive the night and keep her vow intact. "I think I could do with some peace and quiet now." She told Rion as she led them away from the dancers, towards the stairs. It was quieter as they ascended, the throng from the common room fading as they made their way to their room. "That exercise has left me somewhat exhausted." She admitted over her shoulder as she pushed open the door to the small room they were to share. Oh. Right. Brilliant move Jocelyn - practically beg the man to take you on the dancefloor, then lead him to the room with the one bed. That ought to remove the temptation.


Jocelyn pulled a face at herself and entered, flopping on to the bed and kicking her shoes off into the corner. The room seemed even smaller with Rion standing, his presence seeming to press all around her. This night would be the sweetest torture, she thought, gazing again at just how narrow the cot was. What she needed was time to regroup; time to order her thoughts and cool her heated blood. "I think I might enquire about bathing." Jocelyn said, sitting up on the edge of the bed. Hopefully there would be a separate room for bathing, and she could calm herself some there, before returning to the room to sleep.


Smiling at Rion, she slipped out of the room barefoot to find one of the servants. She found a young girl in the hallway and told her what she wanted, also requesting a bath for Rion. No doubt he too would want to wash away the travel dust. "I will send someone to you shortly, mistress." Bobbing a curtsey, the girl scurried off. Jocelyn smiled to herself, assuming the girl would send someone to fetch her once her bath was ready. She slipped back into the room and closed the door with a soft click.


"I also arranged for a bath for you, my sweet." Jocelyn informed him, as she began digging through her saddlebags for a clean shift and a comb. Her hear was now terribly tangled, thanks to the dance. A knock soon sounded on the door and a young girl peeped in. "Your bath is prepared, sir." Jocelyn smiled lovingly at Rion as he followed the girl out. This was what she needed, time to prepare before she was trapped alone with him in such an intimate setting.


A short while later the same girl returned to fetch Jocelyn. "Wonderful, thankyou." She followed the girl down the stairs, to a steam filled room by the kitchens. Candles filled the room with a soft glow, and the scent of lavender made Jocelyn sigh happily. "Thank you, you may leave now. I will attend to myself." Jocelyn dismissed the young girl, who bobbed a curtsey and scurried out. The bath a large copper tub, filled with hot water richly perfumed with lavender. The idea of a bath seemed even better now, Jocelyn thought as she disrobed, setting her dress and shift aside. Thick towels and soap were on a stool by the bath, along with a jug for rinsing.


There was a strange shadow on one of the walls and Jocelyn squinted at it. No, not a wall, it was silk. Walls draped with silk? That seemed a little opulent for a place such as this...no, it was merely a dividing screen, she could see now. And there was another bath on the opposite side of the screen, not too far from her own. It was quiet though, so Jocelyn presumed it was empty. Thinking no more of it, she stepped into the bath, sinking into it and resting her head on the edge as the hot water seeped into her body, soothing and relaxing her. Well she was relaxed, until she heard a splash from the bath next to her. There was someone in it after all it seemed.


Jocelyn squinted at the silk partition again. The candle light was playing tricks, one moment illuminating the space clearly, the next casting shadows. She could see now, broad shoulders, short-cropped hair..."Rion? Is that you?" Jocelyn groaned inwardly. How could she find a moment's peace, knowing Rion was just on the other side of the flimsy screen, naked as the day he was born? And if she could see him...light, did that mean he could see her? Had he been there all along, while she had been blissfully ignorant and undressed? A wicked smile curved her lips at the thought, and she wondered just how that would have affected her shy love.




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Rion had fully and completely lost himself in the small thrill that dancing with Jocelyn was creating inside of him. The thrill of simply losing all the worries and cares that he had bottled up inside of him over the past few days. He spun with or without Jocelyn, the sensation inside of him doubling when the dance brought them closer together. His feet moved in motions he had been taught long ago as a nobleman’s son, the steps foreign for only a moment as he adjusted to the beat and song from the musicians and the singer. It was when he and Jocelyn came close that the world around them seemed to close off and it was just them. The feeling of Jocelyn’s in his arms or pressed close. It was almost too good, and like all things too good they had to come to an end.


So as he followed Jocelyn up the stairs into the room that they were to share for the night. His pulse was slowing to a normal rate and his breathing was slowly returning to normal. Light he hadn’t realized he had been moving so much, but combined with the all the wonderful sensations of dancing with Jocelyn it had made for quite the exercise and he was thankful for the respite that Jocelyn was offering.


"I think I might enquire about bathing." Rion smiled brightly and nodded to the comment, remaining standing for the time being. He wanted to cal himself and collect his thoughts, and he wouldn’t be able to do that sitting next to Jocelyn the sweet perfumed scent invading his senses as he burned form the occasional touch that was inevitable being that close.


Of course it was still inevitable to keep himself from watching Jocelyn and the way she moved. Even tasseled, her hair in disarray compared to her norm, she looked as radiant as any sun. He stood with a small smile, simply admiring the beauty that was his love. He eventually had to physically shake himself when the girl came to lead him to the bath room. His mind was elsewhere and if he hadn’t been being led he probably would have run into someone.


“Would you like me stay sir?” Rion turned and looked rather scandalized, he sputtered out a rather embarrassed and blush filled no and a thank you to take away any sting that that might have caused. He slowly stripped himself of his clothes and stood, stretching his muscles out of any soreness that may have been caused by the long ride from the gateway to the city. He sunk slowly into the warm bath, sighing contently as he leaned his head back and simply soaked some of the soreness away. It felt wonderful, the warmth seeping into every limb in his body.


Rion jolted with shock as the sound of an opening door behind him. Immediately his hands went to cover himself and his cheeks were staining red as he froze in place. The words after that only adding to his horror. "Thank you, you may leave now. I will attend to myself.”


Oh Light… This was purely scandalous. He was trying his hardest to collect himself and remain chaste but here he was going to sharing a bathing room with Jocelyn, and only a small silk divider separating them.


Rion’s mortification was nearly complete as Jocelyn called out, ”Rion? Is that you?" Rion stood until his waist was fully out of the water before he realized that he was clothed in much the same as Jocelyn was. He hurriedly sat back in the tub with a rather large splash, blushing from head to foot it seemed. “Y…Yes……”


“I um..I uh….hadn’t realized…they had shared…” Rion swallowed to get the knot out of this throat. “bathing rooms…. I um….guess that’s what the screen is for…” Rion sputtered into silence as he sunk down as far as he could into his tub so that he could hide from the world and from Jocelyn. Light this was just going to make later tonight all the harder. He didn’t know what to say, couldn’t think of anything to say. Just sink down into the bathtub farther.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The way Rion stumbled over his words confirmed Jocelyn's suspicion that he had indeed seen her in her state of undress, a thought that both caused her heart to flutter and her eyes to close in horror. She had thought the bath would help her unwind, but the chances of that now were slim. If only she hadn't caught a glimpse of that toned physique when he had lifted himself from the tub...


"I didn't realise either Rion, I'm sorry." Jocelyn reached for the soap and began scrubbing at her arms vigorously, as though she could erase the image of Rion from her memory. It wasn't working, but there was nothing for it now but to bathe and get out of the room. Curse that divider for not being opaque!


Jocelyn flushed at the wicked thoughts she was having and sunk deeper into the tub, tipping her head back so she could wash her hair. At least the tubs were deep, hiding most all of her body beneath the rim. It was more the thought that Rion was naked beside her that was bothering her the most, filling her with tension. Jocelyn scrubbed at her scalp, lathering her long tresses. She wanted to look her best when she saw her parents, and that included having clean, neat hair.


Blindly reaching over the edge of the tub, Jocelyn fumbled for the jug, using it to sluice water over her hair, rinsing away the suds. She finished her bath in record time, deciding she would brush her hair once she was safely dressed and in their room. The sooner she left the bathing room the better, hopefully then she could forget the alluring image still teasing her mind's eye. The only problem was, this time she was aware that Rion was next to her, and she couldn't just step out of the bath now, knowing he could see. It just wasn't proper.


Jocelyn blushed, something she didn't do often. "Turn your head Rion, I am going to get out now." She wasn't bold enough to look at the screen as she climbed out of the tub, a small wave of scented water spilling over the edge. Hastily she grabbed one of the thick towels that had been left for her, wrapping it about her. Light, how was she supposed to dress? Quickly, she decided.


She was still damp when she threw her shift over her head, following it with her gown. She let out a small sigh when she was finally clothed, scowling at herself when she tried to peek through the divider, only to find the light shifted and she was unable to see through it. "I'll see you above stairs." Jocelyn didn't waste time slipping out of the room.


Light, if anything now Jocelyn was more tense now than she was after the dance. She shook her head as she ascended the stairs, entering the room she and Rion were to share before throwing her towel onto the wooden backed chair in the corner. Fumbling in the dark she lit the fat candle on the small side table, before fumbling for a comb in her bags.


What was normally a soothing action soon became an outlet for Jocelyn's pent up frustration, the comb catching the tangles as she yanked it through her wet hair. She heard Rion enter the room a short while later, as she let out a yelp as she hit a particularly painful knot. She was never going to untangle her hair at this rate, while she was so uptight with sexual frustration. Curse her vow! She yanked the comb again and growled softly. "It seems my hair is working against me tonight." She muttered, moving over on the bed slightly so Rion could sit beside her. "Yet if I sleep with my hair like this it would be easier for me to cut it all off than brush it in the morning." Jocelyn sighed softly. She needed to relax. "Would you mind helping me?" She smiled at Rion, holding out the comb for him.




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Rion had sunk nearly to his chin in the water once Jocelyn had come in and begun to bathe herself right next to him. He wanted to get away but was painfully aware that the shade between them was far from opaque and he couldn't make himself stand and maybe bare himself to Jocelyn.


Bathing slowly Rion tried not to concentrate on why he was so distracted, instead he just focused on closing his eyes and remaining very still so that he could be away from this room while still being in it. He wanted to be away and as the long minutes dragged on and his thoughts drifted every which way his hands began to shake lightly. Baths were supposed to be relaxing!


And even after Jocelyn left he was still red from near head to toe, and it took a few long minutes to bring himself to atually finish what he had been in the middle of before Jocelyn had come into the room. Scrubbing down his arms, his back, his hair was able to hide most of his distractions and thoughts from himself and he was able to fully clean himself in some time.


He sighed softly as he rose from the now tepid water, stepping from the tub dripping from head to toe. Dipping into the depths of Saidin he began to heat the air around him slowly to help dry himself off and relax any tension still remaining in his muscles that the wam water had not helped soothe away. He dressed again his strangely normal clothes. Strange because it was not the black of an Ashaman but the blue that had signified his former house.


Clothed fully Rion made his way back to his room, his and Jocelyn's, for what would probobly be a very long night. Sleeping in the same bed as the woman who he had just say naked with for a long while, for Rion at least. As he entered the room he was thankful that Jocelyn was as clothed as always, though with her Domani dress it still got the imagination going.


"Would you mind helping me?" Rion smiled and sat on the bed beside Jocelyn, taking the comb from her as she turned away from him. He smiled to himself as a good idea came to him, one he was sure Jocelyn would appreciate. His waded into Saidin once more, drawing only a small amount as thin tendrils of fire lanced from his hands as they ran though Jocelyn's silky hair. Threads of air followed through the lightly heated space around them and began to run parralel to the comb in parts, moving throught the tangles with supreme ease.


The others diverged to her shoulders, her back, her scalp, and used the heated air to massage those three tender places. It was a small gift from Rion to Jocelyn for all the wonderful things she had done for him using the one thing he had but no one else did.


Moving slowly Rion wanted to take as much care and time as he could with this small and seemingly irrelevant task. "So how long do you think we'll spend with your parents? I mean...not that I don't want to spend as much time as possible, you should of course...but I was just wondering if you wanted to do any shopping here in the city for our new home."


Rion ran the comb through the last of the tangles that he could find, perhaps not as thorough as Jocelyn may have put into it but he didn't know exactly what she did with her hair, he continued his power wrought massage even after hoping that Jocelyn was enjoying it. "And of course while we are out we have nearly the entire world to shop if you don't wasnt to go to just here and Andor...we just can't be gone for too obscenely long."




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Jocelyn turned and mentally ordered herself as Rion began running the comb through her damp hair. His touch was gentle, so very like the man she loved, yet when she felt something at her shoulders and neck, the heat along with the massage, she stiffened slightly. That had to be the One Power, she was sure. Her eyes opened wide in alarm; the last time saidin had been used on her was to bind her so that she couldn't flee the tower. But that was an entirely different circumstance. She loved Rion, trusted that he would do no harm.Just relax!


With a sigh Jocelyn closed her eyes, focusing not on what it was touching her, but the wonderful warmth that was slowly easing away her tension. There certainly were advantages to channelling, she decided. Jocelyn could feel the earlier tension and frustration melting away under Rion's ministrations. Whatever he was doing was working wonders. The hair that fell back over her shoulders was smooth and shiny, and dry, a small wonder in itself.


"I didn't plan to stay too long with my parents." Jocelyn said, eyes still closed as she continued to enjoy Rion's magical massage, slumping slightly and tilting her head forward as she relaxed completely. "A few days at the most. It is not my home any more." It was true. Jocelyn no longer thought of the sprawling manor as home. She longed to see it again yes, and her family, but it was not where her heart was. Her place was with Rion, wherever that would lead her.


"My home is with you." Jocelyn turned her head to smile at Rion, her love shining in her emerald eyes. "Wherever that may be." Turning fully, she lifted a hand to softly stroke his cheek. "As for shopping, well let's start with here and Andor, and see how we go, whether we are able to purchase all that we need there or not. My lust for adventuring around the world abated some after I was found too close to the farm." Jocelyn smiled, a wry twisting of lips. That had been adventure enough in itself.


Jocelyn stifled a yawn. She really was relaxed now. Leaning forward she gave Rion a soft kiss on his welcoming lips. "Thankyou for the massage, it was divine." And it was, when she stopped thinking about the taint on Saidin. "Shall we sleep? It is quite late." Rion nodded and Jocelyn stood, moving to douse the candle as Rion turned the bedclothes down. The room sunk into darkness, only a small sliver of moonlight streaming through a slit in the curtains.


Silently Jocelyn removed her gown and hung it on a peg on the wall, dressed only in the white cotton of her shift. She padded barefoot over to the bed, slipping into the space Rion left her. It was so warm, the heat from Rion's body beside hers making her smile in the dark. It would be a long night, but it would memorable for the close intimacy. Jocelyn couldn't resist snuggling a little closer to Rion's side, moving her lips closer to his for their customary good night kiss. "Goodnight, my love." She whispered, as her lips met his in a loving embrace.




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Rion nodded along silently as he devoted his attention to both listening to what Jocelyn was saying and finished up with the knots he could almost feel in her shoulders. He altered the weave slightly to one he had learned during some of his healing classes, Delving into Jocelyn so that instead of wondering he could feel the tension in her muscles and then slowly ease them away with air and fire.


He finished once he had gotten most all of them out of her shoulders and back at least, and once Jocelny had laid out the plans for them for the first length of their trip. Jocleyn stood and doused the candle and Rion slipped off his coat and shirt and slid under the covers, making sure to leave room for his love beside him. He was already shaking slightly as his nerves lit up, nervous and excited to share such an intimite night with the woman he loved.


The bed shifted under him as Jocelyn added her light weight to the mattress, moving close to Rion and tilting her head up to kiss him. Rion could barely make out her face, if not for the warmth of having her beside him it was possible he could have tricked himself into thinking she was not there, but he didn't want to as his lips met hers and he pulled her a little closer to him as he slipped an arm under and around her. The embrace ended with Jocelyn's head resting against his shoulder, and a bright smile to contrast with the light shake of his hand resting on Jocelyn's side. "Good night my sweet."


Expecting the continuing discomfort Rion was pleasantly surprised to find...nothing. He was shocked when he realized it. Here he was expecting to barely sleep and be prone to fidgeting while so close to Jocelyn and he felt only joy and love pusling through his veins. Maybe he had done it...finally become to in love and comfortable with someone that the nervousness had completely dissapeared. The question was irrelevent to Rion though..soon as he listened to Jocelyn's light breathing and the rise and fall of her chest, he was fast asleep.


Rion's eyes snapped open at fidgeting against him..groggily he tried to realize was was happening. Where was he...at the farm surely. Then what was this next to him...Jocelyn was in the other room...Dash and Isha would be gone already...."ahhhh!" With a strangled yelp Rion stumbled off the bed with a loud clunk onto the floor after he had recioled at whoever may be sharing his bed. And then of course, came the embaressing truth and clarity that wakefullness brings. He blushed sharply at Jocleyn as she gazed quizically at him, "I was um....dreaming..." Rion just blushed even more as he realized he was half naked, standing in front of Jocleyn who was only clad in her shift. "Oh my..." He whispered half to himself, he shouldn't stare so much at Jocelyn it wasn't polite....


But after muh blushing and hurried dressing Rion was beginning to stumble out of the door before Jocelyn was even out of bed, "We should umm... probobly be going soon and you need to....need...to dress...." Rion only blushed harder as he remembered what Jocelyn had unknowingly done for him in the bathhouse last night, undressing for him behind what was supposed to be an opaque curtain.


Rion busied himself with making sure the horses were ready, securing a breakfast for the two of them that they could take with them, and even haggling over what was most definately an outragous final price. A gold mark apeice for the bathes, because of something or another they put in the water???


With a disgusted feeling over the price he had managed, Rion mounted the stairs back to the room he and Jocelyn were sharing...giving it a small knock and waiting for Jocelyn to call that he could come in. "The horses are ready, and I got some breakfast for the road. I don't want you to think I'm trying to rush but I wouldn't be surprised if the innkeeper doesn't try and smoke us out now that I've paid." Rion pulled a small face for what he thought of this inkeeper. But it would be good to be going, it was coming on mid day now...they had slept for quite a long time.



Soon enought they were out on the road, the clip clop of the horses and their own light conversation the only thing keeping them company. It was when they were about an hour out that Rion finally worked up the nerve to ask the question he had been wondering about and hoping for a yes answer for. "Ummmm....do you think we'll be sharing a room for the next few nights?" He tried not to sound eager but could not help a small bit of it showing through. "I mean umm...if there's no where else that I could stay in your house....I wouldn't want your parents to get the wrong idea." Rion's lips twisted sightly...there was that to make him want to have his own room.




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Sunlight filtered through the small slit in the curtains, playing across Jocelyn's face. She stirred, smiling as she opened her eyes. She was still snuggled close to Rion's side, his breathing deep and even as he continued to sleep. She felt awfully refreshed, enjoying the longer sleep in. She had been surprised by how easily she had fallen asleep, the sound of Rion's heart beating beneath her ear lulling her into sweet dreams.


Jocelyn stretched, turning so she could better look at her slumbering love. She was startled before she could though, as Rion leapt from the bed with a cry, thumping on the floor. Jocelyn blinked with surprise as she gazed at him, wondering just what had scared him from the bed so quickly. He mumbled some excuse about dreaming, but Jocelyn was far too intent on the naked expanse of chest he displayed, not even bothering to cover herself with the blankets as Rion likewise stared.


In a flurry of limbs hastily dressing and blushing excuses, Rion rushed out of the room, leaving Jocelyn still abed with an amused smile on her face. He was such a sweet man, always trying to do the right thing. And of course, the right thing did not include watching a woman that was not your wife dress. Or undress... Jocelyn chuckled, able to better see the humour in the bathing situation with the light of day.


Jocelyn took her time as she dressed, smiling to herself as she tried to picture the blush on Rion's face on their wedding night when she finally taught him all that she had promised too. Whenever that would be. She had determined that she would not be the one to propose, lest she scare Rion into thinking he must, but she had been waiting patiently now for many many months. She didn't know if she would have the self-control to leave him innocent if she did not marry him soon.


By the time Rion's knock came, Jocelyn was dressed and had repacked their saddle bags, ready to go. She bid Rion enter, smiling as her mind's eye pictured him as he had been that morning, rumpled from sleep and flushing. She wanted to see him like more often, she knew. Waking up beside him had been a most wonderful feeling, even if he had leapt from the bed as though he had been burned. "I am all ready to go." Jocelyn answered him. And she was, though nervousness was beginning to churn in her stomach some. It had been nigh on a year since she had last seen her family, and she was very unsure as to how they would react so seeing her. They may even think she was dead, having never heard from her. And what would they think, brining home a man that was not her husband, a man that she had been staying with? Trysts and affairs were one thing, but she knew her parents would not approve of a public affair. Not when she had been expected to marry a man they had chosen.


The thoughts of just how to introduce Rion had been tumbling in her mind for some time as they rode in mutual silence. "Ummmm....do you think we'll be sharing a room for the next few nights? I mean umm...if there's no where else that I could stay in your house....I wouldn't want your parents to get the wrong idea." Rion's voice broke through Jocelyn's thoughts and she lifted her head. There was no mistaking the subtle eagerness in his tone, and Jocelyn had to admit that the idea appealed to her too. And suddenly she knew how she would present him to her parents.


"I was thinking Rion..." Jocelyn chewed her lip. She sure hoped he didn't object to the idea. Pretending for one night was one thing, but for longer a whole number, and in front of her parents. "It may be best if we tell my parents we are married." She looked sideways to gauge his reaction, hurrying on when she saw the surprise on his face. "Just look at it through their eyes - Your daughter has been away for a year, you haven't heard from her nor seen her. She at long last come home, to tell you she has been living with a man who is not her husband, and will be returning with him also." She lifted a slim shoulder in a delicate shrug. "I think it may make this meeting all the smoother."


It didn't take too much to convince Rion to agree, after all the plan made sense. They wouldn't have to act any differently, just share a room, and Jocelyn was rather looking forward to that. She enjoyed the closeness, the intimacy it brought. When the gray walls surrounding her childhood's manor, she reached for Rion's hand and gave it a squeeze. "They will love you as much as I do." She assured him. If only she wasn't feeling so nervous.


The gates were open when they approached, and Jocelyn led Rion through into the courtyard. Her family were not nobles, but they were wealthy, and their extravagance showed how much. Elaborate statues surrounded by gardens and fountains littered the courtyard, leading up to the sweeping marble steps that led into the manner itself. There was a bustle of activity, servants rushing about, and Jocelyn could hear their excited murmurings. "Jocelyn has returned" "I thought she was dead" "No doubt ran out of money"...Jocelyn ignored them and reined up as a young groom rushed out to take the wagon and unhitch the horses. She smiled at him as he helped her down, Frey had grown much in a year, and had always been one of her young admirers. He gazed sullenly at Rion now as he led the horses to the stables.


"Welcome to my home." Jocelyn grinned broadly as she showed Rion. It felt good, the familiar faces, the places she had played as a child. A stooped old man made his way down the stairs slowly, his hair thinning and white. He stopped before the young couple, his face as serious as always. Jocelyn couldn't remember ever seeing the man smile, though he had always been a kind and dutiful steward. "Your parents await you in the solar." He bowed and Jocelyn took Rion's hand. "Come my love, it is best we don't keep them waiting." She squeezed it once, and led him inside.


The manor was large and airy, and richly decorated. Sconces lit the hall as they walked, the walls covered with rich tapestries in a myriad of colours, depicting all sorts of things from flowers and rivers to castles to battles. Not much had changed in her absence, it would seem. Their footfalls seemed loud on the bare tile floor, an intricate web of blue and green and white, swirling beneath their feet. The doors to her mother's retreat were closed, and Jocelyn paused a moment before them. She kissed Rion softly on the cheek, then pushed them open.


Two pairs of eyes turned to them as they entered. Quizzical expressions turned on Rion, the way she held his hand. "Mother, Father, I have returned...And this is my husband, Rion Adamar, of House Adamar in Andor." Her parents rose, and Jocelyn saw a tightening of her mother's jaw as she introduced Rion as her husband. "Rion, my mother and father, Lyra and Norden Mahrin."




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  • 3 weeks later...

Rion was trying his best not to shake lightly as he walked through Jocelyn's manner, hand in hand and trying his best ot take streangth from that simple fact. But it wasn't working..he was still terrified. Rion was smiling and nodded politely to the people that passed by them, greeted them as well. But his mind was all on meeting that was quickly approaching. He tried everything, focusing on the elaborate decoration of the manner, light his home looked plain compared to this, or the glances being thrown their way but it wasn't working.


Rion was too scared of rejection, of dislike from the parent's of the woman he loved. He wished for both their and his parents to bless their marriage but would go without it as well...he loved Jocelyn too much to think about what anyone else said. But still...it would be nice.


So as Jocelyn kissed him lightly on the cheek and began to push open the doors to where her parents were he let out one long shaky breath, tried to force down the fluttering in his stomach and tried to stand up tall to look confidant. If his father had taught him nothing else, he knew how to look like a nobleman's son when he needed to. And Rion would need everything he had to impress Jocelyn's parents.


"Rion, my mother and father, Lyra and Norden Mahrin."


Two set's of calculating eyes turned towards him and he swallowed as he froze for a moment. Oh Light. The Darkness inside of him just cackled, at least his opinion was clear. They are waiting for you to say something. Rion nodded to himself slightly taking a few steps foreward with Jocelyn so that they were nearer to her parents.


"Mr. and Mrs. Mahrin." Rion nodded to each and sketched a half bow to both. "I'm happy to meet you both. Your home looks impecible, it is more beautiful than my manor in Andor..and with the silver mines we have my family takes special care in what our land looks like."


Rion inwardly cringed at how arrogant that sounded but perhaps it would help to make a better impression to the Mahrin's, he had the money to keep their daughter in luxury and keep her away from want or need. And it had also complemented the manor in it's beauty and luxury so hopefully it would look good to Jocelyn mother, Jocelyn had said that complimenting her appearance..and well it was her manor wasn't it?




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  • 3 months later...

Well no one was yelling yet, so Jocelyn took it as a good sign, despite the forced smiles her parents were giving Rion. Where his sudden arrogance had come from she didn't know, but appearing simpering and weak in front of her parents could have been disastrous. Besides, he was from a well-to-do family, and he should be proud of that heritage. And just maybe, her parents would look on their union more favourably as a result.


An awkward silence followed, and Jocelyn stood close by Rion, giving her mother and father a stubborn stare. At last, her mother spoke. "Be welcome, Rion. Please, come sit." And with that she was calling for a servant to fetch tea while they arranged themselves on the soft chairs. Despite her long absence, there were no hugs or tears - this was as warm a greeting as she expected, so she wasn't too concerned. Still, she arranged her skirts neatly as she sat close by Rion's side, both to offer silent support and to cement in her parent's eyes their relationship.


Not much was said as a servant brought in a heavy silver platter laden with tea and cups in matching blue seafolk porcelain, and Lyra fussed around with pouring for her guests. A second liveried servant brought in another platter piled with elegant cakes and sweets, and for the moment they were all busy balancing their teacups and nibbling honeycakes and pastries. Soon though, Jocelyn began to grow annoyed with her parent's continued silence. She had been away for close to two years, and had brought back a supposed husband. For all they knew, she could have been dead. Surely that warranted some comment, at least.


Jocelyn placed her teacup down on the low table in the centre of the lounges with a gentle click, before sitting upright and placing her hand on Rion's knee. "So, aren't you going to congratulate us?" Thunderous silence met her ears, and Jocelyn could tell by the look on her father's face that he was pondering what to say with Rion in earshot. If he had not been around, she had no doubt she would have received the lecture of her life.


"It would have been nice if you had informed us sooner, Jocelyn. We didn't even know where you were all this time! Your mother assumed you had simply run off in a huff." Norden's voice was gruff, and Jocelyn sighed inwardly. She couldn't have expected different, really. "And suddenly after almost two years, you return with a strange man and declare you are married, without our permission? Really, I should give you a sound switching and send you to bed without supper for such childish behaviour. Married? To some foreigner?" Jocelyn squeezed Rion's knee slightly to help rein in her temper. He had a right to be angry, she reminded herself. But still, it was hard to be treated like a child again, after being an independent woman for so long.


"I didn't run away in a huff." She managed between gritted teeth. "And I tried to return home, but I met with some...unfortunate circumstances, and was unable." How did she explain this, without revealing the Black Tower, the fact that Rion was an Asha'man? "I am sorry I made you worry so, but it couldn't be helped. And I had hoped you would be pleased that I had managed to marry for love, rather than purely finances. This 'foreigner' loves me, and I him." Jocelyn's emerald eyes glinted with fire as she glared back at her father. Surprisingly, it was her mother who broke the tension with a soft sigh.


"Jocelyn, sweet, I am happy for you, truly I am. The news is just something of a shock to us." She smiled at them both and shot a warning glance to Norden, who was looking rather red with the effort to keep his mouth shut. Jocelyn blinked in surprise. This was the woman who had married for money, who rarely smiled, and now she was coming over to embrace her? Blinking back a stray tear, Jocelyn hugged her mother somewhat awkwardly, her heart thumping as Lyra took Rion's hand. "Be welcome in our family, Rion Adamar. I am pleased that you two were able to find love in one another." When was the last time her mother had smiled in that way? Light, she certainly hadn't hugged her since she was a child. What on earth did that mean?


"Norden!" Hissed Lyra as she sat back down. With one last mutinous glare at his wife, he nodded his head. "Congratulations. Though don't be thinking I won't want to know all about this manor of yours, and these silver mines. I need to know that my daughter is well looked after." Jocelyn patted Rion's knee, shocked to no end that the drama was being resolved so smoothly. Perhaps she would have to have a chat with her mother later on that night.


"Thankyou, father." Jocelyn gave him a small smile. "We plan to stay for a few days, so you will have plenty of time to get to know Rion." So long as he didn't learn too much, crisis could well be averted. Particularly so long as he didn't find out that Rion could channel, and they weren't actually married. That could prove prickly.






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Rion wasn’t exactly sure what to do as Jocelyn and her parents began their small battle of words, the first pitched battle in what could very well be a large war over the next few days. Her father seemed none to happy with what she had done, with whom she had brought home. What was so wrong with him being a foreigner?? What does it matter, he clearly had marked himself as your enemy. Better to take him out soon and make your life that much easier. I won’t be distracted by you now, not now. So Rion sat silent, the insult rolling right off of him as so many before had done the same.


But it was one large sigh of relief from Rion when her mother at least seemed happy for them, he liked her almost immediately. He reached out his hand to take Lyra Mahrin. He smiled at her warmly and nodded a few times in thanks. And to top it all off Jocelyn seemed very pleased that her mother was so accepting of their relationship and that made Rion feel all the better because of it. “I thank you for your well wishes.”


"Congratulations. Though don't be thinking I won't want to know all about this manor of yours, and these silver mines. I need to know that my daughter is well looked after." Rion bit his lip for a moment before releasing it just as quickly, he wouldn’t show any kind of weakness in front of Jocelyn’s father now, he needed to prove that he was right for her.


Rion reached his hand out and enclosed it around the one that Jocelyn had placed on his knee, lacing his fingers with hers and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. He smiled once at Lyra, Jocelyn’s mother before it faded a little under the continued stare of her father. “I would be happy to answer anything you may have to ask, I can guarantee you that Jocelyn will want for nothing under my care, but if it makes you feel better anything you need of me I can do for the next few days.” Rion smiled haphazardly not sure what effect his words would have, if they would help or hurt his chances at acceptence. He was nervous that maybe it would have the adverse affect that he hoped for, but only time would tell after all.





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Jocelyn had never been more proud of Rion than she was that day. Her father fired question after question at him, and each he answered skilfully and respectfully, until it became apparent that even Norden was having trouble finding a reason to be disapproving of their union. Every time Rion mentioned his family's silver mines, Lyra seemed to smile a little brighter, and Jocelyn knew she had been won over. Her father even smiled at one point, upon hearing Rion had a deep respect for a certain historian he himself admired, going so far as to show Rion the book he owned. Satisfied that there would be no further trouble for the moment, Jocelyn left the two perusing the shelves and talking animatedly, going back to speak with her mother.


"Do you like him Mother? Truly?" Why did it matter? She'd never needed her mother's approval for anything before, but for some reason, she really wanted her blessing in this. Lyra looked to where her husband and Rion stood, and smiled faintly. "I don't know him, Jocelyn. But I have never seen your eyes sparkle the way they do when you look at him. I've never seen you smile so much. And anyone who can put up with barrage like that from your father is a smart man indeed. And I can see how he loves you so." Lyra seemed to gain a far-away look in her eyes. "Yes Jocelyn, I like him." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "I am happy you found in marriage what I did not."


Jocelyn didn't know what to say. She had always known that her parents' marriage had been one based on a strategic financial alliance, but had never stopped to think of how it would be to marry someone you didn't love. Suddenly Jocelyn saw her mother in a whole new light; understanding the coldness, the lack of smiling. Her marriage had not been happy. Suddenly she wanted to ask so many things, but Rion and Norden came back to them, jovially discussing the accuracy of some long dead historian.


Lyra stood and inclined her head towards them. "I must see to dinner preparations, else Nellie will likely only cook for the two of us. Jocelyn, Rion, perhaps you would like to rest before dinner?" Jocelyn nodded, relieved at the chance to regroup alone with Rion and turn over her new revelation in peace. That and she didn't want Rion to change his mind about this charade should her father start one of his stubborn argumentative tirades. "That would be wonderful, thankyou."


The rooms they were shown to were not the ones Jocelyn had used as a child, being suitable for only one person. And they were supposedly married, after all. Finally alone, Jocelyn sank back onto the gigantic bed and sprawled on it, enjoying the quiet and the luxury she had missed. The sheets beneath her were fine linen in rich blue, and the bed was a giant carved piece, blessedly soft and piled with embroidered cushions. Tapestries and gilded sconces decorated the walls, and a plush Domani carpet covered the floor. It was amazing to think she had become accustomed to the simplicity of Dashiva's house, but now, she was home. Not only did they have the elaborate bedroom with a private balcony overlooking the gardens, but they also had their own tub, in a separate dressing room filled with mirrors and scented candles. This was bliss.


Opening her eyes, Jocelyn rolled onto her side and propped her head on her hand, looking up at Rion with a smile. "Well that went a lot better than I expected. I didn't think you would with father over quite so quickly."



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Rion shook his head and gestured as if the historian he and Norden were discussing, finally in his comfort zone enough to be able to work his thoughts together in full coherent sentences that he had forced out of his mouth when they had first arrived. "Jaerdin was right on some points but I don't beleive he could have come close to knowing what Hawkins intended when he invaded but I seriously doubt he knew the whole story. Now Borden, he is probobly the closest to knowing I think." Norden shook his head slowly, disagreeing in their small friendly arguement as they went back to where Jocelyn and her mother were sitting waiting for them.


He added his own polite thankyou for offering to allow Jocelyn and he to retire for a little while, thankful for the oppurtunity to rest and ask some nagging questions that he now had from their limited time with Jocelyn's parents. He follwed the servent who was showing them to their room quietly, close to Jocelyn's side and going over this encounter in his head again and again to see if he had made any kind of error. To his ears Rion had been incredibly arrogant and it made him wince as he thought about it, why did it seem that every other word that had come out of his mouth had been about his family's wealth? He never liked talking about that part of his life. Because you had too, you really want them to like you and this is how you can go about that.


Rion decided to stop worrying about it as he looked around at the room they had been shown. He bit his lip as he looked at Jocelyn, the obvious joy on her face as she took in the room as well. This was how she should live, in luxury and style, it was plain to see that was what she enjoyed. Could Rion truly give that to her? Bah..it seemed that every time he solved one worry three or four began to form in hsi head, irrational as they may be. But this little thing Rion was going to try his best to give Jocelyn this type of home...his parents bank accounts may be lessened a bit but...


"Well that went a lot better than I expected. I didn't think you would with father over quite so quickly." Rion was shaken out of his little reverie as his worries seemed to abate a little as he looked at Jocelyn's smiling face. She had said once her home was with him, and he knew it was right no matter his irrational worries.


"Do you really think they liked me?" Rion bit his lip as he sat down upon the bed next to Jocelyn. "Your father and I seemed to get along well enough but what if he was only caught up in the books we were talking about. But what do you think about your mother?" Rion shook his head unable to contain his worry and wish for acceptance, he might have felt better if he saw the bemused expression on his love's face as she listened to his fretting. "I mean, I don't think I did anything wrong..I certainly didn't sound much like myself now did I?" Rion sighed again and twisted his lips some more, not quite sure what to think or expect for the rest of the day.




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Jocelyn couldn't help but pull a face at Rion's worrying thoughts. It was fair enough, he didn't know her parents like she did, and it wasn't as if she needed to impress them. But all the same, she knew her parents were already well on the way to warming to him. Norden was not the type of man to invest in an intellectual debate about his beloved books with anyone he didn't think knew what they were talking about, and while her mother's words had confused her, she knew she approved of the union. As usual, Rion was worrying over nothing.


Sitting up with a soft sigh, Jocelyn silenced Rion's next round of worries with a sound kiss. "You," she murmured with a smile, "worry too much." Stroking his cheek affectionately, she kissed his brow. "Just like I told you. They will soon love you as I do. They already really like you. My father doesn't discuss his books with any old idiot, you know." Grinning, Jocelyn climbed off the bed and kicked off her shoes, moving to open the glass doors that opened to their private balcony. The garden below was perfectly manicured as always, bright with colour and the tranquil sound of an elegantly sculpted fountain. It really was beautiful here. And the luxuries were a nice change, but it would never really be home without Rion.


"I think we need a garden, Rion." Jocelyn mused as she leant on the iron railing, surveying the splendour below. "Some colour around that drab farm would be good. And we could grow our own vegetables." Her smile turned mischievous as she peered back over her shoulder to where Rion was watching her from the doorway. "And it will be somewhere the children can play."


Walking back to Rion, she stepped into the circle of his arms, draping her arms about his neck. "I'm glad that my parents seem to like you." Her eyes flicked to Rion's deep blue ones. "But even if they didn't, it would make no difference to me. I love you, no matter what. You know that, don't you?"




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It no wonder that his heart beat for Jocelyn and Jocelyn alone, and never could for anyone else. With a few simple words and a single kiss she had silenced any worry from his mind so all he could do was smile as he watched her from the room they would share. His smile only grew as Jocelyn spoke of a garden that they should have, his mind drawing up images of what there house may look like when they were finally finished with it. And surprisingly he didn't even blush at the mention of children, only felt his heart beat a little quicker, imagining a little girl running around, her dark hair so much like her mothers. His daughter, his and Jocelyn's. And a son too perhaps, that decision he would leave to Jocelyn. Whether they had one child or more, Rion knew hhe wanted a daughter the most. He wasn't sure why, he just did.


"But even if they didn't, it would make no difference to me. I love you, no matter what. You know that, don't you?" Rion nodded slowly as he tightened his arms around Jocelyn's smaller frame. He knew, he knew all to well what gift she had given him. "I know, and I love you all the more for it. But I am happy that they are taking to me, I wouldn't want to become a source of tension between you and your family." Rion kissed her lightly on the brow, pressing his gentle lips against her soft skin in a small gesture of love.


"And anything you wish to do with your home we shall do, I will go to the ends of the world to make it perfect for the both of us. Anything you want, we will get. Anything to make you happy." Rion punctuated his words with a kissuopn jocelyn's full lips. "So...shall we get ready for dinner like we're supposed to be doing. I don't want to spoil what I have by being late..." Rion blushed lightly as his thoughts turned.."Or make them think we're up to other things.." Rion blushed deeper as he thought about that, though would not take his arms from around Jocelyn.




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